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Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024
Sunday March 17, 2024
Pray constantly (1 Thes. 5:17).
Jehovah encourages us to express ourselves through prayer. He sees how we feel and assures us that we can pray to him at any time and that he will listen to us. For him, listening to his servants is a pleasure (Prov. 15:8). What can we say to Jehovah when we feel alone? We can vent to him (Ps. 62:8). Let's tell him what worries us and how we feel. For example, if we feel alone and are afraid to talk about Jehovah, let us ask him to help us see what we need to do and to give us courage and wisdom to respectfully explain our beliefs. (Luke 21:14, 15) What if we are struggling with negative feelings? Let us ask Jehovah to help us talk to a mature Christian and help that person understand how we feel. We can keep feelings of loneliness at bay by being attentive to how He answers our prayers and accepting help from others. w22.08 10 para. 6.
What do you learn from the example of Mauricio?
Jehovah gives us all very important tasks. He sees and values everything we do in the congregation and in preaching (Ps. 110:3). Being busy serving Jehovah helps us fight loneliness. Because? Let's look at the case of a young man named Mauricio.b Not long after Mauricio was baptized, one of his best friends gradually drifted away from Jehovah. He says: “Watching my friend drift away from the truth made me doubt myself, and I wondered if I could fulfill my dedication and remain part of Jehovah's family. I felt alone and thought that no one could understand me.” What helped you move forward? He says, “Preaching more helped me not think about myself so much and dwell on my negative feelings. When I preached with other brothers, I was happy and I no longer felt so alone.” This is true even when we cannot preach with our brothers in person. Spending time with them preaching by letter or by phone also gives us strength. What else helped Mauricio? He remembers what he did: “I started working more in the congregation. I made an effort to prepare and present my assignments well. Thanks to them I was able to feel the love of Jehovah and the brothers.”
How might we feel when we go through difficult trials?
We all know that we will have problems in the last days (2 Tim. 3:1). But we may be taken by surprise by the type of problem or the moment in which it arrives. It could be an unexpected financial problem, a terrible medical diagnosis, or the death of a loved one. At these times we may feel distressed and overwhelmed, especially if problems seem to come one after another or even several at once. But let us remember that Jehovah is watching over us and that with his help we can face any trial that comes our way.
What were some of the trials Job faced?
Let's look at the case of Job. In a very short time, this faithful man went through several terrible trials. In a single day, he learned that he had violently lost all of his livestock, his servants, and, what is worse, his beloved children (Job 1:13-19). Shortly afterward, while he was still coming to terms with his immense misfortune, he was attacked by a very painful illness that left him unrecognizable (Job 2:7). His situation was so bitter that he even said: “I feel disgusted with my life, I do not want to continue living” (Job 7:16).
What did Jehovah do to help Job endure his trials? (See cover drawing).
Jehovah was very aware of everything that was happening to Job. And, because he loved him, he gave him everything he needed to endure the trials and remain faithful. Jehovah himself communicated with Job and told him of his immense wisdom and the affection with which he cares for the beings he has created. He mentioned many impressive animals (Job 38:1, 2; 39:9, 13, 19, 27; 40:15; 41:1, 2). On the other hand, Jehovah sent Elihu to encourage and comfort Job. This faithful young man reminded him that God always rewards those who serve him with endurance. But Jehovah also wanted Elihu to give him some advice. Elihu lovingly helped Job see the big picture, reminding him that humans are very small compared to Jehovah, the Creator of the universe (Job 37:14). Jehovah also gave Job a task: to pray for his three friends who had sinned. (Job 42:8-10) And today, how does Jehovah help us when we go through difficult trials?
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