APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:Week of March 25 to 31, 2024, Speech: How biblical prophecies strengthen our faith, Lesson 20, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: March 25-31, 2024, Speech: How biblical prophecies strengthen our faith, Lesson 20, Prepared Assignment.

Speech (5 mins.) w20.07 12, 13 paras. 14-17. Title: How biblical prophecies strengthen our faith (th lesson 20).

It is natural for man to be interested in the future, but what human being really knows what the future holds for us? Isn't it true that human predictions often fail because of unforeseen events, over which they have no control, or because of things that people desperately want not to happen, and so refuse to include in their calculations. 

And that has led to the emergence of many supposed clairvoyants or people who know about the future. I only mention one name, Nostradamus. This man wrote more than 900 verses, and according to his followers, each verse contains a prediction that has been fulfilled, according to them to the letter.

According to his followers, he predicted what happened on New Year's Day, the famous earthquake in Japan in 2024. What do the Followers base on to say that he predicted that earthquake? In these words: "that the dry land will become drier and there will be great floods."

Do you see where it talks about an earthquake, destruction of a city? He is talking about dry land, but his followers say he is talking about the earthquake. That's how human prophecies are, they invent whatever. How different are the prophecies that come from Jehovah. They are so reliable that they help us have a strong, solid faith in Jehovah.

And we can cite such as those that speak of the last days in 2 Timothy 3:1 to 5, or those that Jesus indicated in Matthew 24:13 onwards. We are seeing these prophecies fulfilled just as they were predicted. And there is much more that we hope will happen. And how many more have been fulfilled as indicated.

For example in Daniel chapter 2 verse 30, this prophet spoke on behalf of Jehovah indicating that it was not because of his wisdom that he was interpreting what this king had dreamed, but that God was declaring what each thing meant, referring to this enormous statue with different metals that made up its figure, referring to the series of powers that have been fulfilled to this day. And we can mention many prophecies that have been fulfilled and that until now can be faithfully verified, not only by ideas, but by realities. 

And that allows us to have confidence in Jehovah and endure any situation that arises. For example in Nazi Germany even though many were pressuring the servants of God of that time to renounce their faith, they knew exactly what would happen to those who were threatening them.

For example, in Nazi Germany there was an SS chief named Heinrich Himmler. He hated the Witnesses and told them, if you want, your Jehovah can reign in heaven, but here on earth we are the ones who rule, you will see who will last longer, you or us. 

Those Bible students knew that they would be destroyed because the king, not the heavens, had already been established by 1914. Some time later this man was forced to flee when the Nazi regime fell and he met a servant of God, a student of the Bible and asked him: Good Bible student, what will happen now? because this brother knew of the prophecies that came from Jehovah, which do produce true prophecies As indicated in the second letter of Peter 1:19-21. 

LET'S READ 2 PETER 1:19-21.

19 So we have the prophetic word more confirmed, and you do well to pay attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place (until the day dawns and the star rises) in your hearts. 20 For, first of all, you know that no prophecy of Scripture comes from personal interpretation. 21 For no prophecy was ever made by the will of man, but men spoke from God, moved by holy spirit.

Our faith is based on true knowledge, and this is supported by prophecies that have been fulfilled, that are being fulfilled and that will soon be fulfilled. 
