APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week March 18 to 24, 2024, Start conversations: PUBLIC PREACHING. (Making disciples: a labor of love, Lesson 2 point 3). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: March 18-24, 2024, Start conversations: PUBLIC PREACHING. (Making disciples: a labor of love, Lesson 2 point 3). Prepared Assignment.

Start conversations (3 mins.) PUBLIC PREACHING. Offer someone the invitation to the Memorial and show them how to find on where they can attend (lmd lesson 2 point 3).

Helper: Hello, after taking a look I see that there are no new magazines. I already have these.

Publisher: Hello. I'm sorry you can't seem to find what you're looking for. But I have something special that I want to share with you.

Assistant: Special….. What is it about?

Publisher: Well, in a few days a very important event for all Christians will be commemorated: The death of Jesus Christ. It is an occasion to reflect on his sacrifice and what it means to us. Did you know about this commemoration?

Helper: I've heard about it, but I don't know much about it. 

Publisher: Understood. It is a topic that often goes unnoticed, but has great meaning. I'm glad you're interested. In fact, I would like to present this invitation to you for the commemoration. Here is the date, time and place. Would you like to attend?

Assistant: Maybe, but I'm just passing through. By that date I will be in the capital, which is where I live. 

Publisher: No problem. Let me show you on our website, How to find the location closest to you and the event details. It is completely free and open to everyone. After accessing the site through the internet search engine, scroll up the page until you see the section: "Search for a meeting". Once the section is open, select the “Commemoration” section. Then in the "Language" section write Spanish and in the "Search near" section write the name of your town. As you can see here are the different locations and times available in the Capital. 

Assistant: The truth is that I am very surprised. This is very useful. Thanks for showing it to me.

Publisher: It's a pleasure. I wish you could attend. If you have any questions or would like to talk more about the topic, we are always available to help. 

Helper: Honestly, thank you for your help. I will definitely consider it, I am very grateful. 
