APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of March 25 to 31, 2024, Make return visits: INFORMAL PREACHING. (Making disciples: a work of love, Lesson 4 point 3). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:  March 25-31, 2024, Make return visits: INFORMAL PREACHING. (Making disciples: a work of love, Lesson 4 point 3). Prepared Assignment.

Make return visits (4 mins.) INFORMAL PREACHING. She speaks again with an acquaintance who accepted the invitation to the Memorial and showed interest (lmd lesson 4 point 3).

Publisher: Hello Mrs. Isabel, How good it is to see you again. I am Maria. Does she remember me? The other day I gave him an invitation to the commemoration of the death of Christ. 

Helper: Hello Maria. Yes, I remember you. You sat next to me on public transportation. I was quite interested in this matter of the commemoration, but unfortunately I could not attend due to health problems. But tell me how she was.

Publisher: Like every year, there were quite a few guests, including families. It was very encouraging and empowering to hear all those reminders of Why did Jesus die? and what his death means to us. In the same way, what means the hope of resurrection and the possibility of having eternal life on earth converted into a paradise.

Helper: In my church they talk about Jesus, the forgiveness of sins and that the good when they die go to heaven and the bad to hell... Is that the resurrection? I don't think I know much about the Bible. .

Publisher: Let me read you the biblical text of John 5:28 29. Pay attention to what it says……………….. According to the text read, where are those who are going to be resurrected or where are they going to come from? 

Assistant: Yes, it says there, from their graves.

Publisher: That's right, the dead will live again. Thanks to the fact that Jesus gave his life as a sacrifice for sinful humanity, the possibility was opened to us for our sins to be forgiven and the promises of the Kingdom of God to be fulfilled. Among them, that of the resurrection and that of eternal life on earth converted into a paradise. 

Helper: Oh Maria, that's wonderful. And can you explain to me more about those promises?

Publisher: Of course. If you give me her address I can make arrangements to visit her. 

Assistant: Excellent, take note. 
