Monday, March 4, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 4 to March 10, 2024, Start conversations: FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE. Offer the invitation to the Memorial. Analyze the video Let's remember the death of Jesus. (Let's be better readers and teachers, Lesson 9). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: March 4-10, 2024, Start conversations: FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE. Offer the invitation to the Memorial. Analyze the video Let's remember the death of Jesus. (Let's be better readers and teachers, Lesson 9). Prepared Assignment.

Start conversations (3 mins.) FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE. Offer the invitation to the Memorial. After the person shows interest, present and analyze the video Let's remember the death of Jesus (th lesson 9).

Publisher: Good morning, my name is Angela, would you allow me to chat with you briefly?

Assistant: Yes, of course, how can I help you? 

Publisher: I would like to invite you to the commemoration of the death of Christ. Here is an invitation with all the details.

Helper: Thank you, but what exactly is the commemoration of the death of Christ? 

Publisher: It is a special event where we remember Jesus' sacrifice for humanity. It would be wonderful if he could join us. Would you like to watch a short video that explains more about this topic? 

Assistant: The truth is that I am curious to know about this celebration.

Publisher: (The publisher shows the video: “Let us remember the death of Jesus” from

Helper: What a moving video. It has really made me reflect on the importance of remembering Jesus' sacrifice. 

Publisher: I'm glad you liked it. The commemoration is an opportunity to meditate on that sacrifice and what it means to each of us. Would you like to attend and share this special moment with us? 

Assistant: Yes, I would definitely like to attend. Can I bring a family member with me?

Publisher: Of course, everyone is welcome to join us for this significant event. And I really appreciate her interest and we hope to see her there. 

Helper: Thank you for the invitation and for sharing this message with me.

Publisher: Have a great day.

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