Monday, March 4, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week 4 to March 10, 2024, Make disciples: (Enjoy life forever! lesson 1 point 3). (Let's be better readers and teachers, lesson 6). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: March 4-10, 2024, Make disciples: (Enjoy life forever! lesson 1 point 3). (Let's be better readers and teachers, lesson 6). Prepared Assignment.

Make Disciples (5 mins.) lff lesson 14 introduction and points 1-3 (th lesson 6).

Publisher: Sonia, in our previous class we saw that not all religions have the approval of God. We also saw that it is possible to worship our creator in a way that he approves of and that makes him happy. To be clear about the form of worship or religion that Jehovah accepts, please let's read James 1:27. Could you please read it?

Student: Yes, okay, James 1:27 says like this….. 

Publisher: Very good Sonia, thanks for reading. According to the text read: What is necessary for Jehovah to accept our worship? 

Student: We need to treat orphans and widows well. That is, to the elderly, the defenseless, or the most needy people in their difficult moments. 

Publisher: The environment of our times has contributed to most of us being interested in the well-being of our neighbors. But as the text of James 1:27 shows, for Jehovah the spiritual and physical needs of widows and orphans have always been an essential part of worship. So whoever claims to worship Jehovah and wants his approval has to be willing to help those most in need in their difficult times. Otherwise, Jehovah will not approve of his worship. Now, please read the paragraph from point 1.

Student: Paragraph 1 says like this……….. 

Publisher: Very good, now according to what I have read, where is it explained how to worship God? 

Student: Well, the Bible explains how to worship God. John 17:17 says that the word of God is the source of truth. Hence, Jehovah does not approve of these religions, because they do not take into account the truth that appears in the Bible, they leave aside its commandments and principles, and prefer to follow their own teachings and human traditions. 

Publisher: Excellent Sonia. Let us now read Mark 7:9, please.

Student: Mark 7:9 says…….. 

Publisher: So how can you see not only do they leave aside the commandments, principles and biblical truths, but they have also become experts or skilled at putting all this aside, in order to maintain their traditions. And what have they achieved with this? 

Student: What they have achieved is to obscure the most important things of the truth or the word of God. No wonder Jehovah does not approve of them, nor does he approve of the duration of those who are within these religions. 

Publisher: That's right. Can you please read paragraph 2?

Student: Yes, okay, it says like this……………………………. 

Publisher: Excellent, according to the paragraph read, How should we worship Jehovah? 

Student: We must worship him exclusively. It cannot be contaminated with false teachings or human traditions, so that it may be holy and pleasing to Jehovah, as Revelation 4:11 and Romans 12 1 say.

Publisher: Correct. To understand it better, please go to Isaiah 42:8.

Student: Isaiah 42 8 says………

Publisher: How else do we demonstrate exclusive worship of Jehovah according to this text? 

Student: Calling God by his personal name, Jehovah. Also giving him exclusive glory and praise and avoiding all types of idolatry of images.

Publisher: Very good. Our duration must be exclusive to Jehovah, which means that we must love and worship him alone, without using any type of idol, image or symbol. Excellent, let's move on to point 3 please. Can you read the paragraph?

Student: Yes, okay. Paragraph 3 says like this…………………….. 

Publisher: Thank you for reading, according to the paragraph Why should we worship Jehovah with people who want to obey him? 

Student: Psalm 111:1,2, Make it clear that Jehovah wants us to praise him in the congregation. If Jehovah asks us to meet together, it is because he loves us and knows that these meetings will help us enjoy life forever. In addition, there we can also give and receive encouragement.

Publisher: That's right, let's continue………………….

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