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“Women […] must be moderate in their habits and faithful in all things” (1 TIM. 3:11).
1. What must we do to become mature Christians?
ISN'T IT amazing how quickly a child grows into an adult? It's something that seems to happen automatically. However, spiritual growth is not automatic (1 Cor. 13:11; Heb. 6:1). To become mature Christians, we need to cultivate a close friendship with Jehovah. We also need his holy spirit to help us develop good qualities, learn practical skills, and prepare for future responsibilities (Prov. 1:5).
2. What does Genesis 1:27 teach us? And what will we see in this article?
2 Jehovah made human beings; he created man and woman (read Genesis 1:27). Obviously, men and women are different in a physical sense , but they are also different in other ways. For example, Jehovah assigned different roles to men and women, and each requires different qualities and abilities to fulfill them. (Gen. 2:18) In this article, we will talk about what young sisters can do to become mature Christians. And in the next one we will see what young brothers can do.
3, 4. Where can young sisters find good examples to look to? (See also the images).
3 The Bible highlights the good example of many women who served and loved Jehovah (see the jw.org article “What Do We Learn from Women in the Bible?”). As the thematic text says, they were “moderate in their habits and faithful in all things.” Furthermore, surely there are many spiritually mature sisters in your congregation from whom you can learn many things.
4 If you are a young sister, think of some sisters who are good examples for you and set a goal to imitate them. To do this, look at their good qualities and then think about how you could cultivate them too. In the following paragraphs we are going to talk about three qualities that all mature Christians should have.
Series of images: A young sister looks in the mirror and meditates on what she reads in a Bible publication. Featured images: 1. Rebekah pours water into a water trough for a camel. 2. Esther serves food to Mordecai. 3. Abigail kneels and begs for his life and for those who live in his house. If you imitate the qualities of faithful women like Rebekah, Esther, and Abigail, you will become a mature Christian. (See paragraphs 3 and 4).
5. Why should mature Christians be humble?
5 Humility. A woman who is humble enjoys a good friendship with Jehovah and gets along well with others.—James 4:6. For example, because she is humble and she loves her Heavenly Father, she chooses to support the principle of authority that He created to establish who should lead the congregation and the family (1 Cor. 11:3).
6. How can young sisters imitate Rebekah's humility?
6 Let's talk about Rebeca. She was an intelligent and determined woman who knew when and how to act (Gen. 24:58; 27:5-17). But she was also respectful and obedient (Gen. 24:17, 18, 65). If you, like Rebeca, are humble and respect the principle of authority, you will be a positive influence on your family and the congregation.
7. How can young sisters imitate Esther's modesty?
7 Modesty. The Bible says that “wisdom is with the modest” (Prov. 11:2). Esther was a faithful servant of God who demonstrated this quality. For example, when she was named queen, she didn't get upset. Furthermore, she listened to and followed the advice given to her by her cousin Mordecai (Esther 2:10, 20, 22). You can imitate her example of modesty by asking for good advice and heeding it (Titus 2:3-5).
8. When choosing their way of dressing and grooming, how can sisters follow the counsel at 1 Timothy 2:9, 10?
8 Let's look at another way Esther demonstrated modesty. She “was very attractive and had a pretty figure,” but she did not try to be the center of attention (Esther 2:7, 15). How can you follow her example? One way is explained in 1 Timothy 2:9, 10 (read it). Here the apostle Paul tells the sisters that they should dress modestly and with good judgment. The Greek words he used indicate that Christian women should dress in a decent manner and take into account the feelings of others. How proud we are of the sisters who show that they are mature by the way they dress!
9. What do we learn from Abigail?
9 Discernment. This quality is the same as good judgment, that is, the ability to differentiate what is right from what is wrong and then do what is right. Let's look at the example of Abigail. Her husband made a very bad decision, and she realized that it was going to have disastrous consequences for everyone who lived in her house. Abigail acted immediately, and through her good judgment many lives were saved (1 Sam. 25:14-23, 32-35). Discernment also helps us know when to speak and when to remain silent, and to care about others without making them feel uncomfortable (1 Thes. 4:11).
10, 11. What will be the benefits of learning to read and write well? (See also the image).
10 It is good for Christian women to learn certain practical skills. Some of the things you learn as a child will be useful throughout your life. Let's look at some examples.
11 Learn to read and write well. In some cultures it is not considered important for women to learn to read and write. But these are essential skills for every Christian (1 Tim. 4:13). So don't let anything stop you from learning to read and write well. What will be the benefits? On the one hand, it will be easier for you to find and keep a job, and earn a living. On the other hand, you will be able to be a better student and teacher of the Word of God. But best of all, by reading and meditating on the Bible, you will strengthen your friendship with Jehovah.—Josh. 1:8; 1 Tim. 4:15.
A young sister reads the booklet “Answers to 10 Questions from Young People.” On her desk is an open Bible, a notebook and a pen. How has knowing how to read and write well benefited you? (See paragraph 11).
12. What does Proverbs 31:26 teach you?
12 Learn to communicate well with others. This is a very important skill for all Christians. The disciple James gave us very practical advice related to this: “You should be quick to listen, but slow to speak” (James 1:19). Listening carefully when someone speaks to you is a way to show empathy (1 Pet. 3:8). If you're not sure if you're understanding what someone is saying or feeling, ask them questions respectfully. And then think for a moment before responding (Prov. 15:28, note). Ask yourself: “Is what I am going to say true? Are you an entertainer? It is respectful? Is he kind?” Think about mature sisters who know how to communicate well with others and learn from them (read Proverbs 31:26). Pay attention to the things they say and how they say them. Practice this skill, and as you master it you will see that you get along better with others.
13. How can you learn to take care of a home? (See also the image).
13 Learn to take care of a home. In many places, women do much of the housework. Maybe your mom or another mature sister can teach you how to make them. A sister named Cindy says, “One of the most valuable gifts my mother gave me was teaching me that when you work hard, you are happy with yourself. Learning to cook, clean, sew, and shop made my life easier and allowed me to do more for Jehovah . Mom also taught me to be hospitable, and through that I met wonderful brothers and sisters from whom I learned a lot” (Prov. 31:15, 21, 22). Hard-working, hospitable women who know how to take care of a home are a blessing to their family and to the congregation (Prov. 31:13, 17, 27; Acts 16:15).
A young sister who is with her mother bargains with a vendor in an open-air market. Women who know how to take care of a home are a blessing to their family and to the congregation. (See paragraph 13).
14. What do you learn from what Crystal says, and what should you focus on?
14 Learn to earn a living. All mature Christians should make it their goal to learn to be self-sufficient and content with what they have (Phil. 4:11). A sister named Crystal explains: “When I was a teenager and studying, there were a few classes I could choose from, and my parents recommended that I choose ones where I would learn a practical trade. For example, my dad recommended that I learn accounting, and that was super useful for me.” In addition to preparing to get a job, try learning how to make a budget and follow it. (Prov. 31:16, 18) If you avoid unnecessary debt and are content living a simple life, you will be able to focus on your spiritual goals (1 Tim. 6:8).
15, 16. Why are single sisters a treasure? (Mark 10:29, 30).
15 By cultivating qualities that please Jehovah and learning practical skills, you will be better prepared for the future. Let's look at some things you could do.
16 You could decide to stay single for a while. Just as Jesus said, there are those who choose not to marry even though their culture may pressure people to do otherwise (Matt. 19:10-12). Others remain single due to different circumstances. If you are not married, you can be sure that Jehovah and Jesus do not value you any less because of it. All over the world, single sisters are true treasures to congregations. Their love and sincere concern cause many to see them as spiritual sisters and mothers (read Mark 10:29, 30; 1 Tim. 5:2).
17. What will help young sisters reach the goal of serving full-time?
17 You could serve Jehovah full time. Most of the world's preaching is done by sisters (Ps. 68:11). Can you make plans now to participate in full - time service ? Maybe you can be a pioneer, construction volunteer, or Bethelite. What will help you achieve your goal? Pray to Jehovah, talk to those who already serve full-time, and find out what the requirements are. Then he writes down the concrete steps you have to take to reach that goal. If you serve full-time, many exciting doors will open to you in Jehovah's service.
18. Why is it important for a sister to be very careful when choosing who she will marry? (See also the image).
18 You could decide to get married. The qualities and skills discussed so far will help you be a good wife. Of course, if you want to get married, you must be very careful when choosing who. It is one of the most important decisions of your life. Remember that the man you marry will become your head (Rom. 7:2; Eph. 5:23, 33). So ask yourself: “Is he a mature Christian? Do you see that spiritual things are the most important thing in his life? Does He Make Good Decisions? Do you recognize his mistakes? Do you respect women? Will he be able to take care of me in a spiritual, material and emotional sense? Does he take care of his responsibilities well? For example, what assignments does he have in the congregation, and how does he fulfill them?” (Luke 16:10; 1 Tim. 5:8). And, obviously, if you want to find a good husband, you have to work at becoming a good wife.
A young sister who is talking with other sisters notices a single brother who is helping with the cleaning of the Kingdom Hall. If you want to get married, you must be very careful when choosing who. (See paragraph 18).
19. Why can we say that being a “helper” is an honor?
19 The Bible says that a good wife is a “helper” who complements her husband (Gen. 2:18). Does that demean women? On the contrary, it is actually quite an honor. In fact, the Bible sometimes calls Jehovah a “helper” (Ex. 18:4; Heb. 13:6). A wife is a true helper when she supports her husband and collaborates so that the decisions he makes in the family are successful. Furthermore, because she loves Jehovah, she seeks to contribute to the good reputation of her husband (Prov. 31:11, 12; 1 Tim. 3:11). If you are thinking about getting married, you can prepare by strengthening your love for Jehovah and working now to be a good “helper” in your home and congregation.
20. What effect can a mother have on her family?
20 You could have children. If you get married, there is a chance that you and your husband will become parents (Ps. 127:3). So it's good that you think about what it means to be a good mother. Without a doubt, the qualities and skills that we saw in this article will be very helpful to you. With your love, kindness, and patience you will help your family be happy and your children grow up feeling safe and loved (Prov. 24:3).
21. How much do you value our sisters, and why? (See cover images.)
21 Dear young sisters, we love you for all you do for Jehovah and his people (Heb. 6:10). They work hard to cultivate spiritual qualities, learn skills that enrich their lives and those around them, and prepare well for the future. They have a very special value for Jehovah's organization !
Images of the two young women from before joyfully participating in spiritual activities: 1. The sister who was meditating on what she was reading now holds an open Bible and smiles confidently. 2. The sister who was bargaining with a vendor prepares the table for the meal at Bethel. 3. The sister who was reading the pamphlet now reads a biblical text to a woman in the sermon. 4. The sister who noticed the single brother at the Kingdom Hall preaches in the stroller with an older sister. Many young women have put into practice what they learned in the Bible and have become mature Christians. (See paragraph 21).
1 Timothy 2:9, 10
That Christians must dress modestly and with good judgment, that is, in a decent manner and take into account the feelings of others. Try to avoid being the center of attention.
Proverbs 31:26
We must know how to pay attention when they speak to you. Ask respectfully if you don't understand something. Think before responding. And learn from mature sisters by listening to what they say and how they say it. This will allow you to get along better with others.
Mark 10:29, 30
If a sister decides to remain single for her service to Jehovah. She becomes a treasure in the congregation, others will see her as a spiritual sister or mother.
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