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“Women […] must be moderate in their habits and faithful in all things” (1 TIM. 3:11).
1. What must we do to become mature Christians?
We need to cultivate a close friendship with Jehovah, and we also need his holy spirit to help us develop good qualities.
To become mature Christians, it is essential to cultivate a close relationship with Jehovah, God. This means regularly dedicating time to activities that help us grow spiritually. It is also important to allow God's holy spirit to guide us and help us develop good qualities and practical skills that allow us to live a life in line with Christian principles.
And unlike physical growth, which only achieves physical maturity with the passage of time, spiritual growth requires effort and is not automatic. It does not mean that the passage of time will make you more mature in a spiritual sense, it requires effort and that is why At the end, the effort that must be made to develop good qualities, learn practical skills and prepare for future responsibilities is mentioned.
We need the help of Jehovah his spirit and adding to what the paragraph says we could mention and the list of aspects of the fruit of the spirit that Galatians mentions is impressive.
2. What does Genesis 1:27 teach us? And what will we see in this article?
What it teaches us there is that men are different from women and not only that but that Jehovah gave each one a responsibility or let's say like a job.
Genesis 1:27 mentions that God created man and woman separately and that they are different in physical aspects and in the roles He assigned them. This difference in functions and roles also means that men and women may need different qualities and skills to fulfill their respective purposes in life.
And in this article we will talk about what young sisters can do to become mature Christians.
3, 4. Where can young sisters find good examples to look to? (See also the images).
Well, in the Bible, of course, there are sisters and servants from the past who will leave us many things to learn from them and also in the congregation there are mature sisters who we can also learn from them.
The Bible presents numerous examples of women who served Jehovah and demonstrated admirable qualities. These women can serve as role models for young sisters. A good resource to explore these examples is the article: "What do we learn from the women of the Bible?" available at jw.org.
Congregations often have mature spiritual sisters who have demonstrated their faith and dedication to Jehovah over the years. Young sisters can look to them for guidance and support from sisters in the congregation for their spiritual growth.
The examples of the women in the Bible are really good for us because some of them went through very complicated situations and acted very well. An example that I really like is that of Abigail and as The Watchtower to which we are referred or the article says because even though she was already a very beautiful woman, very rich and knew how to be in her place, she had a balanced point of view about herself but she acted very intelligently, calmly and bravely in the face of a very very complicated situation that also affects women who are now Married women also help them see how to act in complicated situations at home.
If also in the Bible, as the article cited here from the jw.org page shows us, there are also bad examples that can be learned, the case of Jezebel or Lot's wife is mentioned, which are also lessons for young Christian women because It teaches them what things can be dangerous and things they should avoid to avoid making the same mistakes.
And within the congregation you can also look at sisters that you admire for their form and maturity and see what qualities they have and how they can cultivate those same qualities that you admire.
Series of images: A young sister looks in the mirror and meditates on what she reads in a Bible publication. Featured images: 1. Rebekah pours water into a water trough for a camel. 2. Esther serves food to Mordecai. 3. Abigail kneels and begs for his life and for those who live in his house. If you imitate the qualities of faithful women like Rebekah, Esther, and Abigail, you will become a mature Christian. (See paragraphs 3 and 4).
5. Why should mature Christians be humble?
Humility is a quality that God values and appreciates in his servants. Those who are humble can enjoy a close and harmonious relationship with Jehovah, allowing them to receive his favor and blessing.
Well, because as James 4:6 says, Jehovah shows kindness and merit to the humble and that is the most important thing when a sister is humble, she is a friend of Jehovah, but another reason is also because that way she will get along well with others.
Furthermore, he chooses to support the principle of authority that Jehovah has established in the Bible, which has to obey, support the congregation and also allow himself to be directed by its head.
Humility leads mature Christians to respect and support the principle of authority that God has established in the congregation and in the family. They recognize that God has designated certain responsibilities and roles within these realms, and they are willing to submit to them in obedience to His will.
Yes, one of the things that must be done, for example, when a sister has to do something that a man should actually do, she has to cover her head and the article says that it is not to put us down but because in this way we show that we respect the principle of authority and to do that requires humility.
And the article goes a long way into the idea of how Jehovah and Jesus see the sisters. If before we read the text about when we were created, it says that we were both created in the image of God, now Jehovah also gave holy spirit to the women. first century so that they could perform the same miracles that men did. Jesus is also going to reign with men and women today, so from the divine point of view, women and men are equal but we fulfill different functions and that is where the principle of humility can help them.
6. How can young sisters imitate Rebekah's humility?
Yes, Rebeca was a woman who was intelligent, she was determined and knew when she should act and how she should do it, but she was also respectful and obedient, so the sisters can imitate her, respecting the principle of authority because in this way they will be a good influence in their family and in the congregation.
As mentioned in Genesis 24:58, Rebekah also showed humility by submitting to God's plan and trusting in his direction. Young sisters can imitate this humility by respecting the principle of authority and thus recognizing their dependence on God in all areas of their lives and submitting to her will.
Additionally, by imitating Rebekah's humility, young sisters can become a positive influence on their family and congregation. Her humble attitude, combined with her respect for authority and her trust in God, can inspire others to follow a path of faith and obedience.
As for her being intelligent and determined, it is shown to us at the moment when Esau was going to be blessed by his father and then she found out and did everything possible so that her son Jacob would be blessed instead of Esau, it was as the comment says here. He was intelligent and acted when he had to, but when the servant went to look for her to marry, she was humble because she gave water not only to him but also to his camels, as shown in the passage.
And bringing it to our times, a simile is made as to how the sisters within the congregation have a very important role because depending on their attitude regarding the principle of authority and also regarding humility, they can be a benefit for the congregation. family and the congregation or the opposite.
Well, and when she went with the deer you can see the respect she had for him, she called him my lord and in the case of when she goes to meet her husband because she was very determined when she asked the servant and that lord that man who came out who he was, Well, she talks to him about Isaac and then she says the writing that was covered, from afar she was a very respectful woman and was very aware of the principle of authority, something that dignifies women.
7. How can young sisters imitate Esther's modesty?
Esther valued the advice of her cousin Mordecai and followed it. Despite her elevated position, she recognized the importance of seeking and following the wise counsel of those who loved her and cared about her spiritual and physical well-being. Young sisters can imitate Esther's annoyance by seeking and accepting good advice and mentoring from people who are wise and mature in the faith. This will help them grow spiritually and make wise decisions in their daily lives.
We can imitate Esther by asking for advice and paying attention since this way we will be wise as proverbs say and although they named her queen she continued listening to the advice that her cousin gave her. For example, Esther 2:10 says that she did not say anything because she had ordered her not to. He would talk about it with no one or 20 says that he continued to obey so he is a great example for us.
It is an outstanding example because of course, let's imagine this woman named queen and she could have thought Well, now, what are they going to tell me or what do they have to tell me or how are they going to tell me that I am the queen, so no, at all, she didn't raise her eyebrows. smokes at the head cultivated modesty and thanks to that there was a good result for Jehovah's people.
Continuing a little with this idea, Proverbs 11:2 mentions that arrogance also brings dishonor, but if there is wisdom it is with the modest, so if there is obedience and we are as we should be, we will be accepted by Jehovah but If we reject that wisdom it is clear that Jehovah does not accept.
Yes, the point in Titus 2, verse 4, that being modest implies asking for advice but also paying attention to it, is also interesting, what does verse 4 say in order to advise younger women so that and that is the purpose, like this that being modest means asking for advice but also paying attention when one does not completely agree.
Yes, in the drawing of Esther it is interesting because normally we talk about Esther like when she was queen but here she is taken care of by her uncle who adopts her and you can already see that she was modest before because she also takes care of him so she is an example for us.
8. When choosing their way of dressing and grooming, how can sisters follow the counsel at 1 Timothy 2:9, 10?
When dressing, sisters should choose clothing that is modest and adequately covers their body. This involves avoiding clothing that is too tight, revealing, or provocative that may attract unnecessary attention or distract others from their Christian worship and witness.
Well, even though Esther 2:7 shows these words that say that she was very attractive and had a pretty figure, but verse 15 says that she did not gain the attention of others because of this but it was because of her way of being, so it is That he didn't put the emphasis, no doubt she was well dressed and such but he didn't put the emphasis on that because that is temporary.
Additionally when choosing their clothing and style, sisters should consider how their choices may affect the feelings and perceptions of others. This involves avoiding clothing or accessories that may be offensive or cause others to stumble, especially those who are struggling with moral purity or temptation.
Also in Timothy's first principle is that we should dress with modesty and good judgment and it is also a way of caring for others, because in this way the feelings of other brothers are taken into account and it is also a way of caring for the congregation.
And the apostle Paul to the Corinthians that everything was permitted but not everything is beneficial and that everything is permitted but not everything edifies, so it is something to keep in mind when dressing and putting aside our supposed rights for the common good. of the congregation that is also applicable to the brothers even if we talk about the sisters.
Yes, here in Timothy with modesty and good judgment, but what is good judgment? Dress only when we come to the meeting, preach, or in our daily life, always take modesty and good judgment into account.
9. What do we learn from Abigail?
Abigail demonstrated concern for the well-being of others by intervening to save lives and prevent conflict. Her discernment led her to act with empathy and sensitivity toward the needs and concerns of others, showing genuine concern for their physical and emotional well-being.
Abigail's story teaches us the importance of discernment in decision making, wise communication, and sensitivity toward others. This quality helps us act prudently and lovingly in various life situations, promoting peace, harmony and well-being of those around us.
Abigail had qualities of discernment, she knew how to differentiate between good and evil as detailed in first Samuel 25:14 and 23 regarding the decision she made where many lives were saved.
And that gives us Christians a good lesson because it teaches us when we should speak and when we should be silent and also that we should be interested in our brothers and sisters but without making them feel uncomfortable.
Yes, first she talks about her husband who was a rich and harsh man named Naval and then she talks about a humble, sensible woman who was also beautiful and spiritual.
Well, she realized what she could do so that it was in accordance with Jehovah's will. She did not sit idly by saying that my husband has not done anything and cannot do anything, but she took an initiative that saved many lives but all with a humility, a discernment and a respect for the principle of authority even when she addressed David and also later went to her husband to tell him to inform him what she had done, that is, she was a woman who had discernment, humility and annoyance.
10, 11. What will be the benefits of learning to read and write well? (See also the image).
Well, learning to read and write well benefits us all because it gives us self-esteem and that helps us develop other qualities.
Knowing how to read well helps us understand the Bible effectively, we can deepen our knowledge of the scriptures and apply its teachings in our daily lives. Additionally, the ability to teach and share God's word with others is strengthened by being able to clearly communicate biblical principles.
Reading and meditating on the Bible strengthens friendship with Jehovah by allowing us to learn more about him, his purposes, and his will for our lives. This contributes to deeper spiritual growth and a more intimate connection with God.
Learning to read well allows us to understand what we are reading and if we understand it, it is easier for us to put it into practice and benefit from it, not only ourselves but also those around us.
He can also be a better teacher and a better servant of Jehovah because it is very important for a servant of Jehovah to know how to read and write because when one goes to preach one must know well how to express himself and what he says and then even if you do not like to read You may not like to write a lot, but you must practice it because it is essential to be a good witness.
The article that mentions the note highlights a little that this quality is important to do from a young age because although some cultures this is not important to mention in the article that reading from a young age helps children develop their imagination to be better people and helps them think. .
And in first Timothy 4:13 Paul tells Timothy while I arrive, continue to apply yourself to public reading in advising and teaching, so they are essential skills for the Christian and if one continues to apply yourself as Paul said to reading, then this will help us. help them be better teachers.
And this is what the young woman who we can see in the image is doing. She is analyzing the pamphlet answers to 10 questions from young people and it is seen that she is meditating and strengthening her relationship with Jehovah because on the desk you can see that she has the Bible open a notebook a pen is already taking notes, so reading well and studying is serving to strengthen his friendship with Jehovah.
A young sister reads the booklet “Answers to 10 Questions from Young People.” On her desk is an open Bible, a notebook and a pen. How has knowing how to read and write well benefited you? (See paragraph 11).
12. What does Proverbs 31:26 teach you?
The woman described in Proverbs 31:26 is wise and speaks wisely. This involves communicating intelligently, prudently and thoughtfully, using words that edify and do not hurt.
Well, there are many ways to use the gift of speech that Jehovah has given us, we can use it wisely or we can use it in the opposite way, so if we want to demonstrate or if in this case I want to demonstrate that I am mature and wise, then I will try to use this gift from Jehovah well by always telling the truth and being kind when talking to others so I will be showing love.
The ability to listen carefully and understand the feelings and perspectives of others is essential in effective communication. The virtuous woman in Proverbs 31:26 shows empathy when communicating with others, which strengthens relationships and fosters harmony.
And to do this, as Santiago says, we must be quick to listen but slow to speak. We will do so if when someone is truly speaking to us, we pay attention, we listen to what they say, if something seems like we do not understand, no, we do not hesitate to ask and before answering, think a little if What we are going to say is going to serve as encouragement or is edifying or is in accordance with the truth. If we practice stability we will truly learn to communicate well with others.
So sometimes it is better to listen very carefully to the other person rather than talking and in this empathetic way because they will surely vent to us or tell us things that we did not expect.
Furthermore, when communicating, it is important to take into account the truthfulness, respect and kindness of the words used. This means thinking before we speak and making sure our words are truthful, encouraging, respectful and kind.
And we sisters can also learn a lot by looking at mature sisters who know how to communicate well. We can learn a lot from them. We can pay attention to what they say and how they say things and that can help us a lot too.
And returning to proverb 31, the proverb said that the law of goodness is in his language, why it is said that it is a law because when this person constantly speaks how he walks, taking into account everything that has been said previously, that becomes for him A law always speaks if it comes naturally to it.
Regarding pausing before answering, it is something very very important since, as Proverbs 15:28 mentions, the heart of the righteous meditates before answering because only bad things are released from the mouths of the wicked, so it is It's true that perhaps we can err on the side of saying things quickly and without thinking, but pausing beforehand can also be so good for both sisters and brothers.
13. How can you learn to take care of a home? (See also the image).
We can observe how our mother or other mature sisters carry out the tasks of the place. We can also ask them to teach us step by step how to perform these tasks efficiently and effectively.
And we must keep in mind that practice is essential to learn any skill. Therefore, we must dedicate time to practicing different household tasks, such as cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, sewing and shopping. With practice we will improve our skills and feel more confident when performing these tasks.
We must also learn from role models who are hospitable and helpful, and practice these attitudes in our daily lives. Hospitality is a wonderful way to share love and affection with others, and it can enrich our relationships with family, friends, and fellow believers.
Well, when we are young we must allow ourselves to be taught by our parents how they take care of the housework. In this way we will be gaining autonomy, which will make us feel very good and will also help us in the future.
Well, there we see a young woman who is in a market negotiating or haggling with the seller and behind her is her mother who looks at her with a satisfied face because she has had to teach her that skill and she must be doing it well because she The mother sees her satisfied.
Hospitality is also greatly appreciated in the sisters and as Act 16:15 says, it speaks of the example of Lidia who says that she was a very very hospitable sister and we can also learn to be hospitable.
How important hospitality is because first of all, it is an art to also receive brothers and sisters and to be hospitable, not just to receive them at home. There are many ways to be hospitable and there is a benefit because when Now, when you are older, transferring that hospitality into your home helps your loved ones. children, you also help the brothers in the congregation and you also help other sisters to become sisters.
A young sister who is with her mother bargains with a vendor in an open-air market. Women who know how to take care of a home are a blessing to their family and to the congregation. (See paragraph 13).
14. What do you learn from what Crystal says, and what should you focus on?
What I can learn from what Crystal says is the importance of acquiring practical skills, properly managing finances, being content with a simple life, and prioritizing spiritual goals over material goals.
Well, yes, in order to acquire that Christian maturity, we also have to be practical and learn to earn a living and the example that is shown here is because as Crystal's father told him that when choosing studies, he had to think about something that was practical and recommended that he study accounting because he did, he followed the advice that his father gave him and said that not only did he get a job to earn a living but he also learned to make a budget and follow it and thus avoid debts and unnecessary debts that They were going to allow him to lead a simple and satisfied life.
When do we learn to be content with what we have or with our circumstances as it says here and that is so because when we do that we can just enter into spiritual things and not be worried about the day to day or what we are going to have tomorrow but in serving Jehovah and that is what makes us really happy.
15, 16. Why are single sisters a treasure? (Mark 10:29, 30).
Single sisters are valued and appreciated in the congregation, because their dedication, love and example strengthen the congregation and enrich the spiritual experience of all its members.
Because they play a very important role in the congregation, according to the text we have read, they are like sisters or mothers to other brothers and the truth is that the love and interest they show make the congregation a family.
Yes, it is true that in many cultures in the world, sisters who remain single for different reasons are a bit isolated or people think they are failures, however, how different is the knowledge and word of God when it says that single sisters in the congregation are true treasures and they show it by demonstrating sincere love for others and as a result they can be the mothers of many brothers and, as we have seen, also examples for young girls.
And for the organization and for Jehovah, of course, they are very important. In fact, they are also invited to the school of evangelizers, they are taught, they are prepared to then go to congregations and contribute their way of speaking, how to say things as mentioned here. I work for the congregation, so of course they are a blessing in the congregation
17. What will help young sisters reach the goal of serving full-time?
What will help young sisters reach the goal of serving full-time is to pray to Jehovah, talk to those already serving full-time and find out the requirements, write down concrete steps to reach the goal, and serve full-time to experience the opportunities. exciting in the service of Jehovah.
Well, when you are a sister, you have that sincere desire to expand your service because you put it in prayer to Jehovah, maybe talk to brothers who are already in the special full time and find out what those requirements are and now there is a lot of room for sisters too. Not only the pioneer also in the construction of halls serve in Bethel and if not as a permanent member of Bethel you can now serve as an external, so there are many possibilities that if you have the desire you can fulfill it.
Well, I also just wanted to comment that what we read in the previous paragraph about the importance of choosing a good training to earn a living and that perhaps it can be used in some aspect of full time, for example in the construction of Halls or pioneering to earn Life is very very important to be able to reach the goal of serving full time.
18. Why is it important for a sister to be very careful when choosing who she will marry? (See also the image).
Marrying the right person can significantly contribute to the emotional and spiritual well-being of both spouses. On the other hand, choosing the wrong person can lead to conflict, stress, and relationship difficulties.
It is important because the man you marry will become your head. This dynamic implies shared responsibility in making decisions that will affect both of them, so the man must have the same values and goals as the sister, so they can achieve them together.
And Roman 7:2 also reminds us that it is a far-reaching decision within Jehovah's people, marriage is for life, it says that she is bound by law to her husband while she lives, so we must think carefully before choosing a spouse. .
I was going to comment on what Luke 16:10 mentions that the person who is faithful in the least is also faithful in the most and in the questions that come here sometimes they can be small details but they show us a lot about that person if they are spiritual things. The most important thing in your life is if you recognize your mistakes and take good care of your responsibilities. These are important questions that will later have a big impact on that person and, as a consequence, whoever marries them.
Well, this brother deigns to sweep and we see that one of the sisters is paying attention and that is an indication of a basis for a marriage that he does what is necessary to be humble and without a doubt they will be very happy serving Jehovah.
A young sister who is talking with other sisters notices a single brother who is helping with the cleaning of the Kingdom Hall. If you want to get married, you must be very careful when choosing who. (See paragraph 18).
19. Why can we say that being a “helper” is an honor?
Being a helper in marriage is an honor, because it involves playing a valuable and significant role in supporting and succeeding the family, as well as strengthening the relationship with God.
Because the Bible says that even Jehovah is a helper and a good wife because she is a true helper, supporting and collaborating with her husband in everything he decides to do that affects the family.
Furthermore, since she loves Jehovah by always trying to contribute to her husband's good reputation, not as mentioned in Proverbs 31, the capable wife says that she rewards with good, not evil, all the days of her life.
And if a sister thinks about getting married, as the paragraph says very well at the end, then now she can strive to be this helper, a good helper in the congregation and also in the family.
20. What effect can a mother have on her family?
The mother plays a vital role in the life of her family, providing love, care, guidance, education and emotional support, and contributing to the well-being and growth of her children in a happy and safe family environment.
Well, depending on what she does, how she behaves as a mother and the influence she has on her children and her husband, she can do what Proverb 24:3 says, build a house and make it firm or, on the contrary, destroy it and make it shake. and that neither she nor her children nor her husband are well.
Psalm 127:3 says look, children are an inheritance from Jehovah and a fruit of the womb is their reward and this is true for mothers, it is a satisfaction to be able to enjoy them and the blessing of Jehovah through them as well.
21. How much do you value our sisters, and why? (See cover images.)
He is invaluable for his dedication and effort in his relationship with Jehovah, as well as his commitment to helping the congregation and leading the way in preaching.
Well, as The Watchtower says and we echo this, we love them for everything they do in conversation, they do it for Jehovah and for his people and the truth is that we have a bunch of young sisters who are wonderful, they are examples and they also have qualities .
Yes because they are also a pillar both in the congregation and in the family because they already bear almost all the weight.
Images of the two young women from before joyfully participating in spiritual activities: 1. The sister who was meditating on what she was reading now holds an open Bible and smiles confidently. 2. The sister who was bargaining with a vendor prepares the table for the meal at Bethel. 3. The sister who was reading the pamphlet now reads a biblical text to a woman in the sermon. 4. The sister who noticed the single brother at the Kingdom Hall preaches in the stroller with an older sister. Many young women have put into practice what they learned in the Bible and have become mature Christians. (See paragraph 21).
1 Timothy 2:9, 10
What I learn is that we should choose clothes that are modest and that adequately cover your body. This involves avoiding clothing that is too tight, revealing, or provocative, which may attract unnecessary attention or distract others from their Christian worship and witness.
Yes, we learned from Esther's example that she did not try to be the center of attention and we also learned to dress with modesty and good judgment and also to dress in a decent way is also to take into account the feelings of others to give a good testimony.
Proverbs 31:26
What I learn is that it is very important to have the ability to listen carefully and understand the feelings and perspectives of others, which can lead to effective communication. Furthermore, as Proverbs 31:26 mentions, our empathy when communicating with others strengthens relationships and fosters harmony.
Proverbs 31:36 is talking about the importance of learning to communicate well with others and also talking about the mature sisters who are an example for the congregation and it is very nice to notice them and their qualities because they put into practice how run a household and earn a living.
Mark 10:29, 30
What I learn is that single sisters are valued and appreciated in the congregation, because their dedication, love, and example strengthen the congregation and enrich the spiritual experience of all members.
Yes, because the single sisters are true treasures for the congregations and all the love and sincere interest that they are showing every day makes them seen by many as spiritual sisters and mothers, as Marcos mentioned.
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