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“Be strong and act like a man” (1 KINGS 2:2).
1. What should Christian men do to be successful?
In Luke chapter 2 verse 52 we read: And Jesus continued to grow, filled with wisdom and earning the approval of God and the people. Therefore Christian men must learn to obey Jehovah's standards and apply biblical principles in all areas of life.
Let's remember what King David told Solomon, be strong and behave like a man.
2, 3. Why is it important for young brothers to become mature Christians?
It is important for young brothers to become mature Christians, because they have crucial responsibilities in the family and congregation. This includes roles such as pioneering, ministerial servant and in the future becoming an elder, you may also want to get married and have children to achieve these goals and be successful requires spiritual maturity.
This involves learning and mastering important skills, as well as preparing now to face future responsibilities. In first Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 we read if a man is striving to be an overseer he desires a very good job. Therefore, a solid foundation in faith and biblical knowledge is essential to face these challenges with integrity and wisdom.
4. Where can you find good examples? (See also the images).
In Hebrews chapter 13 verse 7 we read: Remember those who lead you who have spoken to you about the word of God, and observing the results of their conduct, imitate their faith. Therefore we can find good examples of faithful men in the Bible. Furthermore, in the congregation there are mature brothers whom young people can imitate, observe their admirable qualities and strive to follow in their footsteps.
In First Peter chapter 2 verse 21 we read: In fact for this you were called because Christ himself suffered for you and thus set an example for you to faithfully follow in his steps. With this we understand that the greatest example that young people can imitate is that of Jesus.
A young brother meditates while studying the Bible. Series of images: 1. Jesus cries with Martha and Mary. 2. Pray. 3. he washes the feet of one of his apostles. If you imitate the excellent qualities of Jesus, you will become a mature Christian. (See paragraph 4).
5. What do you have to do to acquire the ability to think, and why is it important? (Psalm 119:9).
To acquire the ability to think, it is essential to dedicate time to reflection before making decisions. This is what the wise men mentioned in Proverbs chapter 3 verse 21 did.
In a world full of influences and distractions, it is essential to develop this skill and protect it to avoid being guided solely by our own emotions or ideas, as we read in Proverbs chapter 29 verse 11.
On the other hand, in Proverbs chapter 2 verses 11 and 12 we read: The ability to think will watch over you and discernment will protect you to free you from the evil path of the man who says perverse things. Therefore, acquiring this ability is crucial to achieving spiritual maturity, allowing us to treat others wisely and make decisions that reflect our faith.
6. How will a young man who has the ability to think show that he respects his sisters?
A young man who has developed the ability to think will demonstrate his respect for the sisters by acting with consideration and prudence in his interactions.
For example, if you feel interest in a sister, you will not express that interest in a way that could be misinterpreted, you will always keep in mind the words of Timothy chapter 5 verses 1 and 2 and you will act with the seriousness that the possibility of a future marriage deserves.
In first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 18 we read: Flee from sexual immorality. Therefore, if a brother is dating a sister he will protect her reputation by avoiding compromising situations and maintaining integrity in their encounters, this demonstrates a mature understanding of respect and responsibility in interpersonal relationships.
7. What grooming decisions will a young man who has developed the ability to think make?
A young man who has developed the ability to think will make conscious decisions about his personal grooming based on biblical principles and positive examples from the congregation, consider how his choice of clothing and hairstyle reflects his service to God AND whether he shows respect toward others.
In first Corinthians chapter 10 verses 31 to 33 we read: Whether you are eating, drinking or doing anything else, do it all for the glory of God. Avoid causing Jews, Greeks, and the congregation of God to stumble. Given these words, the young man will opt for clothing that is modest and appropriate, avoiding offerings that could promote immorality or confusion in gender roles. By doing so, he demonstrates his commitment to spiritual values and his respect for both his brothers and Jehovah.
8. How can a young brother learn to be trustworthy?
In Luke chapter 16 verse 10 we read: A person who is faithful in the least is also faithful in much, and a person who is unjust in the least is also unjust in much. This means that a young brother must commit to diligently fulfilling all of his responsibilities, following the example of Jesus. Jesus demonstrated unwavering dedication in doing everything Jehovah entrusted to him, showing love for others and a willingness to sacrifice even his own life for them, as we see in Romans chapter 12 verse 11.
It is essential to do your best to complete any assigned task by seeking help when necessary and avoiding settling for the bare minimum. Although no one is perfect, humility and the willingness to recognize and correct mistakes are essential qualities on the path to reliability.
9. Why should a young brother learn practical skills?
Practical skills are essential to contribute to the efficient functioning of the congregation and to be useful in the service of God.
In addition, learning practical skills is essential to guarantee personal and family financial stability; it also encourages the development of Independence and self-sufficiency.
In summary, acquiring practical skills is essential for the growth and spiritual maturity of a young brother.
10, 11. Why is it good for a young brother and for the congregation if he learns to read and write well? (Psalm 1:1-3; see also the image).
As we have read in the text, it is beneficial for a young brother and for the congregation to learn to read and write well. Reading and meditating on God's word promotes a deeper understanding of Jehovah's thoughts, which in turn facilitates clear reasoning and wise decision making as we see in Titus chapter 1 verse 9.
The congregation requires brothers capable of teaching and advising others with the Bible. If a young brother masters these skills, he will be able to prepare edifying speeches and comments that strengthen the faith of others.
A young brother attends a class organized by the congregation to learn to read and write. He takes notes and listens carefully. Knowing how to read and write well will benefit yourself and the congregation. (See paragraphs 10 and 11).
12. What will help you communicate well with others?
Learning to communicate well with others is a crucial skill for all Christian men, in Proverbs chapter 20 verse 5 we read: The thoughts of a man's heart are like deep waters, but a discerning man knows how to draw them out. This involves not only expressing yourself clearly, but also knowing how to listen to and understand the ideas and emotions of others.
To improve in this area it is important to learn to interpret not only a person's words, but also their tone of voice, facial expressions and body language skills that are acquired by interacting directly with people as we see in second John chapter 1 verse 12. Therefore, if we depend solely on electronic communication we will hinder the ability to communicate face to face.
13. What else should a young brother learn? (1 Timothy 5:8; see also the image).
According to the text we have just read, we see the importance of a young brother learning to earn a living, emphasis is placed on the responsibility of providing for oneself and the family, the text also emphasizes the importance of diligent work and completion of tasks, which helps build a strong reputation and increase your chances of obtaining and maintaining employment.
Therefore, according to what we have read in the text, a young brother must be self-sufficient, capable of supporting himself and his family, following biblical principles and applying diligent work and responsibility in all his activities, thus being a positive contribution. for his family and for the congregation, thus applying what we read in acts chapter 20 verse 34.
A young brother learns from an older brother how to repair a wooden floor. It is good that you learn a trade that helps you earn a living. (See paragraph 13).
14. What will help a young man prepare to serve Jehovah full-time?
Preparing to serve Jehovah full-time is a significant commitment that requires dedication and preparation; auxiliary pioneering provides a solid foundation for those who aspire to become regular pioneers, allowing them to develop habits and routines that will prepare them for more complete service.
Additionally, this step can open the door to other facets of full-time service, such as construction work or service at Bethel, as we see in Philippians chapter 4 verses 11 to 13. Full-time dedication to Jehovah makes young people acquire practical skills and develop a humble and grateful mature character.
15, 16. What should a young brother do who wants to be a ministerial servant or elder?
For a young brother who aspires to be a ministerial servant or elder, it is essential to commit to spiritual growth and diligent service in the congregation. The Bible in first Timothy chapter 3 verses 1 to 13 and in Titus chapter 1 verses 6 to 9 establishes clear requirements for those who wish to occupy these roles, always emphasizing love for Jehovah, family and congregation as well as humility and enthusiasm for preaching.
Therefore, a young brother who wishes to be a ministerial servant or elder must commit to his spiritual growth and serve diligently in the congregation.
17. How can a young man prepare to be a good husband and head of family? (See also the image).
A young man can prepare to be a good husband and head of the family, committing to his personal and spiritual growth as we see in Ephesians chapter 5 verses 28 and 29. If he decides to marry, he will assume the responsibility of loving and caring for his wife's needs, following the example of Christ.
In 1 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 13 we read: But I want you to know that the head of every man is the Christ, that the head of the woman is the man, and that the head of Christ is God. This involves developing qualities such as the ability to think, respect for women and trustworthiness, and seeking wisdom in God's word and following his principles will help you strengthen your marriage and leadership in the home.
A young brother helps his parents set the table before they all eat together. Jehovah wants the husband to love his wife and his children, and take care of them physically, emotionally, and above all spiritually. (See paragraph 17).
18. How can a young person prepare to be a good father?
A young man can prepare to be a good father by observing Jehovah's example and applying his principles in his daily life, including expressing love and approval to his children.
Just as Jehovah did with Jesus in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 4 we read: Parents, do not irritate your children, but continue to raise them according to the discipline and counsel of Jehovah. Therefore, developing the habit of showing affection and recognizing children's achievements from an early age will contribute to their emotional and spiritual development.
Also treating his family and brothers in the congregation with affection and learning to express love and appreciation. The young man not only prepares for future fatherhood, but also demonstrates his worth to Jehovah, his family, and his congregation from now on.
19, 20. What must a young brother do to become a mature Christian? (Look at the cover images).
To become a mature Christian, a young brother must follow several important steps, choose good role models, and look for positive role models in the congregation. In addition, he must develop the ability to think critically and rationally.
Just as being a trustworthy person in all areas of your life, it is important to remember that Jehovah is willing to help at all times as mentioned in Isaiah chapter 41 verses 10 and 13.
Additionally, the brothers and sisters of the congregation are there to support you on your journey. Given this, the young brother must remain focused on his spiritual goals, trust in divine help and seek the support of the congregation for his continued spiritual growth.
The brothers in the previous photos participating in spiritual activities with joy. 1. The brother who meditated is now preaching. 2. The brother who helped his parents set the table is teaching an older brother how to use his tablet. 3. The brother who was in the reading and writing class is doing an assignment at a congregation meeting. 4. The brother who was learning carpentry is operating a jigsaw on a construction project. Many young people have put into practice what they learned in the Bible and have become mature Christians. (See paragraphs 19 and 20).
Psalm 119:9
It is essential to spend time reflecting before making decisions just as the wise men mentioned in the Bible do. Therefore, acquiring this ability is crucial to achieving spiritual maturity, which allows us to treat others wisely and make decisions that reflect our faith.
Psalm 1:1-3
We learn how beneficial it is to a young brother and to the congregation if he learns to read and write well. Reading and meditating on God's word promotes a deeper understanding of Jehovah's thoughts. If a young brother masters these skills, he can prepare edifying talks and comments that strengthen the faith of others.
1 Timothy 5:8
We see the importance of a young brother learning to earn a living. In 1 Timothy chapter 5 verse 8 we read: For if someone does not provide for his own people and especially the members of his household, he has rejected the faith, he is worse than a person without faith. Therefore a young brother must be self-sufficient, able to support himself and his family.
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