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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Psa 8:3. What was the psalmist referring to when he spoke of the fingers of God? (it-1 649).
In Psalms 8:3, the psalmist uses the expression fingers of God symbolically to describe the majesty of creation, especially when referring to the formation of the heavens. This symbolizes the creative power of God.
Something that also helps us to know about this expression of the creation account in Genesis, the use of the expression "Fingers of God", suggests the action of his Holy Spirit active force that is described moving on the surface of the waters during the creation of the world.
When the Psalmist spoke of "the fingers of God" he was referring to the Holy Spirit or active force of Jehovah. In the creation account of Genesis 1:2 it is suggested that this expression alludes to the Divine force moving over the surface of the waters, indicating the presence and action of Jehovah through his Holy Spirit.
And in the Christian Greek scriptures the meaning of this symbolism is determined, since while Matthew 12:28 explains that Jesus cast out demons through the holy spirit of God, Luke 11:20 says that it was by "The Finger" of God referring to both cases to the Holy Spirit or active force of Jehovah God.
When I read this verse and was analyzing the information, I then understood why Jehovah is the great potter because with his fingers, saying with his Holy Spirit, he can mold us and not only mold us but do everything he desires, so it is one way. very nice to illustrate how Jehovah has created everything and we can see that if we want we can let his fingers and his Holy Spirit also make us good witnesses.
It referred to the Holy Spirit in the Bible the Holy Spirit is compared to the hands or fingers of God in the same way that we use our hands to do things Jehovah uses his Holy Spirit to do everything he wants such as creating the universe or make the Bible or help people who obey him demonstrate good qualities.
When the Psalmist makes this expression speaking of the fingers of God, he does so in a figurative sense. It is said that God wrote the ten commandments on stone tablets, performed miracles, created the heavens, with his fingers and it is alluded to with this expression that the fingers of God are his holy spirit or the active force that was moving from one side to the other. .
From the Genesis account of creation it is deduced that the expression fingers of God refers to his Holy Spirit or, as we very well know, to his active force, since it is said that this force was moving on the surface of the waters.
This text shows the greatness of God as creator, designer and Lord over all creation.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalms 8:4. This verse suggests that Jehovah pays attention to each of us. The lesson we learn from this is the fact that despite our limitations and imperfection, Jehovah notices us and demonstrates his loving attention and care.
Psalms 9:1. The lesson we can draw from this verse is that we should use our resources and abilities to glorify God and testify about his wonderful works. This involves giving of our time to share the greatness and love of God with others, whether through house-to-house preaching, or informal preaching or by letter or telephone.
Psalms 8:3-4. The lesson we can extract from these texts is the importance of humility and reverence before the greatness of God and his work. It reminds us that, compared to the Immensity and beauty of divine creation, we are small, limitless beings. This reflection leads us to recognize our dependence on God and the need for humility in our relationship with him and with his creation.
Psalms 8:3. It teaches us the importance of observing and meditating on creation, David did not limit himself to contemplating the imposing beauty of the sky, the moon and the stars, but he meditated on what he was taught about God, he realized how great Jehovah is. . At other times, David reflects on how his body developed in his mother's womb. Thinking about it increased his admiration for Jehovah.
Psalms 8:6-9. It teaches us how important animals are to Jehovah, since they are also his creation, for this reason in the flood God gave instructions to preserve us, and in the new world there will also be animals, so it is good that we respect and take care of creation from now on to receive his blessing.
Psalms 8:5. It is true that God did not give human beings intelligence and capacity like Los Angeles, but he only made them a little inferior to these powerful spiritual beings. How impressive when Jehovah created our first parents, he offered them a wonderful life.
Psalms 8:4. It teaches us something that offends the ego of many people, how insignificant we are, and despite this, the creator takes us into account, he directs his attention to this planet, without a doubt, meditating on it helps us value our relationship with Jehovah.
Psalms 8:2. It teaches us how important children are to Jehovah and Jesus Christ, for them it is pleasant to hear little children praise God and recognize Christ as the king here in Jehovah names over the new heavens and a new earth. There is no doubt that the millions of children who have died in the past millennia will hear the voice of Jesus when he calls, and will emerge from their graves to live in a paradise earth. This motivates us to take care of children. For this reason, parents have the responsibility of caring for and guiding their children.
Psalms 8:5-6. This reading shows us that Jehovah gave us human beings the privilege of having wonderful qualities, which we can use to worship him as the only true God.
Psalms 8:3. This shows us that we can delight in Jehovah's wonderful creations and enjoy all that God Created for us.
Psalms 8:1. This verse shows that Jehovah is the name of God, he is a God splendor in power. So we have to wash him and bless him for his greatness.
Psalms 8:3-5. These verses show that Jehovah has made us a little inferior to Divine beings. However, he has crowned us with glory and splendor. From this I can learn that Jehovah loves us and values us. He also teaches me that we must respect and value ourselves and others, recognizing the identity and dignity that Jehovah has given us.
Psalms 8:6-8. These same verses also show that Jehovah has put all things under our feet. from domestic animals. to the savages, from the birds of the sky. even the fish in the sea. From this I can learn that Jehovah has given us a great responsibility for his work and that we must exercise it with wisdom and love.
Psalms 8:6-8. These verses show that Jehovah has given us the task of having under our control and care everything that he has made with his hands. Therefore, it is a responsibility to take care of animals and the environment in general.
Psalms 8:6-8. These verses teach me that I should appreciate and protect nature and its resources, recognizing that they are a gift from Jehovah that reflect his love and kindness toward us human beings.
Psalms 8:2. This verse shows that Jehovah can bring forth praise from children and babies, who are the most vulnerable and defenseless, to silence his enemies and those who rebel against him. From this I learn that I should trust in Jehovah and not in my own strength. It also teaches me that Jehovah can use our weaknesses to glorify his name.
Psalms 8:1,9. These verses show that God's name is awesome and his glory is manifested in all of his creation, so he is worthy of praise. And one way we do this is with our words, songs, actions and attitude of gratitude and reverence.
Psalms 9:4. We see that the verse mentions that Jehovah sits on his throne, this highlights Jehovah's sovereignty over all things. The lesson we must learn is to recognize and accept Jehovah's sovereignty in our lives, which is essential to cultivate a relationship with him.
Psalms 9:1. This text teaches us how important it is to preach, and we normally do this in an organized way with the congregation and informally, and a very effective one is with our good example, conduct, Even in our own family, it is also a way of proclaim the wonderful works that God did.
Psalms 9:10. This text also motivates us to dedicate ourselves, be baptized, and live accordingly, since knowing the name of God involves more than just knowing the name of Jehovah, which does not automatically mean that we trust in Jehovah. Here knowing God's name means understanding the kind of God Jehovah is, respecting his authority, and obeying his commands.
Psalms 9:1. It teaches us that we can praise Jehovah with all our hearts, and that is good, since it is so easy to do it by complying, or by getting by, in a mechanical way. But when our heart delights in praising Jehovah, it allows us to enjoy having a personal relationship with him.
Psalms 9:9. The lesson we can draw from this verse is that instead of despairing or turning away from God when we face difficulties, we should seek refuge in him. God is always present to offer us comfort, strength and help in the midst of our afflictions. It is in those moments of distress that we can most intimately experience his love and care for us.
Psalms 9:2. This verse highlights the psalmist's joy and rejoicing in God, expressed through song and music. It teaches us that music is a powerful way to praise Jehovah and express our gratitude to him. The beauty of music lies in its ability to convey emotions and feelings, and the act of singing to God is a manifestation of our adoration and love for him.
Psalms 9:7-8. This verse reminds us that God is just and that he will judge the world with equity and righteousness. He calls us to reflect on our actions and behaviors, as we will be judged according to divine justice. He invites us to examine our lives and consider whether our actions qualify us to be among the subjects of God's Kingdom.
Psalms 9:2. This verse also reminds us that the quality of our voice is not the most important thing when it comes to praising God through music. What really matters is the sincere heart and the willingness to express gratitude and adoration to God with all our being. For God delights in hearing our voices, no matter how melodious, as long as they come from a genuine and grateful heart.
Psalms 9:10. Knowing the name of God is more than simply an intellectual knowledge that the name of God is Jehovah, it implies much more, knowing the name of God means learning what that name represents, and worshiping the God who has that name.
Psalms 9:13. David knew that only with God's help could he move forward. David also knew that there were people who hated him and wanted to see him finished. It would be unrealistic to think that everyone likes us, but the important thing is to seek Jehovah's favor. , that was the key to the success of King David and many faithful.
Psalms 9:9. Jehovah helps us in times of distress, gives us his Holy Spirit, gives us peace of mind, and can move the hearts of the people around us, both brothers, sisters and even non-believers with the aim of helping us.
Psalms 9:11. The text urges us to sing to our God, we must sing the songs with great joy and let our praise come from our hearts.
Psalms 9:17. How can we notice Jehovah is going to execute all those who do not side with him, and these proud people will be forgotten.
Psalms 9:18. We currently live in a society where poor people are not taken into account and are humiliated, but this does not happen with our God Jehovah, he takes into account all righteous people, without measuring their social position, that is why he guarantees us a wonderful hope to live forever.
Psalms 9:3-4. This verse makes us see that Jehovah is an Almighty God who takes care of us and protects us from our enemies, that is why he will judge all the evil people who are responsible for harming us.
Psalms 9:10. This reading teaches us that being bearers of the great name of Jehovah is a blessing, and that for people who seek it, Jehovah guarantees that they can count on his protection.
Psalms 9:9. This verse makes us see that Jehovah is the one who provides us with endurance and strength when we are oppressed and go through difficult situations.
Psalms 9:9. This verse emphasizes that Jehovah is a safe refuge in times of trouble, teaching us the importance of Jehovah's protection in our difficult times.
Psalms 9:7,8. These verses highlight the idea that Jehovah reigns forever and has his throne established to judge the world with justice and the people with righteousness. This teaches me that no one can escape his judgment or challenge his authority.
Psalms 9:15,16. These verses remind us that Jehovah executes his sentences. This teaches me that Jehovah is just and does not leave evil unpunished.
Psalms 9:11,12. These verses highlight that Jehovah remembers the innocent and the afflicted and does not forget the cry of the suffering. This teaches me that Jehovah is aware of our suffering and does not forget our prayers for his help.
Psalms 9:3-6. These verses teach me that Jehovah is our defender and avenger. He makes our enemies retreat and perish, and he judges the nations and the wicked with justice.
Psalms 9:11. In verse 11, we are urged to praise Jehovah and make his acts known among the people. Which teaches us that we should share what we learn about Jehovah with others through preaching and teaching the Bible.
Psalms 9:12. This verse highlights the importance of praising Jehovah with all our heart and proclaiming his wonderful works and teaches me that one way to praise him is through songs, so it is good to arrive on time for our Christian Meetings and stay until the end to sing praises together with the brothers.
Psalms 9:4. This verse highlights the trust we must have in Jehovah's justice and his role with our defender. Which teaches me to trust that Jehovah judges us fairly.
Psalms 9:4. According to this text we can reflect on our actions and motivations. In the light of Divine justice we can ask ourselves if we are living in accordance with God's righteous principles. This verse can motivate us to pursue a righteous life and align ourselves with God's standards.
Psalm 9:4. Also another lesson that we draw from here is the idea that Jehovah judges justly. This reminds us that Jehovah is a God of justice and fairness, encouraging us to live just lives and trust that Jehovah will ultimately provide justice in all situations.
We find in this same verse another lesson that we draw from Psalms 9:4 , that we can reflect on our actions and our motivations in the light of divine justice, we can do a self-examination and ask ourselves if we are living in accordance with Jehovah's righteous principles. This verse can motivate us to pursue a righteous life and align ourselves with Jehovah's standards.
Psalms 10:2. Although in the moment it may seem that the evildoers succeed in their plans, in the end, they will face the consequences of their actions.
Psalms 10:13. It shows us what the attitude of the wicked is like, for example, the sinner gives free rein to his evil inclinations as long as he thinks that he will not be discovered. Therefore, when a sinner says that he is repentant he is either analyzing what he has done to show that he is repentant, or he is just trying to hide his sin to avoid shame for his actions.
Psalms 10:4. This text shows us that there are people who do not recognize that there is a creator, in fact they say that there is no God. So Jehovah is going to take action against all those who do not approach him as the Almighty God.
Psalms 10:5. Sometimes we may think that the wicked prosper, but we must keep in mind that the apparent prosperity of the wicked is only temporary. In fact, their life is very short, while those who serve God have a glorious hope for the future.
Psalms 10:7. In this verse we observe that lies come out of the mouths of the wicked, so we must be different, curses or lies should not come out of our mouths. So we must have edifying speech that is not destructive, but serves to stimulate.
Psalms 10:13. The people of the world have this mentality, they do not take into account our creator Jehovah God, and they ignore his righteous laws thinking that Jehovah will not hold them accountable. We have to be alert with this way of thinking, because these types of thoughts could influence us and we could lose the direction of our lives.
Psalms 10:2-13. He teaches us that there is a trap that we could fall into without realizing it, and that is to see the prosperity of the wicked, to see that they apparently do well for not believing in God. However, in the short term, perhaps things are going well for them, but not in the long term. Well, the text mentions that life shakes up, problems come, and the moment of accountability to God, this makes us think about how we are before God. .
Psalms 10:12. This text makes me think about the importance of asking our God Jehovah in prayer to take care of our brothers who are going through difficult situations and who are defenseless. Through our prayers we can offer our help to our brothers from anywhere in the world.
Psalms 10:18. This reading shows us that we can fully trust that Jehovah will put an end to evil. His own qualities are a guarantee that he will act against the wicked, for he is upright and just.
Psalms 10:17. This verse shows that Jehovah can hear our prayers and that when we go through difficult trials, He will give us his help.
Psalms 10:16. This reading shows us that Jehovah is the king of eternity, today, tomorrow and always and this will be understood by the nations that do not believe in him.
Psalms 10:6. In this text we observe that many people in the world think that they do not need God and will never suffer misfortunes. We as Christians must be very careful and not allow ourselves to be influenced by this type of thinking.
Psalms 10:12-15. These verses show how David asks Jehovah to arise and act against the wicked. May he not forget the defenseless, the orphans and those who suffer. From this I learn that I must have the same conviction as David that Jehovah will break the power of the wicked and hold us responsible for their evil.
Psalms 10:3-6. These verses teach me that the wicked are arrogant, selfish, greedy, and blasphemous. blasphemous Furthermore, they do not recognize God nor fear Him. So they think they can do whatever they want without consequences. But they are wrong, because they will have to give an account before Jehovah.
Psalm 10:3. The verse highlights the attitude of the wicked who boasts of his selfish desire, and this is a warning to us about the importance of maintaining a humble heart and not being carried away by greed and selfish desire.
Psalms 10:11. Here the verse warns about the danger of adopting the perspective that Jehovah has forgotten us, or does not see what is happening. We see that the lesson here is that disbelief or being unbelieving can lead to despair and that we end up distancing ourselves from Jehovah, which is why we must be very careful, with this we can learn from this text that being unbelieving can lead to despair and we must avoid thinking that way.
Psalms 10:13. Although some people may believe that they can escape earthly consequences, what we learn here is that everyone will be called to account for their actions.
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