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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Ps 5:9. Why does the Bible say that the throat of the wicked “is an open grave”? (it-2 1005).
In Psalm 5:9, the Bible describes the throat of the wicked as an open grave, to metaphorically illustrate that, just as an open tomb is filled with the dead and corruption, the mouths of the wicked utter deadly and corrupt words. This image reflects the harmfulness of the deceitful and malicious words that can come from the mouths of those who act evilly.
This verse teaches us to reflect on the impact of our words on others and strive to communicate in ways that promote kindness and love. Instead of using our words to destroy or discourage others, we should look for opportunities to encourage, support, and edify those around us.
Here the Bible makes a symbolic comparison to illustrate how the words and actions of the wicked can be just as destructive and corrupting as a tomb full of decay. Just as an open tomb is filled with death, the mouths of the wicked utter deadly and corrupt words that can harm others.
When we hear the expression: "An open grave" it is used to refer to an action that is carried out disregarding, in a real or figurative sense, a positive danger of death. When the Bible says that the throat of the wicked is an open grave, it refers to their throat opening to speak what is deadly and corrupt. That is to say, the wicked use their power of speech to despise and speak corrupt things.
Psalm 5:9 that the apostle Paul quoted describes the throat of the wicked as an open tomb, because what they say cannot be trusted, since their insides are full of malice so their mouth is like an open tomb that He utters harmful words and false flattery that reflect the hypocrisy and evil that resides in his heart. So these deceitful and malicious words can be as destructive as a tomb full of corruption.
This teaches us how powerful words are, there are people who are experts and artists of deception, and they harm others with their words. Some, through honeyed words, manage to convince others to fall into their traps and their deceptions. Therefore we must be very careful of these types of people and we should not be like that either.
In other words we mean or the comment on the insight publication means that when he speaks he says it is deadly and corrupt and not necessarily because he says it like that I am going to kill you or I am going to kill you or kill you or things like that but it goes against the truth against the Biblical principles goes against the law of God even that of man and so that is why then his mouth is like the grave it does not receive and draw and not only does he harm himself in what he says but he can also end up harm many others.
If Matthew 15:18 to 20 is showing precisely what this open tomb can be, it tells us that they are evil reasonings such as adultery, murder, theft, false testimonies, sexual immorality, blasphemy, then all this defiles man.
And in harmony with the text of Matthew we could now say that the importance of what we put in our hearts is because our mouth speaks about what we put in our hearts.
All the corrupted teachings of false religion are what make people feel more confused and reluctant to hear what is the truth that Jehovah wants them to hear, and this is what frees them from their condemnation to destruction for not knowing or for not wanting to know Jehovah, this opportunity is obviously given to them when they are preached more, however the confusion that comes with being taught false things is what causes their death and these are the ones who open their mouths like a grave are those who become murderers.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalms 5:1. The psalmist highlights the importance of speaking with Jehovah, and demonstrates a confidence that God not only listens, but also responds to the needs and concerns of his followers. This teaches us that it is important to express our concerns and seek help from Jehovah through prayer.
Psalms 5:8. It teaches us that when we face their position in our Christian life, opposition that could come from anywhere, sometimes at the organizational and individual level. For this reason it is important to lean on Jehovah, not get tired of begging him to guide our path.
Psalms 5:4. Jehovah does not enjoy seeing the evil that people have caused to other human beings, people who in many cases have chosen to turn their back on God, despite that, God offers us hope for a new world, it is a biblical truth that We appreciate it and it helps us continue every day.
Psalms 5:5. This verse also teaches us how important it is to avoid pride, arrogance, ego, and doing evil to others, even with spiritual matters, because Jehovah hates the arrogant who show off in front of others seeking attention.
Psalms 5:5. This position: "Standing" is sometimes used in the Bible to indicate having a favored or approved position in the eyes of the one in whose presence the person or group in question is standing. That is why Jesus spoke of those who would pray to escape what is coming and to be able to stand before the son of man at his next coming.
Psalms 5:6. The psalmist describes the final destiny of the wicked, saying: He will destroy those who speak lies. The lesson we can draw from this verse is the importance of living a righteous and just life. If we wish to avoid the fate of the wicked, we must commit to following the path of righteousness AND truth. This means avoiding lies, violence and deception. And instead, practice honesty, compassion and integrity in our relationships and actions.
Psalms 5:9. This text teaches us that the people of the world are not trustworthy, they are people who are full of evil, that is why it is important to only have true friends in the people of God and strive every day to be better Christians.
Psalms 5:12. This verse teaches us that when we act in the best way with justice and righteousness, Jehovah blesses us and gives us his protection, and that is why it is very important to always act according to his just laws.
Psalms 6:9. This text shows us that we can turn to Jehovah for help and be sure that sooner or later Jehovah answers our prayers.
Psalms 7:1. This text shows us that when we suffer pressure or persecution, we must take refuge in our God Jehovah and we can be sure that Jehovah will rescue us and give us the support we need.
Psalms 6:6. This verse shows us that sometimes we can feel discouraged and sadness can invade us. So even though we are Christians, we are not exempt from difficult situations in life, which is why it is important to always take refuge in Jehovah.
Psalms 6:5. This verse teaches us the importance of washing Jehovah when we are alive, since in death we cannot praise our God, for this reason it is important to do it now while we can.
Psalms 6:4. This reading teaches us the importance of asking Jehovah to protect us, since we live in a world of injustice and we suffer the consequences of this world, that is why we ask that Jehovah protect us through his loyal love.
Psalms 6:2. This text teaches us that when we feel bad due to the problems of daily life, we must ask Jehovah for help to help us endure any circumstance, and we can be sure that Jehovah will give us the necessary endurance.
Psalms 5:11. That text makes me see that Jehovah's servants are happy because we serve a wonderful God who cares for us and protects us. That is why we are always happy serving Jehovah in the best way.
Psalms 5:3. This verse shows us that we must pray to Jehovah constantly and tell him all our worries, in this way we can be close to Jehovah and he will give us an outlet for all our concerns.
Psalms 5:7. This text shows us that because of the great love we have for our God Jehovah, we attend meetings as a sign of gratitude for all his love, and when we attend it continually reminds us of what kind of people we should be. These reminders are of utmost importance. That is why we must do everything possible not to miss any Meeting.
Psalms 5:4. We can see that Jehovah hates the arrogant, those who do bad things, so we can fully trust in Jehovah to put an end to evil. His very qualities are a guarantee that he will act against the wicked, for Jehovah is upright and just.
Psalms 5:6. In the text we observe that Jehovah hates liars, that is why when we carry the truth in our hearts, truth comes out of our mouths. We don't tell lies big or small, but we always tell the truth to strangers, co-workers, friends, and loved ones. In this way we please Jehovah.
Psalms 5:6. The psalmist describes the final fate of the wicked, saying, "You will destroy those who speak lies." The lesson we can draw from this verse is the importance of living a righteous and just life. If we wish to avoid the fate of the wicked, we must commit to following the path of righteousness and truth. This involves avoiding lying, violence and deception, and instead practicing honesty, compassion and integrity in our relationships and actions.
Psalms 6:8 . The lesson we can draw from this verse is the importance of trusting in God's protection and intervention in our lives, especially when we face difficulties and afflictions. The psalmist teaches us that we can be sure that God hears our cries and is willing to come to our aid when we cry out to him with sincerity and faith.
Psalms 7:9. The psalmist declares: "You search my bowels and my heart." The lesson we can draw from this verse is the importance of genuine and sincere worship that comes from the heart. And the verse challenges us to examine our own hearts and motivations in our worship and service of God. It reminds us that God sees beyond our external actions and values sincerity and authenticity in our relationship with him.
Psalms 6:7. The lesson we can draw from this verse is the importance of persevering in our faith and our pursuit of God in prayer, even when we face difficulties and afflictions. Despite the psalmist's suffering, he continues to cry out to God and express his trust in him. And we must do the same.
Psalms 6:5. The lesson we can draw from this verse is the importance of taking advantage of the time we have in this life to praise and serve God. The psalmist reminds us that life is temporary and that we must use it wisely while we are alive to honor God and do his will.
Psalms 5:8. The psalmist expresses his desire to be guided by God, saying: "The Lord guide me with your righteousness." The lesson we can learn from this verse is that following Biblical principles and seeking God's direction is not a burden, as many people believe. understand, but a source of joy and security. The psalmist shows an attitude of gratitude and trust and we too should be glad that Jehovah has left his word to guide us and make right decisions.
Psalms 5:4. The lesson we can draw from this verse is the need to conduct honest self-examination and examine our own attitudes and actions. We must identify and discard any behavior or attitude that could distance us from God and hinder our relationship with him. This includes practices such as lying, envy, and greed that are contrary to the values and principles taught in the Bible.
Psalms 5:1. It teaches us the importance of turning to God in prayer and trusting in his goodness and faithfulness, even when we face challenges and tribulations. His example encourages us to seek God in the midst of our struggles and place our trust in him to find comfort, guidance and strength.
Psalm 5:1-3. It teaches us how important it is to express our concerns to Jehovah and wait on him, because God's timing is perfect.
Psalms 5:1-3. In these verses they show that David, despite the difficulties with his enemies, does not act on his own, but waits on Jehovah. This teaches me that regardless of the size or severity of my problem, I must always trust that Jehovah will hear my prayers.
Psalms 5:11. In this verse David declares that all those who take refuge in God will be happy and will shout for joy. This teaches me that Jehovah will protect those who love his name and bless them, so they will always have reasons to be happy.
Psalms 5:1-3. These verses teach me the importance of approaching Jehovah with sincerity and confidence, expressing my concerns and requests with humility and assurance that my prayers will be heard.
Psalms 5:11. It teaches us how important it is to take refuge in Jehovah, in his name, we will be happy, King David went to Goliath in the name of Jehovah, we can imitate him by leaning on Jehovah before facing a giant. For example, economic health problems and any adversity or difficulty that may seem like we do not have the strength to face them.
Psalms 6:1-3. These verses show how David pleads with Jehovah for mercy. This teaches me that I must recognize my need for Jehovah's favor, especially in the midst of affliction.
Psalms 6:4,5. In these verses David cries out to Jehovah to save him because of his loyal love and recognizing that in death one cannot praise God thereby showing him that he desires to continue doing so as long as he lives. This teaches me that I should not fear death, because I firmly believe in the promise of the resurrection, since I should desire to live to praise Jehovah forever.
Psalms 6:3. This verse shows that despite his tribulation and suffering, David continues to seek Jehovah and that his question of how long reflects his longing for an answer and relief. This teaches me that it is not wrong to ask Jehovah these types of questions when we go through difficult circumstances, as long as we do it with the right attitude.
Psalms 6:6,7. In these verses David shows his anguish and sadness, uncovering his suffering and the emotional exhaustion he experiences. This teaches me the importance of opening my heart to Jehovah and telling him the things that worry me or make me suffer, because only he can give me the true comfort I need in my moments of anguish or weakness.
Psalms 7:9. It reminds us that God can observe what is in the deepest part of our being, in the symbolic heart and kidneys. Let us never forget what Jehovah looks at: As David said, he looks at our integrity and judges us based on it.
Psalms 7:4. As human beings we are often complicated, we treat badly those who do us good and we treat well those who are not interested in us. For this reason, it is good to become aware of and value our family and true friends.
Psalms 6:5. Being alive in this system gives us the valuable opportunity to praise Jehovah, it is something that we appreciate and value very much, instead of praising another human being or deity, we have known the true god and we can worship him as he deserves.
Psalms 6:6. King David cried so much that he had soaked his bed with his tears, perhaps we feel identified with his example, perhaps we have gone through situations so painful that we have not been able to sleep. If that happens to us, let's not be one of those who give up, those who throw the towel, Jehovah is with us even if we do not see him, he will support us and lift us up as he did with King David.
Psalms 5:10. This verse warns of the consequences of evil and hypocrisy, indicating that those who act wickedly will face their own ruin due to their actions. From this I learn the importance of being a sincere, kind and obedient person to Jehovah.
Psalms 5:7,8. These verses show David's trust in divine justice, as he asks to be guided by Jehovah and trusts in his protection and direction in the midst of adversity.
Psalms 5:4. This verse highlights that Jehovah is righteous, pure, and rejects evil. This teaches me that righteousness and kindness are essential to having Jehovah's approval.
Psalms 5:3. The psalmist refers to the morning, suggesting that the psalmist seeks God at the beginning of his day. This reminds us of the importance of spending time with Jehovah in our mornings, seeking his guidance and strength as we begin a new day. The psalmist does not hide his concerns from God, rather, he shares them openly. This teaches us to be honest and transparent in our prayers, and reminds us to trust that Jehovah wants us to share our burdens with him.
Psalms 5:5. The footage that no arrogant person can stand in the presence of Jehovah suggests that arrogance has negative consequences. This lesson urges us to reflect on our attitudes and reminds us to be humble with others.
Psalms 5:5. This verse also provides us with valuable lessons about the attitude we should have before Jehovah, the importance of avoiding arrogance and wickedness, and the need to seek humility and justice in our daily lives.
Psalms 5:11. The verse highlights that those who seek refuge in Jehovah experience happiness. This teaches us that trusting in Jehovah and seeking his protection can bring peace and joy to our lives.
Psalms 6:6,7. Although the psalmist is going through difficult times, his prayer implies an implicit trust in Jehovah's understanding and love. We can learn from this experience that this means that we do well to maintain confidence that Jehovah hears our prayers and is able to comfort us in our afflictions.
Psalms 6:6,7. In these verses David describes his exhaustion, tears, constant suffering, his eyes worn out from crying and how instead of shining, he is dulled by sadness because of those who harass him. This teaches me that sometimes we are attacked by the light we radiate. But instead of allowing ourselves to be trapped by sadness, we should let Jehovah take care of our adversities while we remain focused on shining the light of truth.
Psalms 6:8,9. In these verses David asks evildoers to depart, trusting that Jehovah will hear his cries and supplications. This teaches me that I must have faith that Jehovah will accept my prayer when he asks for protection from them harming me.
Psalms 6:7. The psalmist does not hide his feelings before Jehovah. Learning from this passage means understanding that it is okay to honestly express our emotions before Jehovah, whether it is pain, sadness, or despair.
Psalms 6:7. From this verse we can also draw an important lesson, since although the psalmist faces position and sadness, he continues to seek Jehovah. The lesson here is the importance of maintaining our faith and seeking Jehovah, even in the midst of trials, trusting that he can give us comfort.
Psalms 7:9. This verse can also serve as a reminder, as it teaches us to examine our own hearts and emotions. Which invites self-reflection and living in a way that is just and pleasing in the eyes of God.
Psalms 7:6-8. In these verses David cries out to Jehovah to act justly against his enemies, trusting in his righteousness to protect the righteous. From this I learn to trust that Jehovah, in his time and in a perfect manner, will intervene to do justice and defend those who trust in him.
Psalms 7:9-11. These verses are also a reminder that Jehovah is a shield for the upright in heart and a righteous judge who defends the cause of the righteous.
Psalms 7:12-17. These verses describe the image of Jehovah as a Righteous judge who examines hearts and intentions. From this I learn that evil actions will have consequences and that Divine justice will prevail.
Psalms 7:9-11. It teaches me about divine justice and the protection that Jehovah provides to the righteous, since in these verses, he highlights his righteousness in judging the intentions of the human heart and his desire to protect those who are faithful to him.
Psalms 7:3,5. In these verses David raises the request that if he has acted unjustly he be judged and punished for his actions, thus demonstrating a willingness to face the consequences of his actions. From this I learn the importance of integrity and justice and that I must trust Jehovah as a Righteous Judge.
Psalms 7:3,5. From these same verses, we can also learn that Jehovah will intervene to defend us and bring justice to those who do not grieve. But they also urge us to examine our own actions, thereby teaching us the importance of living a life of integrity in the eyes of Jehovah.
Psalms 7:8. We must demonstrate integrity in every aspect of our lives, because Jehovah will judge us individually, so let us demonstrate with our behavior that we respect and value the sovereignty of God. Let us ask Jehovah to examine and define our innermost thoughts and feelings. Let us diligently study the word of God in order to have his truth constantly before our eyes. Let us completely reject bad company. Let us zealously engage in the work of preaching the Kingdom AND making disciples, and never allow the world to endanger our precious relationship with God. If we strive to walk in the path of integrity, we can be assured of Jehovah's favor.
Psalms 7:1,2. These verses show how David seeks refuge in Jehovah, asking to be saved from his persecutors and rescued from possible threats, recognizing that he depends on Divine protection. This teaches me the importance of trusting in Jehovah and seeking his protection when we face persecution or danger, keeping in mind that Jehovah is our refuge and our salvation.
Psalms 7:11. This verse highlights the righteous nature of God as a judge. It teaches that God is Impartial and always makes fair decisions. Which urges us to trust that divine justice will prevail at all times.
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