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Let us examine the scriptures every day 2024
Sunday February 18, 2024
Maintain good judgment in all things (2 Tim. 4:5).
Our loyalty to Jehovah and his organization can be tested when we experience difficult situations. What can help us face them? Maintain good judgment, stay awake and be firm in faith. How do we maintain good judgment? By staying calm, thinking clearly, and striving to see things as Jehovah sees them. If we do, our emotions will not cloud our reason. For example, perhaps we think that a sibling has treated us badly, perhaps someone with responsibilities. It is very likely that this brother did not want to harm us (Rom. 3:23; James 3:2). Still, we were hurt by what he did. And we may even wonder, “If a brother can do something like this, is this God's organization?” That is exactly what Satan wants us to think (2 Cor. 2:11). These types of negative feelings could distance us from Jehovah and his organization. Therefore, we must be careful and not be filled with bitterness. w22.11 20 paras. 1, 3; 21 para. 4.
How did Micah manage to maintain good judgment when he felt he had not been treated well?
Let's look at the example of an elder from South America named Micah.b On one occasion, he felt that some elders had treated him harshly. He remembers: “I have never experienced something so stressful. He was very distressed. He couldn't sleep and cried because he didn't know what to do.” Despite this, Micah maintained good judgment and struggled to control his emotions. He prayed a lot to ask Jehovah for the holy spirit and strength to endure. Furthermore, he looked for information in our publications. What is the lesson? If you think someone in the congregation has treated you badly, stay calm and try to control any negative feelings you have. There may be circumstances that led that person to speak or act that way and that you are not aware of. So tell Jehovah everything and ask him to help you see things as that brother sees them. Doing so can help you give him the benefit of the doubt and overlook his offense (Prov. 19:11). Remember that Jehovah is aware of the situation and will give you strength to endure. (2 Chron. 16:9; Eccl. 5:8)
Why is it important for you to view Jehovah’s discipline as a demonstration of his love? (Hebrews 12:5, 6, 11).
Being disciplined can be very painful. But if we only focus on the pain, we might downplay the importance of discipline and think that it is unfair or too harsh. We may also lose sight of something very important: that discipline is a demonstration of Jehovah’s love. (Read Hebrews 12:5, 6, 11.) If we allow ourselves to be carried away by emotions, we give Satan the opportunity to attack us. He wants us to reject discipline and, even worse, to turn away from Jehovah and the congregation. If you have received discipline, what can help you maintain good judgment?
Jesus rebukes Peter in front of other apostles. Series of images: Responsibilities that were entrusted to Pedro over time.
As shown in the pictures, what jobs did Jehovah give Peter after he accepted the discipline? And what lesson do we learn from Peter's example?
Accept the discipline and make the necessary changes. On more than one occasion, Jesus rebuked Peter in front of the other apostles (Mark 8:33; Luke 22:31-34). What shame Peter must have been through! But he remained loyal to Jesus, accepted the discipline and learned from his mistakes. And as a result, Jehovah rewarded his loyalty and gave him great responsibilities in the congregation.—John 21:15-17; Acts 10:24-33; 1 Pet. 1:1. What is the lesson? That it is worth seeing beyond the shame of receiving discipline, accepting correction and making the necessary changes. If you do this, you will be more useful to Jehovah and his brothers.
How did Bernardo feel at first when he was disciplined, but what helped him correct his thinking?
Let's look at what happened to Bernardo, a brother from Mozambique. He was old, but they discharged him. How did he feel at first? He says: “He was very hurt because I didn't like the discipline I received.” He was worried that the brothers in the congregation would think badly of him. Bernardo acknowledges: “It took me several months to see things from the correct perspective and to trust in Jehovah and his organization again.” What helped him?
Bernardo corrected his way of thinking. He explains: “When he was an elder, he used Hebrews 12:7 to help the brothers see Jehovah’s discipline in a positive light. Then I asked myself: 'Who has to put this verse into practice?' “All of Jehovah’s servants, and that includes me.” Bernardo did something else to reinforce his trust in Jehovah and in his organization. He spent more time reading the Bible and deep meditation. And although he still worried about what the brothers thought of him, he went out to preach with them and participate in their meetings. In time, he became old again. If you have received discipline, like Bernard, try to look beyond the shame of the situation, accept the advice, and make the necessary changes (Prov. 8:33; 22:4).c If you take these steps, you can be sure that Jehovah will reward you for not turning away from him or his organization.
What organizational change might have tested the loyalty of some Israelites?
When there are changes in the organization, our loyalty can be tested. If we are not careful, we could even drift away from Jehovah. Let's think about an organizational change that occurred with the arrival of the Law of Moses and that affected some Israelites. Until that moment, the heads of the family were the priests of their house; They built altars and made sacrifices to Jehovah on behalf of his people (Gen. 8:20, 21; 12:7; 26:25; 35:1, 6, 7; Job 1:5). But, with the arrival of the Law, the heads of families no longer had that honor. Jehovah appointed priests from Aaron's family to offer sacrifices. From then on, if a householder who was not a descendant of Aaron served as a priest, he could be killed (Lev. 17:3-6, 8, 9).d Was this change one of the reasons why Korah , Dathan and Abiram, and 250 leaders of the people rebelled against Moses and Aaron? (Num. 16:1-3). We cannot assure it. Be that as it may, Korah and the men who supported him were disloyal to Jehovah. What can you do if a change in the organization tests your loyalty?
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