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“Be strong […] for I am with you,” declares Jehovah of hosts” (AGEO 2:4).
1, 2. What difficulties similar to those we face did the Jews who returned to Jerusalem face? (See also the box “The Age of Haggai, Zechariah and Ezra”).
To begin with, they left Babylon and went to a place they did not know.
The Jews who returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile faced several difficulties similar to those we face today. For example, economic challenges, because as we see they had to start from scratch and the local economy was in ruins, also political instability, and upon their return they encountered resistance and opposition from the inhabitants of the region and enemy groups.
And as the paragraph mentions, there were so many problems that many forgot the purpose with which they had come, which was the reconstruction of the temple and something similar can happen to us when we have difficulties, we forget about the spiritual.
They were worried when they returned to Jerusalem because of their job of supporting their family, family security, political instability and persecution were things that worried them a lot.
And because of these problems, it was difficult for many to concentrate on the construction they had to do, so Jehovah sent the prophets Haggai and Zechariah to revive enthusiasm and keep them going.
Well, many brothers are left without work, perhaps they wonder how they will get ahead or how they will support their family. We also see that there is a lot of political instability and also in many circumstances, persecution and opposition.
He did not leave the Israelites alone and as he did, he first sent two prophets and Zechariah and then later he also sent Ezra and always strengthened him.
The time of Haggai, Zechariah and Ezra
Timeline of the time of Haggai, Zechariah and Ezra (dates are from before our era). 537: Group of Jews leaving Babylon. 520: The prophets Haggai and Zechariah speaking to the Israelites in Jerusalem. 515: Temple of Jerusalem. 484: Queen Esther approaches the throne of King Ahasuerus. 468: Ezra traveling in a caravan of camels. 455: Walls of Jerusalem.
537: A first group of Jews returns to Jerusalem
520: Haggai and Zechariah prophesy in Jerusalem
515: Reconstruction of the temple is completed
484 : Esther intervenes when Xerxes I (Ahasuerus) orders the extermination of the Jews
468: Ezra and a second group of Jews travel to Jerusalem
455: Reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem is completed
3. What questions will we analyze? (Proverbs 22:19).
The questions we will answer in this article are: How did the difficulties they faced after returning to their land affect the Jews? Why should we put God's will first when we go through difficult times? And what will help us trust Jehovah more no matter what?
Proverbs 22:19. Here when knowledge was being expressed in this proverb it was that Jehovah was answering a prayer to David. At that time David only had eight books in his possession to be able to have that trust and faith in Jehovah, we today have the entire Bible, it never goes out of style. Everything is applicable to our time then as we study because then it is when our knowledge becomes deeper when we go through certain tests it is when we apply that knowledge and in that way it helps us to overcome Jehovah no matter what happens.
4, 5. What are some possible reasons why the Jews lost enthusiasm?
A combination of overwhelming workloads, or external position, economic and political instability, as well as doubts about the timing, may have led to a loss of enthusiasm among the Jews who returned to Jerusalem.
One reason is multiple workloads: After arriving in Jerusalem, the Jews had a significant amount of work to do. In addition to rebuilding the temple, they also had to build their own houses, cultivate the fields, and provide food for their families. The workload was intense, and this may have contributed to burnout and loss of enthusiasm.
Yet another reason may be economic and political instability: Instability in the region, including changes in the Persian government and military campaigns, contributed to economic and political uncertainty. The need to deal with the demands of troops passing through their territory and the instability following the death of King Cyrus during the reign of Darius I, raised additional concerns about how to support families and rebuild under these circumstances.
Yes, it is as Ezra 2:70 says that they had to establish themselves in their cities and of course that is read quickly and they had to build their houses but that is not done in one morning or in a while or in two and then it says that they had to cultivate the fields because of course they had to feed their families, but that required a lot of time.
Another problem was as Ezra 4:1-5 says that when the enemies of Judah and Benjamin found out that they had returned from exile to build the temple, it says that they were continually discouraging and demoralizing them so that they would not continue with the reconstruction, it even says that they hired councilors to derail their plans, so this opposition was undoubtedly another big problem.
6. What other difficulty did the Jews face, and what did Zechariah assure them? (Zechariah 4:6, 7).
The Jews faced persecution from enemies who were against them building the temple, and in 522 BC they were prohibited from working. But Zechariah assured the Jews that Jehovah would use his powerful spirit to remove any obstacles from the way.
And as we have read in Zechariah 4, now Jehovah intervenes, he said that not with military force or power but that it would be with his spirit that they would be able to face that situation and indeed in 520 it happened that King Darius not only He annulled the ban but financially supported the Jews to complete the reconstruction of the temple.
Ezra 6:6-10. Well, the detail that Jehovah, apart from helping them in the sense that he removed the prohibition and made Darius give them financial support to carry out the reconstruction, also supported in an indirect way that they continued to worship Jehovah because verse 9 says that he made everyone On the days without fail the priests were given what they asked for in terms of all the young rams and lambs so that they could continue making sacrifices and continue with this worship without leaving aside all the work they had.
And here we see the hand of Jehovah because he says that Darius, that is, theoretically, it would have been against everything that until that moment the Jews had against all the kings and now they say 61 that Darius gave the order and an investigation was carried out in the archives of Babylon. To say that sometimes the situation with Esther also reminds us that Jehovah at a given moment moves an authority to find something in favor of the people of God.
And furthermore, Darius was not king of the people of God, however he recognized that the house that was going to be built was from God and that in this way, by giving everything they needed to the priests, as has already been mentioned, they could present offerings that would please God. from the heavens so this also served to honor the name of Jehovah because he recognized who the true God was.
7. What blessings did the Jews receive for putting God's will first?
By putting God's will first and dedicating themselves to rebuilding the temple, the Jews experienced help from Jehovah, because they received encouragement, had material and spiritual support through the prophets, and achieved success in rebuilding and experienced joy. in their worship of Jehovah.
Jehovah promised them through Haggai and Zechariah that if they did his will he would bless them, so they began to build the temple and in five years they finished and while they received all the spiritual and physical support from Jehovah and the consequence was that they were able to worship to Jehovah with joy.
In Ezra chapter 6 verses 14 to 16 it tells us the result of the encouragement that derived from the prophecies of the Prophets Haggai and Zechariah, they continued to work and advance in the reconstruction until it was completed and verse 16 says that the Israelites, the priests, the Levites and the rest The people celebrated with joy, the joy returned to them and they were able to inaugurate the house, the temple of God.
8. How does Haggai 2:4 help us put God's will first? (See also note).
Haggai 2:4, helps us trust in the presence of Jehovah. By putting the kingdom first and obeying the command to preach the good news, we can trust that God will be at our side, providing us with the support we need to carry out our ministry. Confidence in Jehovah's promise helps us overcome fear and keep our focus on the things of the Kingdom, even in the midst of difficulties.
Well, now we do not have to build a temple, the mandate that Jehovah has given us today to Jehovah's people is to preach the good news of the kingdom, therefore for our part we need to do what they did back then, which is to put our trust in Jehovah and make it first in our lives.
It is true that at the moment we are living it is very difficult and sometimes it is even difficult for us to focus on what we have to go preach and what we have to say, but what is true is what we are seeing. Jehovah is with us, it is a command that exists. We have to do now more than ever so we must trust in Jehovah and he will give us the strength and he gives it to us.
According to the note, the expression of Jehovah of hosts that appears 14 times in the book of Haggai and how this expression reminded the Jews and also reminds us today that the power of Jehovah has no limits and that he directs enormous armies of angels that help us at all times.
9, 10. How were the words of Matthew 6:33 fulfilled in the case of a marriage?
In the case of Oleg and Irina, a pioneer couple, the words of Matthew 6:33 were fulfilled when, despite losing their job due to the poor economic situation, they decided to focus on preaching and seeking the Kingdom of God. Although they were unemployed for a year, they felt the support of Jehovah and the congregation. Keeping themselves busy in the preaching work, Jehovah unexpectedly provided for them when a good friend traveled 100 miles to bring them two bags of food.
And they also say that one day after returning home from preaching, through a neighbor they learned that a brother had traveled 160 km to bring them two bags of food, so he says that they saw firsthand how Jehovah cares, how the people care. brothers and how he takes care of us and I can really attest that this is happening.
And although it is true that this couple at first felt discouraged by these circumstances, they say that what they did was be very busy preaching, which was really the most important thing, they did not stop looking for work because they also had to do it, but they dedicated themselves fully to preaching and that helped them to become encouraged and strengthened again.
11. What will Jehovah give us if we focus on doing his will?
If we do the will of Jehovah, Jehovah will bless us and in this way we will please him.
Jehovah will give us his blessing if we focus on doing his will, such as the work of making disciples. Just as he encouraged the Jews to resume the work of the temple, God promises us his blessing if we give priority to the work he has entrusted to us.
Yes, it is interesting, the paragraph begins by saying that Jehovah wants us to focus on making disciples, a work that saves lives, it is like a lifeguard when he saves someone who is about to drown, how happy he feels, so we do put ourselves in Jehovah in First of all we really feel happy.
And that also helps us to be sure that Jehovah will bless us if we give priority to the work he has given us.
Yes, when we have seen in Haggai 2:4 in previous paragraphs, Jehovah tells the Israelites that they had to be strong because he recognized that the work he was entrusting them with was difficult, but we see that when they had already laid the foundations of the temple, Jehovah tells them they still have some left. seeds and at the same time he is telling them not to worry, the vine, the fig tree, the cattle, the olive tree have yet to sprout, I am going to bless them and they will have everything, so that is what Jehovah tells us that if we give priority to their interests, we will not what is necessary will be missing.
It seems that this discouragement that they had had, they became discouraged and stopped building, but what did Jehovah do? Here he was saying, please think carefully about this from today onwards, and in the end he says, from today onwards I will bless you, that is, if you take up again if you strive to fulfill what you They have to do because I am going to give them everything else, so it is as if Jehovah made a clean slate.
12. Why did Ezra and those who traveled with him need great faith?
Ezra and those who traveled with him needed great faith due to several challenges. Since the trip involved traveling on dangerous roads, they carried a large donation of gold and silver destined for the temple, which made them potential targets for thieves and the city did not. was safe, this unsafe environment required a firm faith to trust in Divine protection.
Yes, it was a long trip of more than around 800 km, those who traveled were also elderly people and many sick people and then the thing was not there, it was also added that when they arrived in Jerusalem the walls were destroyed and the doors were in poor condition and on top of that there were Few people there, I mean they were very unprotected.
13. What helped Ezra trust in Jehovah more? (See also note).
For Ezra had seen how Jehovah supported his people in difficult times.
Ezra strengthened his trust in Jehovah by presenting the Divine rescue during the time when King Ahasuerus ordered the extermination of the Jews in the Persian Empire. At that time, Ezra and the Jews were in danger of being eliminated, and Jehovah's response was favorable. Jehovah intervened in a surprising way, changing the situation so that those who planned to destroy the Jews were executed instead.
Ezra’s experience in difficult times may have helped to strengthen his trust in Jehovah. Seeing how God protected his people and reversed adverse situations, Islas developed greater confidence in Jehovah's ability to intervene and save those who trusted him.
And specifically he comments on the paragraph that it is likely that Ezra lived in Babylon because when King Ahasuerus ordered the extermination of the Jews and seeing how Jehovah handled the situation so that they turned against those who wanted to exterminate them, it surely greatly increased his confidence in Jehovah.
And according to the note it indicates that Ezra was a skilled copyist, so he had copied from many stories many prophecies that he had seen fulfilled such as the one that they would return after years of being captive in Babylon, thus this and many other prophecies gave him confidence that Jehovah was not going to abandon them as a people.
14. What did a sister learn when she lost her job?
Well, she learned to trust Jehovah more because in her case it is not just that she will be left without a job, it is that she left it herself to maintain her neutrality and she herself says that she spoke about the matter with Jehovah and he took care of her with tenderness, so we learn what She said that if our heavenly father takes care of us today, he will also take care of us tomorrow.
In the paragraph we can see an experience of a sister named Anastasia who lives in Eastern Europe. In her case, her co-workers tried to force her to take sides in a political issue, and as a result, Anastasia chose to leave her job to maintain her neutrality. This decision led her to face a challenging financial situation, as she had never before found herself without income. Anastasia chose to talk about the issue with Jehovah. She experienced how Jehovah cared for her with tenderness and provision during that difficult period. This episode taught her to trust that, even in times of uncertainty, lack and resources, her heavenly father would be by her side.
The lesson Anastasia took from this experience was that by trusting in Jehovah and maintaining her neutrality, she was able to experience Divine care in a tangible way. This strengthened her confidence that, if she ever faces job loss or other difficulties again, she can trust that Jehovah will continue to care for her with love and Providence.
15. What made Ezra continue to trust in Jehovah? (Ezra 7:27, 28).
Ezra maintained his trust in Jehovah by meditating and reflecting on the numerous occasions in which he experienced Divine help in his life. And as he mentions in the book, Jehovah's help was on many occasions.
Yes, as mentioned in the paragraph, meditating on all the times in which Jehovah had helped him and his people strengthened him and it did not matter what happened, he would have that confidence to face it in the same way as in the past.
This is very encouraging because we are talking about Ezra but Ezra trusted in Jehovah because he meditated on what Jehovah had done to him and on the occasions in which he has seen his hand, let's pass it on to us. We have to meditate on the times that Jehovah It has helped us in our spiritual and physical lives as well and that will make us have confidence in Jehovah like never before.
And we know that this is so because of what he says at the end of the paragraph that he used similar expressions five times similar to this Jehovah my God is with me, so you can see how he meditated on everything that Jehovah had helped him is a great lesson for us and it is also to be grateful to never forget how Jehovah has been with us in difficult times.
And as Ezra shows, for example, when he says that he thanked Jehovah for having put in the King's heart the desire to beautify Jehovah's house, for example, instead of giving praise to the king, he saw Jehovah's hand behind him. of this situation and all the others that he mentions in his book, then this teaches us that in our personal experiences we also see the hand of Jehovah, we do not think what a coincidence, how good this has turned out for us, but rather we see that Jehovah is capable of moving whatever it takes to take care of ourselves.
16. In what situations can we see Jehovah's hand more clearly? (See also photos).
We can see Jehovah's hand more clearly in situations that test us, especially in those in which we seek to obey his commandments and prioritize our beliefs. An example mentioned is when we must ask for special permissions at work, such as time off to attend assemblies or make changes to our work schedule so as not to miss meetings.
Well, there are situations that are sometimes complicated, for example, the brothers who are working have to ask for one day for the assembly, because they have to have courage because perhaps their family depends on that work, but if they trust in Jehovah, everyone will surely find it. It will come out well.
And another lesson is that we do not have to give up because the brother could have thought well, I have already asked him for the day off, he has not given it to me because I cannot do more, it is not in my power but he does not give up, he gives him the Jehovah had the opportunity to see his hand, so the final result is not only that he manages to go to the assembly but that he has had the opportunity to see Jehovah's hand in his life and this strengthens his faith and brings him closer to Jehovah.
Yes, in the image we see one of these situations in which trust in Jehovah is required, we see that the brother is faced with a wall that at first glance may seem insurmountable. The boss tells him no, but now what does he do? He trusts in Jehovah and makes him a prayer. He talks to him and now he goes back to talk to the boss and that's when he sees the hand of Jehovah. This teaches us that in the same way, sometimes as imperfect people we could see those walls put in front of us but that's when we really have to trust in Jehovah and see how it helps us.
A brother asks his boss to give him time off to go to an assembly, but his boss says no. The brother prays to Jehovah and asks him to help him talk to his boss again. He shows his boss the invitation to the assembly and explains that the Bible helps us be better people. The boss is impressed and gives him permission to go to the assembly. In what situations can we see Jehovah's hand more clearly? (See paragraph 16).
17. How do we know that Ezra was humble in difficult times? (See cover drawing).
Well, for example, with the stories that are needed here we see how it was like that. In the story from 8:21 to 23, we are shown that God was going to make the trip to Jerusalem and knew that there were many dangers and would have asked the king for protection, but he says We have been able to provide protection many times and now the story says that he began to fast and ask his God for help so that He would listen to his prayers. He showed humility because he knew that there were things that he could not cover and in this case he asked God for help. Jehovah.
We know that he is after humble fire in difficult times because of his attitude of dependence and willingness to ask Jehovah for help. In situations where he felt his responsibilities were overwhelming, Ezra did not rely solely on his own abilities or resources, but demonstrated humility by turning to Jehovah in prayer.
In Ezra 8:21-23, we see how Ezra, faced with a daunting task, called for a period of fasting and prayer, recognizing his need for Divine help. Likewise, In Ezra 9:3-5, in the face of difficulties and problems, he humbly prostrated himself before Jehovah, expressing his dependence on God and seeking guidance and mercy from him.
Ezra who is demonstrating his humility before Jehovah by asking him for help and recognizing the mistakes of the people and now others, seeing him, are infected with his same attitude and they also begin to cry, recognizing their mistakes, Shecanias approaches Ezra and tells him I know that we have acted wrong, no. Don't worry, we're going to do things right from now on, be strong, get up, act, and he, for sure, also accepted the help of Secanias.
It required a lot of humility and a lot of modesty. If we look behind us there is a young man who is pointing his finger at him and now we can think about each of us years of serving Jehovah and we would be ashamed if a brother saw us in a moment because we don't know how to control the situation. and we turn to Jehovah, we see that there was a man behind who was very clear that only Jehovah could help him.
Ezra crying in the temple with other Israelites. Shecaniah helps him up. Ezra is in the temple. There he prays to Jehovah and cries for the sins of the people. The people who are also in the temple cry. Then Shecaniah consoles him, saying: “There is still hope for Israel. […] We are with you” (Ezra 10:2, 4). (See paragraph 17).
18. What will help us trust Jehovah more?
What will help us is to be humble and maintain a close relationship with Jehovah through prayer. In addition, accepting the support of our brothers during trials are key elements that will help us strengthen our trust in Jehovah.
If we are humble, then we will always know that we depend on Jehovah that we absolutely all need his help and we will ask for it and also let our brothers give us a hand in situations.
Well, she is a sister who has three children but well, in a short time she lost her little daughter and also her husband, so since she went through hard blows, instead of trusting in herself, she trusted in Jehovah and well, as she says, she mentions that she did not know how Jehovah was going to help her but how she trusted him because she saw his help and also that of her brothers.
19, 20. What do we learn from the Jews who were unable to return to Jerusalem?
Jews who could not return due to different circumstances showed their support in a practical way, providing material donations. And what we learned is that we may not have the favorable circumstances to make changes, however we can support with our material donations, in this way we indirectly support the activities of the congregation.
Well, I see myself reflected in this paragraph because I have my limitations but I am happy to know that I can still do something, perhaps I can financially and pray to Jehovah for those who work, those who can do things at this moment because they are younger or their circumstances allow it. allow.
The words Hebrews chapter 6 and verse 10, a text that is mentioned because despite the difficulties, it is said there that Jehovah God is not unjust and neither does he forget your works nor the love that you showed for his name by having served the saints, that is, whatever the difficulty that any of us or any of our brothers is going through, Jehovah values the condition of the heart values a willing heart and the love that we show for his name when it comes to serving him in whatever way. of our sacred services that we provide.
It says that they made a crown in remembrance of the generosity of these brothers and what it says here in Zechariah 6:14 says that the crown was in the temple of the Lord in memory of these brothers who contributed since they could not physically do everything they could.
21. What will help us look to the future without fear?
What will help us is to remember Jehovah's words to his servants in the days of Haggai: "I am with you, do not be afraid." Furthermore, we must be convinced that if we do our best to do Jehovah's will, he will be with us.
Well, we have to remember that Jehovah has taken care to tell us what the future will be like, we are not in ignorance and he has also taken care to tell us in Haggai 2 that he is with us that we should not be afraid, so remembering this can give us strength to not have anxiety.
And once again we see the word fear reflected in the text of the year in many texts because obviously we are going to need it, we have to trust in Jehovah and as the paragraph concludes it says no matter what happens, that is the objective.
And Jehovah told the Israelites through Haggai to be strong and work, that is, for Jehovah to be with us and strengthen us, we have to put the kingdom first and then we can be very calm.
How might difficulties affect our service to Jehovah?
Difficulties can cause discouragement and emotional exhaustion, which can lead to a decrease in our enthusiasm and dedication to Divine service. Emotional exhaustion can cause us to feel overwhelmed and unmotivated to continue our service.
External difficulties can divert our attention from the original purpose of our service to Jehovah. When faced with challenges and problems, we may focus more on resolving those difficulties than on our relationship with God and the work we do in His service.
Why should we put God's will first despite problems?
Jehovah will give us his blessing if we focus on doing his will, such as the work of making disciples. Just as he encouraged the Jews to resume the work of the temple, God promises us his blessing if we give priority to the work he has entrusted to us.
Well, we saw that political economic instability or that the authorities oppose preaching could unbalance us in a spiritual sense, so for this not to happen we need to have a strong faith, fully trust in Jehovah and if we rely on him, the difficulties will surely be greater. light and we will be able to face them successfully.
Well, because by doing so, Jehovah will be on our side and will bless any effort we make in his service.
What will help us trust Jehovah more no matter what?
What helps us is to be humble and maintain a close relationship with Jehovah through prayer. In addition, accepting the support of our brothers during trials are key elements that will help us strengthen our trust in Jehovah.
If we put into practice what we have learned about the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, we will trust Jehovah much more no matter what happens.
One of them is to think about how Jehovah has always supported his people in difficult times.
Remind us that how we have seen the hand of Jehovah in our lives just as Ezra did.
Be humble and sincere at heart, ask Jehovah for help and accept it.
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