Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Study of the Congregation Book, Week of January 15 to 21, 2024, Chapter 4, paragraphs 9 to 12 and box on page 34. “We cannot stop talking”, Responses.

Study of the Congregation Book, January 15-21, 2024, Chapter 4, paragraphs 9 to 12 and box on page 34. “We cannot stop talking”, Responses.

Congregation Bible study (30 mins.) bt chap. 4 paras. 9-12 and box on p. 3. 4. 

“We cannot stop talking” (Acts 4:1-22)

9-11. a) How did the Jewish authorities react when they found out what Peter and John were preaching?

The Jewish authorities reacted with annoyance when they learned that Peter and John were openly preaching about the resurrection of Jesus. Filled with hatred, the Sadducees, who had a lot of political power and supported Rome, put Peter and John in prison and brought them before the judges of the Jewish supreme court.

To these arrogant leaders, the apostles were considered simply “ordinary and poorly educated men” because they had not studied in any recognized religious school, so they had no right to teach in the temple. However, the judges were amazed at the frankness and confidence with which they spoke, since they had been with Jesus, who had taught them with true authority.

And in Matthew 7:28-29, it is highlighted that the people were amazed by the teaching of Jesus, since He taught with authority, unlike the scribes. This reference teaches us the importance of teaching with conviction and authority, based on the truth of the Scriptures and a deep knowledge of the teachings of Jesus, so this example encourages us to follow Jesus' teaching model when communicating our beliefs with firmness and clarity.

b) What were the apostles determined to do?

The apostles Peter and John were determined not to stop talking about the things they had seen and heard, despite orders from the Jewish supreme court to stop preaching.

And something interesting is that in that society, the orders of the Jewish supreme court had a lot of weight. In fact, this same court handed down the death sentence against Jesus. Even so, Peter and John were not intimidated and were determined to continue preaching.


What role did the high priest have: The high priest was the main representative of the people before God and also played the role of president of the Sanhedrin, which was the Jewish supreme and legislative court. This religious leader had a position of great importance in Jewish society at the time.

What we learn: The deviation from the original purpose is evident as we observe how the office of high priest, which originally had the responsibility of representing the people before God and fulfilling sacred functions, became a position of prominence and power. Instead of focusing on service to God and community, some religious leaders seemed more interested in social distinction and political power.

Composition of the Chief Priests: The chief priests were key figures alongside the high priest. These included former high priests like Annas and other members of the few privileged families from which high priests were chosen. Belonging to these families conferred distinction and social position.

What we learn: The lesson highlights the tendency to use religious position to judge the less privileged rather than serve them. They created an upper class that they used to oppress others and exploit those who are in more vulnerable positions.

Selection of the High Priest: Although the office of high priest was originally for life according to the Scriptures and was chosen by Jehovah as was the case with Aron, during the period covered by the book of Acts, the selection and removal of the high priest was influenced by Roman governors and kings appointed by Rome.

What we learn: The election of the high priest ceased to be a process based on divine will and became a political matter, controlled by Roman governors and kings appointed by Rome. This fusion of the sacred and the political ended spiritual purity and diverted their loyalty from being to God to the powerful men of their time.

12. What will help you speak with more conviction and courage?

To speak with more conviction and courage, we can follow the example of the apostles and defend our beliefs with confidence and respect. Additionally, we can take advantage of the resources provided by “the faithful and wise slave,” such as the Christian Life and Ministry meeting and the Bible information available at jw.org. If we make use of these resources, we will be able to speak with more conviction and courage, and we will not let anything or anyone stop us from speaking about the wonderful spiritual truths we have learned.

Furthermore, from the example of Peter and John we learn the importance of not stopping talking about the things we have seen and heard, despite the opposition or intimidation we may face. We also learn to defend our beliefs with confidence and respect, following the example of the apostles in facing the Jewish authorities with courage and conviction.

In addition to courage and conviction when defending beliefs, the example of Peter and John teaches us the importance of maintaining an attitude of respect towards authorities, despite disagreeing with them.

His example also shows us the importance of being prepared through the study and teaching of the scriptures, which allows us to speak with conviction and authority. Finally, his example encourages us to not let anything or anyone stop us from sharing the wonderful spiritual truths we have learned.

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