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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Job 38:8-10: What do these verses teach us about Jehovah's role as Lawgiver? (it-2 199).
They teach me that Jehovah is the origin of all the laws that govern the universe, both physical, natural and moral. And that he is the only one who has the authority to establish and apply laws, both to humans and angels.
It also teaches me that Jehovah is fair and loving when giving his laws, since he seeks the well-being and prosperity of his creatures. Furthermore, Jehovah is faithful and constant in his laws, since they do not change or contradict each other. On the other hand, Jehovah is powerful and sovereign in his laws, for no one can mock him or escape the consequences of him.
These verses teach us that the universe is governed by physical laws, scientists know some of them, such as gravity, and they are unbreakable laws that maintain everything in perfect harmony. In the same way, Jehovah also established Moral laws to maintain perfection in humanity and they are also unbreakable, although sometimes we cross those lines due to imperfection. He expects us to repent so that we can enjoy the sacrifice he made for us, since that his promise is like a law that also has us for the future.
Yes, these laws are so perfect that even scientists use them to calculate everything and make creations.
These verses teach us that Jehovah is the supreme lawgiver, since he is the creator of all things and thanks to his laws everything goes well and there is a majestic order. Furthermore, we are grateful that all things are governed by Jehovah's laws. Thus, scientists, using the laws they know, can calculate the movements of the moon, the planets and other celestial bodies, with a precision of fractions of a second.
And knowing that all creation is governed by Jehovah's laws teaches us that humans must also obey Jehovah's laws, both physical and moral, since these laws are not irrevocable and cannot be evaded or violated without suffering. the consequences.
These texts highlight Jehovah's role as legislator, revealing his control over the physical laws that govern material creation. In these verses, Jehovah asks Job if he has ever ordered or limited the waters of the sea, establishing its limits and stopping its advance. This highlights Jehovah's authority over natural laws, showing that he is the supreme lawgiver who has established and controls the physical laws that govern creation.
There have been countless men who have served in a legislative capacity, establishing laws for nations and communities. However, the Bible focuses attention on Jehovah as the fundamental legislator of the universe; the physical laws that govern material creation, inanimate things, are attributed to him, as shown in Job 38:4-38.
Man, as a creation of Jehovah, is also subject to his physical laws because he is a rational creature, with moral and spiritual capacity. He is also subject to his moral laws; God's physical laws are unbreakable. All this causes us admiration and deep respect for the creator and legislator Jehovah God.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Job 38:1-3. Here we learn that Jehovah owes no explanation to anyone, not even Job, who was a righteous man. Jehovah asks Job who he is to question his purpose and speak without knowledge. This teaches me that we must respect God's sovereignty and trust that he knows what he is doing, even if we don't understand it.
Job 38:33. This text highlights the humility and limitation of us humans compared to the majesty of creation. God is reminding Job that he was not present at the creation of the world. Reflecting on these questions emphasizes the need to be humble and attribute the merit of wisdom only to our creator Jehovah.
Job 39:10,11. These verses illustrate the impossibility of subjecting creatures like the Buffalo or the wild bull to the will of man. The strength and indomitable nature of animals is emphasized, raising questions about humans' ability to control or depend on them in agricultural or laborious tasks. The intention is to highlight the greatness of divine creation and human limitation in the face of certain aspects of nature.
Job 39:19. This verse can teach us humility by reminding us that the strength and majesty of a horse are not human attributes, but rather gifts bestowed by Jehovah. He invites us to recognize the greatness of divine work in nature and adopt a humble attitude before the magnificence of our heavenly father.
Job 39:14. The image of a bird laying its eggs on the ground and keeping them warm in the dust can be seen as a representation of wisdom and divine design in creation. Nature follows an order established by Jehovah, and each creature has specific instincts and behaviors that contribute to the preservation of life. This proves that each animal species has been designed in detail.
Job 39:13. These verses continue God's description of various creatures to illustrate his creative power and the diversity in creation. The mention of the ostrich and the stork is used to highlight the differences between these birds. The emphasis could be on the way each species has unique characteristics, and the comparison could be intended to highlight the uniqueness and diversity of God's creation.
Job 38:26-27. These verses underscore Jehovah's sovereignty over nature and God's ability to provide life and fertility even in seemingly barren places. The main lesson is to remember the greatness of Jehovah and trust in his power and wisdom, even in the midst of difficult situations.
Job 38:5-6. From these verses we can learn about Jehovah's authority over creation. The questions about the foundation and cornerstone highlight Jehovah's authority over creation. Which teaches us that Jehovah not only created the world, but that he also has control and authority over every detail, from dimensions to foundations. This motivates us to recognize the greatness and magnificence of God as the creator and sustainer of all creation.
Job 38:4. The verse highlights Jehovah's omnipotence as the creator and sustainer of the Earth. The rhetorical question "Where were you?" It highlights the difference between our limited human understanding and divine wisdom. This passage emphasizes the importance of showing respect and reverence toward Jehovah. Job is being reminded that, although he may have questions and sufferings, he must recognize God's Supreme position and His infinite wisdom, and so do we.
Job 38:11. This text teaches us that Jehovah controls all the seas, rivers and sources of water, thus demonstrating his power, which reinforces our confidence in him as our great God.
Job 39:21-25. It describes the strength and courage that the horse has in difficult situations, this is a reminder of God's ability to help us in situations that seem insurmountable and fills us with confidence to pray to him, asking for his help when we feel discouraged.
Job 39:5. God, as creator, has a purpose and design for every creature, even the wild donkey. By freeing the donkey, it highlights how God has ordered nature and given creatures the ability to live according to their specific instincts and functions. This teaches us that the freedom and autonomy of all creation is under Divine direction.
Job 39:1-3. This same text highlights the idea that each animal has specific characteristics that allow it to follow a certain pattern according to its species. This observation leads me to reflect on the uniqueness of the human being, who, unlike animals, has the ability to think and make decisions. With this we see Jehovah's love for humans and it motivates us to use that thinking capacity to do Jehovah's will.
Job 39:1-3. He highlights divine wisdom in creation, including in the way animals have been designed with instinctive knowledge to survive and follow patterns established by God. Seeing this shows us that Jehovah is infinitely wise and motivates us to obey God in everything.
Job 38:41. He highlights the idea that Jehovah is attentive to the animals' food and provides them with what they need. From this, the lesson we draw is that if we put the Kingdom first, he can also meet the needs of his servants.
Job 38:8. He highlights the observation of the power of the seas and today we know that, when they leave their channel or are agitated, they can cause destruction. From this the lesson is drawn that God, who created the seas, must possess infinite power. Which highlights God's greatness and control over creation, specifically over the seas, and motivates us to worship and praise Jehovah for his power.
Job 38:4. He highlights the idea that Jehovah has a Higher understanding of human beings, since he has always existed. This leads us to the conclusion that, although some biblical commandments may seem outdated, in our times they must be obeyed because Jehovah, having a higher understanding, knows what is best for us and wants to free us from suffering the consequences of a poorly made decision.
Job 38:3. It is interesting that in the verse Jehovah is presented asking Job questions to make him reflect and reason. This strategy can be considered an effective method to guide thinking and reach people's hearts, thus we copy the example of the great instructor Jehovah God when preaching.
Job 38:1,3. It teaches us that Jehovah does not owe explanations to anything or anyone, not even Job who was a righteous man. In verse 2 we see how Jehovah asks Job Who he is to question his purposes and speak without knowledge, and this is what What he teaches us is that we must respect his sovereignty and trust that he knows what he is doing, even if sometimes it is difficult for us to understand it.
Job 39:29. It is said about the eagle, that far into the distance its eyes continue looking to look for food, because just as the eagle is able to see far into the distance, Jehovah can see the distant future, it is as he says about him in Isaiah 46:10 , that declares the end from the beginning. This teaches us that if we follow his guidance and trust in him we will benefit from his great wisdom and his ability to see the future.
Job 39:17-18. There it talks about the ostrich and in 17 it is said that it has been denied wisdom and has not been given its share of intelligence. Referring to Jehovah about this animal and the insightful work, it is said that modern researchers agree with this fact since it is evident that this animal is not very intelligent. He even quotes an Arab saying that says it is dumber than an ostrich, and of course it is said. This is because they tend to run in circles, of course by running in these circles their predators can now easily surround them if there are many of them and kill them, although it is also interesting that in 18 it is said that if they manage to run in a straight line, they will even run in a straight line. laugh at the horse and the rider for the speed they reach, of course this could make us think about the way in which we are running, we tend to turn around in circles and go towards Satan's system, if we were doing it, Satan could trap us. However, if we follow Jehovah's advice it would be as if we ran in a straight line, Satan and his world would not catch us. And that way we could laugh at them and not be considered stupider than an ostrich.
Job 38:1. We see that when we reflect on the wonderful works of Jehovah we manifest his power and wisdom, it gives us a lesson in humility and helps us recognize that the vindication of his sovereignty is much more important than any personal matter and we have the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew 6:1,10.
In chapter 38. We can learn from Jehovah, since the Bible calls him the magnificent instructor, the question is how, starting from the fact that he did not have things clear, he did not have a correct understanding, he arrived at the end of his book to really understand things. and really know Jehovah, since we have a key in chapter 38, was the use of questions, Jehovah asked him many questions that helped him reason, questions such as where are you, were you the one who did this, etc. So that teaches us that a good method that we should also use when we give Bible courses or when we give speeches is the use of questions, especially the use of questions that help those who listen to us reason and reach logical conclusions.
Job 38:41. Jehovah mentions who gives food to the body when his chicks cry out to God for help. It is interesting to note that according to the Mosaic law, the raven is an unclean animal that usually roams around looking for food and this reminds me of the words from Luke 12:24, where it says that the ravens neither sow seeds nor harvest and yet God feeds them. So this teaches me or even gives me peace of mind to trust 100% in Jehovah, since if God provides for the body that is an unclean animal will most certainly do it for us.
Job 38:12-15. We learn that Jehovah is the one who adorns the morning and the dawn and that he causes light and darkness to alternate. And this teaches us that we must thank God for the gift of life and time.
Job 38:4-7. We see how Jehovah is the creator of everything that exists, that is why the stars and the Angels celebrated his work when he laid the foundations of the entire Earth, and what it teaches us is that Jehovah is great and is the only one who we can worship and praise.
Job 39:19. It speaks of the power of the horse, in ancient times the horse was used as something military for war, the armies. The more horses with chariots they had, the armies were more powerful, since horses were the main weapon of an army. However, Jehovah told Israel that he should not have horses, that they did not need them for war and he always won their battles, although later in Kings 22 4, they lacked them and these armies of Israel had horses. This teaches us that in the day of the great tribulation, although in this world the armies have advanced weapons, we should not worry, since Jehovah will be in favor of his people and will attack these people, Jehovah will act for us as he did with Israel. .
Job 38:6. We see that Jehovah asked 3000 years ago where his foundations were fitted, with this question he is asking us, on the subject of gravity and what we learn, we learn that this has been studied by scientists and they cannot fully explain how this happens, and What we learn, we must feel this awe for him because he has so much wisdom and knowledge, and we understand at the same time that we have to continue learning from him and his word through the study of the Bible and by going deeper and deeper into this study that we have. .
Job 39:26. It says that birds migrate for hundreds and thousands of miles without a map or compass, without ever having made that trip before and we know that it is in Jehovah's hands to guide them. This teaches us that we too must be guided by it by studying the Bible, meditating on it, and going to assemblies and meetings.
Job 3919. This text shows the question that Jehovah asked Job. It is you who gives the horse its strength. This makes me reflect that skills and strength are not human achievements, but rather are gifts from Jehovah God and is a reminder to have a humble attitude and be grateful that we may have certain abilities or talents that this is under the control of Jehovah.
Job 39:29. shows that just as the eagle is able to see far into the distance, Jehovah can also see the distant future, which is why he says that he is the one who declares from the beginning the end and from a long time ago the things that have not been done How to do it shows Isaiah. So if we follow Jehovah's guidance we will benefit from his incomparable wisdom and also from his formidable ability to see the future.
Job 38:7. In the text we observe how the creation and the angelic children of God gave praise to Jehovah for what he created. This teaches us that we can also unite our voices through song, which is why it is important to give it due respect and arrive early to the meetings. , that way we can give Praise to our creator.
Job 38:15. This verse shows us that soon evil people will be erased and only those of us who do the will of God will be there.
Job 38:36. This verse shows us that only Jehovah has the power to control all natural elements, such is his immense power, that is why he is worthy of our honor and praise.
Job 39:20. This verse teaches us that Jehovah's people are compared to locusts, because of the message that we have carried throughout the planet, a unique message that comes from our God.
Job 39:24. This text makes us think about the people of God, who are unstoppable. And that is why we notice that the good news is being proclaimed throughout the earth, thus demonstrating that we are galloping without stopping.
Job 38:4-7. Here we learn that Jehovah is the creator of everything that exists, and that he was before anything. Hence, the stars and angels celebrated his work when he laid the foundations of the Earth. This teaches me that we should admire the greatness of Jehovah and his work, and recognize that he is the only one worthy of praise.
Job 38:8-11. Here we learn that Jehovah is the one who controls evil and limits it, and that he put gates and bars so that it would not overflow, imposing a limit on the proud waves. This teaches me that we should fear Jehovah and his power, and that he is in absolute control of nature.
Job 38:12-15. And here we learned that Jehovah is the one who gives commands to the morning and the dawn, and that he causes light and darkness to alter. This teaches me that we should thank God for the gift of life and time.
Job 38:16-18. Here we learn that Jehovah is the one who knows the depths of the sea and death, and that he has seen what man cannot see. This teaches me that we must humble ourselves before Jehovah and the knowledge of him, and that he is the one who has dominion over life and death.
Job 38:19-21. Here we learn that Jehovah is the one who knows where the house of light and darkness is, and that he knows the paths that lead to them. This teaches me that we must seek God and his light, and that he is the king of eternity.
Job 38:22-24. Here we learn that Jehovah is the one who has reserved the stores of snow and hail, and that he will use them for the time of trouble and war. This teaches me that we must trust in God and his provision and that he is the one who has control over the weather and nature.
Job 38:25-27. Here we learn that Jehovah is the one who has made a channel for the downpour and a path for the thunder, and that he makes it rain where no one lives, to satisfy the desolate Earth. This teaches me that we should praise Jehovah and his goodness as he cares for his creation and makes it fruitful.
Job 38:28-30. Here we learn that Jehovah is the one who begets rain, dew, ice, and frost. Since he causes the waters to be covered as with stone. This teaches me that we should marvel at Jehovah's creativity, as he works wonders with water.
Job 38:31-33. Here we learn that Jehovah is the one who binds and looses the constellations, and that he causes them to come out in his Season. This teaches me that we should glorify Jehovah and his Majesty, since he is the ruler of heaven and earth.
Job 39:1-4. Here I learn that Jehovah knows and cares for wild animals, even during important moments in their lives, such as childbirth. This teaches me that I must recognize that Jehovah is aware of all his creatures, including animals.
Job 39:5-8. Here I learn that Jehovah gave him wings, freedom and independence so that he does not need man to live. This teaches me that I must respect God's will and creation, and that he is the one who gives each being its nature and its place.
Job 39:9-12. Here I learn that Jehovah gave the Wild Bull the strength and rebellion so that it would not submit to man nor serve him. This teaches me that I should fear God and his power, since it is he who gives each being its character and determines its function.
Job 39:13-18. Here I learn that Jehovah gave the ostrich speed and joy, but also foolishness and lack of intelligence. Here Jehovah asks Job if he was the one who gave the ostrich its wings and its plumage, and if he knows how he treats his eggs and his children. This teaches me that it is Jehovah who gives each being his qualities.
Job 39:19-25. Here I learn that Jehovah gave the horse bravery and majesty. Also his strength and the beauty of him. This teaches me that I should praise Jehovah and give him honor and glory for how wonderful his creation is.
Job 39:26-30. Here I learn that God gave the Falcon and the Eagle the ability and sight to fly and hunt. As well as his intelligence and his instinct. This teaches me that it is Jehovah who grants wisdom and food to his creation.
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