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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Job 42:7. Who were Job's three so-called friends really talking about, and how does knowing this help us endure the ridicule? (it-1 377 para. 5).
Job's three so-called friends were speaking falsehoods against Jehovah. Although Job maintained his integrity despite his mockery, he made a mistake by magnifying his own justification instead of Jehovah's. God later explained to Job that his three friends were speaking falsehoods against him. Knowing this helps us understand that criticism and ridicule can be directed not only at us, but also at Jehovah.
According to Job 42:7, God explained to Job that the three friends were actually speaking falsehood against him, not against Job. This means that the ridicule and accusations Job received were not really about him, but were a way of attacking God. Knowing this can help us endure ridicule and adversity more effectively, as it allows us to see that it is not about us personally, but about a larger spiritual struggle. Furthermore, it reminds us that God is always present and that he is the one who will ultimately judge truth and justice.
Although Job was the object of ridicule and ridicule, in reality, these actions were directed towards God. Having this perspective clear will help us endure the ridicule, keeping in mind that it is not a personal attack, but rather a test of faith and loyalty to Jehovah. For this reason, by having this approach we will be able to endure ridicule with the appropriate attitude and receive a reward for our perseverance.
If we are clear that these so-called friends of Job were actually speaking against God, and not against Job, it helps us not to take personally the offenses of those who criticize us or mock our faith, but to trust that Jehovah will judge them. with righteousness. It also helps us wait patiently for the reward that Jehovah promises if we are faithful to the end.
In our case, when people make fun of us, they laugh at what we do, we must keep in mind one thing: they are making fun of Jehovah, not us, so we do not let the mockery affect us and remember that our good attitude will bring the blessing.
The information gave two examples, one of them is when Israel asked for a king, Jehovah told the prophet Samuel that it was not he who they had rejected, but it was Jehovah himself, him, Jehovah, of that king or when Jesus told his disciples who would be objects of hatred on the part of the nations because of my name, here again it shows that this feeling is against Jehovah.
Jehovah said to Eliphaz, I am furious with you and your two friends because they told lies about me, they did not tell the truth like Job, that shows that it was directed at Jehovah, or what they were doing was supposedly against Job, but Jehovah saw it against him. , and Job, just as he saw himself in treasures, had a very limited vision, in our case it can also happen, if we do not meditate deeply or more thoroughly when we are experiencing pressure or ridicule, we can also feel that everything is for us. So that will help us better to think that Jehovah is against him, because the fact that we are servants of Jehovah happens to us, so it is against him, and that will motivate us to be faithful.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Job 40:1,2. These verses teach me that it is neither appropriate nor wise for human beings to question or argue with Jehovah. From this I learn that I must be humble and recognize the superiority and wisdom of Jehovah.
Job 40:6-14. These verses teach me that I should trust in Jehovah's justice, even in situations of suffering or difficulties in which I may find it difficult to understand why he allows certain things. Especially at these times is when I must remember that Jehovah's justice is perfect and will always prevail.
Job 40:1,5. These verses show Job's humility before the majesty of Jehovah. Job recognizes that he has nothing to say to his questions and that his own complaint was unfounded. Therefore, he regrets having questioned him and submits to his will. The lesson he learned is that I must trust in Jehovah, even when he does not understand his ways, and I must accept his correction with humility and reverence.
Job 40:15-24. These verses show Jehovah's work and care for his creatures. Here Jehovah introduces Job to Behemoth, a huge, powerful beast that eats grass like an ox and lives in swamps and rivers. He tells Job that he made Behemoth, just as he made him, and that he provides him with food and shelter, showing him that he is the creator and sustainer of all things, and that he has control over all of them.
Job Chapter 40. This chapter teaches me that Jehovah is the only one who can question and judge his creatures, and not the other way around. He tells Job to prepare to answer his questions, and to dare to question his justice or condemn him to justify himself. Job also shows him that he is the creator and ruler of everything, and that no one can compare with him in power, wisdom and glory.
Job 40:6-14. From these same verses I can learn that I should recognize the justice of Jehovah. Here Jehovah shows him his power and authority over creation, remembering that only he has the knowledge, wisdom, and power to rule the world.
Job 40:6-14. These same verses also teach me a lesson in humility before the greatness of Jehovah. Here it is shown how Job is confronted by God and is reminded of his position as a creature before the almighty. We too must recognize our limitation and humble ourselves before greatness.
Job 40:1,2. Like Job, we too may face difficult or painful situations that we do not understand, possibly leading us to question why Jehovah allows them to happen. Therefore, we may be tempted to doubt his love, his justice, or his power, and thus take a critical or defiant attitude. However, we must remember that Jehovah knows what he is doing, and that he always acts for our good. Therefore, we must remain strong in our faith, trusting that he will give us the strength and peace we need and that in the end he will reward us for our faithfulness. .
Job 40:5. It teaches us that Jehovah is our great and magnificent creator, unlike this the world teaches evolution, atheism, and many beliefs that do not have a solid foundation.
Job 40:7. It teaches us how important it is to take care of our appearance or dress like Christians, we avoid extremes, but we strive to be clean, well-groomed and avoid bad odors.
Job 40:7. It reminds us how important it is to learn to prepare to answer questions in preaching or in conversations that might arise.
Job 40:21-23. Behemoth is described as a Powerful creature that feeds on grass like the ox and has strength in its loins and power in the muscles of its belly. This description reminds us that just as Jehovah always provides and ensures the well-being of animals, how much more so does he take care of us, his faithful servants, so let us trust him completely.
In Job 41:10,11. Leviathan is described as a creature that has no fear of any human being and is the king of all the proud. Through this description, we learn that God is the almighty and sovereign of the universe, and that no creature can challenge his authority or power. We also learn that God is just and wise, and that he has control over all things, even the most powerful and fearsome creatures.
Job 41:34. He reminds us that there are creatures in the world that are more powerful than human beings, and that we should have humility and respect towards them. In the same way, when preaching the good news, we must have a humble attitude and recognize that we are not superior to the people to whom we are sharing the message.
In chapter 41. We can see the description of Leviathan, which invites us to marvel at the greatness and beauty of God's creation. So as we preach the good news, we can use the beauty and complexity of creation as a way to show the greatness and power of God to the people we are sharing the message with.
In Job 41:11. It makes us meditate that Jehovah really loves us, because he does not owe us anything as imperfect human beings, because no one can give him anything, since he is the almighty, and if he allows us to serve him and takes care of us, it is because he loves us. , so we should be very grateful.
Job 40:4. Under the influence of the new knowledge Job had acquired, he realized the helplessness of man and the greatness of God. Job as he did, Jo we need to realize the true size of ourselves, we need to see how insignificant justification is when compared to the vindication of Jehovah's name and sovereignty.
Job 42:1. We learn that Jehovah is the almighty, the creator and ruler of the universe, and that there is no one who can dispute with him or correct him. We also learn that we must have humility and respect towards God, and not try to rebuke him or question his wisdom and Justice. Instead, we must trust and seek His guidance and direction in our lives.
Job 42:1. Job recognizes that God is supreme and that his plans are unfathomable, which teaches us about the importance of trusting in God's sovereignty and power in the midst of life's trials and difficulties. This attitude of humility and submission before God is an example for us in our relationship with him, reminding us that we must trust in his wisdom and sovereignty, even in the midst of the most difficult circumstances.
Job 42:10. We see that he prays for his friends even though these friends had judged and criticized him during his suffering, this reminds us that resentment and unforgiveness can be obstacles to our relationship with God and to our own happiness. and wellness. Instead of holding on to resentment and bitterness, we should seek mercy and forgiveness, both for ourselves and for others. By doing so, we will be able to experience God's restoration and blessing in our lives, just as Job did.
Job 42:3. He recognizes that there are aspects of God's wisdom and plan that are beyond his understanding. Which reminds us of the need to trust in God's wisdom and knowledge, even when we do not fully understand his ways.
Job 42:15-24. God continues speaking to Job and describes Behemoth, a powerful and majestic creature. Through this description, we learn that God is the creator of all creatures, great and small, and that each has its purpose and place in the world. We also learn that God is almighty and that his power and wisdom are unfathomable. Furthermore, the description of Behemoth reminds us of the importance of humility and respect for God's creation.
Job 40:2. This verse teaches me that I must recognize God's sovereignty and wisdom, and not question his purposes or judgments, because Jehovah is the creator and sustainer of all that exists, and has the right to rule over his creation according to his will.
Job 40:2. These words teach us that we are not at the same level as God, it would be very daring to question or blaspheme against God, it is part of subjection, the respect that we must have for the creator. Despite this, there are very irreverent people who believe they are very wise to question.
Job 40:1. It teaches us how important it is to be attentive to Jehovah's answers to our prayers, sometimes they come in ways that we did not imagine or expect, and of course, we always thank him at all times.
Job 42:7. In this text Jehovah rebukes Job's friends, because they did not speak the truth about him. This highlights the importance of telling the truth about God and not making false or unfair claims.
Job 42:7-10. We see that Jehovah rebukes Job's friends for not speaking well of him, and orders them to offer sacrifices and for Job to pray for them. Job obeys and prays for his friends, and Jehovah accepts his prayer. This teaches me that we should forgive those who offend us and pray for them. It also teaches me that Jehovah hears the prayers of the righteous.
Job 42:3. Job recognized his error and accepted that he had spoken without understanding about things he did not know. This teaches us that many times we speak without understanding about things we do not know, we could use this text to reason with our Bible studies and return visits.
Job 42:11. It teaches us that true friends take time to visit, encourage and comfort their friends who are going through difficult situations.
Job 42:10. He teaches us that Jehovah's blessing is what truly enriches, and he does not add pain with it.
Job 42:8. We are reminded of Jesus' words to pray and bless those who have wronged us, in fact, praying sincerely for someone who has offended us will help us not follow our senses with them. Jehovah blessed Job for his obedience and will also bless us as we obey him.
Job 42:10. After experiencing intense suffering and great loss, Job experienced blessings from Jehovah. This teaches us that we must have patience and faith in the promise that Jehovah will help and bless us if we persevere despite trials.
Job 42:9. Throughout much of the book of Job, his friends expressed incorrect opinions about Job's situation and spoke ill of Jehovah. Even with all this, they are willing to rectify his mistakes. This act leaves us with a lesson the importance of recognizing and correcting our sins and errors.
Job 42:7. In this text Jehovah rebukes Job's friends, Job because they did not speak the truth about him, rather they dedicated themselves to drawing their own conclusions and judging without knowing the truth about Job. This teaches us the importance of telling the truth about God and not make false or unfair statements.
Job 42:1,2. He encourages us to imitate Job’s confidence in Jehovah’s unlimited power by stating: “Nothing you have in mind is impossible for you.” This statement highlights Jehovah's omnipotence and teaches us to trust in his ability to do whatever is necessary to fulfill his will.
Job 42:1-2. We see that Job expresses his confidence in Jehovah's unlimited power by stating: “Nothing you have in mind is possible for you.” This statement highlights Jehovah's omnipotence and teaches us to trust in his ability to overcome any difficulty or challenge.
Job 40:1,2. From these same verses we can draw another valuable lesson, as it reminds us that human beings, as limited and imperfect creatures, cannot fully understand the ways and works of Jehovah. For this reason, we must trust and submit to him with humility and reverence, and not with arrogance or rebellion.
Job 40:1,2. We can apply these same verses to both Job's case and our own. Job was a righteous and faithful man, but he suffered many calamities that he did not understand. He defended himself by asserting his innocence and demanding an explanation from God. But when Jehovah spoke to him from the stormy wind, Job realized his mistake and repented. He recognized that he had spoken without knowledge and that he had no right to judge God or hold Him accountable. And this is something that we must also recognize and be clear that we cannot question, nor demand an explanation from God for any matter that we find difficult to understand.
Job 42:7. Another lesson we can draw from this verse is that Job was praised for telling the truth about God, even in the midst of his trials, his sincerity and honesty despite the difficulties serve as an example of how we should be transparent in our relationship with others. Jehovah. And to have a correct and faithful knowledge of God, it is very important to do more than just know the name of God, which means that it implies knowing.
Job 42:7. Another lesson we can draw from this verse 7 is Job's experience and Jehovah's response. This teaches us lessons in humility. Job, despite his initial justification, humbled himself before Jehovah, recognizing divine greatness and his own human limitation in general. This verse highlights the importance of truth, sincerity, correct understanding of God and humility in our relationship with God. he. It reminds us that Jehovah values truth and honesty and that, despite our faults, his mercy is always available to those who seek the truth and humble themselves before him.
Job 42:8 . This verse teaches me that when someone hurts us, something that can help us not feel resentment and have peace of mind is to pray for that person. Furthermore, if we do so, Jehovah will bless us for our willingness to ask for forgiveness.
Job 42:11-17. These verses show how Jehovah ends Job's suffering and gives him back double what he had before. For his part, Job receives comfort from his family and friends, and lives a long life filled with children and grandchildren. This teaches me that Jehovah is faithful and generous to those who love and serve him, and that he always rewards those who endure loyally.
Job 42:1-10. These verses teach me that prayer is a great helper to have endurance when we go through adversity or when we are hurt.
Job 42:1-6. These verses teach me that whenever I receive Bible-based connection or advice, I must be willing to acknowledge my mistakes and make the necessary changes just as Job did.
Job 42:1-6. In these verses Job recognizes that he cannot understand God's plans and purposes, and that he has spoken without knowledge. He repents of his words and submits to the will of God. This teaches us that we should trust in Jehovah and not in our own wisdom.
Job 42:1-10. These verses also teach me that having knowledge and understanding of why Jehovah allows suffering, how he will reward us for faithfully enduring, and what he will do justice in due time, brings me peace, and helps me endure and remain whole despite of the difficulties.
Job 42:8. Jehovah's instruction is for Job's friends to take seven bulls and seven rams and go to Job to offer a burnt sacrifice, after which God promises to accept Job's request and not treat his friends according to their folly, since that they have not spoken the truth about him. This passage reflects the importance of prayer and shows that despite difficulties and misunderstandings, Jehovah is willing to forgive and restore those who sincerely seek his forgiveness and repent from the heart.
Job 42:9. It tells us that the friends of Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite obeyed Jehovah's instructions. This action highlights the importance of obedience to divine will, even when it may be difficult or challenging.
Job 42:9. Another lesson is that although throughout much of the book Job's friends expressed incorrect opinions about Job's situation and spoke ill of Jehovah. Even with all this, they are willing to rectify their mistakes. This act teaches us the importance of recognizing and correcting our misinterpretations and bad actions.
Job 42:9. Another Pearl that we can extract from this verse 9 is that it shows how Job's friends seek to repair the relationship that had been affected by misunderstandings and hasty words towards Jehovah, and also the verse highlights that Jehovah accepted Job's prayer. . This is important as it underscores the importance of sincere prayer and Jehovah's willingness to hear and respond to the prayers of those who seek his forgiveness.
Job 42:10. After going through intense suffering and loss, Job experienced Jehovah's blessing. This can be a lesson in patience, faith in the promise that Jehovah will give us a way out if we persevere despite trials.
Job 42:11. There in this Pearl we are offered lessons about compassion, friendship, generosity and trust in divine sovereignty. These lessons can motivate us to be supportive of others in difficult times, and to trust in Jehovah that, despite the trials, he does not abandon us and will give us a way out.
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