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Meditating on creation helps us not lose sight of the whole picture (15 mins.) Analysis with the audience.
Read Job 37:14. Then ask:
What should Job do to regain spiritual focus?
Job could benefit from taking time to consider the greatness and wonders of God's works. Job should set aside his momentary worries and challenges to contemplate the magnitude and wisdom of God, and what might help him regain spiritual perspective and find comfort in his faith.
Job was to reflect on the wonderful works of God. Stop to observe the wonders of Jehovah both in creation and in his dealings with human beings, because in this way he would come to understand the ways of God.
Play the VIDEO What do we learn about loyalty in the book of Job? Lessons from animal creation. Then ask:
How did this video strengthen your trust in Jehovah?
Studying nature and the creatures mentioned in the book of Job, such as mountain goats, eagles, hippos, and crocodiles, can inspire admiration for the adversity and complexity of God's creation, thus strengthening confidence in his wisdom and power.
There is a widespread idea that prevents people from recognizing the truth about God, and that idea is evolution. This theory not only contradicts the Bible, but it robs people of hope. Therefore, this video strengthens my confidence that Jehovah helps me understand that we were created by love and with a purpose.
By observing the animal creation, not only the power of Jehovah, but also his Wit and wisdom is clearly seen. Just examine a few of these creatures to see the intelligence behind each design. This teaches me that Jehovah with his power, ingenuity and wisdom can eliminate all our problems. Thinking about it strengthens my trust in God even more.
Learning about the qualities of animals and how they relate to Jehovah can lead to practical application in daily life, trusting that, just as in nature, God will provide the capabilities and strengths necessary to face challenges.
This video strengthens my trust in Jehovah because seeing a bird like the eagle fly very high without almost moving its wings, it teaches me that Jehovah can give us the strength to rise above our problems.
Job did not know how to answer the questions that Jehovah asked him about animal life. It is obvious that Jehovah sustains the eagle, the mountain goat, and the rest of his animal creation. This teaches me that Jehovah also cares for us and can provide our food in many ways. Understanding that strengthens my trust in him.
The artistic and imaginative capacity, as well as the inventiveness of the human being, is sometimes exhausted. On the other hand, Jehovah's creativity is inexhaustible. His power to invent and create new and different things is simply wonderful. This makes my trust in him and in his promises for the new world absolute.
Seeing how the wise and ingenious designs of animal creation have inspired humans to seek innovative solutions to various problems strengthens my trust in Jehovah. This shows me that Jehovah will always find a way to carry out his purpose despite Satan's attempts to hinder him.
In the video you can see how Jehovah asks Job, Do you know when the mountain goats have their young? According to the verse, Jehovah knows when the mountain goats have their young, and when the deer give birth. This shows us that if he takes care of his animal creatures and knows all the details of his life, how much more can he know us and be interested in taking care of us. Understanding this further strengthens my trust in Jehovah.
Also in the video you can see how Jehovah asks Job: Are you the one who gives the horse its strength? According to the verse, Jehovah gives the horse his strength, his beauty, his proud neck, and his ability to leap like a locust. This shows us that Jehovah is the creator of beauty and power, and that he has given us animals to serve us and bring us joy. So we must trust that Jehovah will use his creation to always give us everything we need.
The video mentions the question that Jehovah asked Job: Or is it by your order that the eagle rises? According to the verse, Jehovah is the one who commands the eagle to rise and make its nest on high. This shows us that Jehovah is the ruler of heaven and the one who has absolute control over the animal creation. This strengthens my trust in Jehovah and his Kingdom promises regarding animals.
Furthermore, the video describes how Jehovah asks Job: Can you catch leviathan with a hook? According to the verse, Jehovah challenges Job to fish for leviathan, an animal that is interpreted as a crocodile, this shows us that Jehovah is the owner of the seas, rivers and lakes and the one who dominates the most ferocious and fearsome beasts. So, how much more reason should we have the creator of the crocodile. This increases my trust in Jehovah because there is no one more powerful than him and because he promises to use his power on our behalf.
Getting close to an agile mountain goat is difficult even for those who study them. For what reason? Their hooves have two parts that can be very far apart. This feature makes it possible for mountain goats to feed, run and jump over narrow ledges. They can balance on a nearly vertical slope. Researchers have tried to apply these features in innovative hoove designs. footwear but have had little success
"Do you know when mountain goats have their young?" Job 39 1.
A horse can gallop at speeds of up to 50 kilometers or 30 miles per hour, but even more impressive is the efficient way it uses energy. The secret is in its legs. Just like a spring, the horse's leg absorbs energy and It releases it as it lifts off the ground. Specialized muscles act as shock absorbers. Engineers are trying to imitate this design, but it is a challenge.
"Are you the one who gives the horse its strength?" Job 39:19.
When eagles fly, the feathers at the tips of their wings remain almost vertical. This position gives them the maximum possible lift with a minimum length of their wings. Engineers have studied the flight of gliding birds like the eagle with the idea of designing airplanes. implementation of A modified design that includes fins has improved aircraft performance by up to 15% today planes can longer distances and carry heavier loads using less fuel in the 10 years following the implementation of fins airlines The entire world has saved 7.6 billion liters or 2 billion gallons of fuel, but the impressive design of the eagle is not limited to its flight; it descends on its prey continuously to keep the image in focus as it approaches. Is there any camera that even works? similar to the Eagle's eye, for its ability to quickly readjust focus?
"Or is it by your command that the eagle rises?" Job 39:27.
The term Behemoth mentioned in the book of Job is generally identified with the hippopotamus. An adult specimen can reach four or five meters or 15 feet in length and weigh about 3,600 kg or 8,000 pounds. Its bones, especially the vertebrae, form a strong and rigid structure, its ribs and thick skin protect it while it moves along the rocky beds of some rivers. The strong bones of the hippopotamus are not the only ones that impress us; bones are an infinite number of living organisms. Researchers say that the design of the bones is the same as that of concrete or reinforced concrete. The steel in concrete or reinforced concrete provides tensile strength, while cement, sand and stone provide compressive strength. However, the resistance of bone to compression is greater than that of the best concrete or reinforced concrete. Bones are superior to concrete in many other ways. They react to hormones that modify their growth and development and are even capable of self-repair. just like muscles get stronger when they are loaded
"His bones are copper pipes." Job 40:18.
Leviathan probably the crocodile has a powerful bite, some of them are almost three times stronger than that of the lion, however its jaw is also more sensitive than the human yolk, it is covered with thousands of sensory organs that come out of the holes in its skull. this design and carry it gently in your mouth.
"Can you catch Leviathan with a hook"? Job 41:1.
There is no doubt that the invisible qualities of God are clearly seen in the things made. We can learn a lot from other animals mentioned in the book of Job such as the wild bull, the stork and the ostrich. How about studying about these animals in the night of worship in family to learn more about Jehovah's qualities.
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