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“The wisdom from above […] is ready to obey” (James 3:17).
1. Why can we find it difficult to obey?
Does it sometimes cost you to obey? Sometimes it happened to David. Therefore, he asked God: “Awaken in me the desire to obey you” (Ps. 51:12). Although David loved Jehovah, at times it was difficult for him to obey him, and the same thing happens to us. Because? First, because we have inherited the tendency to disobey. Second, because Satan is always inciting us to rebel, just as he did (2 Cor. 11:3). And, third, because the world around us has a rebellious attitude; that is “the spirit that is now at work in the children of disobedience” (Eph. 2:2). So, to obey Jehovah and the people to whom he has given authority, we must do our best to fight against our imperfection, against Satan, and against this world.
2. What does it mean to be ready to obey? (James 3:17).
2 (Read James 3:17). The biblical writer James said that the wise person “is ready to obey.” What does that mean? That we must be willing and have the desire to obey those to whom Jehovah has given certain authority. Of course, Jehovah does not expect us to obey someone who asks us to go against his rules (Acts 4:18-20).
3. Why is it important to Jehovah that we obey those in authority?
3 We may feel that it is easier to obey Jehovah than to obey human beings because the instructions he gives us are always perfect. (Ps. 19:7) And that almost never happens with humans who have authority. Despite this, our heavenly Father has given some authority to parents, authorities, and elders (Prov. 6:20; 1 Thes. 5:12; 1 Pet. 2:13, 14). In reality, when we obey these people, we are obeying Jehovah. Let's see what we can do to obey those to whom Jehovah has given authority, even when it is difficult for us to accept and follow the rules they give us.
4. Why are there so many young people who disobey their parents?
4 Young people have many companions who are “disobedient to parents” (2 Tim. 3:1, 2). Why are there so many who act like this? Some see their parents asking them to do things they don't do themselves, and that may seem hypocritical to them. Others think their parents' advice is old-fashioned, too strict, or impractical. Young man, have you ever felt like this? Many may find it difficult to respect Jehovah’s following command: “Be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is right” (Eph. 6:1). What can help you do that?
5. According to Luke 2:46-52, why is Jesus the best example of obedience to parents?
5 To learn to be obedient, there is no better example than that of Jesus (1 Pet. 2:21-24). He was perfect, but his parents were imperfect. Yet he honored them, even when they were wrong or did not understand (Ex. 20:12). Look at what happened to him when he was 12 years old (read Luke 2:46-52). Jesus traveled with his family to Jerusalem to celebrate one of the annual festivals. When Joseph and Mary began their journey home, they did not realize that Jesus was not with them. In reality, they should have made sure that all their children were in the group. When they finally found Jesus, Mary blamed him for the scare they had gotten! Although Jesus could have told them that this was very unfair, he did not do so. Rather, he gave them a simple and respectful answer. But Joseph and Mary “did not understand what he was telling them.” Despite everything, Jesus “continued subject to them.”
6, 7. What can help young people obey their parents?
6 Young man, when your parents make a mistake or don't understand you, do you find it difficult to obey them? What could help you? First, consider how Jehovah feels. The Bible says that if children obey their parents, “it pleases the Lord” (Col. 3:20). When your parents don't understand you or set rules that aren't entirely fair, Jehovah knows it. But, if he decides to obey them despite everything, he will feel very happy.
7 Second, consider how your parents feel. When you obey them, you make them happy and earn their trust (Prov. 23:22-25). And you will surely feel closer to them. Alexandre, a brother from Belgium, says: “When I started paying more attention to my parents, our relationship improved. “We were more united and happier.” b Third, keep in mind that being obedient now will help you later. Paulo, from Brazil, says: “Learning to obey my parents has helped me obey Jehovah and others in authority.” God's Word gives you this powerful reason to obey your parents: “That it may go well with you and that you may remain long on the earth” (Eph. 6:2, 3).
8. Why have many young people decided to obey their parents?
8 Many young people have seen that they do well when they obey their parents. Luiza , who is also from Brazil , at first had a hard time understanding why her parents didn't let her have her own phone for a while, since almost all the young people her age had one of hers. But then she realized that her parents were actually protecting her from her. She says: “Now I see that obeying my parents is not like wearing a straitjacket, but rather like putting on a seat belt that can save my life.” A young woman from the United States named Elizabeth sometimes has a hard time being obedient. She explains what she does: “When my parents set a rule for me and I don't quite understand why, I think of all the times their rules protected me.” Monica, who lives in Armenia, says that she always does better when she obeys her parents than when she doesn't.
9. What do many think about obeying government laws?
9 In general, people recognize that governments are necessary and that at least some of the laws of these “higher authorities” must be obeyed (Rom. 13:1). But when they feel that a law is unfair or that it demands too much of them, they are no longer so willing to obey it. Let's talk for example about paying taxes. According to a survey carried out in a European country, one in four people believes that, “if someone considers a tax to be unfair, it is okay not to pay it . ” Since they think this way, it is not surprising that the citizens of that country only pay approximately 65% of the taxes that the Government asks of them.
10. Why do we obey laws, even the ones we don't like?
10 According to the Bible, human governments cause people to suffer, are under the control of Satan, and will soon be destroyed (Ps. 110:5, 6; Eccl. 8:9; Luke 4:5, 6). But it also tells us that “he who opposes authority has placed himself against the order established by God.” For now, Jehovah allows governments to keep things from getting out of control, and he expects us to respect them. That is why we must give “to all their due,” and that includes paying taxes, honoring them, and obeying them (Rom. 13:1-7). We may find that obeying a certain law is not convenient for us or that it is too expensive for us, or perhaps the problem is that it seems unfair to us. But we obey Jehovah, and he expects us to obey governments, as long as they do not ask us to do something that goes against divine laws.—Acts 5:29.
11, 12. According to Luke 2:1-6, what did Joseph and Mary do to comply with a decree that was difficult to obey? And what were the results? (See also images).
11 We can learn a lot from Joseph and Mary. They were ready to obey higher authorities even when it was difficult to do so (read Luke 2:1-6). For example, their obedience was tested when Mary was about nine months pregnant. It turns out that the Roman emperor Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken. To fulfill that decree, Joseph and Mary had to go to Bethlehem. That required traveling about 150 kilometers (93 miles) through mountainous terrain. The trip would not be easy, especially for MarĂa. They may have both been concerned about the well-being of her and her baby. What if the time to give birth came right on the way? Mary carried in her womb the one who would be the Messiah! Would that have been a valid reason to disobey the decree?
12 Joseph and Mary did not use any of these concerns as an excuse to disobey the law. And Jehovah blessed them for being obedient: Mary arrived safely in Bethlehem, gave birth to a healthy baby, and even contributed to the fulfillment of a Bible prophecy (Micah 5:2).
Mary and Joseph on the way to Bethlehem; Mary is riding a donkey and Joseph is in front. Series of images: 1. A brother looks at the speedometer of his car when he sees a speed limit sign. 2. A brother fills out a tax form. 3. A sister is wearing a mask and keeping her distance while she talks to a doctor at the hospital. What do we learn from the obedience of Joseph and Mary? (See paragraphs 10 to 12).
13. How could our obedience help other brothers?
13 If we obey higher authorities, we and others benefit. In what sense? On the one hand, we are spared the punishment that authorities impose on those who ignore the law (Rom. 13:4). And, on the other hand, our individual obedience can influence how authorities view Jehovah's Witnesses as a collective. That is what happened in Nigeria a few decades ago. A group of soldiers entered a Kingdom Hall during a meeting. They were looking for some people who were violently protesting against taxes. But the officer in charge ordered the soldiers to leave there. He told them, “Jehovah's Witnesses don't go around protesting against paying taxes.” Every time you obey the laws, you help improve the reputation of Jehovah’s people. And someday that good reputation could protect his brothers (Matt. 5:16).
14. How did a sister become “ready to obey” higher authorities?
14 Still, we may sometimes find it difficult to obey higher authorities. A sister from the United States named Joanna says sincerely: “It was super difficult for me to obey because my family had suffered many injustices because of the authorities.” But Joanna set out to change her way of thinking. How did she do it? First, she stopped reading any messages on social media that fueled those negative feelings against authorities (Prov. 20:3). Second, she asked Jehovah to help her trust in him instead of waiting for a change in human governments (Ps. 9:9, 10). And, third, she began to read articles in our publications about neutrality (John 17:16). Joanna says that respecting and obeying authorities has given her “an indescribable peace.”
15. Why can we sometimes find it difficult to obey the instructions of Jehovah's organization?
15 Jehovah asks us to be obedient to those who lead us in the congregation (Heb. 13:17). Although our Leader, Jesus, is perfect, the people he has chosen to lead us here on Earth are not. Sometimes it can be difficult to obey his instructions, especially if he asks us to do something we don't want to do. The apostle Peter once felt this way. An angel told him that he had to eat animals that were unclean according to the Law of Moses. But Peter refused to do it no more and no less than three times (Acts 10:9-16). In his opinion, these new instructions were not logical. He was used to doing things differently. If Peter had a hard time obeying a perfect angel, he should not be surprised that we sometimes find it difficult to follow the instructions of imperfect men.
16. What did the apostle Paul do when he received instructions that perhaps did not seem very reasonable to him? (Acts 21:23, 24, 26).
16 The apostle Paul demonstrated that he was ready to obey even when he received instructions that may not have seemed very reasonable to him. Certain Christians of Jewish origin had heard some rumors about him: that he was “teaching an apostasy against Moses” and that he did not respect the Mosaic Law (Acts 21:21, note). The elders of Jerusalem told Paul to demonstrate that he was obeying the Law. To do so, he must go to the temple with four men and be ceremonially cleansed. But Paul knew that Christians were no longer under the Law and that he had done nothing wrong. Despite everything, he obeyed immediately. The account says, “The next day Paul took these men and ceremonially cleansed himself with them” (read Acts 21:23, 24, 26). By his obedience, he contributed to unity among the brothers (Rom. 14:19, 21).
17. What does Stephanie's experience teach you?
17 A sister named Stephanie found it very difficult to accept a decision made by the branch. She and her husband were very happy serving in a foreign speaking group. But the branch decided that the group should disband, and this couple was asked to return to a congregation of their native language. How did Stephanie feel? She admits, “I felt very sad, and I didn't think a congregation of our own language needed more help.” Still, she decided to support the change. She says: “ Over time I understood that the brothers made a wise decision. In our new congregation many do not have anyone in their family in the truth, so we become their spiritual parents. I also teach Bible classes to a sister who until recently was inactive. And now I have more time for my personal study.” She concludes by saying: “I know that I have done everything possible to be obedient, and that leaves me with a clear conscience.”
18. How does being obedient benefit us?
18 We can all learn to be obedient. Jesus “learned obedience by the things he suffered,” and not by living in perfect conditions (Heb. 5:8). Many times, we also learn to be obedient when we go through difficult situations. Let's think about what happened at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. We were asked to stop meeting in the Kingdom Halls and not to preach from house to house. As it went to you? Was it difficult for you to obey? Be that as it may, his obedience served as protection, kept him united with his brothers, and made Jehovah happy. Now we are all more prepared to obey any instructions that come to us during the great tribulation. Obedience will probably save our lives (Job 36:11).
19. Why do you want to be obedient?
19 We have learned that when we are obedient we receive many blessings. But above all, we choose to obey Jehovah because we love him and want to please him (1 John 5:3). We can never repay him for all he has done for us (Ps. 116:12). But there is one thing we can do: obey Jehovah and those in authority. With our obedience we show that we are wise. And when we are wise, we rejoice the heart of Jehovah (Prov. 27:11).
Why should young people obey their parents?
First, take into account how Jehovah feels. The Bible says that if children obey their parents, that is very pleasing to them.
Second, Take into account how your parents feel. since by obeying them they can feel happy and thus gain their trust. You will surely feel closer to them.
Third, it is a commandment with a promise: So that the children may do well and remain on the Earth for a long time.
Why should we obey “higher authorities”?
Because the Bible says that he who opposes authority has gone against the order established by God. For now, Jehovah allows governments to keep things from getting out of control, and He expects us to respect each other. That is why we must give everyone what is due to them, and that includes paying taxes, honoring them, and obeying us. We may find that obeying a certain law is not convenient for us or that it is too expensive for us, or perhaps the problem is that it seems unfair to us.
We must obey higher authorities, because Jehovah expects us to obey governments, as long as they do not ask us to disobey God.
Why should we follow the instructions of Jehovah's organization?
We must be willing and willing to obey those to whom Jehovah has given certain authority. Of course, Jehovah does not expect us to obey someone who asks us to go against his rules. Since we decide to obey Jehovah because we love him and want to please him.
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