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“He will make them firm, he will make them strong, he will put them on a solid foundation” (1 PET. 5:10).
1. Where did the servants of God of the past draw strength from?
Faithful servants of the past, like David and Samson, drew their strength from Jehovah. Although they sometimes felt weak or terrified, they recognized that their strength came from Divine help.
The Bible presents examples of powerful people who, in moments of weakness, recognized that their strength came from God. For example, King David experienced both courage and weakness, and at times recognized that his strength came from Jehovah.
Samson also experienced extraordinary strength when he received the spirit of God. But he knew that without that Divine power he would be as weak as any other man. These examples teach us that faithful servants of the past found their strength in Jehovah's help.
Well, they got their strength from Jehovah. In fact, here are two characters Samson and David and all this, when Jehovah withdrew his spirit, they were like normal people, so if we want to be strong we have to do what Jehovah tells us.
Yes, and the psalmist in 37 he recognizes that when he took the side of Jehovah when he had the approval of Jehovah then he says that Jehovah made him as strong as a mountain, the difference was when he turned away from Jehovah.
2. Why did the apostle Paul say that he was weak and yet powerful? (2 Corinthians 12:9, 10).
The apostle Paul admitted to being weak and, at the same time, powerful, because he recognized his need for the power that comes from Jehovah. Despite his health problems and personal struggles, Jehovah gave him the strength to be powerful.
The apostle Paul described himself as simultaneously weak and powerful in 2 Corinthians 12:9,10. Because he recognized that he was weak like any human, but that he also allowed him to depend completely on the strength of God. He understood that, although he felt weak on his own, he could experience true strength by trusting in divine help.
As we see in the texts that we have here, we see that Paul was going through many of the problems that she also went through, he was struggling to do the right thing, he felt distressed and feared for his life because of all the persecution that had been given to him, so He was very realistic because he knew that the strength they had was for himself because if not he couldn't fulfill the mission and the work that Jehovah had given him, that's why he said when he was weak that's when we always need Jehovah but when we go through These trials we still need more of his holy spirit to carry out his work.
And what a beautiful way to express the help that Jehovah gives us is to recognize these words: when I am weak then I am powerful, it is the confirmation that Jehovah is always watching over us and that when we have a hard time, that is when he gives us the most help. That it is something precious is something that we cannot forget.
3. What questions will we answer in this article?
In this article we will answer: What help does Jehovah provide us to strengthen ourselves? And how can we take advantage of this help to strengthen ourselves? We will also see how Jehovah strengthened biblical figures such as Jonah, Mary (the mother of Jesus) and the apostle Paul, and how Jehovah strengthens his servants today.
Of course these questions arise because of what is said in First Peter 5:10 Jehovah has promised us that he will make us strong too so that is why these questions arise and thanks to the examples that we are going to be studying we will see the application In our life.
Yes, he is talking to us about a car. In order for the car to move forward, it needs to have a powerful engine, but also the engine will not propel the car if the driver does not step on the accelerator. Therefore, Jehovah is our engine, yes, and he can give us the strength when we need it. They are needed if we do not ask Jehovah for the strength we need, Jehovah is not going to give it to us, we have to act so that he can give it to us.
And these words from the Enlightenment explain it very well. What Jehovah blesses is effort. If one does nothing, there is nothing to bless. Therefore, when we put in, we are one step ahead. Jehovah supports us and gives us strength to be able to do it. continue.
4. What can we do to receive Jehovah's strength?
One way to receive Jehovah's strength is through prayer. Jehovah answers our prayers by giving us power beyond normal. The importance of reading the word of God is also highlighted, since what we are told in the Bible acts with power.
By praying to Jehovah and studying his word, we will receive the strength necessary to continue to endure difficulties, continue to serve him with joy, and fulfill challenging responsibilities.
There has been talk about an accelerating engine but there has not been talk about gasoline, so gasoline moves the vehicle is what we study in the Bible and it gives us strength and gives us the power to be able to accelerate or brake or whatever it does. lack.
5. Why did Jonah need strength?
Jonah needed strength because, being afraid to fulfill the mission that Jehovah entrusted to him, he decided to flee in the opposite direction. This disobedience led us to dangerous situations, such as a storm at sea and ending up in the belly of a large fish.
This experience probably left him distraught facing the fear of dying.
Because due to a bad decision of his, he found himself in the stomach of a fish convinced that there was no way out that he was going to die and that of course he had, so to speak, thought that he had failed Jehovah, therefore that was a very distressing situation. .
Jonah found himself like this because he was afraid, Jehovah had given him a mission which was to go speak to the inhabitants of Nineveh, so of course he was very afraid because they had a reputation for being very violent people, so of course he He was afraid to carry out that mission and of course he took a boat and went in the opposite direction, so of course he found himself in that situation and that is why he needed strength to be able to fulfill what Jehovah had told him.
And how it has been connected in the speech, his conscience bothered him and he realized that he had not done things as Jehovah wanted and of course he asked Jehovah for help and Jehovah helped him because he really repented and was sincere and then he achieved his goal. purpose and what Jehovah had commanded him.
6. What gave Jonah strength in the belly of the fish? (Jonah 2:1, 2, 7).
He knew that if he prayed to Jehovah with humility he would listen to him and he also meditated on the psalms that also helped him.
Despite his disobedience, Jonah humbly prayed to Jehovah, from that lonely place. He recognized his mistake and trusted that Jehovah would hear his prayer.
Jonah gained strength in the belly of the fish by praying to Jehovah and reflecting on the scriptures. Despite his disobedience, his humble prayer and knowledge of the Psalms gave him confidence that Jehovah would help him. This strength allowed him to complete the mission after being freed from the fish.
As we can see from the story Jonah reflected on the scriptures, he did not use many words and expressions from the psalms in his prayer, which suggests that he knew these passages well. As he meditated on them during this difficult experience, he found confidence that Jehovah would help him.
And we also know that Jonas reflected on what the Bible said because in Psalm 86:7 we see that the psalmist would ask Jehovah for help because he felt in a distressed situation and Jonah at that time also felt distressed and called Jehovah for help then. We know that both the psalmist and Jonas had confidence that Jehovah would help him.
And if he paraphrased the psalms in that prayer, because if we read the passage of Jonah 2:2 and 5 and compare it, for example, with 86:7, it is very similar because Jonas says, distressed, I called to Jehovah and he answered me and the psalm He says I call you in the day of my trouble because you will answer me, the fact that he knew these passages helped him to reinforce his confidence in Jehovah that he would help him.
Well, he was a spiritual person who knew these passages well, in fact, as he mentions at the end of the paragraph, it was all a bad experience that he had to go through a bad decision, as has been mentioned, in the end it turned out to be strength to be able to fulfill his mission.
It stands out that he was a spiritual man who had great humility when he quickly turned to Jehovah in his desperation and also that he was very sorry for the bad decision he had made now because of that experience and that at that time he had no choice but to trusting completely in his God now he did have the strength to accept the commission that Jehovah had given him.
7, 8. What helped a brother be strong during difficult times?
Brother Zhiming from Taiwan finds strength to face health problems and his family's opposition through prayer and personal study. Despite his anguish, Zhiming turns to Kingdom music and the positive experiences of other faithful servants to strengthen his faith.
Zhiming found strength in difficult times through prayer and study. Despite his serious illness and fierce family opposition to serving Jehovah, he relied on these methods. Although he admitted to feeling anguish at times, he found calm in praying and then listening to or singing kingdom songs before devoting himself to the ministry. study.
The learning acquired in his study was vital in critical moments. On one occasion, after an operation, doctors told him that he needed a blood transfusion due to his low level of red blood cells. However, Zhiming recalled an experience of a sister who had gone through the same thing without accepting Blood Transfusion and had recovered well. This memory gave her the necessary strength to remain faithful to his convictions.
And also on one occasion he says that when he was recovering from an operation an illness had told him that he had so few red blood cells that he would need a blood transfusion but he had read the night before about a sister who had also gone through the same thing and but the thing was that the sister's red blood cells were lower than his but she did not accept blood and recovered well so he copied from the sister's example.
This example teaches us that apart from praying, which must be done, we must continue our personal study. This brother would hardly remember this experience if he had not read it before, therefore, if we want to obtain these forces from Jehovah, we must pray and also have our study. personal by reading publications and also reading directly from the Bible.
9. What can you do if a test has left you powerless? (See also images).
In difficult situations, it is suggested to pray Even if you feel distressed, trusting that Jehovah understands the difficulties. If physical or emotional pain makes reading difficult, resources such as Bible recordings, Kingdom songs, or jw.org videos can be used to find comfort and strength.
Even if we feel distressed and find it difficult to pray, we must remember that Jehovah understands our situation. Even a simple prayer can be enough, the important thing is to trust that Jehovah will provide and meet our needs.
What we can do is explore other forms of study. For example, if we find it difficult to read and study due to physical or emotional pain, we can choose to listen to recordings of the Bible or publications. Songs or videos available on jw.org can also be of great help.
Ephesians 3:20 says that Jehovah with his power can do infinitely more than everything we ask or imagine, perhaps what the sister has mentioned, we have prayed a simple prayer but he acts in a surprising way in that case, perhaps we hear a phrase or hear a speech or an idea that comforts us and helps us move forward.
There we see in the image that Jonah at the time did not have a Bible nor did he have the videos but he did have a very important tool which was communication with Jehovah and that was what helped him in the case of the little brother. He is probably listening to some song from the JW o has the Bible about it but then whatever we are facing there are many tools that can help us cope.
Yes, because to highlight what the paragraph said, I mean, Jehovah understands perfectly what you are going through and in Ephesians 3:20 at the beginning when he says that through his power that is acting in us, I mean that he will always be watching over us and then When we ask him on the occasions that are being said here in the paragraph, that is when Jehovah gives you more than what you are asking for.
Series of images: 1. Jonah prays from his heart to Jehovah in the belly of a fish. 2. A brother prays heartily to Jehovah in his bedroom. Next to him he has a Bible and a telephone with headphones. Like the prophet Jonah, what can give us strength to endure a trial? (See paragraphs 6 to 9).
10. How do brothers give us strength?
Jehovah can use brothers and sisters as a source of great comfort in difficult times or when facing responsibilities. The Brothers can provide us with physical, emotional and spiritual help when we feel weak.
In Colossians 4:10,11, some brothers are mentioned who were a source of Comfort for the apostle Paul. In times of distress, that is when we need our friends most.
Therefore, it is important to maintain a good relationship with our brothers and be willing to help and support others in times of need.
Sometimes he uses his brothers in faith to give the support and strength that is needed when we go through difficult situations with the fulfillment of tasks of great responsibility. We see how he does this in Proverbs 17:17, which expresses it with great simplicity. and truthfulness says the true friend loves at all times and is a brother in times of distress.
11. Why did Mary need strength?
Well, she felt very overwhelmed because what the Angel told her was for that because a person, like she said, I don't know a man and I'm engaged to get married, so it was a very difficult situation that she found herself in and knowing how her people and The law dealt with people who committed adultery, so she needed a lot of help from Jehovah to fulfill his will.
Mary needed strength to fulfill Jehovah's will as she faced the unique responsibility of becoming pregnant without being married and raising the Messiah. This situation caused her to be overwhelmed when she had to explain her situation to José.
Mary needed strength to fulfill Jehovah's will, as she faced a great responsibility upon learning that she would become pregnant without being married, being the mother of the messiah despite having no experience as a mother and never having had sexual relations. This involved explaining to José, her fiancé, the unusual situation in which she found herself.
Then also having to explain the situation to her fiancé to Joseph. In fact, Joseph still thought that she was kidding him about the fact that the holy spirit had made her pregnant. Jehovah evidently intervened and the matter was resolved, but having to explain that moment must have be something very tense for María.
The story of Luke, chapter 1, verse 30, the angel tells Mary not to be afraid because you have God's favor, so although it was a very complicated situation that she was going through, she knew that with Jehovah's help she would get through it. .
12. According to Luke 1:39-45, how did Mary receive the strength she needed?
Not only with the Angel Gabriel but also with the example of Elizabeth, if we read the entire story. Elizabeth was already older and could not conceive babies, so Gabriel already went to Elizabeth to tell her that she was going to get pregnant and then obviously Mary already believed, but there she had more strength knowing that she could not have children, she was already 6 months pregnant and then on top of that the baby's reaction when Mary entered Elizabeth's house, then there is not only the protection of Jehovah but the evidence of everything that was doing it through the holy spirit and in this way Mary gained strength to then give the news.
Maria received strength by leaning on others. She made a long trip to visit her relative Elizabeth, who, through the spirit of God, spoke an encouraging prophecy about the baby Mary would have. The support of Gabriel and Elizabeth strengthened María.
Mary received strength for her great responsibility by leaning on others, such as seeking more information from Gabriel about the assignment Jehovah had given her and visiting her relative Elizabeth, as Elizabeth, filled with the spirit of God, congratulated Mary and prophesied about her baby, which led Mary to wash away the mighty things that Jehovah had made.
How did Mary receive the strength she needed through the Angel and also through someone very close to a spiritual sister of hers who was also her family? In our case the Angels are not going to come to sting us at home and give us strength but we can do them through the Bible if we have a regular study of the Bible we meditate on what we study it does not have to be much it can be little because that will make it clear to us that Jehovah is with us and if we add to it our relationship with the brothers in the congregation because then we already have the everything that Jehovah gives us so that we can also face complicated trials.
13. What happened when Dasurí asked the brothers for help?
Dasuri, a sister from Bolivia, initially did not ask for help when faced with her father's terminal illness. After feeling overwhelmed, she decided to ask for help from her siblings, who supported her with food, encouragement, and Bible texts. She dasuri learned the importance of accepting help from the spiritual family.
When Dasuri asked the brothers for help, they greatly supported and strengthened her. Dasuri had been caring for her sick father in the hospital and she was feeling overwhelmed by the responsibility. At first, she did not want to ask the brothers for help, but she finally decided to write to them to explain her situation. Her Brothers responded by bringing her food to the hospital and encouraging her with texts from the Bible, thus the support and help of the brothers strengthened Dasuri and gave her the strength she needed to fulfill her responsibility.
It is possible that she herself thought that for a long time she had helped others and that perhaps now, because she was not in a position to bother others, she thought that it could cause them a pain or a burden, therefore this way of thinking she had to modify because it was the means that Jehovah uses to give us those strengths that we need at a certain moment to accept the help of our brothers.
When the sister wrote to those closest to her brothers explaining her situation, she says that she felt that support that strengthened her so much, they brought her food to the hospital, they encouraged her with texts from the Bible, then she saw how nice it is to feel that we are not alone, that we belong to a great family that is willing to help us and cry with us and fight with us.
14. Why should we accept help from the elderly?
Jehovah uses the elderly as gifts to strengthen and comfort us. It is suggested to talk to them when we face concerns and accept their help with gratitude, since Jehovah uses them to make us strong in adversity.
We should accept the help of elders, because Jehovah uses them to give us strength and comfort. The elderly are like gifts that God gives us to strengthen us and help us in difficult times.
And because it is the means that Jehovah uses to strengthen us spiritually and as Isaiah says, they are a refuge for us in the congregation so we should not hesitate to lean on them when we are going through difficulties.
And not only will they listen to us when we have to talk to them about something that overwhelms us or worries us, but if they give us some advice or want to offer us help, we have to accept it because otherwise it will be of no use to us if we just talk.
15. What beautiful hope do all Christians have?
The hope that the Bible gives us to live forever, whether in heaven or in a paradise on earth, fills us with strength. This hope enables us to endure trials, preach good news, and fulfill responsibilities in the congregation.
Also thanks to this hope we have the strength to endure trials, also preach to other people so that they can have it and also fulfill our responsibilities that have to do with the congregation as shown in 1 Thessalonians 1:3 which says that our work is motivated by love and endure because of our hope.
And as Romans 4:3 and 18 to 20 say, although sometimes our strength may fail us or our life may end, we continue to have that hope not only in the resurrection but also the hope in the promises that Jehovah gives us that we will return again to the life.
16. Why did the apostle Paul need strength?
Paul needed strength because he faced various difficulties, including persecutions, dangers, and near-death moments. Although he felt fragile like a clay pot, he focused on his heavenly Hope to renew his strength.
Because of the difficulties he had had and would still have, until that moment he had been oppressed, persecuted, imprisoned and even later during his third missionary journey and later when he was arrested as a shipwreck, a mob attacked him and another ended up in prison. time.
The apostle Paul needed strength because he faced numerous difficulties and trials in his missionary work. In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul described how he had been oppressed, persecuted, overthrown, and nearly lost his life on several occasions. He was even hesitant at certain times. These experiences led him to need strength to endure the trials and continue with his work.
There is a very interesting detail, the second letter to Corinthians 4:8 to 10 says we are undecided but not without a way out, so what does this mean because sometimes we don't know what we have to do or how to lead our life or how to make a decision that really matters. Be wise, but as mentioned here, Jehovah does not leave us with no way out, we have the possibility and that is why the apostle Paul also went through moments of indecision of not knowing what to do, but the holy spirit and the help of Jehovah help us to continue. forward.
17. According to 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, what gave Paul strength to endure trials?
Paul gained strength by focusing on his hope. Although his body was wasting away, his spirit remained intact as he meditated on the greatness of his heavenly Hope. His focus on the future life renewed him every day.
According to 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, what gave Paul strength to endure trials was his hope in eternal life, in his case, a heavenly hope. Even though his body was wasting away, his spirit was renewed day by day as he focused on the life he would have in the future.
For Paul, the heavenly hope was very special and of increasingly extraordinary greatness. He focused on this hope and the promise of a life without pain, suffering, or death, which enabled him to endure the trials and difficulties he faced in his missionary work.
18. How does hope strengthen Tíjomir and his family?
Hope strengthens Tijomir and his family, after the death of his younger brother. Thinking about the resurrection and visualizing the future helps them cope with the pain and endure, giving them strength to wait for the resurrection.
After the tragic loss of their younger brother in an accident, hope in the resurrection has given them comfort. They talk about what the reunion with their brother will be like, they plan details such as the food they will prepare for him, who they will invite to welcome him, and what they will share about their last days together. Focusing on this Hope gives them the strength to endure the pain and allows them to wait patiently for the moment when Jehovah resurrects his brother.
He says that what sustained him and his family was the hope he had, how they would receive him, what they would eat, where they would be, how they could prepare what he would explain, then it is clear that hope is what really helps us all because there are quite a few older brothers here. They have started young and are working hard in everything they can, so what we have to do is just like this brother waiting on Jehovah.
19. What can you do to strengthen your hope? (See also the image).
To strengthen your hope, it is suggested to read the Bible about paradise, imagine life in the new world, and visualize specific details, to do this it is encouraged to use images and media such as music videos to keep our hope alive.
To strengthen our hope, we can take several actions. We can read what the Bible says about paradise and visualize ourselves there. It is also helpful to imagine what life will be like in the new world, visualizing ourselves and those we love in that place, considering what we will hear and feel. The images of paradise that appear in our publications can help us let our imagination fly.
Music videos have also been made with this idea of strengthening our hope, both the lyrics and the video that shows the images, because they convey the idea of imagining ourselves there in paradise and that makes our mind focus on the future and then our faith is strengthened and encourages us.
And the hope of the new world is like a balm that can calm an anguished heart, which is why we have to have the habit of visualizing that new world in our minds because it will make all the difficulties we may have now momentary and it will make us see it from another angle.
If we look at her, she is doing her personal study or she is preparing for a meeting but she is doing it with sign language, then it is possible that this sister does not have a good sense of hearing, so instead of being negative and focusing on that problem From now on, momentarily, he focuses on what his life will be like in paradise. Perhaps he has always wanted to learn to play an instrument and due to his circumstances he has not been able to do so, but then he focuses on that hope of being able to have that meaning that now he does not have well and that is why It makes her see the future, thus strengthening her hope in that.
A deaf sister watches the “True Life” music video in sign language and ponders what her life will be like in the new world. She imagines herself playing the cello alongside other musicians. What does she imagine her life will be like in the new world? (See paragraph 19).
20. Where will we get strength even in the moments when we feel weak?
Jehovah will give us strength through prayer, Bible study, and accepting the help of brothers and keeping hope alive. His power will enable us to fulfill responsibilities, endure trials, and serve with patience and happiness.
We will draw strength from Jehovah, just as biblical figures such as Jonah, Mary, and the apostle Paul did. To receive these strengths, it is important to pray, study the Bible, seek support from our brothers and sisters, and hold on to the hope that faith gives us.
Well, we have seen that it is Jehovah who gives us strength and he does it in various ways. We can turn to him in prayer by never giving up our personal study, accepting the help of our global brotherhood of brothers and keeping our hope alive every day. so we can endure everything that comes with joy serving Jehovah.
Yes, what he has commented is overwhelming when in Psalm 108:13 what he says through God we will have strength and he will trample our adversaries. I mean, Jehovah has given us everything we need to be able to become strong and we have to be sure because that's how it is.
And also never forget Colossians 1:11, never forget to pray to Jehovah, talk to him, talk to him as if it were from you to you, as if we had him at our side, as if we could see him with our eyes, because a relationship like this is what we It will help to ask Jehovah to open our hearts to ask Jehovah to give us the strength we need at all times to be able to solve any difficulty we have and Jehovah has the guarantee that he will grant it to us.
How do prayer and personal study give us strength?
Prayer brings us closer to Jehovah, certain that he listens to us and will give us the strength to endure, this is very certain.
Prayer and personal study give us strength as we connect with Jehovah. Prayer allows us to communicate directly with Him, and personal study provides us with knowledge and wisdom from the scriptures, thus strengthening our relationship with God.
By praying, we can express our concerns, fears, and needs to God and trust that he hears us and strengthens us, and personal study of the Bible gives us comfort, wisdom, and spiritual strength, helping us face challenges with a positive outlook and keep our faith.
And personal study, as Hebrews 4:12 says, the word of God is living and acts with power, therefore if we study and meditate on the word of God we gain the strength to move forward with both the trials we face and also with our responsibilities.
How do brothers give us strength?
The Brothers give us strength by being a source of comfort and support. In difficult times or when facing responsibilities, brothers can provide physical, emotional and spiritual help, thus strengthening our faith and spirit.
Well we know that Jehovah is the one who uses the brothers to help us. So they can give us physical, emotional and spiritual help so we should not hesitate to ask for their help.
Brothers can be a source of great comfort and support in difficult times. Your company, encouragement, and practical help can strengthen us and give us the emotional and spiritual help we need to overcome challenges and difficulties. Mutual support among brothers can be essential in keeping us strong in our faith and in our service to Jehovah.
Regarding this help, we must remember that we have the arrangement that Jehovah has instituted, which is the elders of the congregation. They can give us the necessary strength in difficult times and they can give us the encouragement we need when we are going through trials.
How does our hope give us strength?
Our hope gives us strength by filling us with purpose and motivation. The hope of living forever, whether in heaven or in a paradise on earth, enables us to withstand trials, fulfill responsibilities, and face difficulties with patience and happiness. Visualization and reflection on this Hope renews our strength.
The example of the apostle Paul has taught us that he was very aware of his reward in the future and visualized what his life would be like afterward, so that helped him focus on his hope and regain the strength to face what he faced. It also helps us to think that the problems we have today are momentary and therefore Jehovah strengthens our hope day by day and that helps us a lot.
It gives us strength by allowing us to visualize a better and happier future. By knowing that Jehovah will fulfill his promises, we can face difficulties with a positive perspective and remain firm in our faith. Hope gives us the strength to persevere in our service to Jehovah, even in times of adversity, and helps us maintain a positive and optimistic attitude toward life.
When carrying out this example of meditation here we are given suggestions on how to look at images or publications in our magazines and ask ourselves questions about how we see ourselves there, who we see, what we hear, what we feel, what we would like to say to people who will be resurrected, all those exercises. Simple things will make us realize that it is a very wonderful hope and that it is worth continuing to fight to get there.
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