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Congregation Bible study (30 mins.): bt chap. 4 paras. 1-8.
The apostles act decisively, and Jehovah blesses them
Based on Acts 3:1-5:11
1, 2. What miracle did Peter and John perform near a temple door?
Peter and John performed the miracle of healing a man crippled from birth. As they were heading towards the Beautiful Gate of the temple, they found this man begging for alms. Instead of giving him money, Peter offered him something much more valuable in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene: the ability to walk, so the man was instantly healed and could walk for the first time in his life.
Peter tells him I don't have silver or gold but I give you what I have in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene walks and at that moment we know that the person who had the problem of walking stood up and even took his first steps in front of everyone.
It was mid-afternoon and there was a sea of people, which caught my attention because there were a lot of people and the beggar shouted very loudly, really, so that I could hear him, but here it is very important that he turned around to see and we see what he saw. The sister commented that they made it true in the name of Christ that he should rise up. I really liked that.
Acts 3:1, there the note says that the temple prayers coincided with the morning and evening sacrifices, the latter being offered at the ninth hour, that is, around 3 in the afternoon.
3. What valuable gift did Peter offer to the people and the newly healed man?
Peter offered the people and the newly healed man the opportunity to repent, see their sins erased, and become followers of Jesus Christ.
Yes, it offers them the opportunity to repent and have their sins erased and become followers of Christ.
Yes, at the beginning we realize how the beggar was waiting for some coins from the apostle John and Peter because obviously they say we don't have anything because we are going to see what we have or what I have and well obviously what the beggar received was more valuable than any coin or any amount of money this was precisely what the people reasoned when they approached these two Apostles when they heard that what they were offering them was more valuable than any healing or any amount of money they paid attention to precisely what they were needing It was a spiritual healing because we were precisely Jews and were part of a people who were dedicated to God but had to understand.
This opportunity was interesting because they themselves are the ones who had killed Jesus Christ and here the book of acts 3:15 speaking about this miracle Peter points out that he has the opportunity to repent and erase his sins, including having killed the main people who had named Jehovah Jesus Christ.
When this man asks them for some money, we can think if Pedro had given them money, well, it would have run out in a little while, right? The same thing happens in this time, if we help people economically, well, they will run out quickly, they will run out quickly. They will become hungry again if we give them food, however, if we talk to them about the word of Jehovah we give them the opportunity to change their lives, be happy and have hope for the future.
4. a) What would cause the miracle that Peter and John did?
They caused the authorities to try to stop the work that Jesus entrusted to his disciples.
Well, all these events led the authorities to try to stop this work.
4. b) What will we see next?
We are going to see the testimony that Peter and John managed to give about the kingdom, and what we can learn from the methods and attitudes they showed before the authorities.
Yes we are going to see three things we are going to see how the testimony of Peter and John gave about the kingdom we are also going to learn the methods that they used even though they were considered common and with little education and also how to imitate what they did and the other disciples when facing opposition.
On this occasion it was a very good occasion since this person who was crippled recovered but the authorities did not see it that way, in fact they tried to stop, as already mentioned, the work that Jesus had entrusted to his disciples.
Yes, well, how is it that these men, as they were called, were common and with little education, that is, they were not so prepared to give the message of Christ, but we know and we are going to see more how it is that they gave that message to an extreme degree, so surely they I can learn a lot from that, how to learn or how to be able to give that message with the intensity that these two characters did.
We see how they were not very well educated, really, but nevertheless they remembered what Jesus had told them in Acts 1:8, he said, you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem in all Judea and Samaria and even the most distant part of the earth, so right now we who are like them should not be distressed because the holy spirit of Jehovah is going to help us, we have his help and then we must move forward without any prejudice.
5. What does the way Peter spoke to the crowd teach us?
The way Peter spoke to the crowd teaches us his courage and his ability to communicate God's message clearly and directly, without detours. Even though he knew that some of those present had called for the execution of Jesus, Peter did not speak hatefully to them, but rather explained to them clearly and bluntly that they were complicit in the death of Christ. Furthermore, he offered them the opportunity to repent and receive God's forgiveness.
That everyone was shouting bad things to Christ at Peter and John and instead Peter did not respond with hatred but rather told them I know that they acted this way because of my ignorance. In fact, he called them brothers and focused on giving them the good news of the King. .
In the case of Peter, it says that he was a very brave apostle since he bluntly told them that this man had healed them in the name of Jesus, so he, like him, should also be bluntly speaking to the people clearly, he says. not in a harsh way but in a kind way.
Possibly those who had previously cried out for Jesus' execution were also present.
He did not reprimand them, he told them that they had acted out of ignorance but he did not speak harshly to them, but in a kind way he even called them brothers.
First we observe his courage to talk to them but we also see that he was clear with his message when telling them that they were guilty of the shedding of Jesus' blood but we can also perceive the love because he calls them brothers and tells them that if they repent they will change. Jehovah will accept them and they will have time of relief.
Yes, we can learn many lessons from Peter's example and one of them is the way in which we have to address people in preaching, although there are many things that we can teach them, we are not going to say them all, perhaps on the first visit, as well as Peter explained to these people that they were complicit in the death of Jesus not because they had killed him but because they belonged to the nation that had done it, perhaps in preaching we are not going to go so far as to tell people that you belong to a nation. religion that has done this and that because although it is true that is not the message we want to convey, then we must take these tips into account when preaching.
So while it is true that we have the commission to announce the future judgment of God, it is not in our hands to judge people or feel that we are judges over them, rather, like Paul, we must concentrate on giving them the good news of the kingdom so that They also have that opportunity to know what Jehovah expects of them and can make changes in their lives but sincerely, they are being rude, not being kind.
Maybe nowadays they can offend us walking in the brother service but we must be patient with them like Peter.
6. How did Peter and John show that they were humble?
Peter and John demonstrated their humility by not seeking recognition for the miracle they performed. Peter asked why they looked at them as if they had made the man walk by their own power or devotion to God, recognizing that everything they had accomplished in his ministry was thanks to God's power, not their own.
Well, they did not seek any recognition, any recognition after the miracle or what they achieved in their ministry, so they always gave the credit to Jehovah and Jesus, even on that occasion when they performed that miracle and the words that are recorded in Acts 3:12 show what because they looked at them as if they had performed the miracle with their power.
Yes, thank you that we must always give credit to Jehovah, we know that everything we do in preaching in his service is through him and for him.
Yes, we feel happy and joyful to be able to contribute, but in reality the entire credit goes to Jehovah.
7, 8. a) What opportunity do we give people?
We have the opportunity to give people the opportunity to receive forgiveness of sins and to have faith in God and in Christ, because through preaching, they are offered the possibility of repenting and receiving forgiveness from God, as well as the opportunity to be part of the Kingdom of God.
If you are given the opportunity to help them have faith in God and Christ and like Peter, give them the opportunity to receive forgiveness of sins and enjoy the relief that Jehovah gives.
And although it seems that people do not care about their behavior, we have seen that in preaching many people already carry burdens of conscience, so giving them the opportunity to receive forgiveness of sins is a way to relieve people and we have that opportunity. .
Yes, that humility means that even if we have studies we have to continue preaching because the merit belongs to Jehovah and the people we visit on another day will also benefit and we will be obeying Jehovah to help that person have faith.
7, 8 b) How is the promise of “the restoration of all things” being fulfilled?
The promise of “the restoration of all things” is being fulfilled today through the establishment of the Kingdom of God in heaven in 1914, as announced by the prophets. Since then, Jesus began to see to it that it was restored. pure worship on Earth, and millions of Christians have accepted to be servants of the Kingdom and are now part of a spiritual paradise. People can change through the help of the holy spirit, and our role as followers of Christ is to use the Word of God skillfully and boldly to make disciples.
Yes, here it mentions that every year hundreds and thousands accept this invitation and are baptized as disciples of Christ.
Yes, just like the crippled man who was cured thanks to the Holy Spirit and managed to repent of his sins and have the opportunity to know and be a follower of Jesus, today there are also people who learn and are given the opportunity to learn from Jehovah. As Ephesians 4:22 to 24 says, they take off their old personality and put on the new one to have the life that Jehovah wants us to lead.
Our role is to use the word of God with skill and courage.
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