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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Job 31:35. If someone expresses their feelings or concerns to us, what can we do to not look like Job's “friends”? (w05 11/15 11 para. 3).
We can try to understand the feelings and concern that he has, show empathetic interest in our comments and when he explains the problem to us, try to perceive the feelings that his words express.
For example: First, we must show that we take the person's feelings into account and that our intention or objective is to understand them. We can also express our interest through supportive comments, such as: "It must have been terrible" or "You must have felt misunderstood." . Something that can also help is to repeat in our words what the person is telling us, that way he will know that we understood what he said, since to show love when we listen it is not enough to simply pay attention to the words, but to We must perceive the feelings they contain.
Well, we see when someone is telling us about a worry, feeling, and above all, it hurts, we don't just have to hear, we have to listen and perceive what the brother is telling us. The thing to keep in mind is that if a brother is telling us his worries, it is because he trusts us, so let's not let that feeling be in vain but be mutual, let's try to encourage that brother and understand how he feels and thus we will have empathy just as we would like him to have it with us.
If in the case of Job's friends or companions it is mentioned how he had listened to at least 10 of his speeches, however, Job still felt that they were not listening to him, why not even did they put themselves in his place or give him a word of comfort, It is mentioned here in the magazine that they did not even want to understand what he felt because they lacked the ability to listen or put themselves in Job's place, so in our case when someone talks to us or wants to vent, they have that trust in us and we can To avoid seeming to do the opposite, what Job's companions did is to listen to them try to put us in their place and give them a word of encouragement.
Yes, something that the comment mentions seems very interesting to me because it says that to show love when listening, you are not going to only pay attention to the words or what they are telling us, but you have to perceive the feelings that they contain.
We can listen to the person and put ourselves in their place, use encouraging words that show understanding, for example, we could say to the person, you sure feel bad or misunderstood, and it shows that we take their feelings into account even when they tell us and we repeat what they tell us. is telling is a sign of understanding and personal interest.
And sometimes when they are telling us about a problem or concern we are already thinking about the solution and that is what we can see here with the three counselors, instead of listening to what was really happening they were thinking about what solution I am going to give them or what they are going through. This and then it teaches us to listen well, sometimes there is no solution, sometimes simply listening makes the person feel understood and it is important.
Not only listening but also paying attention or fixing your eyes on the person, this indicates that you are listening because it is easy to realize when someone is listening to you in a little while but then your eyes are on something else and you already know that attention was lost, so that also indicates how we can pay attention to the way we listen.
Yes, what I mentioned is very interesting, the source of information mentions that there are ways of listening, someone can only listen out of respect without showing any interest, but someone else can listen but want to understand the feelings that the person is expressing, so in order not to look like the Friends of Job, when someone tells us something, they open their hearts to us, we want to try to listen to understand their feelings.
The way Job's so-called friends tried to console him did not help at all, on the contrary, they weakened the love and feelings that he already had. This teaches me that for us to show love we must listen with all our senses. Being in the position of the person who is talking to us, feeling their feelings and showing it with words, it must have been terrible, how much it must have hurt you, so that way we show that we are interested, we are listening and we put ourselves in their place.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Job 30:9,10. These verses show how Job's enemies unleashed their hostility on him, unrestrained and with total disrespect. We, too, may have to face rejection or ridicule from others for choosing to serve Jehovah. Like Job, we must remain firm and upright and not allow anything to discourage us or make our faith falter.
Job 31:16-19. These verses highlight Job's generosity and compassion for those most in need. We too can be generous with our words and actions, using our time and energy to help and encourage others. If we have the habit of being generous, we will grow closer to Jehovah and our brothers.
Job 31:29-34. These verses teach me that I must reject all desire for revenge. They also teach me the importance of forgiving and loving my enemies, even those who, calling themselves brothers, hurt them again and again.
Job 31:24-28. These verses warn me to put my trust and worship in Jehovah, instead of the material riches this world offers.
Job 31:16-23. These verses teach me the generosity I should show towards those who are in need and the importance of helping the most vulnerable.
Job 31:13-15. These verses teach me the importance of treating all human beings with justice and compassion, regardless of their position in society.
Job 31:9-12. These verses show the respect that Jehovah's servants should have for women, as well as the responsibility to maintain fidelity in marriage.
Job 31:6. This verse shows how Job affirms that while he suffers the attacks of Satan, Jehovah weighs him in an exact balance and thus comes to know his integrity. This teaches me that I must strive to be truly a person of integrity so as not to have to pass through Jehovah's scales.
Job 30:5-8. These verses hint at what Job acknowledged having managed to overcome various tests of loyalty that all servants of God face. This teaches me an example of integrity to emulate. If I do it well, I could say with the same conviction as Job, that I am a person of integrity.
Job 31:1-4. These verses teach me the importance of keeping my eyes and thoughts under control, avoiding temptation and immorality.
Job 30:24-31. These verses show how Job reflects on the brevity of life and the inevitability of death. This teaches me that life is fragile and we must take advantage of every moment to seek wisdom and do good to all types of people, but especially to those who suffer or go through difficult times.
Job 30:16-23. It shows how Job expresses his anguish and pain, describing how everything has been turned against him. This teaches me the importance of expressing our feelings and seeking support in times of difficulties from the right people and not from false friends and even less from mocking or critical people.
Job 30:9-15. These verses show how Job describes the wickedness and cruelty of his adversaries, who mock him and rejoice in his suffering. This teaches me that I should not imitate those who despise his neighbor and mock him or criticize him. On the contrary, we must show compassion and empathy to those who go through these types of situations.
Job 30:1-8. These verses show how Job talks about the humiliation he is experiencing and how he is being despised by young, worthless men. This teaches me that even fair people with impeccable reputations can go through difficult times and suffer the contempt of those who believe they are morally superior, but with their unjust actions they demonstrate the opposite.
Job 30:9-15. These verses show how Job faces the contempt and humiliation of those who used to be his friends and those who respected and honored him. He is distraught and suffers physically and emotionally. He feels that God has abandoned him. Today there are also people who insist on mocking and damaging our reputation and even making us think that these things happen because Jehovah has abandoned us. But Job's example shows that this is false and rather what he exposes is the moral turpitude of this type of people.
Job 30:1-8. These verses show how Job was tortured by the sons of men whom he would not even put with his dogs. These younger men were now the flyers and critics of him, which he considered unfair, since they were useless people. This teaches us that like father, like son. Hence, Christian parents should strive to be a good example for their children.
Job 30:1-2. These verses show how younger men mock and despise Job. This situation reminds us how respect and consideration for older people have been lost in this time, which should lead parents to reflect on how they are educating their children in this and other senses.
Job 30:11. Like Job, in the worst moments, we can come to think that Jehovah has abandoned us. Let us remember that, whatever the circumstances, Jehovah always knows what we are going through. Let's see it as a test from Satan, trusting that Jehovah will comfort and sustain us and give us the strength we need to endure any difficulty.
Job 30:20. Like Job, we may sometimes wonder if Jehovah hears our prayers. In these moments, let us remember that Jehovah loves us and wants to grant us what we ask of him. But he is also our creator and deserves all our respect. Therefore, let us make sure that the things we ask for are in accordance with God's will and that we ask for them with good reasons.
Job 30:28. Like Job, we can go through circumstances that cause us to experience deep sadness and despair. Let us pray regularly and open our hearts to Jehovah, meditate on reading the Bible and focus on the good things we have. This can certainly make the sad, yet righteous heart feel joyful again.
Job 31:9-28. Job set a good example for us by avoiding adultery, unfair and despised treatment of his fellow men, materialism and idolatry.
Job 31:1. Job had control over what he looked at and only showed romantic interest in his wife. Let us imitate Job, always being determined to obey Jehovah's moral standards and carefully controlling what we see and desire.
Job 31:11. Like Job, let us avoid shameful behavior. Let's not allow dirty things into our minds. Let's select well what we hear, see and read. Let us remain alert and react quickly in rejecting what is unacceptable in the sight of Jehovah.
Job 31:13-15. Job was humble, just and compassionate. He treated everyone well, regardless of their social or economic status. Let us imitate Job, being exemplary in our way of treating others.
Job 31:16-19. Job's generosity and compassion with those most in need stands out. We too can be generous with our words and actions, using our time and energy to help and encourage others. If we have the habit of being generous we will draw closer to Jehovah and our brothers.
Job 30:20. There it makes us think that sometimes when we have problems or need a solution we pray to Jehovah but perhaps we do not have an immediate answer, so this text makes me think that we should not think like Job did that Jehovah does not listen to us that he has no interest in us because we know that Jehovah is a God of love and he always pays attention to our prayers but does not respond when we want but when he sees it necessary.
Job 3:11. Job says he had control over what he looked at and only showed romantic interest in his wife. Let's imitate Job by always being determined to obey Jehovah's moral standards and carefully controlling what we see.
Job 31:37. He says like a prince I would approach him with confidence, this verse also helps me to value prayer more since Jehovah, although he is at a much higher level than us, gives us the confidence to open ourselves to him and this makes him a safe refuge in the world. that we approach Jehovah with confidence.
Job 31:6. Here Job asks God to weigh with an exact scale so that he would recognize his integrity and in this chapter he gives us to understand that Job had obviously overcome many diversities or tests of loyalty and also the same one that we face today, whether we are young or old, we face many types. of tests such as young people in school and many of them pass these tests, then Job left us this great example to imitate and if we do it we can be sure and also with great conviction ask Jehovah to also see our integrity.
Job 31:13-15. We see the treatment that Job gives to his servants, then we see that Job appreciated the mercy of Jehovah and that is why he was also like that with his servants. He was humble, fair and compassionate, he treated everyone without taking into account who they were or what their situation was like. social, then this is an example for us with our brothers we can do the same. Also here there are brothers who have certain responsibilities in the congregation they can take the example of Job we have to be just like Job and partial and also accessible.
Job chapter 30 the first verses. They talk about people younger than him who did not respect him, verse 10 says that they turned away from him and spit in their faces, so the young people did not respect and honor the dignity that Job deserved as he was an older person, that makes me It made me think about the older brothers in the congregation, how I am treating them, if I am treating them with the dignity that they deserve with the honor that Jehovah wants us to give them and with the love that we must show them, then thinking about that made me meditate. in it and show them that affection that they deserve
Job 31:13. It is a question that Job asks. Doesn't disaster await those who act badly and well, the answer is quite clear, it is obvious, he even says, and calamity awaits those who do harmful things. These are questions that have an obvious answer, now the question that one asks. Maybe I will be doing things that in the end my result is negative, obviously one has to learn from this lesson.
Personally, I quite like verse 1 of chapter 31. Where one part says how I could take an undue interest in a young woman, here Job had to demonstrate that to be upright he had to strive to be obedient in all areas of his life, one of them being respect his wife that's why I had to be very careful in the way I treated the other sisters and this teaches me the same thing that I have to be careful in treating our sister and in this way I will show respect and honor to my wife and I will show that I am integrity before Jehovah.
Job 31:29. It makes us think that as servants sometimes they treat us badly but sometimes it happens that morality changes, that bad things happen to those who treat us badly or something happens to them and that makes us meditate and we are happy for the things that happen to them. They happen to our enemies and if we feel happy, we want to imitate Job's attitude of not being happy about the injustices of those who do us harm.
Yes, although Job had been blessed with many material goods, his trust was not placed in them and this was demonstrated in the way he reacted when he lost everything, so in Job 31:24 to 28, he could say that he was willing to being judged by Jehovah because he knew that he had maintained his integrity in that regard, this teaches me that in order to maintain our integrity, one of the important aspects is to have the correct view of material goods.
Job 30:11. Like Job, in the worst moments we can come to think that Jehovah has abandoned us and let us remember that whatever the circumstances, Jehovah always knows what we are going through and let us see it as a test from Satan, trusting that Jehovah will comfort and sustain us. and will give us the strength we need to endure any difficulty.
Job 31:6. It teaches us that it is not easy to imitate Job's integrity since Satan is trying to break our integrity with the same force that he tried to break Job's, so we have to put on the full armor of God, this implies being interested in God in how Job was also, always being aware of pleasing him in anything we do and whether on an individual or family level so that the study, the preparation, the attendance, the meetings will help us so that we can continue to maintain integrity and also relate to our loved ones. spiritual brothers.
Job 30:28. He says that Job walked sad from one place to another and did not see a way out of his problem. We may also go through the same situation of sadness and despair, but something that can help us find a way out is to ask Jehovah in prayer to help us. Show us the way out and he may help us with the mature brothers within the congregation or with the elders if we ask for help like Job did.
Job 31:11. He talks about how it would be shameful behavior to seduce another woman other than his wife. This shameful behavior refers to both Jehovah and the people who observe it. This makes me think a lot about the actions we have. It is true. People know us for being Jehovah's Witnesses, we always want to clear their name, however, the first thing we should think about, like Job, is that behavior would be shameful in the eyes of Jehovah. We do not want to do anything that will stain our reputation that we have with Jehovah. just as Job considered this behavior shameful so that Jehovah would see it when we are about to make decisions and then we would feel ashamed to see what we do before Jehovah.
Job 31:29 and 30. Job shows that he never rejoiced in the suffering of those who hated him nor does it show that he was malicious or cruel towards them because he knew that the integrity he had with Jehovah was much more valuable, that makes me Think now that Jehovah also sees the heart of each one of us today and the way we act how we think will show if we are being vengeful or hypocritical with our way of being, then like Job we must be faithful to Jehovah with integrity in our way to act and demonstrate it.
Job 31:33. We see that Job did not try to hide his sins nor did he hide his mistake in his shirt pocket for fear of falling into disrepute. Job accepted that God would examine him. He was willing to confess his mistakes, well, and so would we if at some point we would get to eat. If we commit a serious sin, we should not hide it to save appearances, rather we should demonstrate that we are upright by recognizing our error, repenting, seeking spiritual help and repairing as much as possible any damage committed. By proceeding in this way, we will obtain Jehovah's blessing.
Job 31:13-15. Job was humble, fair and compassionate, he treated everyone well without taking into account their social or economic conditions. Let us imitate Job by being exemplary in our way of treating others.
Job 31:26-28. He talks about certain practices of false worship and although Job was not an Israelite, he was very concerned about giving pure worship to Jehovah and I would like to apply this today because there may be common festivals or traditions in the area or among the community but I must be very careful that they do not has nothing to do with false worship to give Jehovah what he deserves.
Job 31:6. Job said of Jehovah, he will recognize that I am complete, given the understanding that Jehovah pays attention to his integrity and that he was going to reward him. Our publications say that this security, that hope that he had that Jehovah was going to reward him for his integrity, helped him to endure. the trials that I had then, we never want to forget in our case that Jehovah also looks at our integrity and that he will reward it when we face trials, we want this to come to mind and that will help us face them successfully.
Job 31:16-22. He teaches us how Job really was a generous man. In these verses he mentions, for example, that if he were to refuse to give to the poor or grieve widows, he would say that my arm would fall or that it would break at the elbow. This teaches me that our spirit Giving without receiving something in return should be as strong as Job's. If we weren't going to do something for our brothers when they need it, then we might as well fall off.
Job 31:39. He also talks about how he has not eaten the fruits without paying anything. He did not cause despair among the owners of the land. With those words, Job was saying that he had never taken away anyone's land or exploited any worker, nor is it a good lesson for We today should never take advantage of the Christian brotherhood to materially take advantage of our brothers and rather we should be fulfilled with everything in our dealings. If we promise something we fulfill it if we borrow something we return it and so on and we will be like Job we will be able to say I have never done something bad.
Job 30:25. He says, maybe I haven't cried for those who go through difficult times, I haven't been sad for the poor, so Job was a man who felt sorry for others, but not just because he said it or because he said it, but because he shared what he had with great pleasure. He helped people not only emotionally but even materially.
Job 31:6. Where Job says that God weighs me with exact balance then he will recognize that I am integrity here Job had every certainty that he was a complete man a man of integrity before Jehovah so we too should never doubt our integrity we should be sure to always act correctly according to Jehovah's standards and we will not be afraid that Jehovah will judge us justly.
Job 31:15. Question: Did he who made me in the womb not make them in this context? He reveals to us that we are all God's creation and as Proverb 22:2 mentions, all of us, no matter if we are rich or poor, are works of God. God, then, this does not give us the right to despise some and show favoritism to others because we are all made by the same person.
Job 30:20. He tells us, I'm asking you for help, he tells us, I'm shouting for your help but you don't answer me. Sometimes we feel that Jehovah doesn't listen to our prayers and that's why it's very important that we read the Bible, watch the videos, there we find examples that the same or similar situations happened to us. those that we go through and see that Jehovah has responded to our brothers and it is good that we learn to be patient when Jehovah is going to respond.
Job 30 9:10. He mentions that his enemies or these comforters vented their anger on their ignorance of these people who told Job about everything, in the same way we can sometimes receive ridicule at work elsewhere, however let us not forget that Jehovah will be on our side. On the other hand, if we remain upright and do not allow ourselves to be discouraged or make us waver in our faith by these people who tell us or make fun of us.
Job 31:23. It teaches us the reason why Job always remained faithful and loyal to Jehovah during his life and especially in that very difficult time in his life and the reason is because of the fear of God that he had, Job never wanted to disappoint Jehovah or because disobey a command from him or, in the case of his life, speak ill or curse him, then we too must imitate Job's example in striving to obey Jehovah because of how our relationship with him would be affected if we disobeyed him.
Job 31:32. He says that no stranger had to spend the night outside, I opened my doors to the traveler, he talks about hospitality, he was always hospitable, giving his best even to the stranger. This is the lesson for us, so let us be hospitable to the extent that we can with our brothers and sometimes even those people who are not witnesses.
Job 30:26. He says that although I expected good, evil came, waiting for the light but darkness came, many times we strive with all the hypertension we have to do things well and it doesn't turn out wrong and that is why we must pray to Jehovah to that we can cope with what is happening to us.
Job 30:11. It shows us that Job's enemies unloaded their unbridled hostility on him without restraint and with total lack of respect and took advantage of his situation because they saw him as a weak person because of the situation that Job was having, but they forgot something very important and that is that Job was not alone because he had Jehovah who was with him at all times, today the same thing happens with brothers who live in countries where they are imprisoned for their beliefs, they think that in this way they are going to weaken them but they do not take into account that These brothers, like those in Russia, have Jehovah who strengthens them so that they can endure.
Job 30:25. It teaches us that Job was an empathetic person because he himself asks the question that perhaps he hasn't cried for those who are going through difficult times, I haven't been sad for the poor man, that teaches us that we also do the same when a brother feels bad, he is sad, we need to encourage him, we try to give him advice through the Bible or simply a gesture like a hug.
Job 31:33. Job says that he does not try to cover up his offenses or hide any crime, so from this we learn that when we commit a sin we have to confess it as soon as possible because hiding it would be of no use because Jehovah sees everything and the words of Proverbs 28:13 They encourage us to confess them so that mercy may be shown to us and we can reestablish our friendship with Jehovah as Job did.
Job 31:3-15. Here he was an example of humility, justice and compassion because he treated all people with respect regardless of their position, background, cultures or illnesses, so we have to follow his example of Job by being models that treat people kindly and being fair to all people.
What if we wait for the good and life gives us a setback or we wait for the light but it comes to darkness in the case of Job in chapter 30 verse 26, he felt exactly like that and in fact in 20:21 he says that he It seemed that God was not helping him so we must be aware that in this increasingly evil and worsening system we are not immune to this type of situation happening to us but we do know where it comes from unlike Job who did not know and we have the assurance that if God does not remove the problem he will surely give us the strength to move forward.
Job 31:6. Jehovah remembers Job's integrity and that was kept alive in his heart by the hope that he had in the future, because we still have to be determined not to stop being integrity even if sometimes we feel that we are the only ones who want to achieve it but We know that Jehovah is with us, we are not alone and not only because of a wonderful future that we will have, but today he is with us and every time he is making each day a success.
Job 31:6. Without the same verse it says that Jehovah weighs me in an exact balance, it refers to his perfect justice and this brings us closer to Jehovah because he knows even our deepest thoughts and we have the assurance that he is not overlooked by the efforts we make for pleasing him and this is something that strengthens our friendship with him.
Job 31:38. We find a practical lesson, says Job, if my own land has cried out against me and all its furrows have cried at the same time with these words Job He indicated that he had never taken away anyone's land or exploited any worker just like him, we must be loyal to Jehovah in all matters whether of little importance or of great importance.
Job 30:25. Job was an altruistic man with others and Jehovah took into account his good behavior and rewarded him in his life.
Yes, sometimes when we suffer from anxiety, depression or other things that leave us a little sad and dejected, Job 30:28 mentions that Job was also in this way, he walked around sad from one place to another, but the most important thing is that he says, I ask for help in the assembly. , we must ask for help in the congregation from responsible brothers or other mature brothers or mature sisters to help us face our discouragements.
Job 31:6. Job has been able to highlight a quality of Jehovah, he says that he weighs me on an exact scale, that is, sometimes we ourselves have a very low opinion of ourselves or sometimes we believe ourselves too much, but he was aware that Jehovah has the great quality or one of many that He weighs us in his exact balance, therefore we must fully trust that Jehovah will at the time give us not only help but will also weigh us in the right measure, neither too much nor too little.
Job 31:1. It has been commented in part in the treasures but it is proven that the harmful effect of pornography and if a Christian decides to have control over what he watches, it is not because of prudery but because he respects God's standards and knows that what God advises us tells us. It is for our good.
Job 30:20,21. We see when Job suffered one tragedy after another, he wrongly blamed God for it and did not know who was causing his problems or the reason for his suffering. Today, fortunately, we have the Bible that teaches us why things happen to us and how we should react. with them.
Job 31:38,39. In these words Job said that he had never taken away anyone's land. Here we see that Job was honest and this teaches us that we must be loyal to Jehovah at all times in all matters, whether they are of little importance or of great importance and be honest.
Job 31:6. We see that Job implied that he had managed to overcome various tests of loyalty that all servants of God face. Without a doubt, Job left us a great example that we should imitate. If we do so, we can say with the same conviction as David that we will walk in integrity. to Jehovah.
Job 31:3-15. He says that Joseph appreciated Jehovah's mercy and that is why he was merciful to his slaves and this is a magnificent example for me and for all of us of what we should be merciful, just, impartial and accessible.
Job 31:13,14. We also see that if we want to be upright we must also imitate Job's humility by dealing with people with justice and consideration.
Job 31:6,7. It teaches us that when we are upright we are also supporting the sovereignty of Jehovah and we must also remember that God will be based on our behavior because in order to judge us individually in this case Job knew that Jehovah weighs people on an exact scale that is, with his perfect justice determines whether they are complete, then this text encourages us to strive to do what pleases Jehovah in every area of our life even when we believe that no one sees us since Jehovah knows our hearts even down to our intentions.
Job 31:24-28. He shows that even though Job was rich he trusted in Jehovah and not in wealth and like Job did we should value having a good, close relationship with Jehovah more than material positions.
Speaking about the attitude of Job 30:26 , it says that good awaited him, however, evil came and he was waiting for the light and darkness came, it was a situation with no way out, we could say that he was within his rights but he did not lose faith, he had hope. and it is a good example for us Because the tendency is that in a situation with no way out we isolate ourselves and suffer but we should be encouraged by that example and have a positive attitude.
Job 31:33-37. We see that Job did not try to hide his sins nor did he hide his error in his shirt pocket as the verses say, he accepted that God examined him and was willing to confess his errors. The lesson we learn from here is that if one day we will come to If we commit a serious sin, we should not hide it to save appearances, but rather be upright like Job, recognizing our mistakes, repenting and seeking spiritual help.
When the book of Job was written there was no divine law that said that orphans and widows had to be treated in a special way and yet this man Job highlights that it is a part of his behavior that he highlights it may mean that not everyone The world did it because it stands out as something good and that teaches us that sometimes it is not necessary for there to be a written law for everything if we understand that we should do something because it is good based on our knowledge and understanding that we have even if we do not find it. an explicit reference to that because morally we have the obligation to do it before Jehovah, we do not have to wait for a clarification of that specific point if we understand what we have to do.
Job 31:4. I was asking, does God not see my ways? It has made me think a lot about how Jehovah cares about each of us individually and here Job showed that he also cared that Jehovah was seeing him. This has made me think about how this really motivates us. to act in the way that Jehovah likes just as Job did.
Job 31:24. It shows the contrast with what he is talking about gold is that in the study guide he talked about, for example, if the serious error in this case is that going after material things personally teaches me to reject material things or the things of this world in general and rather focus on strengthening my friendship with Jehovah.
Job 30:25. We can understand that here Job did everything right, in fact in the book of Job it is said that there was no man like him with a whole heart before Jehovah, but on 26 we see that although he did everything right, he received it as a reward. It was evil instead of light, darkness and in the 27th we can understand that he was depressed, an understandable depression as we can read but he never got agitated in the sense that he never blamed God so he always remained faithful and integrated in the face of adversity. and he never blamed or denied Jehovah, but he teaches us that no matter how many difficulties we go through we always have to wait on Jehovah.
Job 31:33. A question is asked, have I ever tried to cover up my offenses like other men do by hiding my crime in the pocket of my clothes, could we sometimes as servants of Jehovah realize that some Christian brother is not doing the right things and that he could We might be tempted to fall into the same trap, believing that we can do something that displeases Jehovah and that in the end nothing will happen to us, but in the verse of this same chapter in verse 4 it says perhaps God does not see my ways and I count all my steps so I learn that I must be very careful and that each of us is going to give an account to Jehovah and that, as already mentioned, whatever I do, Jehovah is watching and Jehovah knows even my intentions, so I must be very careful. my conscience that I have before Jehovah.
Job 30:28. Despite Job's suffering, he seeks help and comfort, this shows that it is essential to seek support in difficult times and seek the company and comfort of others. It also highlights the importance of releasing and sharing our emotions in times of affliction since the act of Expressing suffering can be a first step towards the relief we have.
Job 30:20. Job Says I cry out for your help but you don't answer me and There are times when we could feel like this, feel that Jehovah doesn't listen to us, that he doesn't pay attention to us, that he doesn't consider us and we could falter and we could even blame him, as at one point Job did too. It is necessary to understand that same picture that it is not Jehovah who gives us tests of this type, it is Satan who is the enemy, so let us never blame God for the difficult situations we go through.
Job 30:9,10. We find something very outstanding that can happen to all of us in these texts, we see how the enemies let all their hostility unloaded on him without restraint and with total lack of respect and it is possible that we also face similar situations just for choosing to serve. To Jehovah, people who are against precisely our position with our firm faith will always be willing to undermine our faith, but if we remain firm and strong as Job demonstrated, we will maintain our integrity and praise Jehovah and honor his holy name.
Job 31:13,14. Job says, if I denied justice to my servants or my maidservants when they had a complaint against me, what could I do when God questions me? What can I answer when He asks me to account? If we want to be honest, we must imitate Job's humility as well as justice and consideration. with which he treated people because Job appreciated Jehovah's mercy and that is why he was merciful with his slaves, this precisely teaches me that we must be exemplary when treating those around us and show those same qualities and especially if they are elderly they must be fair impartial and accessible.
Job 31:1. It shows Job's commitment through his eyes and highlights the importance of self-control, which teaches me to apply it by being constant in my thoughts and emotions, practicing self-discipline when facing temptations or distractions that can distance me from my principles.
Oh, who thinks that life is short and that you have to enjoy every moment but remembering God leaves it as the last option for your life, however for Job when he was entering an age he expressed the following in Job 30:16 , now life days of suffering escape me, they take over me thinking about what he expressed because he encouraged me to serve Jehovah now that there is time and that the calamitous days that will prevent me from serving Jehovah with more difficulty have not yet arrived.
Job 31:6. We must have integrity because Jehovah judges us based on our conduct.
Job 30:17. Job shows how he felt; he expresses that his pain was so intense that it pierced his bones. Even if the suffering we are experiencing could happen to us, it does not allow us to sleep, think or reflect, but Jehovah will always give us the necessary help to be able to overcome any pain or suffering we are going through.
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