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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Job 29:24. What does Job's example teach us? (g00 8/7 11 para. 3).
Job's example teaches us how important a smile is, and it has been said that a smile is a balm to the soul and a refreshment to the bones. So if we copy Job's example of smiling we will feel less nervous and we will feel the confidence of not being rejected, because the smile greatly influences who gives it, as well as who receives it, that is why Job could be that kind of person who He showed great joy when addressing others.
Job's example also teaches us the good influence that a kind and positive attitude can have, even towards those who may be adversaries. Job showed that his smile and illuminated face were not recognized by those who challenged him, highlighting the importance of maintaining a positive attitude despite adverse circumstances.
Job's example teaches us that a smile can have a significant impact on interactions with others. Although his opponents did not believe in his smile, Job mentions that the light on his face did not fade, possibly denoting his satisfaction or joy. This highlights the importance of smiling as an expression that can soothe and calm others, as well as influence the emotional state of both the person smiling and the person receiving the smile.
In Ministry and in sharing the teaching of the Kingdom of God, it is essential to maintain a positive and understanding attitude toward all people, even those who may be adverse or difficult. Showing kindness, compassion, and a smile can be what helps the person be more willing to listen to the Kingdom message.
Job's example teaches us about resilience in the face of diversity. Despite smiling and showing a light on his face, his opponents did not recognize him or accept his positive attitude. This situation highlights the importance of maintaining calm and inner joy even when others do not respond favorably. He shows us that sometimes our positive actions may not be noticed or valued by those who disagree with us, but standing firm in our convictions and attitudes can be an act of inner strength.
The biblical quote from Job 29:24 offers us a valuable lesson about the importance of a positive attitude even in the midst of adversity. Job, a Biblical character known for the trials and sufferings he faced, did not allow life's difficulties to steal his joy despite challenging circumstances and criticism from his adversaries.
Job chose to respond with a smile, this attitude probably denoted his inner satisfaction and his determination to remain faithful to his beliefs and principles despite adversity. The lesson we can extract from this passage is the importance of maintaining a positive attitude even when We face challenges and opposition. Job's smile not only reflected his own inner strength, but also had an impact on those around him, it is a reminder that our attitudes and facial expressions can powerfully influence our environment and the people we interact with. .
The practical application of this principle in everyday life is evident when reflecting on the influence of a smile on interpersonal relationships. Smiling can be a simple act, but its positive effect can be profound. How many times have we experienced relief and tranquility when receiving a kind smile in difficult times? On the other hand, the lack of a smile can make us feel nervous or rejected.
In our daily lives, we can emulate Job's attitude by facing challenges with a positive attitude and a smile, recognizing that our attitude can have a significant impact on those around us. Furthermore, Job's lesson also urges us to be understanding and open to the possibility that someone's outward appearance may not always reflect their true emotional or spiritual state.
In summary, Job's example teaches us the importance of maintaining a positive attitude expressed through actions such as smiling. Even in the midst of adversity, this attitude can not only strengthen us internally, but also positively influence those around us, creating an environment more harmonious and compassionate.
The case of Job illustrates the importance of a smile and it has been stated that it acts as a balm for the soul and a relief for the bones. So imitating the attitude can help us feel less nervous and gain confidence to avoid rejection. The smile exerts a significant influence on both the person who offers it and the person who receives it, which is why Job was able to stand out as someone who radiated joy when addressing others.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Job 28:1. In this verse we notice that just as there is a place to refine gold, We also have a place to be refined. As is our place of worship, it is there where Jehovah refines us and purifies us to do his will.
Job 28:29. This verse invites us to reflect on God's order and wisdom in nature, showing his authority and care over the world. It also reminds us of the importance of recognizing the greatness of God and his power over aspects we often take for granted in everyday life, such as the weather and natural elements.
Job 28:29. In this same passage we see that by controlling essential elements like rain, God demonstrates his concern for creation and his provision for the needs of the Earth and its inhabitants. His control over these natural phenomena shows his care for life on earth.
Job 28:24. Recognizing the magnitude of Divine knowledge can humble us as we understand our limitations compared to the greatness of Jehovah's understanding. This can help us trust him in times of uncertainty, knowing that he sees beyond what we can understand.
Job 28:23. This same text helps us recognize that, although we cannot achieve all wisdom on our own, we can trust that Jehovah, as the source of wisdom, can help us find guidance and understanding from him.
Job 28:23. This text helps us recognize that genuine and profound wisdom is beyond our human understanding. Although we may strive to acquire knowledge and understanding, the true path to wisdom and its abode is known only to Jehovah, and from him comes this precious treasure called “Wisdom.”
Job 28:20. This verse invites us to reflect on the nature of wisdom and how it is acquired. It implies that wisdom is not something superficial, but something that requires exploration and searching just as if we were looking for a great treasure. Similarly, if we eagerly seek Jehovah's wisdom, he will help us find it.
Job 28:13. The fact that no man fully recognizes his worth implies a humility before wisdom. It shows us that, despite our efforts, we can never fully understand the depth and magnitude of true knowledge.
Job 28:12. This verse teaches us that it is not just about accumulating knowledge, but about understanding the essence of things, about having discernment and insight to face life. It is a combination of acquired knowledge and the ability to apply it in everyday life.
Job 28:1-4. He describes the extreme efforts that man goes to to obtain precious materials such as gold and silver. If we consider the knowledge of Jehovah as valuable as gold and silver, this leads us to reflect on the dedication and effort we should be willing to invest to obtain that spiritual knowledge.
Job 29:25. The teaching in this text is to maintain humility and righteous behavior in all circumstances, whether in times of prosperity or in times of scarcity. Being humble and behaving as servants of Jehovah means maintaining an attitude of gratitude, compassion and service towards others, without getting carried away by the external fluctuations of life.
Job 28:28. This lesson teaches us that true wisdom begins with awe or respect for God. It involves recognizing the greatness, authority and sovereignty of Jehovah. At the same time, the importance of turning away from evil is highlighted, rejecting that which is contrary to the values and principles that God represents.
Job 28:24. This text teaches us that although we may think that something is hidden beyond the reach of human sight, nothing escapes the knowledge and attention of God. This can serve as motivation to act with integrity and Justice, knowing that our actions and thoughts are not hidden from Jehovah and he will judge us according to our deeds.
Job 28:18. This text refers to wisdom and since it is more precious than any Earthly treasure, this lesson leads us to reflect on the true nature of wisdom and its inestimable value. In this passage, it is highlighted that wisdom cannot be compared with material wealth. Although people often seek wealth and material goods, Wisdom is something that goes beyond any Earthly possession so we must strive to achieve the wisdom of God.
Job 28:10-12. This text is a powerful reminder that, in the midst of earthly concerns and desires, we must recognize and prioritize spiritual growth, wisdom, and a relationship with Jehovah, as these aspects have a much deeper and lasting value in our lives.
Job 28:13. He talks about how humans value precious metals like gold and Sapphire, but he emphasizes the fact that the knowledge of God is of even greater value. This passage invites us to reflect on priorities in life and recognize the importance of spiritual knowledge over material wealth.
Job 28:25. This same verse gives us another lesson: It teaches us the greatness and sovereignty of Jehovah over creation. It shows us what things in the world are beyond our human understanding and control. Which invites us to recognize divine wisdom and trust it.
Job 28:25. This verse also encourages us to contemplate the majesty and grandeur of Jehovah's creation, reminding us of our position as human beings in a vast and wonderful universe that he has created. He urges us to recognize his wisdom and the control he has over seemingly uncontrollable elements like the wind and waters. Knowing that we serve Almighty God is a privilege.
Job 28:29. It talks about how Jehovah establishes laws and orders nature, including rain, thunder, and storms. Highlighted here is the idea that God has control over creation and sets the patterns and paths for natural phenomena such as rain and thunder. This teaches us about Jehovah about his sovereignty, over creation, and his ability to maintain order in the universe.
Job 28:29. This same text recognizing that God has a plan and setting laws even for seemingly chaotic things, like storms, can strengthen our faith. He teaches us to trust in His plan and care for it, even in the midst of difficult or turbulent circumstances.
Job 28:24. This verse highlights the idea that God has a limited and complete perspective. He is not limited by time, space or any other restrictions that may affect human beings. This idea teaches us that there is nothing hidden from Jehovah, He sees and knows everything, from the depths of the earth to the highest of heavens.
Job 28:25. Reference is made to Jehovah's greatness and control over nature. Here, Job is reflecting on the magnitude of divine power by observing the way God rules over natural elements, such as the wind and waters. We definitely learn how much power the creator of the universe possesses, which makes him worthy of receiving glory and honor.
Job 28:23. He reminds us that there are aspects of wisdom and knowledge that are beyond our ability to achieve on our own. Although wisdom may be inaccessible to us in its entirety, the passage encourages us to pursue wisdom. He invites us to persevere in our search and recognize that, despite our efforts, it is Jehovah who knows the way to it.
Job 28:14-18. These verses emphasize that wisdom is something extremely valuable and cannot be acquired with earthly riches. The search for wisdom is compared to the search for treasure: Just as the deep waters and the sea do not contain this treasure, nor can any amount of gold, silver, precious stones or Pearls compare or equal the value of wisdom. It is a reminder that knowledge and wisdom are treasures beyond the tangible, it is something that cannot be acquired simply with material wealth, but requires reflection, experience and deep understanding of life, above all effort on our part to get it.
Job 28:12. The question posed suggests that wisdom is not found easily, it is with a journey, a process of search and continuous learning. It is not something that is acquired quickly or easily, wisdom is acquired through dedication and persistence.
Job 28:7,8. These verses show us that the comparison with inaccessibility to birds of prey and majestic beasts illustrates that true wisdom is not easily found. Sometimes the most valuable treasures are hidden and require effort and searching to discover. Therefore, it is highlighted that wisdom is not found on the surface nor is it acquired casually. It requires constant and deep effort to achieve it.
Job 28:12. This text shows us that many seek wisdom, but not all achieve it, we are privileged, because we achieve wisdom and understanding in the word of God.
Job 28:13. We can see that the text refers to some people who do not recognize the value of wisdom, but the servants of Jehovah do value the practical wisdom that comes from Jehovah, and helps us protect and guide us in life.
Job 28:23. This verse teaches us that only Jehovah God is the one who can give us a meaningful path. So it is important to walk in his path, since it is the only way we can count on Jehovah's protection.
Job 28:28. The text says that the fear of the Lord is wisdom, as we noted the patriarch Job recognized the value of fearing God. We must see this in the same way and fully trust in our God Jehovah, since if we apply his righteous standards, we can have his blessing.
Job 29:1 . Job describes how he felt cared for and protected by God. This reminds us that, despite trials and tribulations, our friendship with and trust in Jehovah can provide comfort and strength in difficult times. Remembering how Jehovah has taken care of us even in good times will give us the strength to move forward in difficult situations to continue trusting in him.
Job 29:2. This reading teaches us that sometimes we long for the past times, just like Job did he wanted to return to the things of the past, but it is important to leave things behind and focus on the present, on serving Jehovah and achieving spiritual goals.
Job 29:4. This verse shows that we all want to have Jehovah's protection and friendship. This is possible if we strive to be loyal to him and obedient at all times.
Job 29:11. This reading shows us the importance of making a good name, and we say this because if we do it, when we are gone people will remember us for our good reputation and above all Jehovah will have in his memory all the good things that we strive to do in his service.
Job 29:12. This verse motivates us to show love to people as he did, with the needy and with the orphans. We must also imitate his example by being compassionate and merciful to all.
Job 29:1-4. Job remembers how the light of Jehovah guided his steps in the midst of darkness. This image teaches us that even in the darkest or most difficult times of our lives, Jehovah can illuminate our path and give us hope.
Job 29:13. Job felt the pain that the widows experienced, as he kept in mind that if he acted thoughtlessly he could increase the person's pain just with a word. He acted so that they would rejoice inwardly in their hearts. Today the elders of Christian congregations can do the same by providing security to people who find themselves in this situation. That way they will find a loving family in the congregation, and they will feel that they are really part of it.
Job 29:14. Just like Job, we must be righteous and try to do what is right even though we are imperfect. We must strive every day to do just and right in the eyes of Jehovah. If we do so, Jehovah will give us the eternal life that we so long for.
Job 29:15-17. Throughout the world, many of Jehovah's servants face very difficult and even painful situations. We may see it in our own congregation. Some have a serious illness or have lost a loved one in death. Others suffer the intense pain caused by a family member or close friend revealing the truth. And there are those who have to endure the consequences of natural disasters. They all need relief from their sufferings. Like Job we can be a source of great comfort to others.
Job 29:21. This text teaches us that when we give advice to someone, we must do so with the correct motivation. In addition, we can make sure that the advice is really necessary AND if we are the right person to give it. When we ask questions, let us listen carefully to our brothers to learn what their circumstances are. It is important to make an effort to put ourselves in their place and treat our siblings with affection; if we do so we will be showing that we are really good friends.
In Job 29:12,13. I liked this verse where you will see that many servants of Jehovah face difficult situations. We may see it in our own congregation, so we must, we can be observers and perhaps give them a call to encourage them and if our circumstances allow us, we can support them. not only with words but with actions.
Job 29:22,23. He mentions how he spoke, he says, my words entered softly into his ears, they were waiting for me like the rain is expected, this made me think about how my way of speaking is with my brothers and when I preach, people wait for me as something that gives relief like the rain something. pleasant and easy on him and then if I take care how I speak and treat others it can open many opportunities for them to learn from Jehovah.
Job 28:12. Job wonders where wisdom can be found and then they mention the places where it can be found and from there in verse 23 only Jehovah is the only way to find it so this makes me think that we as servants of Jehovah have the enormous privilege of having ready the way to find this wisdom, the fact that we can have communication with Jehovah and he can give us this wisdom that we need makes us very special compared to other people who seek wisdom in other places, so appreciate this privilege that Jehovah gives us is also very well received by us.
Job 28:18. It shows us how valuable wisdom is and so wisdom is really very valuable, it is much more valuable than material positions and can help us succeed in life, in fact wisdom is a protection just like money, however the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom itself keeps its owners alive, Ecclesiastes 7:12 tells us, people try to seek this wisdom by seeking advice from psychologists and psychiatrists when they have problems finding advice, however, the advice that they have, unfortunately, only results in disappointment and failure in the case of us as Jehovah's Witnesses we go to the Bible because we know that the author of the Bible is Jehovah, it is through him that this wisdom is obtained and therefore when we have problems we go to it and without a doubt we have good results.
Job 28:1. It shows us that just as there is a place to refine gold, we also have a place to be refined, such as our worship hall, that is where Jehovah refines us and purifies us to do his will.
Job 28:3. He mentions the efforts that man makes to search for something valuable, which shows us that Jehovah created us with the ability to overcome obstacles, we know that minerals are very valuable and today not all of us are dedicated to mining but we have secular jobs in Those of us who when presented with something new do not stay stagnant but rather learn what is necessary to do a good job and earn the corresponding money, then that is where we have overcome an obstacle at work, this made me think that in the same way And even more we must overcome the obstacles that arise when it comes to educating ourselves biblically, whether such as sleep, fatigue or some distraction that arises.
Job 28:18. There wisdom is compared as something of much more value than bags of pearls, obviously it refers to the wisdom that comes from Jehovah which is in his word the Bible but in order to really benefit from this wisdom because all people have access to Bible but to benefit and find the value we need to put into practice the wise and timely advice that Jehovah gives us in his word in publications, only in this way would the Bible become or Jehovah's wisdom become of great value to us.
Job 8:18. He says that a bag of wisdom is worth more than a bag of pearls, today on average a single pearl can cost between 300 and 1500 dollars, so with a whole bag of pearls the price varies between $150,000 and $750,000, but still with that amount Money is worth nothing if one does not have the wisdom or knowledge that comes from Jehovah, that is why Job recognized the importance of that wisdom and we must also recognize it and we must strive to acquire that wisdom.
Job 28:23. It mentions that only God knows the way to find wisdom and verse 28 of the same chapter says that to obtain it we must fear Jehovah and we achieve this by learning more about Jehovah and his rules by studying the Bible and observing his creation by doing this We will cultivate a deeper love for Him and that love will drive us to be obedient and upright.
Job 29:12. He mentions that he helped the afflicted who cried out for help. The generous and loving spirit of Job is a great example that we should imitate in the congregation. There may also be brothers who are afflicted, perhaps by an illness, discouragement, perhaps the death of a loved one. dear but whatever the reason all our dear brothers have needs that we can and should strive to meet through continued acts of loving kindness.
Job 28:28. He points out that true true wisdom demands more of us than simply learning the edges of His ways, more than just scientific data, we have to come to know the excellence of God's personality, fear Him as the One who upholds right principles, and follow these principles only. Through a study of his word you can obtain that wisdom.
Job 29:12-15. Part of this was mentioned in treasures of the Bible but here we learn a lesson we have to willingly show loving kindness to those in need, Jehovah approved of Job and Job was that kind of person and in every congregation there are people who need help there are People who feel loneliness, discouragement, feelings of worthlessness, disappointments, serious illnesses or go through the death of a loved one, all of them need help and we must be ready to give it to them.
Job 29:21. He says, people listened to me expectantly, they waited for my advice in silence. That's why Job managed it because he had empathy for people. Nowadays, you also need a lot of empathy with people to be able to be heard because if not, otherwise they won't listen to us. Empathy, like Job, is very important.
Job 28:18. The Bible sometimes alludes to the value of pearls as an illustration, referring to the incomparable value of true wisdom when Job said a bag full of wisdom is worth more than one full of pearls, and this does not make us think of the Sermon on the Mount when Jesus Christ advised that they should not give the saints to the dogs or throw their pearl before the pigs so that they never sniff it under their feet, then Jesus meant that if a person does not show value for the spiritual as is typical of irrational animals, one should not insist in sharing spiritual concepts and teachings with such people, because these people are going to offend or try to insult Jehovah's teachings, which is what we do not want.
Job 29:12. This verse motivates us to show love to people as he did with the needy and orphans. We should also imitate his example by being compassionate and merciful to everyone. Well, we have good examples of Job that teaches us, for example, when he helped many people in different ways. Likewise, we can also here in the meetings talk to the little brothers how they are, how they feel, to comment and ask them how they are.
Job 29:2. It shows how Job wanted to remember the past when he felt happy, this made me think that perhaps when we go through problems we also want to remember our past and although there is nothing wrong with us meditating on the past, for example, perhaps on our acts to learn from them or to reflect fondly on good memories, it is important that we be realistic because if we focus too much on the past we could become so dissatisfied with our circumstances that we lose joy, so this teaches me how to use this gift of memories in ways that please Jehovah, such as seeing how he has helped and blessed us in the past.
The faithful Servants of Jehovah have had feelings of depression and this is what Job expressed in chapter 29 verse 2. There he said when God was with me when he protected me, meaning that Jehovah was no longer with him or had forgotten about him and In reality, these feelings, whatever the cause, are not at all pleasant. We have seen what period of despondency they have endured by faithful servants of Jehovah. For example, we have recently analyzed the case of Peter, now that of Job, but we have also seen how Jehovah uses his word. and your organization respond to help, so the important thing is not to give up on doing what is right, because our God Jehovah will help us overcome our problems and negative feelings that we have.
Job 28:28. This text says that the fear of Jehovah is wisdom, as we noted, the patriarch Job recognized the value of fearing God. And we must also see this in the same way and trust fully in our God Jehovah, since this way if we apply his righteous standards we can have his blessing.
Job 28:18. He talks about a bag full of wisdom, it is worth more than a bag of pearls and much more than coral and crystal, he says, I start thinking and of course Jehovah has given us or provided us with that bag full of wisdom and it is about the wisdom that we find. in the Bible, which is the most important book in the world, but perhaps we own this Bible or we have it, but it is not the same to have it and not use it, so we want to get the most out of this bag full of wisdom by studying and reading it, that's how it goes It may be that the Bible is of great value to us.
Job 28:28. There Job says that he was mentioning that true wisdom is achieved with effort, this is not only knowing the basic parts of the word of Jehovah but with deep study getting to know the excellent personality of God and for this effort is required, If we put it into practice we will not only feel the fear of Jehovah but we will have a close relationship with him and not only that we will have a good reputation as a servant of Jehovah.
Job 29:14. There is an important comparison that Job compares what is correct with his clothing something very important and like him we must try to do what is right even if we are imperfect we must strive every day to do it just and right in the eyes of Jehovah.
Job 28:12. He tells us about where we can find wisdom and later in Proverbs 2:6 we find the answer, he says that Jehovah who gives wisdom and from his mouth comes knowledge and discernment, so in his word we can find several tips that can help us get closer him and make better decisions.
Job 28:12. It asks where wisdom and the source of understanding can be found and similar questions such as where the truth is found or what the meaning of the Bible is, etc., are what people ask around the world and it is curious because they have the answer right there. in your house and that is why we want to continue preaching and reach every last person to be able to preach what is the truth.
Well, maybe speaking a little more about Job 29:12-15, you can see the example of Job how he helped the afflicted orphan as life is, today our cooperation we can also have brothers who suffer from discouragement, this natural step a moment a bad moment or an illness not then we can follow the example of Job that we can show interest and loving kindness to our brothers by being patient and also helping them.
Job 28 from 12 onwards. Job compares wisdom with very valuable things in 18 he says that coral and crystal size them and he says that a bag full of wisdom is worth more than one full of pearls but because this bag is worth so much because thanks to this bag full of wisdom that is the Bible we find solution or help for many problems of daily life such as depression problems at home economic problems, so this teaches me to give the Bible the advice of the Bible the same value that Job gave it, considering it much more valuable than all these treasures.
Job 29:21. There we can take away here it is said that when Job gave advice his friends listened to him with expectation, he liked that he advised them, which teaches us that when we give advice we can do it first with a correct motivation if we do it we can put ourselves in his place we can put ourselves in his place. his circumstances because if we are giving it to him it is right that we give it to him, if we do that we are going to show him that we really care about his circumstances that we want to be his good friends and help him to achieve it, for example, a spiritual goal or any other type of type becomes familiar so help him.
Job 28:28. Job says, look, the fear of the Lord is his wisdom and turning away from evil is understanding. How can we achieve this by reading the Bible and going deeper into it and putting into practice what we learn? This will help us not have problems and will bring us closer to God. Jehovah.
Job 28:23. There it says that only Jehovah knows the way to find wisdom, it says only he knows where it is, this teaches us that only Jehovah is the only one who can help us have a meaningful life with purpose, so if we want to have a life with purpose and the protection of Jehovah, the only way to do it or achieve it is by putting into practice all its principles since those principles will help us now and protect us now and in the future so we can also have eternal life.
Job 28:1. There we are told that there is a place to extract the gold that is refined. We could translate this to the fact that we also have a place where we are refined and our place of worship is our kingdom hall, so that is where Jehovah refines us through teaching. That is why we must not abandon meeting as we are accustomed to.
Job 29. The first verses. We noticed expressions from Job that hinted at how depressed he was and how he felt. He says that he thought that God already remembered the days when God took care of him when he was in his prime and the friendship of God was felt in his tent when the almighty was still with him, today those who are going through difficult situations face anxiety, perhaps depression, sometimes they feel or think that Jehovah has turned his back on them for some strange reason, that is why it is important when we deal with these brothers that we remember this to Now let them see that on the contrary, Jehovah is very attentive to them, we know that as the psalm says that he would be close to those who have a crushed heart or even in Hebrews 6:10 that he does not forget the works of our brothers, so That when we see that one of our brothers feels the way Job felt, what we have to do is for him to understand and make sure that Jehovah loves him very much and that he has not turned away from him.
Job 28:28. Well, we see the importance of not stopping cultivating the fear of God and turning away from evil since we will save ourselves a lot of problems and suffering and especially the young people who, from our experience, are the majority because they tend to seek bad paths.
Job 29:2. We could long for the times of the past when we felt more vital, the younger we could do many more things, Job also longed for it, but nevertheless this is not going to benefit us, so it would be better to concentrate on what we can do now and in the future. It is close to setting goals that we can achieve and that will help us be more successful in our achievements and be able to achieve them.
Job 28:24. It says that Jehovah looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens, so this teaches me that we cannot hide anything from Jehovah and he sees everything even when we suffer injustice and think that no one else sees it. Jehovah is seeing it too.
Job 29:23. There Job says that people say that they valued his company so much that they waited for him like one waits for rain, so these beautiful words, because they teach us that despite our imperfection, human beings can, with the help of Jehovah, develop a personality that is It is also valuable for others and if we make an effort to do so following the advice we find in the slave's publications, we can also have good friends and a full and happy life like Job.
Job 28:15,16. He talks about wisdom and says that it cannot be bought with gold or silver because it is much more valuable than these materials, so from this we learn that the wisdom that Jehovah gives us through his word can only be obtained or acquired when we make an effort to study it deeply. meditate on it and put it into practice in our lives and also when we regularly attend meetings or assemblies.
In Job 28:28. There it says that the fear of Jehovah is wisdom, so what it means to fear Jehovah is not a morbid fear but rather a fear of being unpleasant and not doing his will the way he wants, so if we have that type of fear we will become human beings. We are wise and have good qualities and we will also have better relationships with others.
Job 29:12. It helps us to see that he was always willing to help because he cared for the afflicted for help and the fatherless and anyone who did not have a helper. Today in our congregations there are many brothers who are afflicted perhaps as a consequence of loneliness. discouragement feelings of worthlessness disappointments or some serious illness or the death of a loved one, then whatever the reason these brothers are afflicted we have to follow the advice that the Thessalonians 5:14 tells us first to support the weak and be patient with everyone and thus we will also imitate Job in what has to do with helping the afflicted.
Job 29:19. As he expresses himself when he says my roots are open to the waters and the dew itself will spend the night on my largest branch, then the fact comes to mind that it can be similar to when we are in our personal study or when we are reading the Bible or in family study meetings or even preaching with some brothers that our roots open to absorb the water of Jehovah's understanding and thus we achieve not only spiritual nourishment but also protection.
Job 29:4. This verse highlights that we always have the protection and friendship of Jehovah, of course if we succeed and continue to be loyal and obedient at all times.
Job 29:3. He says he made his lamp shine on my head and that is the favor, guidance and wisdom of God that resemble a lamp that shines on the head and a garland of charm in each one, so really that is what we feel when We serve Jehovah and if we do it with love and affection our friendship with him grows and we also feel very privileged and very honored to be able to have this lamp above our head that always shines.
Job 28:7,8. Job highlights that, very unlike animals, we human beings do have the ability to imitate the qualities of our creator, including wisdom, which here is compared to refined gold or precious stones, and just as we do not imagine ourselves in the same way as Job does to a lion or a beast working in mining, only people who know the true value of this quality will do everything in their power to obtain it.
Job 28:12. It tells us where wisdom is, so in the 13th it tells us no man recognizes its value, that is, it has so much value that we have to look for it. It cannot be bought if we look for it, so we have to make an effort like when we find a very valuable pearl, then If we make an effort we find it in the word of Jehovah.
Job 29:15-16. He says that pious fear implies not only avoiding evil but also doing good, hence Job will compassionately treat the blind, lame and poor, this teaches us a great lesson so that we always do good when we can.
If on some occasion we could feel like Job 29:2, I wish I could go back to the months that have already passed to the days in which Jehovah took care of me, Job did not know what was happening to him and maybe we can go through some circumstances similar and that means that Jehovah loves us Even in the moments when we feel homesick and longing and also cares for us.
Job 29:11. Something very outstanding regarding the reputation that Job himself had made and was made before the people honor and glory for Jehovah regarding his actions and the actions of the people who spoke well of him, this verse shows us the importance of proceeding correctly. before the people because the result will be a good reputation for us and honor and glory for our God Jehovah and even more so the people who will remember us in a way that also honors Jehovah this truly is outstanding and is very important.
Job 28:28. He invites me to know the excellence of the personality of God, fear him as the one who upholds right principles and follow these principles. Regarding the ministry of Job 28:18, I can highlight that divine wisdom is worth more than a bag of pearls and on other topics, Job 28 :7 I read about the word Milano and the Hebrew term daiya, which is the common name applied to several birds of prey.
Job 29:14. It teaches me the importance of caring about dressing with spiritual qualities that bring me closer to Jehovah, just as we worry about our clothing also honoring Jehovah, we must also worry about cultivating qualities that also bring honor to him.
Job 28:18. It shows the love he has for us as it reminds us of the value of the wisdom that we can acquire. In the ministry, chapter 28 verse 13 talks about valuable materials such as gold and sapphire, but it emphasizes acquiring knowledge of Jehovah. of even greater value and I must take advantage of it and in other topics Job 28:24 reminds us that Jehovah is watching us which we must always act intelligently.
How Jehovah Loves Us Job 28:5,6, it is expressed that the earth above produces food but verse 6 says in the stones there is Sapphire and the dust contains gold, meaning that he has provided the earth with everything necessary even the that we might not need Jehovah God for ourselves.
Job 29:11. It makes us see how Job had a good reputation before others because they spoke well of him, in the same way today it is very valuable for us to enjoy a good reputation before others because that is also giving a name to Jehovah whom we are serving for It is also very important to have a good man before Jehovah because that will lead us to the book of life.
Job 28:23. He teaches me that only Jehovah God is the only one who can give me a meaningful path since it is important to walk in his path and it is the way that Jehovah gives me his protection.
Job 29:12-15. He encourages me to imitate Job, he was always ready to help whoever needed help, for orphans, for widows, for the poor, also for the congregation, there are brothers who have needs not only physical but also emotional, spiritual and can imitate Job also being ready to give you my help.
Job 28:24. He says because he looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens, well this makes me think how Jehovah is always aware of all his servants and he also sees the good and bad works of humanity, so From the sight of Jehovah nothing is hidden, that is why we must be very careful to rejoice the heart of Jehovah.
Job, Chapter 28, emphasizes the importance of being wise people, but in verse 28 he says that the fear of the Lord is wisdom. We cannot confuse it with the wisdom of this world. Many people get confused and think that the wisdom of this world. The world is going to bring us something good, this text mentions that it is the fear of Jehovah and that separating ourselves from evil is understanding, it is not just knowing it but also carrying it out.
Job 28:9-14. Mentions the certain activities carried out by both men in research and animals that have very keen eyesight to be able to penetrate any matter, any issue for their own needs or people who dig so deep and yet when they pull things out, they cannot find wisdom. Bringing out that is precisely what Jehovah does when he instructs a person, he makes them see beyond the Sapphire, the gold, the silver or the precious stones that can be found. Wisdom is not compared to any of it because in the end, wisdom keeps you alive. to his owner.
Job 29:2. We already know that Job was very dejected and he came to think that he longed for the days when God took care of me. He thought that he no longer had Jehovah's approval, but his state of despondency was so strong that he had, sometimes even though we know well It is clear that it is not Jehovah, when one is under depression or some sad or negative feeling, we can even feel that way, which is why it is important that one continue searching in the Bible, as I said in chapter 28, to see how Jehovah confirms his love or seek the advice of a mature brother.
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