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“What's wrong with pornography?” (7 mins.): Analysis with the audience and video.
How do the following texts help us understand God's view on pornography?
1Co 6:9, 10
1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 helps us understand God's view on pornography by condemning sexual immorality. In these verses, the apostle Paul warns about the consequences of practicing sexual immorality, including pornography. The Bible clearly condemns engaging in sexual activities outside of the Divine design of marriage, which would include the consumption of pornography. Therefore, this passage shows us that pornography goes against the principles of purity and holiness that God desires for our lives.
The essence of the message of these verses is that those who continue to practice these behaviors will not inherit the kingdom of God. This relates to the broad concept of living a life according to God's principles and turning away from those practices that distort His design for human sexuality.
The verses specifically mention sexual immorality, which includes pornography, along with other behaviors that the Bible considers sinful. From this perspective, these verses point out that sexual immorality, with the consumption of pornography, is seen as behavior incompatible with the Kingdom of God. This suggests that the use of pornography goes against the moral and ethical principles that Jehovah establishes for his servants.
The lesson that this text gives us is that mentioning sexual immorality emphasizes the need to live in accordance with Divine ethical standards. These ethical standards include avoiding pornography and other sexually immoral behaviors to maintain a close relationship with God and In this way we will be heirs of that Kingdom that he has promised.
Matt 5:28
In this passage, Jesus teaches that the simple act of looking at someone with sexual desire already constitutes adultery in the heart. This teaching shows us that God cares not only about our external actions, but also our internal thoughts and desires. Applied to the issue of pornography, this passage teaches us that the consumption of sexually explicit material fuels lust and goes against the standard of purity that God desires for his followers. Therefore, Matthew 5:28 helps us understand that pornography is incompatible with the purity and holiness that God expects of us.
When the topic of pornography is applied, this passage shows us that the act of consuming sexually explicit material fuels lust and impure sexual desires. Jesus is pointing out that the mere act of desiring someone in a sexual context already constitutes a type of infidelity in the heart. Therefore, the consumption of pornography, which fuels and encourages these impure desires, is at odds with the standard of purity and holiness that God seeks for his followers.
This text highlights the importance of mental purity in marriage. From God's perspective, it is not just about physical actions, but also about internal thoughts and desires. Looking at someone with desire, even without acting, is considered in this context as a type of adultery in the heart. This suggests that pornography, by provoking impure desires and thoughts, goes against the mental and emotional purity that Jehovah expects of his followers.
This text emphasizes the responsibility we have in controlling our thoughts and desires. From God's point of view, we are expected to exercise control over our minds and hearts, even avoiding thoughts that may lead to inappropriate behavior. This implies that the consumption of pornography, by fueling inappropriate thoughts and desires, is not aligning with the ideal of purity and personal control that Jehovah expects of us.
Col 3:5
Colossians 3:5 helps us understand God's view on pornography by exhorting us to get rid of sexual immorality and everything that distances us from God. In this passage, the apostle Paul urges us to set our minds on things above and not on earthly things. Pornography is one of the many ways we can be tempted to satisfy our carnal desires instead of seeking God's will. Therefore, Colossians 3:5 reminds us to renounce everything that distances us from God, including pornography, and seek instead those things that are pleasing in His eyes.
The exhortation to put aside these things leads us to seek those things that are pleasing to God, focusing our minds on what is pure, noble, and according to his will. Therefore Colossians 3:5 encourages us to move away from pornography and any other form of sexual immorality so we can focus on what pleases God and live in harmony with his principles of purity and holiness.
It indicates that any uncontrolled desire, such as pornography consumption, can become a form of idolatry. This implies that focusing excessively on the satisfaction of sexual desires, as promoted by pornography, can displace Jehovah as the main priority in our lives, turning those desires into idols above the Divine will .
It shows us how God views pornography by talking about the need to control desires and actions that go against His will. The importance of avoiding sexual immorality, impurity and the unbridled pursuit of sexual pleasure is emphasized. The text shows us that pornography goes against Jehovah's rules. If we want to please Him we have to completely avoid all of these things.
James 1:14, 15
In these verses, James shows us that temptation arises when we are lured and seduced by our own desires. If we give in to temptation, our desires lead us to sin, and sin, in turn, leads us to spiritual death. Applied to the topic of pornography, this passage teaches us that the temptation to consume sexually explicit material can arise from our own carnal desires. If we give in to this temptation, we distance ourselves from God and expose ourselves to the consequences of sin. Therefore, James 1:14,15 reminds us to resist temptation and seek God's help to overcome it.
Applying the theme of pornography, these verses show us that the temptation to consume sexually implicit material can originate from our own carnal desires and attraction to what pornography offers. By giving in to this temptation, we move away from God's design and principles for us, which leads us to sin and spiritual separation from Him.
The key here is resilience to this temptation and seeking God's help to overcome it. James urges us to be aware of the root of temptation, to resist and seek Divine support to overcome it. This involves recognizing our own desires and being proactive in resisting that which takes us away from the healthy and Holy relationship that God requires us to have with us.
This text offers insight into how temptation lies in the interplay between our own desires and the possibility of giving in to them, leading to sin and ultimately spiritual separation from God.
The text describes how inner desire leads to sinful action. In the context of pornography, it indicates that the attraction and seduction towards sexually implicit content can give rise to the desire to consume it. This shows that, in Jehovah's sight, desire triggers a path toward sin, which may be applicable to pornography consumption.
These verses highlight that sin does not arise solely from external circumstances, but has its origin in internal desires. From the divine perspective, attraction and seduction by one's own desires lead to sin. The desire to consume pornographic material arises from internal desires, and this desire is what leads to sinful action. This suggests that the root of the problem lies in the heart and mind of the person seeking this type of content. Therefore we must be very careful, since this can lead us to affect our relationship with Jehovah.
Until recently, pornography could only be found in certain books, magazines or adult cinemas, but now it can be found everywhere, even on your phone screen.
Erotic art already existed in ancient times, in some cultures it was even part of religion. Today even religious people believe that pornography is harmless and that there is nothing wrong with it, on the other hand, some who read the Bible consider that pornography and erotic publications are harmful rather than a sin.
So what does God think of pornography? Although the word pornography does not appear in the Bible, Biblical principles make it very clear what God thinks about everything related to sex. What does God think about sexual immorality, that is, sexual practices between people who are not married to each other? 1 Corinthians 6:9,10 leaves no room for doubt, people who are sexually immoral will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
Jesus also taught that it is wrong to feed immoral desires. He said: "Has everyone who continues to look at a woman to the point of feeling Passion for her already committed adultery with her in his heart?" and Colossians 3:5 says, "Put to death the members of her body in relation to sexual immorality, impurity, uncontrolled sexual passion."
Pornography is like a fuel that feeds dirty and immoral sexual desires, but the Bible tells us to do the opposite, kill them, put an end to them, James 1:14-15, tells us what can happen if evil desires are not controlled, "Each one is attracted and seduced by his own desire." Then when desire has become fertile it gives birth to sin, and sin when it has been committed gives birth to death.
If God condemns immoral practices, it is evident that He does not approve of us seeing people doing them. There is no doubt that God is very offended when we see, read or listen to pornography. God wants married couples to love each other and enjoy their intimate relationships, but he hates all dirty sexual practices, such as watching pornography, it is possible to overcome the pornography addiction, of course yes, with the help of God many have already achieved it, yes If you want to know what the Bible says about this and other topics, go to jw.org.
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