Monday, November 6, 2023

DAILY TEXT, Today Wednesday, December 6, 2023, God is not unfair and does not forget your works or the love you showed (Heb. 6:10).

DAILY TEXT, Today Wednesday, December 6, 2023, God is not unfair and does not forget your works or the love you showed (Heb. 6:10).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Wednesday, December 6

God is not unjust and does not forget your works or the love you showed (Heb. 6:10).

Our heavenly Father understands the circumstances of each of us. Maybe you can do more than most of your friends. Or, conversely, you may not be able to do as much as others, perhaps due to age, health, or family responsibilities. But don't be discouraged by that (Gal. 6:4). Jehovah will not forget what you do. As long as he gives his best and with the right motive, he will feel pleased. Jehovah sees even the intentions of his heart. He wants you to feel happy and satisfied with the worship he can give you. We already enjoy inner peace because we know that Jehovah helps us when we face problems (Is. 41:9, 10). We have good reason to feel happy when we worship our loving Father, who deserves glory and honor from all of his creation (Rev. 4:11). w22.03 24 para. 16; 25 para. 18.

According to Proverbs 19:17, how does Jehovah view the help we give to brothers in need?

We worship Jehovah when we help our brothers and sisters in need. Jehovah promised to bless the Israelites who helped the poor. (Deut. 15:7, 10) Every time we help a brother in need, Jehovah sees it as giving him a gift. (Read Proverbs 19:17.) For example, the Philippian Christians sent a gift to Paul when he was in custody, and he said that this gift was a sacrifice that God gladly accepted (Phil. 4:18). Let us think about the brothers in our congregation and ask ourselves: “Is there anyone I can help?” Jehovah likes to see us use time, energy, skills, and material resources to help those in need. For him, that is part of our worship (James 1:27).

Why is it not a burden to spend time and effort worshiping Jehovah?

Worshiping Jehovah as he pleases requires time and effort. But that is not a burden (1 John 5:3). Why not? Because we love him. Let's imagine a child who wants to give a gift to his father. He may spend hours drawing him a picture, but he doesn't mind doing it because he loves his father and is happy to give her that gift. Likewise, because we love Jehovah, he makes us happy to use our time and strength to worship him.

According to Hebrews 6:10, how does Jehovah view your efforts to please him?

Parents who love their children do not expect each child to give them the same type of gift. They know that each child is different and has their own circumstances. Likewise, our heavenly Father understands the circumstances of each of us. Maybe you can do more than most of your friends. Or, conversely, you may not be able to do as much as others, perhaps due to age, health, or family responsibilities. But don't be discouraged by that (Gal. 6:4). Jehovah will not forget what you do. As long as he gives his best and with the right motive, he will be pleased (read Hebrews 6:10). Jehovah sees even the intentions of his heart. He wants you to feel happy and satisfied with the worship he can give you.

What can we do if we find it difficult to carry out some aspect of our worship? 

What if we struggle with some aspect of our worship, such as personal study or ministry? We will probably discover that the more time we dedicate to it, the more we take advantage of it and enjoy it. We could compare our worship to exercising or playing a musical instrument. If we only do it once in a while, we may not improve much. But, if we do it every day, first for short periods and then increasingly longer, we will see good results. Over time we may even look forward to those moments and be able to enjoy them. Why don't we do the same with our worship of Jehovah?

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