Sunday, November 5, 2023

DAILY TEXT, Today Tuesday, December 5, 2023, The glory of the young is in their strength (Prov. 20:29).

DAILY TEXT, Today Tuesday, December 5, 2023, The glory of the young is in their strength (Prov. 20:29).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Tuesday December 5

The glory of young people is in their strength (Prov. 20:29).

The humble and modest person does not focus on the lack of experience of young people, but on their strengths. He will see them as his companions, not his rivals. The older brothers see the younger ones as gifts from Jehovah and feel very grateful for what they do. As their strength dwindles, they appreciate that those who are young and strong are willing and able to work to meet the needs of the congregation. Naomi is an excellent example in the Bible of an older person who was grateful and accepted the help of someone younger. After Naomi's son died, she told her daughter-in-law Ruth to return to her family. But when Ruth insisted on accompanying her to Bethlehem, Naomi accepted her help (Ruth 1:7, 8, 18). And this was a great blessing for both of them (Ruth 4:13-16). The older brothers who are humble follow Naomi's example. w21.09 10, 11 paras. 9-11.

How did the apostle Paul show that he was grateful?

The apostle Paul is another example of someone who was grateful for the help he was given. On one occasion, he thanked the Philippian Christians for the help they had sent him (Phil. 4:16). Furthermore, he expressed his gratitude for what Timothy had done for him (Phil. 2:19-22). And he thanked God for the brothers who came to encourage him when he was a prisoner on the way to Rome (Acts 28:15). Paul was an energetic man who had traveled thousands of miles to preach and strengthen congregations. But he didn't let his pride stop him from accepting his brothers' help.

How can older siblings show that they appreciate what the younger ones do?

Older brothers, there are many ways you can show that you appreciate what the younger people in your congregation do. If they offer to take you somewhere, go shopping, or take care of other necessary matters, gratefully accept their help. See it as an expression of Jehovah's love. Who knows if this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Always be interested in the spiritual progress of these young people. Tell them how happy you are to see that there are young people who are striving to do more in the congregation. And be willing to dedicate time to them and tell them about your experiences. When they do so, they will show “their gratitude” to Jehovah for the young men he has brought into the congregation.​—Col. 3:15; John 6:44; 1 Thes. 5:18.

How did King David show that he was generous?

King David was an example of another important quality for older Christians to display: generosity. He donated an enormous amount of his wealth to support the construction of the temple (1 Chron. 22:11-16; 29:3, 4). He did it although most of the recognition for this work would go to his son Solomon. If you are older and your strength does not allow you to collaborate with our construction projects, you can continue to support them with your donations to the extent that circumstances allow. And share with the younger ones the experience you have gained over the years.

What valuable things did Paul share with Timothy?

The apostle Paul was also an example of generosity. He invited young Timothy to accompany him on his missionary journeys and taught him his preaching and teaching methods (Acts 16:1-3). The training Paul gave him helped him to be a skillful teacher of the good news (1 Cor. 4:17). And Timothy, in turn, used what Paul had taught him to train others.

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