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Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023
Saturday December 16
The fruit of the spirit is love, happiness, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control (Gal. 5:22, 23).
All Christians have the responsibility to preach and make disciples (Matt. 28:19, 20; Rom. 10:14). Would we like to polish our skills in this important work? To do this, we can study the Teachers brochure and set goals that help us apply what we are learning. Let us not forget that one of the most important goals is to cultivate Christian qualities (Col. 3:12; 2 Pet. 1:5-8). Surely, we would all like to do more for Jehovah than we can do now. In the new world that God has promised, we will be able to serve Him one hundred percent. Until that day arrives, if we take advantage of the opportunities presented to us, we will feel happier and less disappointed. And, most importantly, we will honor and praise Jehovah, our “happy God” (1 Tim. 1:11). So let us rejoice in what we can do for Jehovah. w21.08 25 paras. 18-20.
What should we remember about our service goals?
If we are already doing our best in our service to Jehovah, does that mean we should not think about how to increase it? Of course not. We can and should set goals that help us be better preachers and teachers, and that allow us to help our brothers. We will achieve them if we are wise and modest, and focus on helping others instead of focusing on ourselves (Prov. 11:2; Acts 20:35).
What are some goals that will make us feel happier?
What goals could we set? Let us ask Jehovah to help us be realistic and see what we can do in our circumstances. (Prov. 16:3; James 1:5) Can we set some of the goals mentioned in the first paragraph of this article, such as auxiliary or regular pioneering, Bethel, or construction? Can we learn another language to preach to more people or to move to a place where help is needed? If we want to learn more about these goals, we can read chapter 10 of the book Organized to Do Jehovah's Will and talk to the elders in our congregation.d As we strive to achieve these goals, we will feel happier and others will feel happier. You will see our progress.
What can we do if we currently cannot reach a certain goal?
What if we currently cannot achieve any of the goals we have talked about? Let's set a reasonable goal that we can meet. Let's think about the following options.
According to 1 Timothy 4:13, 15, what steps can a brother take to become a better teacher?
(Read 1 Timothy 4:13, 15). If you are a baptized brother, you might strive to improve your speaking and teaching. Because? Because, if you dedicate yourself fully to reading, speaking and teaching, you will be of great help to those who listen to you. Make it your goal to study and put into practice each of the aspects of public speaking discussed in the Let's Be Better Readers and Teachers brochure. Study the lessons one by one, practice a lot at home, and strive to apply what you have learned to your speeches. Ask the assistant counselor or other elders “who work hard speaking and teaching” for suggestions (1 Tim. 5:17). Don't just focus on putting the lesson in the booklet into practice, but also on helping your audience strengthen their faith and apply what they learn. As a result, you will feel happier, and so will your audience
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