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Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023
Monday December 18
Jehovah our God, you deserve to receive glory, honor, and power (Rev. 4:11).
Abel, Noah, Abraham, and Job demonstrated that they respected and loved Jehovah by their obedience, their faith, and their sacrifices. It is clear that they did everything possible to honor him, and he accepted their worship. Over time, God gave the Law of Moses to Abraham's descendants. In this Law he gave them instructions on how he wanted them to worship him. After Jesus' death and resurrection, Jehovah no longer required his people to obey the Law of Moses (Rom. 10:4). Rather, Christians were to follow a new law, “the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2). To do this, they did not have to follow a long list of commands and prohibitions, but rather they had to follow the example of Jesus and his teachings. Today, Christians do everything possible to imitate Christ in order to please Jehovah and find relief.—Matt. 11:29. w22.03 20, 21 paras. Four. Five.
How does Jehovah view the prayers we make to him from the heart?
We worship Jehovah when we pray to him. Scripture compares prayers to carefully prepared incense offered in the tabernacle, and later in the temple (Ps. 141:2). That incense produced an aroma that was very pleasing to God. Similarly, our heartfelt prayers are “a pleasure to him” even though we use very simple words (Prov. 15:8; Deut. 33:10). There is good reason to believe that Jehovah loves it when we express our love and gratitude. And he wants us to talk to him about our desires, concerns and hopes. So, before you say a prayer to him, how about he think carefully about what he is going to say to you? In this way, he will offer his heavenly Father “incense” of the best quality.
What excellent opportunity do we have to praise God?
We worship Jehovah when we praise him (Ps. 34:1). And how do we praise Jehovah? Speaking with appreciation of his wonderful qualities and his works. Praise is born from a heart full of gratitude. If we take time to meditate on Jehovah’s goodness—on all the good things he has done for us—we will never run out of reasons to praise him. Preaching gives us an excellent opportunity to offer to God “a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips” (Heb. 13:15). Just as we should think carefully about what we are going to say before we pray to Jehovah, we do well to think carefully about what we will say to people when we are going to preach to them. We want our “sacrifice of praise” to be of the best quality. As we bring the truth to others, we speak from the heart.
How do Jehovah’s people benefit from attending the meetings, and how have they helped you?
We worship Jehovah when we attend meetings. The ancient Israelites were told: “Three times a year, all your males must appear before the Lord your God in the place he chooses” (Deut. 16:16). They had to leave their home and fields unguarded. But Jehovah promised them: “No one will want to take your land when you go up to see the face of Jehovah your God” (Ex. 34:24). The Israelites attended the annual festivals with full faith in Jehovah. (Deut. 16:15) We too benefit when we make sacrifices to attend meetings. And how happy Jehovah must feel when we come prepared to give brief, well-thought-out comments.
Why is singing to Jehovah an important part of our worship?
We worship Jehovah when we sing to him with our brothers (Ps. 28:7). For the Israelites, singing was an important part of their worship. For example, King David appointed 288 Levites to be temple singers (1 Chron. 25:1, 6-8). Today, we have the opportunity to express our love to God by singing songs of praise to Him. The quality of our voice is not the most important thing. Consider this example: When we speak, “we all stumble many times,” but that does not prevent us from speaking in the congregation and in the ministry (James 3:2). Likewise, we should not allow defects in our voice to prevent us from singing praises to Jehovah.
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