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Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023
Sunday December 31
Humbly think that others are superior to you (Phil. 2:3).
Elders, notice the good qualities of the brothers. It is true that they are imperfect, but they also have virtues worth admiring. Of course, you will sometimes have to correct someone. But, like the apostle Paul, strive to see beyond your words or actions that might upset others. Focus on the fact that this brother loves Jehovah, serves him with endurance, and can improve. Elders who view their brothers positively promote an atmosphere of love and caring in the congregation. Remember that Jehovah does not expect perfection from you; What he does expect is that they will be faithful (1 Cor. 4:2). You can be sure that Jehovah also appreciates your work, for, as Hebrews 6:10 says, he “does not forget your works or the love you showed for his name as you served the saints and continued to serve them.” ”. w22.03 30 para. 19; 31 para. twenty-one.
What can happen if the elders only focus on the mistakes of their brothers?
Why is it difficult? Elders may notice siblings' mistakes by working closely with them. If they are not careful, they could become frustrated and become harsh or very critical. Paul told Christians that this is just what Satan wants (2 Cor. 2:10, 11).
How did Paul see the brothers?
Paul's example. He always saw the brothers in a positive light. It wasn't that he didn't realize his mistakes, because sometimes they affected him personally. Still, he knew how to distinguish between a bad action and a bad person. He was fond of the brothers and focused on their good qualities. And, if he saw that someone was having a hard time doing what was right, he assumed that they had good intentions and that he just needed a little help.
What do we learn from the way Paul helped Euodia and Syntyche? (Philippians 4:1-3).
Consider, for example, how Paul helped two sisters in the Philippian congregation (read Philippians 4:1-3). Apparently, Euodia and Syntyche had become estranged due to some personal differences. Paul did not treat them harshly nor was he critical. Rather, he focused on her good qualities and excellent record of loyalty. He knew that Jehovah loved them. Since he saw them in a positive light, he encouraged them to make peace. His way of seeing his brothers helped him maintain the joy and good friendships he had in that congregation.
What can elders do to see siblings in a positive light? y What do you learn from the photo of the old man cleaning the Kingdom Hall?
Lessons. Elders, notice the good qualities of the brothers. It is true that they are imperfect, but they also have virtues worthy of admiration (Phil. 2:3). Of course, you will sometimes have to correct someone. But, like Paul, strive to see beyond your words or actions that might upset others. Focus on the fact that this brother loves Jehovah, serves him with endurance, and can improve. Elders who view their brothers positively promote an atmosphere of love and caring in the congregation.
What can elders do to continue learning from Paul's example?
Elders may find it helpful to continue studying Paul's model. For example, in the Watch Tower Publications Index you can look for the entry “Paul” and then the subentry “example to the elders.” As you look at some of these references, you might ask yourself, “How does Paul's example help me continue to do my work as an elder with joy?”
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