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Congregation Bible study (30 mins.): bt chap. 3 paras. 12-18.
“Peter stood up” (Acts 2:14-37)
12. a) How did the prophet Joel announce the miracle that occurred at Pentecost?
The prophet Joel announced the miracle of Pentecost by prophesying that God would pour out his spirit on all humanity. In his prophecy, Joel spoke about how God would send his spirit, allowing his sons and daughters to prophesy, have visions and dreams.
Well here the prophet Joel announced the miracle of Pentecost by prophesying that God would pour out his spirit on all humanity in this prophecy Joel spoke about how God would send his spirit allowing his sons and daughters to prophesy and have visions and dreams.
The words of Jehovah through Joel are that I will pour out my spirit on all kinds of people and that is just what happened at Pentecost
12. b) Why was Joel's prophecy expected to be fulfilled in the first century?
Because before ascending to heaven Jesus had promised his disciples that I will ask the father and he will give them another helper and he himself told them which helper was the spirit.
Joel's prophecy was expected to be fulfilled in the first century because Jesus, before ascending to heaven, had promised his disciples that he would send them another helper, the Holy Spirit. In the Gospel of John, Jesus assured his followers that he would pray to the Father to send them this helper, the Spirit, who would be with them to guide, comfort and strengthen them in his mission after his departure.
13, 14. What did Peter do to reach people's hearts, and how can we imitate him?
Peter managed to reach people's hearts by expressing the truth clearly and bluntly, but also with respect and compassion. Despite confronting them with the responsibility for Jesus' death, he did so with the intention of awakening repentance rather than condemning them. His approach was loving and oriented toward repentance from the heart.
To imitate his example, we can learn to communicate the truth with love and compassion, showing empathy toward those we address. It is important to be direct when presenting ideas or truths, but it is also crucial to do so with love. The key is in the way we express our words: with respect, consideration and a genuine concern for the well-being of those around us.
Yes, of course they were because it appealed to something that the Jews knew very well, which was the responsibility as a nation as a group as a community that Jehovah sometimes demanded. No, perhaps the Jews remembered that in the past the entire nation had suffered for the error of one A single person or an entire tribe had suffered because of the mistake of a group of people who knew they had a responsibility.
We imagine that the tone in which he was reasoning with them, the tone of voice was an attractive tone of voice that was trying to make them understand that he was concerned about them, not rather that he was complaining about them or denying them or treating them. of rebuking them for doing it wrong, then they understood that it was concern and therefore they received the message in an optimal way.
The following verses show that they say that they felt a pain that pierced their hearts and motivated them to ask what we have to do then it reached their hearts and that motivated them to act.
And mainly he was able to achieve it because if all the scriptures spoke about David and a psalm that was fulfilled in Jesus, a psalm that David spoke about, David wrote about and that was fulfilled in Jesus, so it had greater effect because of this because the Israelites knew well that passage and then explain to them how it is fulfilled in Jesus or reaches the heart in fact, as it says in Hebrews, the word of God is living and exercises power, it penetrates to the depths of our being and in this case Peter used words taken from the Bible so that they could penetrate into the depths of those Jews who were listening, so a great effect is that when we use the Bible the word of God that is alive is alive and can penetrate to the depths of the being of the people who can hear it.
Well, we do not set about correcting all the wrong ideas, it is true that Pedro had a direct personality. The truth is that sometimes it requires us to speak directly what we want to say, but being direct does not mean being abrupt, we have to help people understand what we mean. We mean focusing on what unites us, not what divides us, and always with respect because although it is not guaranteed that by being respectful they will listen to us, it will always be more likely that they will do so because the person feels comfortable.
15. a) What did Peter say to the proselytes and the Jews, and how did they react?
If we see how on that occasion 3000 people were baptized and we also have the note that also in Ukraine in an international assembly on August 7, 1993, 7,402 people were baptized in six pools.
Peter, in his speech on the day of Pentecost, urged proselytes and Jews to repent and be baptized as a symbol of their change of heart and faith in the message of Jesus. He made them understand the importance of accepting this message and taking concrete actions, such as baptism, to show their commitment and spiritual transformation.
The reaction of those who accepted his message was remarkable. Approximately 3,000 people responded to Peter's call and were baptized. This reaction shows the influence and power of Peter's words, as well as the willingness of the people to change and adopt the Christian faith at that time.
15. b) How do we know that the thousands who were baptized that day were ready to take that step?
It must be taken into account that the proselytes and Jews who were baptized at Pentecost were already good students of the scriptures and belonged to a nation dedicated to Jehovah.
In the case of those who were baptized at Pentecost, they already had a solid foundation in the Scriptures, were proselytes and Jews who were already familiar with the Jewish faith and dedicated to Jehovah. Furthermore, many of them had traveled long distances to celebrate the festival, which demonstrated their spiritual commitment.
The Jews and therefore also the proselytes who had accepted these teachings already knew the scriptures belonged to a nation that was dedicated to Jehovah and they needed to accept this last step of the teachings of Christ.
What was missing from their understanding was acceptance of the fundamental truths about Jesus Christ and his role in divine purpose. Once they understood and accepted these truths, they were prepared to take the step of baptism as an expression of their renewed faith and commitment to following Christ.
As we see, to take the step of baptism, adequate preparation and a clear understanding of the fundamental truths are important before taking the step of baptism. This is not an impulsive act, but rather a conscious commitment to what it means to dedicate yourself to Jehovah.
On August 7, 1993, it says, 7,402 people were baptized. We were already surprised by this figure of 3,000 that is mentioned in the Bible, but here we are also surprised by this number: 7,402 in six pools at an international assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses that was held in Ukraine and everything. This process took about 2 hours and 15 minutes and in today's assemblies the process that takes baptism is not that long.
16. How did first-century Christians demonstrate that they were generous?
Well, as Acts 2:44 and 45 says, they sold everything they had and distributed to the needy what they needed and they did not have that many together.
The Christians of the first century demonstrated their generosity in remarkable ways. The biblical story highlights how, after embracing the Christian faith, many wanted to continue learning, so the Christians of this town sold their possessions and properties and distributed the money obtained to meet the individual needs of each member who needed it.
This attitude of sharing and mutual support evidenced a deep generosity and spirit of unity among the early Christians. This practice was a reflection of his commitment to love of neighbor and solidarity, prioritizing the needs of others over his own material interests.
Well, in addition to being spiritual people, they were generous and we today can also imitate that. Not when we travel to the assemblies, when we are generous with our brothers, we also imitate them well.
The reference says how many visitors stayed in Jerusalem to learn more about their new faith, this measure was taken temporarily to meet their needs, the goods were shared voluntarily so it was not any type of communism as some claim.
Yes, brother, here we realize how it is that the brothers who sold their goods shared it according to the needs of those they had, unlike Ananias and it is known that they obviously sold a field and in the end they kept everything, having promised Jehovah that they will Giving everything here is not like this, in the same way that today we contribute what is necessary precisely to generally cover the expenses of an assembly or we participate in some matter of helping a brother in the congregation or we take the initiative. freedom also to be able to investigate who needs something and to be able to support them in that way we are not supposedly morally obligated but the holy spirit obliges us precisely because of the love we have for our brothers.
17. What steps must someone who wants to be baptized take?
First it is essential to have a clear understanding of the biblical teachings, as mentioned in John 17:3. This knowledge provides the basis for making informed spiritual decisions.
In John 17:3 it mentions that we have to know Jehovah and Jesus.
Then you must repent. Repentance involves a genuine change of heart and a desire to turn away from actions or attitudes that conflict with God's principles.
Then convert and change your life, this change implies a transformation of life, aligning yourself with the principles and values taught by God in the Bible. It is an active commitment to live according to God's ways.
Romans 12:2 is an extraordinary text because there it is talking about how you have to stop conforming to the system, you have to renew your mind, but it says it in the present continuous, prove for yourselves what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, what This is good for the people who are studying with us so that they do not feel pressured, there is no rush, Jehovah's Witnesses are in no rush to baptize anyone as soon as we meet them, but rather Jehovah wants them to use their time little by little and getting Its conclusions renew your mind and prove what the will of God is.
And we saw first that they must learn to acquire knowledge then demonstrate faith and make their mistakes clear and not commit them but many people in the world know the Bible well or more or less and they also confess their sins to other people but we see That is not enough, it has to involve action, that is, converting, making the necessary changes, which may involve starting to preach, attending meetings, changing the way you dress, your way of thinking, starting to develop the qualities that Jehovah expects of a Christian.
Yes, it is also important that the person make a prayer to dedicate their life to Jehovah. All of us who are present prayed and this is important because First Peter 3:21 says that it is to ask Jehovah for a good conscience, so the person who wants to To be baptized you have to understand how important it is to dedicate your life to Jehovah.
The prayer we make to Jehovah is because we promise to serve him for the rest of our lives from now on and even in the new world, so it is a prayer where we confirm to Jehovah that we will only serve him.
18. What valuable privilege does the baptized Christian have?
May Jehovah give us his Holy Spirit to be able to give a complete testimony of the truth and do his will.
The baptized Christian has the valuable privilege of receiving the Holy Spirit. Which strengthens us, guides and enables us to bear witness to the truth and fulfill the will of God.
If we have this privilege that Jehovah gives us, then those of us who are baptized will truly continue to fulfill our promise and those who are not yet well ask themselves a personal question, yes not yet, well, we have to work on it, but we do have to do it soon.
Well, just as in the first century those Jews received the spirit that Jesus had promised to his disciples and in our time it is the same, Jehovah gives us part of his spirit for a mission that is very important in our time, which is to be able to continue with his help. preaching this good news of the kingdom to all those who want to listen to us.
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