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Speech (5 mins.): g16.4 8, 9. Title: How to explain what the Bible says about homosexuality (th lec. 14).
Today, in many countries, the union of two people of the same sex is still a debate. On social networks the search on the topic is trending. One of the most repeated answers is: What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
Many people think they know the answer, but the reality is that they have not researched well what the Bible says. The result is that they contradict each other. There are those who affirm that the Bible is clearly against homosexuals, while others believe that the command "You must love your neighbor" admits all sexual behaviors and orientations.
Now, what do Jehovah's Witnesses believe on the subject? How to explain what the Bible says about homosexuality? Well, without a doubt, we want to address the issue in a clear and comprehensive way.
First of all, for us, the moral code of the Bible is like our life manual. And we let ourselves be guided by it, because it is the word of God. Furthermore, Isaiah 48:17 tells us that it teaches us for our own good, and guides us in the path in which we should walk. To begin, let's notice what Paul inspiredly said in 1 Corinthians 6:18, let's read together please if you found it. Accompany me with the reading it says like this...
Flee from sexual immorality! Any other sin that anyone commits is outside his body, but he who practices sexual immorality sins against his own body.
Did you notice? The warning is Clear: Flee from immorality…….. And whoever practices it, sins against his own body. Which tells us that Jehovah's Witnesses are against any inappropriate sexual conduct, including homosexual practices.
That is to say: We are not against people and we respect their decision, but what we repudiate are their immoral practices. That is our lifestyle choice, and we have the right to make it.
Something that helps us respect people is that we strive to apply "The Golden Rule" in our lives. "Do for others everything that you would like them to do for you."
What does that mean? Basically, we treat others as we would like to be treated, following the principle Jesus shared in Matthew 7:12. We seek to maintain peace with everyone, even if we do not share the same opinions on certain issues, such as homosexuality.
Now, does our opinion on homosexuality promote prejudice? The answer is no, rejecting a behavior does not mean rejecting the person. The Bible urges us to respect all people, regardless of their life choices. 1 Peter 2:17, commands us: "Honor people of all kinds"
Let's give an example: Imagine that someone doesn't like tobacco. Does that make him a prejudiced person just because he doesn't like smoke? Of course not. Likewise, we follow the moral code of the Bible, we condemn certain practices, but we do not treat badly those who think differently.
It is true that the Bible does not go into biological details, but it is very clear about the behaviors that we should avoid, such as homosexual practices... Some think that it is cruel, that it is an intense desire, and that they only follow their sexual impulses.
However, the Bible shows us that if there is a desire to please God, we can control those impulses, since human beings have the ability to decide what to do and what not to do. Let's see what Colossians 3:5 says. …….
Therefore, put to death the members of your body that are on earth regarding sexual immorality, impurity, uncontrolled sexual passion, evil desires, and covetousness, which is idolatry.
An illustrative example is how we deal with aggression. Although some believe it may have biological causes, the Bible in Psalm 37:8 and Ephesians 4:31 exhorts us to control anger and let go of fury.
Would anyone criticize this Biblical advice or say that it is cruel towards those with violent tendencies? Of course not, right? So, we act in the same way towards any behavior that goes against biblical norms, without belittling or mistreating those who think differently.
Finally, let us remember that the Bible recognizes that people can change and make choices in their lives and the basis of this thought is found in 1 Corinthians 6:9 which we are going to read says the following…
Or do they not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived.* People who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who engage in homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, 10 thieves, greedy people, drunkards, men revilers* and extortioners will not inherit the Kingdom of God. 11 And yet some of you were that. But they have been washed, they have been sanctified, they have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God.
And Paul, when referring to fornicators, idolaters, adulterers and homosexuals, says: "Some of you were that." And it does not mean that they never had those desires again, but that they decided not to carry them out.
In short, as Jehovah's Witnesses we follow the moral code of the Bible, but we do not impose our beliefs on others. Our message is positive, and we want to share it with those who are interested. Even with homosexuals who want to please God and strive to avoid the practices that God condemns, especially sexual immorality.
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