Friday, November 3, 2023

Watchtower Study, Let's not overburden, Week of October 30 to November 5, 2023, Comments and Practical Answers.

Watchtower Study, Let's not overcharge, October 30, November 5, 2023, Comments and Responses.

“Let us also lay aside every burden […], and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (HEB. 12:1).

1. According to Hebrews 12:1, what must we do to finish the race for life?

According to Hebrews 12:1, we must take off every burden in order to endure and finish the race for life. In such a way that in order to endure this race and finish it, it implies that we must get rid of burdens or obstacles that can slow down our spiritual path, and that prevent us from persevering in this race to achieve eternal life.


We must also do our best to hold on and keep running, since we are very close to the end. Since the Bible says that Christians are in a race and those who cross the finish line receive the prize of eternal life.

Paul's advice is advice with a lot of weight because he did not speak from hearsay, he was a person who ran the race, reached the finish line and won the prize, that is why he gives us the advice that we have seen in Hebrews 12:1 to remove ourselves. run every load with endurance the race that is set before us.

2. What did Paul mean when he said “let us also take off every burden”?

Paul was not saying that Christians should not carry any burden but that we should get rid of any unnecessary burden.


When Paul said to take off every burden in the text of Hebrews 12:1, he was referring to all unnecessary burdens that can sometimes tire us out, these burdens are things that sometimes distract us and take us away from the purpose we have. So the idea is to free ourselves from everything that hinders our spiritual progress.

That contrasts greatly with what many psychologists and people who want to encourage people say today, they say get rid of all commitments. Here we see how the Bible will teach us throughout the study that it is referring not to commitments. but to unnecessary burdens.

If in the text it is saying that in the races the crown is not placed on them, the crown is heavy, they would not be able to run or compete, so what we have to do is light on burdens that are not important or necessary for us.

Yes, continuing with the text of Second Timothy 2:5 there it says that competing according to the rules, then a runner could not go where he wanted in the lane he wanted, there are established rules and for that reason we also have to choose our own path towards Jehovah and not expect him to approve it, on the contrary, we have to do things as he dictates. 

However, it is important to note that there are burdens that are necessary and we must not discard, because otherwise, that would leave us out of the race.

3. a) According to Galatians 6:5, what should each Christian bring?

Carry your own burden of responsibility and refers to the spiritual responsibilities we have before God that no one else can carry for us.


Galatians 6:5 says that each one will carry his own burden. So Paul was referring to the personal responsibilities and issues in our lives. This means that each Christian must assume his own responsibility for the actions, decisions and duties we take, since we should not depend on others to fulfill our spiritual and moral obligations.

Every Christian must carry his own burden of responsibility. This refers to the spiritual responsibilities that we have before God and that no one else can carry for us. Therefore these responsibilities are part of our Christian life and it is our personal responsibility to carry them out.

3. b) What will we see in this article, and why?

Let's see the responsibilities that each one has as a Christian and also how we can fulfill them effectively.

We will also see what unnecessary burdens one may be carrying and how to free ourselves from these, so that they do not slow down our spiritual career.

And the reason why we are going to talk in this study about the burdens in our spiritual race is because we want all of us to finish the race and reach the goal, since only then will we be able to receive Jehovah's blessings.

Good because it is important that we do not carry more than necessary and only take what is necessary because this way we can cross the finish line and receive the prize.


In this article we will look at some things that are included in our own burden of responsibility, and what will help us carry it. We will also talk about some unnecessary burdens that we may be carrying and what we can do to remove them. This is important to ensure that we do not carry more than necessary and carry only what is necessary, to be able to cross the finish line and receive the life that is promised to us.


4. Why is the promise of dedication not a heavy burden? (See also images).

Because first it is a promise that we made from the heart to Jehovah to worship him and do his will and this is not a heavy burden as we will see.


We can say that dedication is not a heavy burden, because as Revelation 4:11 says, we were created for the purpose of worshiping and doing the will of Jehovah. So this does not become a heavy burden, because it is the fulfillment of our purpose in life.

Also because Jehovah created us and put in us this desire to know him and do his will.

Furthermore, by approaching him and doing his will, we find relief and enjoy that experience. And also following the example of his son Jesus Christ helps us carry that responsibility in a lighter way.

Also the example of the psalmist in Psalm 40:8 says that it is a pleasure to do his will so we trust what others say and for others it is something pleasant and good because we have to trust that it will be like that.

We can also say that it is not a burden, because it is a desire, since when one desires something it does not become a burden. So what we are doing with our dedication to Jehovah is following an innate desire that is already in our hearts. For this reason, when we fulfill the dedication, one feels joyful for what he is doing.

Jesus, in Matthew 11:28:30, says that we will find relief, so when we dedicate ourselves to Jehovah, instead of becoming a burden, this brings us rest and relief, and this is because dedication does not burden us. , if it does not provide us with peace and satisfaction when we do this work, for which we have been created.


In the other image you can see that the brother is on a road and there are many potholes, there are many stumbles along the way and he is focused now in this photo in this first section that we are seeing, which is thinking about the fact that we have dedicated ourselves to Jehovah and he has created with that desire to have that spiritual gift.

Well, I think he is praying and putting his life in Jehovah's hands to give him strength with his Holy Spirit to make good decisions in his life.

A brother is running on a street full of hills and slopes. In one circle he appears praying, in another circle he is leading family worship and in another, asking a brother for forgiveness. These scenes appear in paragraphs 4 to 9. Carrying our own burden of responsibility includes living up to our dedication to Jehovah, fulfilling our family responsibilities, and accepting the consequences of our decisions.

5. What will help you fulfill your dedication? (1 John 5:3).

Well, it will help us first to strengthen our love for Jehovah, if we meditate on everything he has done for us and on the blessings that he will give us in the future, that love will grow and the more we love God, the easier it will be for us to obey him, we will feel that the commandments are not an impossible burden to bear.


What will help us fulfill the dedication will be to strengthen our love for Jehovah, since in this way we will meditate on everything he has done for us and on the blessings he will give us in the future. In this way, the more we love Jehovah, the easier it will be to obey him, and see his commandments as a bearable burden. 

1 John 5:3 It was not difficult for him because he always prayed to his father, for him the first thing was always his food and that is what we also have to have with prayer, the food he gives us because we can communicate with our heavenly father .

And well, as we see, the essence of God is love, so his commandments are loving and therefore make them light, not a burden for us, which is why the paragraph advises us that the more we love God, the easier it will be to obey.

Hebrews 12:2. Number 2 says that because of the happiness that was placed before him, so we find ourselves every day, any of us find ourselves in situations that make it very difficult for us to serve Jehovah as we should do because it is not bad to think about the hope that he has put before us, let us imitate Jesus if we put before us the hope that he has given us, knowing that the time we have to be here is short, it is very little, we are at the end of the system of things because then we do ask for strength from Jehovah, he will help us. He is going to help achieve it like he did with his son.

So the more we love Jehovah, the easier it will be for us to take his commandments and obey in everything.

Other things that will help us are to imitate Jesus by praying to Jehovah to give me strength and keep alive the hope of living forever.

Jesus also had in mind what he expected at the end, that is, the reward he would receive if he remained faithful to his dedication. If we keep these things in mind, such as asking Jehovah for help through prayer and keeping our hope that is in the Bible alive, it will be easier for us to fulfill our dedication.

1 John 5:3 shows that what will help us fulfill our dedication is the love we have for Jehovah, since this love for him is demonstrated through obedience to his commandments. And when Jehovah sees that we obey him out of love, he gives us the strength to fulfill our dedication and so that we do not feel or think that any of his commandments are burdensome or impossible to obey.

6. Why should we fulfill our family responsibilities? (See also images).

We must fulfill our family responsibilities because it demonstrates our love and obedience to Jehovah and Jesus. Although in our race through life we ​​must love them more than our family, we must not neglect our family obligations, since fulfilling our role in the family is a way to please God. Furthermore, it is mentioned that when husbands and wives treat each other with love and respect, parents love and educate their children, and children obey their parents, and therefore families do well and are happier.


Because it is a fundamental requirement to be able to please Jehovah, first Timothy 5:8 says that anyone who does not support or care for the members of his household says that he has rejected faith and is worse than a person without faith, so yes We see a person who knows Jehovah and then rejects him. This would be serious, but it would be even more serious for not taking care of our family due to the importance that this issue has. 

In 1 Timothy 5:4, we see that Jehovah expects us to take care of our families, so by fulfilling our responsibilities we are fulfilling his will, and pleasing him.

In addition, fulfilling family responsibilities can bring many benefits, such as creating relationships based on love and respect, providing a good education to children, and creating a positive environment within the family.

7. What will help you fulfill your role in the family?

What will help us fulfill this role effectively is to follow the principles provided by the Bible. So we must put aside perhaps our own opinions or the opinions that the experts in the world say. And as Proverbs 24:3,4 says, Biblical advice is a good solid foundation to enjoy family life.


Trusting the advice that the Bible gives us, we do not have to be carried away by what we think or what the experts of this world say, but we have many publications that give us many practical suggestions on how to apply biblical principles and That is what will give us wisdom.

To achieve this, we can take advantage of our publications that offer us practical suggestions on how to apply Biblical principles. We find one of this help in the section: “Help for families”, there is information that will help couples, parents and young people know what to do when faced with certain challenges.

From the faithful and prudent slave we have many publications, videos and articles for all ages and for all types, we also have brothers who have also lived different experiences for which they can be asked for help, there is also prayer and reading the Bible, that is, We cannot say that we do not have a way because that would be an invalid excuse because Jehovah has given us many different ways to know what he wants us to do.

Yes, here it is also suggested to us that even if one is alone in the truth, it is also important to put into practice these advice from the Bible and the publications because what this will do is benefit the family as 1 Peter 3:1 and 2 says. Those who are not believers will notice this and we do not know if they will be able to respond well.

Also if we find advice, a biblical principle, we must apply it in our lives, even if we are the only ones who are going to do it. But this will positively influence the other members and will be a blessing for everyone.

In this sense, in the "Help for the family" section has a catalog of articles that can be considered very valuable help. These are some of the articles: For married couples: “How to show respect” and “How to show gratitude”, For parents: “How can I teach him to use his cell phone responsibly?” and "How to communicate with your teenager." And for young people: "How to resist peer pressure" and "What to do if you feel lonely."


What are our priorities in life, the first thing is our service to Jehovah, what the Father of the family is doing is fulfilling that responsibility by educating and helping his own family spiritually.

The brother is doing family worship with his wife and daughter. (See paragraphs 6 and 7).

8. How can the decisions we make affect us?

Making good decisions can have very positive consequences in our lives, and improve our situation and relationships, and well-being in general. But making opposite decisions can have negative consequences such as conflicts, problems, stress and other challenges.


Our decisions can affect us through the consequences that result from them. Since if we make wrong or hasty decisions, we must accept the consequences, which can lead us to feel guilty and disturb our conscience. However, freedom of choice is also highlighted as a gift from Jehovah, since making good decisions allows us to enjoy its advantages.

It is an effect of action and reaction, bad decisions bring with them consequences, these consequences harm us and also influence how we feel, they influence unfavorably since it can make our conscience bother us a lot.

The decisions we make can have a significant impact on our lives. Therefore, we must also be aware of the consequences of each choice we make. Since we must learn from past decisions to be able to make responsible decisions in the future. And so we will be wise to continue advancing in this Christian race.

When one makes bad decisions, one has to accept the consequences and we must remember that freedom of choice is a gift from Jehovah, therefore it is we who have to make the decisions we have to make.

9. What will help you if you have made a bad decision? (See also images).

Good to recognize the mistake, ask for sincere forgiveness and learn from the same mistakes.


First of all, we must accept reality, recognize that we cannot change what we have already done, and not dwell on the matter, nor try to justify ourselves or blame someone else. Since this way we will avoid excessive remorse, because blaming yourself is not constructive and can even make the situation worse.

In this case, it is suggested to accept what has been done and not torture yourself for it, recognize the mistake and do everything possible to improve the situation. If we feel bad, we are encouraged to humbly pray to Jehovah, admit our mistake, and ask for forgiveness. If we have caused harm to someone, we are advised to apologize and, if necessary, seek help from the elders.

We must admit the mistake we make, since in this way we demonstrate humility, we will be able to face the consequences of a bad decision. What we can also do is pray to Jehovah with humility and ask for forgiveness for having damaged our relationship with him. 

On the other hand, we must learn from our mistakes and strive not to make them again. It is also important to trust that Jehovah will help us and treat us with mercy.

Well, don't give too much thought to the mistake that we have made. Sometimes it becomes difficult not to think about it over and over if we don't get into a cycle of turns, then make an effort not to do that and then what we do have to do is recognize the mistake, try to fix it and try to pray to Jehovah to take it away from our minds.

I like Psalm 51:3 and 4 which says because I know the offenses very well and my sin is always before you and I like it because King David was very aware of what he had done and being conscious identifying the problem is very important for then solve the problem.

We have in the paragraph of Psalm 103 from 8 to 13 that is telling us that Jehovah is a merciful God and that he is not constantly reminding us of what we did in the past but quite the opposite. He says that as far as the east is from the west, so He has put our sins far from us and just as a father shows mercy to his children, Jehovah shows it to us.

Finally, the consequences of our mistake can also affect other people. If that is our case, we must apologize and express sincere regret.


It is seen that he was taking responsibility, we do not know if in front of an elder or a brother who has offended, but he is with his hand on his heart recognizing the mistake he has made.

The brother asks for forgiveness from a brother. (See paragraphs 8 and 9).


10. Why are unrealistic expectations a heavy burden? (Galatians 6:4).

Because it is a way of loading ourselves with a burden when, for example, comparing ourselves with others, if we have the habit of always looking at what others do and we compare ourselves with them, then that can cause us to foster skills ourselves and also that Let us end up envying these brothers who do more than us.


Proverbs 13:12 says that what takes time to accomplish can lead to illness and it is true if we are not realistic, we do not touch our feet on the ground and we set unattainable goals. Imagine that it would occur to me to build a skyscraper, it is impossible, there are decisions in the life we ​​would like but they are out of reach, let's be realistic and not get sick or endanger others.

Proverbs 24:10 Here Jehovah tells us in his word that we should not become discouraged in difficult times because in this way we will not lack strength.

As Galatians 6:4 mentions, heavy burdens are unrealistic expectations. For example: Comparing ourselves with others, instead of motivating us, this can lead us to competition and envy, which can sometimes require giving more than we can give, and this will generate pressure and stress. 

Furthermore, expecting something that we will never achieve can generate frustration, exhaust our energy and cause us to become discouraged and slow down in our race through life.

As Proverbs 13:12 mentions, expectations that sometimes take time to be met are unrealistic, which can affect our mental and emotional health, because the constant worry about meeting these unattainable expectations will cause us anxiety, sadness and exhaustion.

The attempt to achieve unrealistic expectations, as already mentioned, will exhaust us and wear down our energies, which will slow down our pace in life, and thus this will demotivate us and affect our ability to continue moving forward. in our service to Jehovah.

Hence Proverbs 13:12 teaches that expectations that are slow to be fulfilled can make our hearts sick and diminish our spiritual progress. While Galatians 6:4 asks us to examine our own actions, so that we see that we have sufficient reasons to rejoice in what we do, without needing to compare ourselves with anyone.

Galatians 6:4 | What we have to do is not try to compare ourselves with another person.

11. What will help you avoid having unrealistic expectations?

Modesty will help us recognize what we can do in our circumstances and our limitation.


What will help us is to be modest, since we must accept our limitations and not try to assume responsibilities that go beyond what we can give. And for this we must recognize that it is not a competition with others, nor should we compare ourselves with others, rather we must focus on our spiritual progress.

Jehovah God also knows and loves us just as we are, for example, if we can give more to the extent that we can give, then up to that point he will not demand more from us than what we cannot give, and we also have to see our own circumstances like Barzillai did who was already 80 years old so he could no longer take on certain responsibilities or maybe Moses who although he was the leader but also knew how to delegate, so in the case of us we can also be modest and see our limitations and serve up to that point. from the heart to Jehovah.

Likewise, other things that will help us in this sense is to be aware that Jehovah will never ask us to give him what we do not have, or to do what other people can do, but we cannot. So if we avoid unrealistic expectations, we can maintain the strength to continue running the race for life.

We can also follow the example of Moses, who accepted help and delegated responsibilities. So we can be realistic about our age, our health, and the circumstances that can sometimes mimic what we can give. So we should not push ourselves beyond our current capabilities.

The Bible teaches us that Jehovah values ​​what each of his servants do in his service, as long as they do it from the heart, with fidelity and endurance, and according to their personal circumstances.

Modesty helps us because it makes us aware that we must set realistic goals and accept the responsibilities that age, health and circumstances allow us. We have an example of this in Barzilai, who teaches us that it is not wrong to reject a responsibility when our health will not allow us to assume it properly. On the other hand, Moses' example teaches us to accept help and delegate when necessary.

12. Are we responsible for the bad decisions that others make?

Of course, we are not responsible for the bad decisions that others make, because each individual is responsible for their own choices and actions. For this reason we must remember this, that although we can influence people with our teaching and our example, we cannot control the decisions they make, nor protect them from the consequences of bad decisions.


It is very human to feel responsible for some bad decision, especially those we love most, but that investment of time and thought energy can reduce us to a worse version of ourselves. It is understanding the text of Romans that says that each one will give an account of himself. to Jehovah, then when one realizes that there is no way to win a battle that is not his, one does not lose but one is liberated.

Although it is natural for us to feel pain and sadness if a loved one makes a wrong decision, we must understand that we cannot always protect ourselves, and that each person is responsible for their own choices and the consequences that they entail.

Hence, it is important to remember that blaming ourselves for the bad decisions of others only adds an unnecessary and heavy burden that God does not expect us to carry. Even if it were a child who decides to stop serving Jehovah, his parents should not blame themselves because, as Romans 14:12 says, each one will give an account before God for himself.

And as the paragraph says regarding parents, perhaps it is a great pain when a child makes a bad decision. However, the responsibility and choice falls on the child himself, blaming the parents or blaming oneself for the decisions of another would be an unnecessary burden and Jehovah does not expect us to owe that burden.

13. What can a parent do if their child makes a bad decision?

Remembering that Jehovah has given us all freedom of choice and that each of us is responsible for making our own decisions, including whether or not to serve him, helps parents remove the heavy burden of responsibility for making decisions. their children. Furthermore, Jehovah knows that parents are not perfect and only expects them to strive to be good parents. Hence, if a child decides to leave the truth, the responsibility falls on him and not on his parents.


Well, not blaming yourself, free will works for you but it also works for others, if another person makes a bad decision it is your responsibility and vent to Jehovah if that parent feels guilty for having made a mistake with their child but what Jehovah does not expect It is impossible to go back to the past as long as that person has made an effort because Jehovah will be happy with him.

We must recognize that Jehovah has given each person freedom of choice. So the child is responsible for decisions including that of serving Jehovah, recognizing this can help us ease the burdens of feeling responsible for our children's decisions.

The text says that even a child can see his actions if his behavior is pure and upright, that is, children also have to accept their responsibilities and make their decisions and the father should not feel guilty if he does everything possible. that Jehovah tells him to reach out to his son and then have the hope that maybe he can be like the prodigal son who in the end repents of what he has done and returns to Jehovah.

Since everyone has the responsibility to make their own decisions, Jehovah does not expect parents to avoid the consequences of their children's decisions, although he understands that they regret their mistakes, have feelings of guilt, and wish to turn back time. Hence, he encourages them to share those feelings with him through prayer, and to ask for forgiveness and accept that they cannot change the past. He also assures them that if the son makes an effort to return to him, he will receive him with open arms.

He precisely receives it when the son has stopped practicing what he was practicing because we are very struck by the fact that there is this phrase. On the other hand, Jehovah does not expect him to free his son from reaping what he sowed, that is, the consequences of his sin. Nowadays it is very common to hear I do this because I had a childhood that I don't know what I have done that because my father or my mother turns out to be what my childhood did and sometimes it may be that these phrases hit parents, but here they What you are remembering is that when you make a bad decision you can be forgiven but as we have seen in previous paragraphs the consequences are what they are and parents sometimes have to see how their children make bad decisions and they have to bear the consequences of their bad decisions. decisions. 

Also what we can do is continue to set a good example in our lives. Maintaining our service to Jehovah can influence the decisions of our children. And if we feel guilty, we can pray to Jehovah, since this way we can release our emotional burden and ask for forgiveness if mistakes were made as parents. 

14. Why should we remove the burden of excess guilt?

We must remove excess guilt, because Jehovah has forgiven us how much we have sincerely repented. Furthermore, carrying excessive guilt is counterproductive to our spiritual and emotional well-being. So instead of allowing guilt to oppress us, it is important to accept Jehovah's forgiveness and move forward with a clean heart and a mind focused on our service to Jehovah.


Because feeling too much guilt is a burden that Jehovah does not want us to carry but rather to get rid of and if we have already confessed a sin, we have repented and we have already changed because we have not done it again, so we must be sure that Jehovah has already helped us. he forgave

Feeling too much guilt can do us a lot of harm and could lead us to give up and abandon our race for life. Jehovah forgives us when we confess our sins, repent, and strive not to commit them again. Once we have taken those steps, he wants us to be free of guilt.

And that is important to take into account because if excess guilt makes us feel so overwhelmed, as Second Corinthians says, that we are too sad, we can give up and abandon the race.

15. What will help you if you feel excessive guilt? (1 John 3:19, 20; see also photos).

First we must focus on God's forgiveness, accept the consequences of our actions and not be mortified by past responsibilities. We must also seek support in the scriptures, see Jehovah and always remember that Jehovah is merciful and that he wants us to live in peace, without unnecessary burden of guilt.


1 John 3:19, 20. No matter how much remorse we may have if we have committed a serious sin, if Jehovah has accepted us within his organization within the congregation, we should not give it any more thought because no matter how bad we feel, Jehovah says that is bigger than our own heart and that knows everything, so when he forgives us we trust in him if we do not trust in ourselves because we continue to dislike you very badly but we trust in Jehovah he has forgiven us and that is what should prevail .

If we feel excess guilt, we can find help by focusing on “the true forgiveness” that God offers us. When we sincerely repent, Jehovah fulfills his promise to no longer remember our sin and does not blame us either. And since sin has consequences, we may not be able to assume certain responsibilities in the congregation for a time. For this reason we should not mortify ourselves, since Jehovah has left our sins in the past and encourages us to do the same.

According to 1 John 3:19,20, he assures us that even if we feel excess guilt our own heart condemns us, we must remember that Jehovah is greater than our heart and knows all things. Furthermore, his love and forgiveness are more powerful than any feelings of guilt we may experience.

It is important to remember that even if we have received God's forgiveness, sin can have its consequences. But these consequences should not be interpreted as Jehovah's lack of forgiveness; rather, we must learn to deal with the consequences and hold on to our relationship with Jehovah.


We return to the sister who is exposing, she has probably committed a serious sin, she is probably explaining it and in the drawing to the side we see how she is participating in the preaching again, so once she has confessed this sin she makes an effort not to repeat it Jehovah forgets that question and can also return to participate again with the privileges that being able to preach represents.

Series of images: 1. A sister tells three elderly people how she feels. 2. Afterwards, she looks happy preaching with a sister. Once you repent from your heart, Jehovah leaves your sins behind you. Why doesn't he do the same? (See paragraph 15).


16. As runners, what should we be clear about?

We must be clear that to receive the prize of life, it is of utmost importance to run the race for life in such a way that we win it. In the same way, we must be clear about what we should carry and what burdens we should take off.


We must also be clear that the burdens and worries we carry in our lives can make us stop running, which is why Jesus warned us not to overload our hearts. Identifying these burdens will help us make wise decisions and free ourselves from what prevents us from advancing spiritually.

Well, we must be very clear about what are the things that we should carry in our backpack, so to speak, and what are the things that we should get rid of, in this way, although they are not the only ones, these are the ones that we have studied today, they are just a few. how many but as Jesus said our heart could become overloaded and this logically with the problems that exist in life could cause us to lose the race so to speak so all this will help us identify the changes we have to make in this sense .

So once we have identified the burdens and worries that prevent us from successfully running the spiritual race, we must be willing to make the necessary changes, that is, adjust our priorities and eliminate bad habits, and focus on what really matters. for the servant of Jehovah, which is our spiritual race.

In this sense, the examples that we have seen in this article will help us a lot, although they are not the only ones that we must analyze. Jesus said that our hearts can become overburdened by the worries of life and even by overeating and drinking. So in order not to overload ourselves, we must identify the changes we must make in order to successfully run the race for life.

We must also be clear that the Bible provides us with texts and teachings that can help us identify the changes we need to make to be successful in the race for life.

17. Why are we sure that we will win the race for life?

As mentioned in Isaiah 40:29-31, Jehovah gives us the strength to keep going, even in difficult times. For this reason, we can trust in his help to overcome obstacles and stay in the spiritual race. 


We are sure that we will win the race for life, because Jehovah will give us the strength to go to the end. So we must not slow down. On the contrary, we must be like the apostle Paul who gave his all to receive the prize. Furthermore, Jehovah is always ready to give us his support, to help us carry our burdens and to take away those we do not need. Which gives us total security that Jehovah is on our side and thus we will be able to run with endurance and win the race for life.

While it is true that no one can run the race for us, Jehovah is there to support us. As described in Psalm 68:19, he helps us carry our burdens and does not dare to take away those we do not need. His constant support is a reason to have confidence in our ability to complete the race.

An example behind the best runners in the world there are great coaches, we have the best personal trainer who is above us, he is taking care of us, he is Jehovah, so we are guaranteed success.

Well Psalms 68:19 says praise Jehovah that day after day the true God of our salvation carries our burdens, something that we must take into account is that when we cast our burdens on Jehovah we do not ask him again to continue carrying it we have to leave it in his hands because he is going to help us sustain and carry the loads.

Likewise, Isaiah 40:29, 31 says that Jehovah is giving power to the weary and makes him who is without dynamic energy abound in full power.

Also the idea of ​​Paul's example not in Philippians 13:14 explains his experience as if he were a runner because he says forgetting the things that are behind and stretching to reach the things to come and press forward towards the goal Paul's example shows how Jehovah can really give us sufficient strength and vigor to achieve that goal. 


What burdens should we carry?

One of them is the promise of dedication. When we dedicate ourselves to Jehovah, we promise to worship him and do his will. This is an important responsibility, but a heavy burden, and we say this because Jehovah created us to do his will and gave us the desire to know and worship him. By doing his will, we find satisfaction and relief.

Another burden that we must carry are family responsibilities. Although we must love Jehovah above all, we must not neglect our family responsibilities. Loving and caring for our family is part of pleasing God. Families that treat each other with love, respect and fulfill their roles appropriately find happiness and well-being.

Finally, the consequences of our decisions are one of the burdens that we must inevitably bear, and we say this because Jehovah gave us the gift of freedom of choice. For this reason we must assume the consequences of our decisions, both good and bad.

Well, as we have seen more than anything the dedication we have made to Jehovah since it is a responsibility but one that we take with great pleasure to serve him.

What burdens must we take off?

Among the burdens that we must remove are unrealistic expectations, and the reason is because expectations that take time to be met can be exhausting and frustrating. It is important to remember that each individual is unique, and we should focus on our own Spiritual Progress rather than comparing ourselves to others.

Another burden that we must remove is feeling responsible for the bad decisions of others. We should not bear the responsibility for the bad decisions that others make. Since feeling guilty for the decisions of others can be an unnecessary burden and harmful to our own emotional health.

And finally we must remove the burden of excess guilt. Although it is normal to feel guilt when we sin, we should not carry excess guilt. Carrying an excessive load of guilt can be detrimental to our emotional and spiritual health. What we must keep in mind is that Jehovah does not expect us to carry excessive guilt, but rather, to seek his forgiveness and move forward in our race for life.

What will help us run to win?

Recognizing the unnecessary burdens and worries in our lives is essential. This includes unrealistic expectations, excessive blame, responsibility for the decisions of others, among others. Knowing what to carry and what to let go of will help us maintain a clear focus on our spiritual path.

Then we see that the sovereign Lord Jehovah is the one who will help us reach the end of that race, sometimes helping us to bear the burdens and sometimes helping us get rid of it.

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