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“The slave of the Lord does not have to fight, but must be kind to everyone” (2 TIM. 2:24).
1. What kinds of questions might our co-workers or classmates ask us?
We are likely to be asked questions about our beliefs, which could make us nervous, especially if they are asked in a challenging tone. But these types of questions can tell us a lot about what the person thinks or feels, and also gives us the opportunity to preach.
These questions may arise due to influences or prejudices towards our beliefs, as mentioned in Acts 28:22 and 2 Timothy 3:1,3.
On the other hand, when someone asks us a question with a challenging tone, we should not be surprised, because perhaps they have been carried away by what other people have said about us, how it happened in the story of Acts 28. Hence the importance of Be perceptive and think about the real reason why you are asking us that question.
2. Why is it good to be gentle?
Mildness is beneficial because it helps us stay calm and control our emotions when our beliefs are questioned. Being gentle means not being carried away by provocation and is a quality that can be developed, as mentioned in Proverb 16:32. And we can cultivate this virtue through practical suggestions and also by teaching our children to defend their beliefs with gentleness.
The gentle person is able to remain calm in difficult situations, and can respond in a respectful and gentle way, which can cause others to rethink their opinion of us and our beliefs. Hence the importance of striving to be peaceful, since if we do so we will always act in a dignified and respectful manner towards others, and we will give people a good testimony of Jehovah and our beliefs.
Proverbs 16:32 says, "A patient man is better than a powerful man, and he who controls his temper is better than he who conquers a city." Being peaceful allows us to remain calm, and as a result we will be able to control our nerves, and thus express ourselves with greater clarity and coherence. As already mentioned, mildness implies having control over our emotions, which allows us to handle stressful or challenging situations without losing our cool.
3. Why do we say that gentle people are actually strong? (2 Timothy 2:24, 25).
Mildness is not a sign of weakness, but quite the opposite, it is a sign of inner strength. We say this because staying calm in difficult situations requires great inner strength. However, we can achieve it by seeking God's help, cultivating this beautiful quality that is part of the fruit of the spirit. Many witnesses have demonstrated the possibility in challenging situations, as highlighted in 2 Timothy 2:24,25.
Mild people, as already mentioned, are “strong,” and the reason is because as 2 Timothy 2:24 25 says, they are able to teach those who disagree with mildness. This requires great emotional and spiritual strength to remain calm and composed, even in challenging or conflictive situations.
Furthermore, in ancient times, gentleness was associated with the idea of taming a wild horse. This indicates that an animal was transformed from wild and untamable, to one that was tame, but still very powerful.
In Galatians 5:22,23, it is explained that mildness is an aspect of the fruit of the spirit. For this reason, to be gentle and strong at the same time, we cannot achieve it alone, we need to ask God for his spirit.
In 2 Timothy 2:24,25 Paul says that God's servants should be gentle and teach those who do not have a good attitude with mildness. This has been seen firsthand when many witnesses have shown that beautiful quality when other people have wanted to argue with them, and this has helped others to get a good impression of the Witnesses. Therefore, it is good that we continue to develop this quality.
4. What do we learn from Isaac's example?
Isaac's example highlights gentleness in the midst of adversity, as instead of fighting over The Wells, Isaac chose to move and dig new ones. His calm attitude, even in the face of persistent provocation from the Philistines, could have been based on the example of his parents, Abraham and Sarah.
From Isaac's example we learn the importance of remaining calm and mild even when provoked. Even though the Philistines envied his wells and tried to cause him trouble, Isaac remained calm and moved away to avoid conflict. This example teaches us the strength it takes to be gentle in challenging situations.
His peaceful attitude in the midst of provocation teaches us about the importance of staying calm and seeking peaceful solutions instead of falling into unnecessary conflicts. Even though the Philistines continued to argue, Isaac did not respond with aggression or violence, but instead persisted while maintaining his composure.
Isaac's example teaches us that mildness and prudence are powerful tools to resolve disputes and conflicts, showing that it is not always necessary to confront provocation directly, but rather to seek peaceful solutions and maintain composure in the midst of adversity.
5. What example shows that parents can teach their children to value gentleness?
Maxence, a 17-year-old young man, is an example of how parents can help their children develop peace of mind, since as the paragraph mentions, his parents patiently guided him to understand that controlling oneself requires more inner strength than letting oneself be carried away. the wrath. This approach has made gentleness a virtue for Maxense.
Maxense's parents are an example of how parenting and parental guidance can shape children's attitudes and values. By teaching and modeling gentleness, Parents can positively influence the development of emotional and social skills in their children, equipping them to face challenging situations with calmness and emotional control.
6. How does prayer help us be more peaceful?
Prayer is crucial in tense situations. Asking Jehovah for his spirit and wisdom allows us to respond with mildness. We can also reflect and pray after challenging situations to improve our responses in the future.
In a tense situation, such as when someone says unpleasant things about Jehovah or mocks what the Bible teaches, prayer can help us become more peaceful. By asking Jehovah to give us his spirit and wisdom to respond in a gentle way, we can find the inner strength necessary to control our nerves and respond respectfully.
In times of stress, prayer connects us to a source of higher power and wisdom. We can ask Jehovah to respond in a gentle and understanding way instead of reacting impulsively to provocations.
Also, when we realize that we should have responded better, prayer helps us talk to Jehovah again and think about how we could handle the situation next time.
7. When tense situations arise, how can knowing some biblical texts by heart help us? (Proverbs 15:1, 18).
Memorizing Bible texts, such as Proverbs 15:1 and 18, can help us speak mildly in difficult situations. The holy spirit can remind us of these verses in critical moments, offering principles that encourage mildness.
Knowing some biblical texts by heart can help us be more peaceful by remembering the important principles that help us stay calm and respond respectfully in tense situations.
For example, Proverbs 15:18 remind us of the importance of staying calm and responding respectfully in tense situations, which can help avoid conflict and improve our interpersonal relationships.
Knowing some Bible texts by heart can be of great help in tense or difficult situations, as these verses can provide guidance and remind us of important principles to remain calm and mild. For example, the text of Proverbs 15:1 reminds us of the importance of responding with kindness and calm, which can help reduce anger and confrontation in a tense situation.
Proverbs 15:1,18 teaches us that the best thing when arguments arise is to respond kindly and be patient, since in this way we will calm the situation.
Keeping in mind texts such as Proverbs 15:8 where it shows us the results of how patience and calm can be effective in calming arguments or conflicts, you encounter anger that tends to generate more confrontation.
8. What is good to keep in mind when someone questions our beliefs?
Insight is key when facing questions. Remembering that the question can have several reasons helps us respond with the possibility, as illustrated with an iceberg, where we only see the tip, but the biggest part is hidden.
When someone questions our beliefs, it is good to keep in mind that insight can help us, since the vertical person knows how to control himself when someone questions his beliefs, that is why before responding, it is good to remember that we may not know why the person brought up the topic. That is, it is important not to assume that we know the other person's intentions and try to understand why they are asking the question.
We must also keep in mind that superficial questions can often hide deeper or unknown motives. It's helpful to remember that the reasons behind the question may be more complex than they appear.
Before reacting, it is wise to reflect on the possible intention behind the question. Considering that we may not fully know why the person is raising this issue can help us respond in a more understanding and insightful manner.
9. How did Gideon demonstrate that he was insightful and gentle?
Gideon demonstrated insight by meeting the anger of the men of Ephraim with mildness. By respecting his feelings and responding calmly, he was able to defuse the situation, as recounted in Judges 8:1-3.
The men of Ephraim angrily reproached Gideon for not inviting him to fight against the enemies of Israel. Instead of responding with anger, Gideon respected his feelings and responded with mildness, which resulted in a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
Gideon, understanding the possible pride wounds behind the Ephraim men's reproaches, responded mildly, respecting their feelings, which resulted in them calming down.
10. What can help us react well when we are asked about our beliefs? (1 Peter 3:15).
When someone asks us about our beliefs, 1 Peter 3:15 can help us react well. Remember that it is important to be prepared to answer questions asked about our beliefs, but we must do so with ease and respect. This involves controlling our emotions and responding calmly and respectfully, even if the other person disagrees with us.
The key is to see these questions as opportunities to better understand the other person and not as attacks. If we are kind and calm we can positively influence the way the other person perceives our beliefs.
In 1 Peter 3:15 we are urged to always be ready to respond when asked about our beliefs, with gentleness and deep respect. It's good to do it this way because it may lead her to question her own opinion. Additionally, our goal should always be to treat people with kindness, even if they speak harshly or sarcastically to us.
11, 12. What is the first thing we should do before responding? Give an example of how that can lead to a pleasant conversation. (See also the image).
The first thing we should do before responding is to try to understand the other person's intentions and see the question as an opportunity to discover what is worrying them. This can lead to a pleasant and constructive conversation.
Before answering, it is crucial to reflect on the possible motivations behind the question. For example, if we are asked why we don't celebrate birthdays, we might consider whether the person thinks we don't enjoy it or whether they are worried that we are affecting the work environment. First, we could begin the response by expressing gratitude for his interest and assuring him that we also value a good work environment. This can open the door to a pleasant conversation about what the Bible says about birthdays.
Another case that may arise is when a classmate perhaps says that Jehovah's Witnesses should change their views on homosexuality, we can wonder if he is saying that because he has a wrong idea of what Jehovah's Witnesses believe, because he will have a friend who is homosexual family member or why he thinks we hate homosexuals. In that case, we may need to reassure you that we care about everyone and respect their right to make their own decisions. Perhaps this will give us the opportunity to explain why it is good to follow the rules of the Bible.
We see a sister who is being invited to a coworker's birthday, and thinking about the possible reasons why her coworker is inviting her. That is something that we must do before responding, so that in this way we can defend our beliefs in the best way.
A sister is working in her office and a colleague offers her a piece of birthday cake. In the office next door there are more people eating, drinking and having a good time. If someone invites you to a birthday, think first about the possible reasons. That will help you respond better. (See paragraphs 11 and 12).
13. How can you help someone who says believing in God is ridiculous?
When someone firmly expresses that believing in God is ridiculous, instead of assuming what they think, it is advisable to avoid a direct debate and leave them thinking. For example, we could send him a link to a jw.org video article on creation, inviting him to consider different perspectives, and something interesting to keep in mind is that we should speak to him respectfully, as this may encourage him to reconsider his opinion. .
It is important to remember that we cannot force anyone to believe what we believe, but we can share our beliefs in a respectful and kind way.
It is also important not to assume that we already know what this person knows or believes. And instead of debating, we could offer practical information that is related to that topic, that invites the person to reflect. This could open the door to a deeper conversation and allow you to reconsider his point of view.
14. How did Niall use jw.org to help a colleague who had the wrong idea about the Witnesses?
Niall used jw.org to correct a colleague's misconceptions that Jehovah's Witnesses did not believe in science. By directing his companion to the “Bible and Science” section on jw.org, Niall provided her with information that allowed her to better understand the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses. This facilitated a more informed conversation about the origin of life.
Later, Niall noticed that his partner had read the information and this facilitated a more open and calm conversation about the origin of life.
15. What can parents do to help their children respond mildly?
Parents can teach their children to respond with passivity through practice sessions during family worship. Analyzing topics that might arise at school and acting out calm responses can prepare children to defend their beliefs in a respectful and interesting way.
You can also teach your children to speak in a way that is calm and interesting.
Teaching them to speak in a way that arouses interest and staying calm are skills that you can practice together, preparing children to deal with these situations constructively.
We see the box that many parents have found useful to discuss during family worship, controversial topics that might come up at school or at work, and help them think about how they would respond if someone told them that only ignorant people believe in God, it is true that there is a creator, who created him? or that Jehovah's Witnesses hate homosexuals.
In family worship, a child gives a response to his father during a practice session.
Practice Sessions Can Help Your Family
Many have found it helpful to discuss controversial topics that might arise at school or work during family worship. (Prov. 9:9) Think about how you would respond if someone said something like this to you:
“Only ignorant people believe in God.”
“Evolution is a fact that is more than proven.”
“If it is true that there is a Creator, who created him?”
“Jehovah's Witnesses hate homosexuals.”
“Why do Jehovah's Witnesses pressure people to change their religion?”
“You have changed the Bible to fit your beliefs.”
16, 17. How can practice sessions help young people?
Practice sessions in the family not only help young people present convincing arguments, but also strengthen their faith by explaining their beliefs in their own words. Sections on jw.org, such as “Young People Ask” and “Put It Down?”, are designed to support young people in this process. Practicing as a family can help us feel safe and calm when talking about our beliefs.
These sessions not only help young people present convincing arguments, but also convince themselves that their beliefs have a solid foundation.
We have the example of Matthew, who tells us that in family worship, he often investigates with his parents topics that could arise in class and that, when he is clear about why he believes it, he feels safe and it becomes easier for him to be peaceful with others.
The example of this young man named Mattew highlights how these family practice sessions have been beneficial for him. By researching topics that might come up in class with his parents, he prepares for possible situations and practices how to approach them. This preparation gives you clarity about his beliefs, giving you the confidence to speak calmly and respectfully when talking to others about his beliefs.
When you are clear about why you believe what you believe, you feel confident and it becomes easier to be gentle with others.
18. According to Colossians 4:6, what should we give importance to?
We should give importance to expressing contact and gentleness when talking to someone about our beliefs, because it is more likely that you will want to continue listening and not cut off the conversation.
Colossians 4:6 highlights the importance of expressing ourselves tactfully and mildly when discussing our beliefs. Although having logical arguments is relevant, communicating respectfully can be more effective in maintaining a constructive conversation and avoiding heated debates.
Speaking gently can make it easier for the other person to continue listening and not cut off the conversation, which can be beneficial for both parties.
The paragraph mentions an excellent example that helps us understand what our words should be like. For example there. He says it's like throwing a ball gently instead of hard. Since if we choose to do it gently it is more likely that the other person will be able to catch it and want to continue playing. Something similar happens when we communicate, since if we speak softly the other person is more likely to be willing to continue the conversation.
19. What can motivate us to be gentle when defending our beliefs?
Remembering that mildness will prevent a difference of opinion from turning into a heated debate, and that we can ask Jehovah to give us strength to be gentle when others raise controversial topics or unjustly criticize us.
The motivation for being gentle in defending our beliefs lies in seeking Jehovah's strength and recognizing that passivity prevents differences of opinion from turning into heated debates. A respectful and gentle response can positively influence others' perception of our beliefs and biblical teachings. Always being ready to present a defense with possibility and deep respect allows us to be gentle and strong at the same time.
We can be motivated to be mild in defending our beliefs by the fact that mildness will prevent a difference of opinion from turning into a heated debate. Additionally, a respectful and gentle response may cause some to reconsider their opinion of us and Bible teachings.
Asking Jehovah for help to remain calm when controversial topics or unfair criticism arise can be a powerful driving force. Passivity acts as a brake that prevents differences of opinion from turning into heated debates, thus opening the door to more constructive conversations.
Furthermore, a respectful and gentle response has the potential to cause some people to reconsider their opinions both about us and about Bible teachings. Finally, we must remember the importance of presenting a defense with gentleness and deep respect. As mentioned in First Peter 3:15, it can serve as a constant reminder to maintain a firm but calm posture.
How can we develop mildness?
We can develop mildness through practice and seeking divine help. It is a quality that involves staying calm, controlling emotions, and responding with kindness even in challenging situations. Passivity is part of the “fruit of the spirit” and can be cultivated through prayer and a conscious effort to maintain a calm and respectful attitude.
To develop gentleness, we can ask God for his spirit, ask for strength to be gentle in difficult situations, and practice responding in a respectful and kind way instead of reacting with anger or aggression.
First we must keep in mind that being gentle is going to require an effort on our part, that is why we must be strong. We can learn to be gentle by studying examples from the Bible such as when Isaac had to face the Philistines and ask Jehovah in prayer to helps us respond in a passive way instead of reacting to some provocations.
How does insight help us respond with gentleness?
Insight helps us respond with gentleness by giving us the ability to understand the motivations behind questions or criticisms. In addition to answering, it is important to consider that the question may have hidden motives, and remember that this allows us to respond with more wisdom and empathy. Insight helps us avoid misunderstandings and respond more effectively.
The insightful person knows how to control himself when someone questions his beliefs and can understand that the real reason why someone asks a question may be different than what it seems, therefore before answering, it is good to remember that we may not know why the person brought up the topic.
Insight helps us to be calm, because it makes us think that there are reasons that we do not know behind a question, and we must also consider that we do not know why the person is raising this topic, as the study said, it is like the tip of the iceberg, behind a small question there can be big reasons that we don't see at first.
What can parents do to help their children defend their faith with gentleness?
Parents can play a crucial role in teaching their children to defend their faith with gentleness. They can conduct practice sessions during family worship, analyzing possible scenarios and acting out respectful and interesting responses. Additionally, parents can use resources such as the “Young People Ask” and “Put It Down” sections on jw.org to strengthen their children's faith and help them express their beliefs in a clear and gentle way.
Furthermore, these practices reinforce their personal conviction, giving them the security that their beliefs have solid foundations.
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