Saturday, November 4, 2023

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week of November 6 to 12, 2023, “If a man dies, can he live again?”, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: November 6-12, 2023, “If a man dies, can he live again?”, Prepared Discourse. 

“If a man dies, can he live again?” (10 mins.).

The loss of a loved one in death immerses us in immense pain, leaving an incomprehensible void. Only those who have lost a loved one have experienced it and can clearly understand this deep pain.

In those moments of anguish, it encourages us to know that our God, Jehovah, is aware of the situation, understands what we are going through, and stands by our side to strengthen us and give us the comfort we need in these moments. 

What's more, he has an intense desire to use his great power to bring our loved ones back to life. The biblical book of Job confirms that promise of our compassionate creator, whose power is manifested in that desire: To restore life to those who have died.

Death is part of life, just as shadow is part of light. No matter how much they try, human beings cannot end death or bring someone back to life. On the contrary, man, in his desire to extend life and end death, has led us for many years to try methods to prolong it……They still cannot find the answer to the question what Job did: “If a man dies, can he live again?” 

No matter how much man tries for a long time he came out as active, men will not be able to put an end to death or bring someone back to life, this is confirmed by the book of Job, let us please look for the biblical record of Job, Chapter 14, the verses 1, 2, 4 and 10. If you found it, accompany me with the reading, please, it says like this………

LET'S READ JOB 14:1,2,4,10.

”Man, born of a woman, has a short life and full of problems. 2 he Sprouts like a flower and then withers; he flees like a shadow and disappears.

Who can make someone impure come to someone pure? Nobody can do it!

But the man dies and is left lying unable to do anything else; When a human being takes his last breath, where does he go?

More than 3,500 years ago these words were written and today, man has stepped on the moon, invented the automobile and the computer, in addition to having investigated the atom and the cell. However, despite all these technical advances, humanity continues to age, get sick and die.

Nowadays, few of us have the desire to live, and the idea of ​​living a short time, growing old and dying is not something we like very much. For this reason, it is not surprising that throughout history methods to prolong life have increased. For example, in Job's day the Egyptians ate animal testicles in a vain attempt to regain youth. 

One of the primary objectives of medieval alchemy was to produce an elixir that could lengthen life. Many alchemists believed that artificially produced gold granted immortal life and that eating from gold dishes extended life. The ancient Chinese Taoists thought they could modify body chemistry, through techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises and diet, and thus achieve immortality. Of course none of these methods worked.

However, as we see throughout history, human beings have made great efforts to extend their lives, and the reason is because in all human beings there is the desire to live forever. Notice what a reasonable and simple way to confirm that only through the resurrection: "If a man dies, he can live again." Please see the biblical record of Job, the same chapter 14, but now let's look at verses 7 to 9, it says what following………

LET'S READ JOB 14:7-9.

Because even for a tree there is hope. Even if you cut it, it will sprout again and its twigs will not stop growing. 8 If its root grows old in the ground and its stump dies in the ground, 9 at the smell of water it will sprout and put forth branches like a new plant.

Let us think of the cedar of Lebanon, The twisted Olive Tree might seem like an insignificant tree. However, it is capable of surviving the most difficult circumstances. In fact, there are known specimens that are more than 1000 years old. Even if its trunk has been cut, El Olivo can revive thanks to its roots. As long as those roots don't die, they can sprout again.  

It's incredible right? The patriarch Job was sure that if he died, he would live again. Since by using this example we see that Job reasoned very well: That if an insignificant tree is capable of surviving the most difficult circumstances, how much more reason can Jehovah restore life to those he desires. 

This is wonderful, God remembers those who have died. The people who are in his memory will live again. And as we have already mentioned: Jehovah not only has the power to resurrect his servants, but he also desires to do so. Now let us please read the same Chapter 14 but this time verses 14 and 15. It says like this...

LET'S READ JOB 14:14,15.

If a man dies, can he live again? I will wait every day of my mandatory service until my release comes. 15 You will call and I will answer you. You will long to see the work of your hands again.

As we noted in the texts, Job was convinced that Jehovah not only has the power to resurrect his servants, but that he is also eager to do so very soon. Brothers, what the Bible says about the resurrection is so reasonable. If we see in the image corresponding to this week, there we see on the right side an insignificant cut tree, which still, through some twigs, comes back to life. And on the right side we see that in paradise, a mother hugs her daughter who has just been resurrected, thanks to God's desire to return life through resurrection.

Job's experience teaches us a valuable lesson: Jehovah has great affection for those who, like Job, put themselves in his hands and let him shape their personality, since he greatly values ​​his faithful servants and feels a deep longing or resurrect those who have died. 

On the other hand. If our God is able to call the stars by his name, he can remember without problem those whom he plans to resurrect. Jehovah not only remembers his servants who have died. He also misses them very much and longs to see them alive again. All this makes it very clear to us that Jehovah longs to resurrect his loyal children. 

We have seen what Jehovah feels, but now let us ask ourselves: How do you feel about Jehovah, knowing this? It is true that we always appreciate the love of Jehovah for giving us this secure Hope through his Kingdom. 

For this reason, dear brothers, let us always strive to do his will…. Let us be humble and let ourselves be molded to be among those who see with our own eyes the wonderful day when God fulfills his promise to resurrect those who have died. And we can have full confidence that this is the case and this hope will not disappoint us, it is what sustains us now and will help us to be happier serving God.

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