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“Be happy with the things you have” (15 mins.): Analysis with the audience and video.
What does Miguel Novoa's example teach you?
It teaches that many times adversity makes a person strong and as we saw in the video the changes that the brother made, the adjustments were not easy for him but it strengthened his faith because he looked for a way to sell bread and did not neglect the spiritual and nor to his family.
Here is shown the attitude of the brother who, although he was left without a job, did not stay. Crossed hugs, a good friend gave good advice to a brother and he had the attitude of being able to work on what was being presented at that time, making bread and even as He comments on the work of going to other houses to iron, so we see that here it is a matter of attitude and obviously two things come together: the attitude and the blessing of Jehovah and with that obviously the brother was able to have support for the house and also obviously afterwards Jehovah also blessed him with a job.
He gave him to Jehovah to bless, he did not neglect the spiritual but he put that first and he also acted according to his prayers. He did not wait for Jehovah to do all the work but he made an effort to act according to what he also asked. .
There you can also see that the brother was a very humble brother because although he had an important position in his previous job, he let Jehovah help him and with that humble attitude he did a humble job, so if we go through a difficult situation like From him, perhaps we should not concentrate on something that we want and as has been mentioned, Jehovah blessed something that he did and that quality of humility is very valuable when facing trials.
It teaches me that humility can sometimes be tested in ways we would never have imagined, so it makes us evaluate where our values and priorities really are if we were suddenly embarrassed to do something.
He moved forward and fought despite having lost his job at the bank, looking for a way to continue supporting his family and continuing to have spiritual food.
Miguel's example teaches me that good friends advise us to make good decisions that honor Jehovah and give us the support we need in difficult times, as Proverbs 17:17 says.
He also applied the text of do not let your hand rest, it is true that perhaps it is not the work that he was used to, but he stayed busy, he did not reject it because it was something simple, he was therefore about to leave his comfort zone but not neglecting spiritual things because He said that he alternated work with preaching.
Well, many times we can think that no, I deserve a job, I have studied, I have this, but there is no unworthy job or there is no simpler job for a Christian because the most important job for a Christian is to feed his family, take care of the needs of the family. home but the most important thing is to be able to put the kingdom first.
If we do not know the time he spent doing these things these different jobs not until he found a stable job but he clearly trusted in Jehovah and put the kingdom first when we do this Jehovah blesses us but we have to always give first place to things spiritual.
Well, he did not sit idly by, he made bread and ironed clothes, so he gives us an example that we should not say, well, this will pass, something else will come, but that we have to act and go look for work.
Well, it also teaches me to value good friends, those friends who give us good advice like this brother's friend and when we have received the advice, then act with it with humility and accept it because the advice that that friend gives us may be the response we have made to Jehovah in our prayers.
If he told his brother that the situation distressed him and that he had moments of great tension until he listened to his friend and started ironing and making bread, what I learn from this is that when there are complicated situations that stress us out, as he said, The little head has to be busy so we have to do things, I can't stay with our arms crossed.
Well, some very simple words, do not be afraid of changes if we have Jehovah on our side.
And sometimes you have to adapt to the circumstances that come and that is why what we should not do is sit idly like this brother was looking for a means of living to support his family and adapt to those circumstances from banker to baker. and clothes ironer.
But it is also very important not to lose hope because we know that Jehovah is there and that sooner or later he is not going to leave us and to always trust in him because I have been through that ordeal so to speak but I have never lost hope because I know that Jehovah will be there in due time.
Something also related to Proverbs 17 of 17 that marked a before and after for him to move forward, it also teaches us that ability that we can have or develop to be good friends. He needed a good friend and how we can do it. Being empathetic with our brothers, knowing their difficulties that may be happening to them, which will help both him and our friends, to take good advice that is accurate, to help our brother friends, to make good decisions, to move forward, to see the life of another. perspective and above all trust in Jehovah.
In the most extreme circumstances, in this case, we do not give up, we camouflage ourselves, we invent ourselves and do whatever it takes to serve Jehovah and also to provide sustenance for our home.
Sometimes it is possible that we think that a situation is bad but as this brother says, it is possible that our expectations have to lower and keep our eyes simpler, so instead of looking for something that gives us luxuries or things like that, look for something simpler than allows us to bring bread home every day like this brother did and continue worshiping Jehovah without having to worry so much.
What has caught my attention is that when the situation began, the brother surrounded himself with people loyal to Jehovah. This brother, who was a friend of his, listened to him and gave him advice based on the Bible and we see that this gave good results when we We face the problem of integrality and let it be associated with our faithful brothers because they will help us to be balanced.
In 2017 I was the treasurer of a prestigious bank in Nicaragua. And by then I was already a parent and had a one-year-old child. So we were very happy, but I lost my job, because I said I have the experience and then Jehovah is going to help me look for another similar job, and I started looking like that, but the doors were closed to me, I felt very tense, it made me feel useless, as a kept we say here I don't know.
So that was very difficult for me, Proverbs 17:17, says a true friend loves at all times, and is a brother in times of trouble and I have seen it come true in my life, when I lost my job at the bank because I felt very depressed, very troubled, tense, and I have very good communication with this friend, because I told him how I felt and he told me look Miguel, stop looking for the same profile, maybe what you have to do is an adjustment in your life and while you do A little simpler work that is not office work, that will help you keep your eye simple and you will not stop making a living.
I learned to watch my wife make bread for the house and one day I told her I'm going to make that bread, but I'm not going to make it for the house, I'm going to make it to sell, so she told me, you're not crazy. It was a real change in terms of going from a banking person to managing a lot of money to selling on the street. And I told her, look, I'm going to put on this hat and I put on a hat like a chef's hat, and then I told her in less than an hour I'll be back whether I sell or not, and that's how it was and to the surprise she didn't return a single loaf, like that. That when I went to sell for the second time she told me to go away but now without that hat eh.
And I started ironing clothes at home, it seemed strange, because normally that job here is done by a woman, but a man who goes to iron clothes at a house, I can't see it but I didn't want to sit idly by, watching to see what It happens, I had to use my agile hands to look for bread, then I would preach one day and another day I would go ironing, and the next day I would preach and the next day I would sell bread.
So my mind was still busy doing something, either for the Kingdom, or for my home, right, and that has helped me a lot. Now I have a stable job in a hardware store and I feel calmer. The adversities have made me more strong and above all my relationship with Jehovah has become stronger, But I continue and I am the one who irons the clothes at home.
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