Tuesday, October 3, 2023

DAILY TEXT, Today's Friday, November 3, 2023, We have this treasure in clay vessels, so that the power that goes beyond the normal comes from God (2 Cor. 4:7).

DAILY TEXT, From Friday, November 3, 2023, We have this treasure in clay vessels, so that the power that goes beyond the normal may come from God (2 Cor. 4:7).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Friday, November 3

We have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the power beyond the ordinary may come from God and not from us (2 Cor. 4:7).

Today, Jehovah gives us “power beyond the ordinary” so that we can continue to serve him faithfully. One of the things that Jehovah has given us to strengthen us is prayer. In Ephesians 6:18, the apostle Paul said, “Keep praying on every occasion.” If we do this, God will strengthen us. We may sometimes feel overwhelmed or not know what to say in our prayers, but Jehovah invites us to talk to him even if we find it difficult to put what we feel into words. (Rom. 8:26, 27) God also strengthens us through the Bible. Like Paul, we can read the Scriptures for strength and comfort (Rom. 15:4). When we read a passage and meditate on it, Jehovah can use the spirit of it to help us understand how it applies to our situation. (Heb. 4:12) w21.05 22 paras. 8-10.

How did the Bible strengthen a sister who was suffering?

Meditating on God's Word helps us see our problems from the right perspective. Let's look at the case of a sister who was widowed. An old man suggested that she read the book of Job and told her that it would help her. When she did so, her first reaction was to criticize Job for his way of thinking. In her head, she told him: “Job, how negative you are!” She then realized that her own attitude was very similar to Job's. This helped correct her point of view and gave her strength to deal with the pain of losing her husband.

How does Jehovah use our brothers to strengthen us?

Our brothers. Jehovah also strengthens us through our brothers. Paul wrote that he was looking forward to seeing his spiritual brothers to encourage each other (Rom. 1:11, 12). Mary, mentioned in paragraph 2, loves being with other Christians. She says: “Jehovah has helped me through brothers and sisters who didn't even know what I was going through. They made some encouraging comment or sent me a card, and that was just what I needed. He also helps me talk to sisters who have gone through similar situations and learn from their experience. And the elders always make me feel that the congregation considers me valuable.”

How can we strengthen each other in meetings?

One of the best occasions to encourage each other are meetings. When we attend, we can take the initiative to strengthen others by telling them that we love them and that we appreciate what they do. For example, before a meeting, an elder named Peter told a sister that she does not have her husband in the truth: “You can't imagine how much it cheers us up to see you here. She always has her six children ready and with prepared comments.” Very grateful and with tears in her eyes, she replied: “You have no idea how much I needed to hear that today.”

What effect does preaching have on us?

The ministry. Preaching makes us feel good and comforts us, whether people pay attention to the message or not (Prov. 11:25). A sister named Stacy saw it for herself. When a relative of hers was expelled, she was devastated. She kept wondering if she could have done anything more to help him. She could barely think of anything else. What helped her get out of it? The ministry. As she went out to preach, she began to focus on the people in the territory who needed her help. She comments: “At that time, Jehovah gave me a Bible student who made very rapid progress, and that encouraged me greatly. What gives more stability to my life is going out to preach.”

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