DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday, November 25, 2023, Imitate me (1 Cor. 11:1).

DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday, November 25, 2023, Imitate me (1 Cor. 11:1).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Saturday, November 25

Imitate me (1 Cor. 11:1).

The apostle Paul loved his fellow Christians, and that is why he worked tirelessly for them (Acts 20:31). No wonder they loved him so much. For example, on one occasion, when the elders of Ephesus learned that they would never see him again, “they all began to weep” (Acts 20:37). Likewise, the elderly today love their brothers and go out of their way to support them. (Phil. 2:16, 17) But sometimes they face certain challenges. What can help them? The elders, who have so much work, do well to look to Paul's example. He was not a superman; He was an imperfect human being who sometimes had to fight to do what was right (Rom. 7:18-20). Although he faced many difficulties, he did not give up or lose his joy. If the elders copy his example, they will continue to serve Jehovah with joy despite difficulties. w22.03 26 paras. 1, 2.


Why might it be difficult for elders to be examples in preaching?

Why is it difficult? In addition to being an example in preaching, elders have many other responsibilities. Let's look at some. Sometimes they have to preside over the weekday meeting or lead the congregation's Bible Study. Additionally, they have to take care of other assignments or speeches. They also spend much time training ministerial servants and encouraging brothers (1 Pet. 5:2). Some elders assist in the construction and maintenance of Kingdom Halls and other buildings used to worship Jehovah. But above all, the most important thing for elders is to be ministers of the good news, as it is for all publishers (Matt. 28:19, 20).

What example did Paul set in preaching?

Paul's example. In Philippians 1:10 we find the reason why Paul was a good preacher. There he gives us this advice: “Make sure which things are the most important.” He himself followed his advice. He was assigned a ministry, and he saw it as one of the most important things in his life for decades. He preached “publicly and from house to house” (Acts 20:20). He didn't just preach at certain hours or just one day a week. He took advantage of any opportunity. For example, on one occasion when he was waiting for his companions in Athens, he told the good news to a group of important people, and achieved some good results (Acts 17:16, 17, 34). Even when he was under house arrest, he preached to everyone within reach (Acts 28:16-24; Philip. 1:13, 14).

How did Paul train other brothers?

Pablo knew how to make good use of time. He had the habit of inviting others to preach with him. For example, on his first missionary tour he invited John Mark, and on his second, Timothy (Acts 12:25; 16:1-4). He strove to teach these men to organize congregations and to be good pastors and skillful teachers (1 Cor. 4:17).

How can elders follow Paul's counsel found in Ephesians 6:14, 15?

Lessons. Elders can copy Paul's example not only by preaching from house to house, but by taking advantage of every opportunity to witness (read Ephesians 6:14, 15). For example, they can do it when they go shopping or at their workplace. Or, if they are helping with an organization's construction project, they can share the good news with neighbors and suppliers. And, just as Paul did, they can use their time preaching to train others, such as ministerial servants.

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