Tuesday, October 3, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Saturday, November 4, 2023, God fills you with energy, giving you both the desire and the strength to act (Philipp. 2:13).

DAILY TEXT, From Saturday, November 4, 2023, God fills you with energy, giving you both the desire and the strength to act (Philipp. 2:13).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Saturday, November 4

God energizes them, giving them both the desire and the strength to act (Phil. 2:13).

We know that it is very important to make disciples, but there are certain difficulties that may prevent us from doing everything we would like. It may seem to us that we cannot do more due to the circumstances. For example, some publishers are older or in poor health. If that is our case, let us remember that Bible classes can be taught by phone or online. So perhaps we can start and lead a Bible course from the comfort of our home. And that's not all. Some people want to study the Bible, but they cannot do so at the times when the brothers normally preach. Could we offer to teach them when it suits them, perhaps early in the morning or late at night? Jesus taught Nicodemus at night because Nicodemus preferred it (John 3:1, 2). w21.07 5 paras. 10, 11.

If we feel like we are not qualified to teach, what three things will boost our confidence?

It seems to us that we are not qualified to lead a Bible course. We may think that we lack knowledge or that we need to improve as teachers. In that case, let's think about three things that will boost our confidence. First, Jehovah thinks that we are qualified to teach others (2 Cor. 3:5). Second, Jesus, who has “all authority in heaven and on earth,” has commanded us to teach (Matt. 28:18). And, third, we are not alone. Like Jesus, we can trust Jehovah to help us know what to say.​—John 8:28; 12:49. Additionally, we can talk to the preaching group overseer, a skilled pioneer, or an experienced publisher to help us start and conduct a Bible course. If we accompany them to one of their own, we can learn to be better teachers.

Why should we be willing to adapt?

We find it difficult to adapt to new methods and new tools. Our way of conducting Bible courses has changed. The main publication we now use, Enjoy Life, requires us to prepare for classes and conduct them differently than before. We read fewer paragraphs and talk more with the student. We use more videos and electronic tools, such as JW Library®. If we feel that it is difficult for us to use these tools, let's ask someone to teach us how to use them. It is not easy to adapt to changes. In general, we prefer to do things the way we have always done them. But with the help of Jehovah and our brothers, we will find it easier to adapt and even enjoy teaching the Bible more. As a certain pioneer said, this new method “is a breath of fresh air for the student and also for the teacher.”

What should we remember if our territory is difficult? and How does 1 Corinthians 3:6, 7 encourage us?

It seems to us that in our territory it is difficult to start a Bible course. Some people may not be interested in our message or may even be against our work. What will help us maintain a positive attitude? Let us remember that in this unstable world, people's circumstances can change from one day to the next, and those who were uninterested may later come to recognize their spiritual needs (Matt. 5:3). Some people who always rejected our publications eventually accepted a Bible course. Furthermore, we know that Jehovah is the Owner of the harvest (Matt. 9:38). He wants us to continue planting and watering, but he is the one who makes sure the seed grows (1 Cor. 3:6, 7). On the other hand, how encouraging we are to remember that, even if we are not leading a Bible course right now, Jehovah rewards us for our efforts, not for our results.b

How does Jehovah feel when a person accepts a Bible course and applies what he is learning?

Jehovah is very happy when a person accepts the teachings of the Bible and tells others about them.​—Prov. 23:15, 16. Surely he feels very happy to see what is happening today. For example, despite the pandemic during the 2020 service year, 7,705,765 Bible courses were conducted, helping 241,994 people dedicate their lives to Jehovah and be baptized. In turn, these new disciples will teach Bible classes and make more disciples (Luke 6:40). Without a doubt, by participating in this work we rejoice Jehovah's heart.

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