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Speech (5 mins.): w20.10 17 paras. 10, 11. Title: Encourage students to make friends in the congregation (th lec. 20).
Something that is of utmost importance in our work as Bible teachers is the great responsibility that we have and that goes beyond simply teaching. We must be guides and friends to those who come in search of the truth and study the Bible with us.
First, it is essential to remember that Bible students are making significant changes in their lives by choosing to serve Jehovah. Let's read what Proverbs 13:20 says, it says the following...
"He who walks with the wise will become wise, but he who hangs out with fools will end badly."
As we see, They are striving to leave behind friendships and customs of the world to get closer to their Creator. This transition is not easy for most. For this reason, it is there where we come into play by seeing them as our future brothers.
Our role as teachers is not limited only to the hours of the Bible study, but we must extend our friendship and support beyond that time. Since our goal should be to show them that we are their true friends and that we are available to them. A text, phone call, or occasional visit can make all the difference.
Have you heard of an African proverb? This proverb says that, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Similarly, we, as a congregation or as a United people, must come together to help make disciples. It is our responsibility as teachers to introduce our students to other brothers and sisters who can positively influence their spirituality. Let's please look at what 1 Thessalonians 2:7,8 says, what I invite you to read, It says......
«On the contrary, we treat them with kindness, like when a mother breastfeeds and tenderly cares for her children. So, out of the tender affection we had for them, we were determined to give them not only the good news of God, but also our lives, since we came to love them very much.
As we can see, dear brothers, students need to feel welcomed and know that they have a place in this spiritual family to which we belong. If we can awaken in them the desire to be part of our loving Christian brotherhood, it will be easier for them to distance themselves from friendships that do not help them love Jehovah.
By making friends in the congregation, our students will not only receive spiritual support, but also emotional support. In conclusion, dear brothers, let us encourage Bible students to make friends in the congregation. Let us be the support they need at this crucial moment in their lives. Let's show sincere interest, being available.
Let us remember the words of Jesus in Mark 10:29-30. Let's read together please, if he found it, accompany me with the reading, it says the following …………
LET'S READ MARK 10:29-30.
Jesus said to them: I assure you that there is no one who has left home, brothers, sisters, father, children or fields for me and for the good news who does not receive now, in this time, 100 times more, houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields, although with persecutions, and, in the system to come, eternal life.
From these verses we learn that those who leave everything for the kingdom of God will receive much more, including brothers and sisters who will become a true spiritual family.
So let's set an example, give our friendship and love to those who study the Bible with us. In that way, we will help them feel attracted to the wonderful Christian sister that we are privileged to be a part of.
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