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“Clothe yourselves with […] patience” (COL. 3:12).
1. Why do you like dealing with patient people?
WE ALL like to deal with people who are patient. Why would it be? For example, we respect those who know how to wait without getting frustrated. We also appreciate that others are patient with us when we make mistakes. Additionally, we are very grateful to the person who gave us Bible classes for being patient with us when we had trouble understanding, accepting, or putting into practice something we learned. And above all, how grateful we are that Jehovah is patient with us! (Rom. 2:4).
2. In what situations might we find it difficult to be patient?
2 We all appreciate that others are patient. But, when it's our turn to be one, things may not be so easy. For example, we may find it difficult to stay calm when we are stuck on the road because there is a lot of traffic, especially if we are running late. We may get angry if someone irritates us. And sometimes we may think that the new world that Jehovah has promised is slow in coming. Wouldn't we all like to be more patient? In this article we will see what this quality implies and why it is so important. We will also discuss some suggestions that will help us be more patient.
3. How does a patient react when they feel provoked?
3 Let's look at four characteristics of the patient person. First, he doesn't get angry easily. She strives to remain calm when under pressure and not to retaliate when she feels provoked. This characteristic of patience is first highlighted in the Bible when Jehovah is described as “a merciful and compassionate God, slow to anger and full of loyal love and truth” (Ex. 34:6, second note).
4. How does a patient person react when they have to wait?
4 Second, the patient person knows how to wait calmly. He does not become anxious or irritated if something takes longer than expected (Matt. 18:26, 27). There are many situations in which we have to wait without losing our cool . For example, when someone tells us something, we should listen patiently and not interrupt them (Job 36:2). We also need patience to help a student understand a Bible teaching or overcome a bad habit.
5. How else do we show that we are patient?
5 Third, the patient person is not impulsive. It is true that sometimes you have to act quickly. But when it comes to an important task, the patient person does not rush to start it nor does he rush to finish it. Rather, he spends enough time planning what he is going to do and then takes the time necessary to perform that task well.
6. How does a patient react to trials or difficulties?
6 Fourth, the patient person strives to endure trials without complaint. So patience and endurance go hand in hand. Of course, there is nothing wrong with venting to a trusted friend and telling them how we feel when going through a difficulty. But the patient person will do his best to maintain a positive attitude and continue serving Jehovah with joy. (Col. 1:11) Christians must demonstrate patience in all these ways. Because? Let's look at some reasons.
7. According to James 5:7, 8, why is patience so important? (See also images).
7 Patience is essential to obtain salvation. Like faithful servants of the past, we must wait patiently for God to fulfill his promises (Heb. 6:11, 12). The Bible compares us to a farmer (read James 5:7, 8). The farmer works hard planting and watering, but he does not know exactly when the crop will grow. So he waits patiently, convinced that he will reap fruit. Christians do the same: they work hard for Jehovah even though “they do not know on what day their Lord comes” (Matt. 24:42). That's right, we wait patiently, convinced that in his own time Jehovah will fulfill everything he has promised. If we became impatient, we could get tired of waiting and gradually move away from the truth. Additionally, we might start focusing on things that only give us immediate satisfaction. On the other hand, if we are patient, we will endure to the end and will be saved (Mic. 7:7; Matt. 24:13).
Series of images: 1. A farmer sows many seeds in a field. 2. The farmer tries to see if any seeds have germinated. 3. The farmer looks happy and is standing in the middle of the crop while it rains. Just as the farmer waits patiently, convinced that he will reap fruit when the time comes, we also wait patiently, convinced that Jehovah will fulfill all that he has promised in his own time. (See paragraph 7).
8. How does patience help us get along with others? (Colossians 3:12, 13).
8 Patience helps us get along with others. If we are patient, we will listen carefully when others speak (James 1:19). We will also promote peace. We will not react impulsively or say something hurtful when under pressure. Furthermore, if someone offends us, we will not get angry easily or repay them in kind. Rather, we will continue to bear with one another and forgive each other generously (read Colossians 3:12, 13).
9. How does patience help us when making decisions? (Proverbs 21:5).
9 Patience also helps us make better decisions. Instead of acting hastily or without thinking, we will take the time to educate ourselves about our options to see which is best (read Proverbs 21:5). For example, if we are looking for a job, we may be tempted to accept the first thing we are offered, even if it means missing some meetings or preaching less. But if we are patient, we will take into account where the work is, what the workday will be, and what effect it will have on our family and our relationship with Jehovah. Patience will save us from bad decisions.
10. What can we do to continue cultivating patience?
10 Let us ask Jehovah to help us be more patient. Patience is part of the fruit of the spirit (Gal. 5:22, 23). So we can ask Jehovah to give us holy spirit and help us cultivate the qualities he produces. If we are going through a situation in which it is very difficult for us to be patient, let us continue to ask for holy spirit (Luke 11:9, 13). We can also ask Jehovah to help us see things as he sees them. And after praying, let us do our best to be patient every day. If we continue to ask Jehovah for help and do our best to demonstrate this quality, we will gradually become more patient.
11, 12. How has Jehovah shown that he is patient?
11 Let's meditate on examples from the Bible. In the Bible we find many stories of people who were patient. If we meditate on them, we can learn to demonstrate this quality. Let's look at some of these examples, but first let's look at Jehovah, the most patient person there is.
12 In the Garden of Eden, Satan tarnished Jehovah's name and questioned whether he was a just and loving ruler. But Jehovah, instead of immediately destroying this liar, demonstrated patience and self-control, for he knew that it would take time to prove that his way of ruling is the best. And, while he waits, he endures with endurance that his name continues to be tarnished. On the other hand, because Jehovah is patient, millions of people have come to know him and have the opportunity to live forever. (2 Pet. 3:9, 15) If we think of all the good that has been accomplished through Jehovah's patience, it will be easier for us to wait for the time he has set to bring about the end.
13. How did Jesus perfectly imitate his Father's patience when he was on Earth? (See also the image).
13 Jesus perfectly imitates his Father's patience, and that became clear when he was on Earth. He sure didn't always find it easy to be patient, especially with the scribes and Pharisees, who were hypocrites (John 8:25-27). But, like his Father, Jesus did not get angry easily. He did not respond with bad words to the insults and provocations of his enemies (1 Pet. 2:23). Rather, he endured the trials patiently and without complaint. No wonder the Bible advises us: “Think carefully about him who endured so many hostile words from sinners” (Heb. 12:2, 3). With Jehovah's help, we too can patiently endure any trial that comes.
A couple is preaching from house to house and they speak calmly to a man who is angry. Patience will help us not get angry easily when we feel provoked. (See paragraph 13).
14. What do we learn from Abraham's patience? (Hebrews 6:15; see also images).
14 What will help us continue waiting patiently for the end to come? Maybe we expected that by now it would have arrived, and maybe we think that we will not see it with our own eyes. Well, let's look at the example of Abraham. When Jehovah promised him “I will make you a great nation,” Abraham was 75 years old and had no sons (Gen. 12:1-4). But did Abraham see the fulfillment of this promise? Only in part. To do this, after crossing the Euphrates River, he had to wait 25 years. Then, miraculously, he fathered Isaac. And 60 years later his grandsons Esau and Jacob were born (read Hebrews 6:15). But Abraham did not see his descendants become a great nation and inherit the Promised Land. Still, this faithful man enjoyed a close friendship with his Creator (James 2:23). And can you imagine how happy Abraham will be when he is resurrected? He will learn that because of his faith and his patience, all nations received a blessing (Gen. 22:18). What do we learn? We may not see the fulfillment of all of Jehovah's promises in our day. But if we are patient like Abraham, we can be sure that Jehovah will bless us now and even more in the new world.—Mark 10:29, 30.
An older brother meditates on the story of when Abraham observed the starry sky. If we are patient like Abraham, we can be sure that Jehovah will bless us now and even more in the new world. (See paragraph 14).
15. What could we analyze in our personal study?
15 The Bible tells of many other people who were patient (James 5:10). Why don't you propose to study those stories ? For example, David was very young when he was anointed to be the future king of Israel, but he had to wait for many years before he could take the throne. Simeon and Anna faithfully served Jehovah while awaiting the promised Messiah (Luke 2:25, 36-38). As you study these stories, ask yourself, “What helped this person be patient?” What good results did he have for demonstrating this quality? How can I imitate his example? He can also learn many things from those who were impatient (1 Sam. 13:8-14). You might ask, “Why weren't they patient? What bad results did they get for not demonstrating this quality?”
16. Mention some benefits of being patient.
16 Let's think about the benefits of being patient. Patience helps us be happier and calmer. So we can say that it is good for our physical and mental health. It also helps us get along better with others and makes the congregation more united. If we don't get angry easily when someone does something that bothers us, we can prevent the situation from getting worse (Ps. 37:8, note; Prov. 14:29). But the greatest benefit of all is that when we are patient, we imitate our heavenly Father and grow closer to him.
17. What should we be determined to do?
17 As we have seen, patience is a very beautiful virtue that does us a lot of good. Although it is not always easy to demonstrate it, Jehovah will help us continue cultivating this quality. And, as we patiently wait for the new world to arrive, we can be sure that “the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those who hope for his loyal love” (Ps. 33:18). So we must all be determined to continue clothing ourselves with patience.
What does it mean to be patient?
Don't get angry easily.
The patient person knows how to wait calmly. She does not get restless or irritated if something takes longer than expected, the patient person is not impulsive. It is true that sometimes you have to act quickly.
The patient strives to endure the trials without complaint. So patience and endurance go hand in hand.
Why is patience so important?
Patience is essential to obtain salvation. Like faithful servants of the past, we must wait patiently for God to fulfill his promises.
Patience helps us get along with others. If we are patient, we will listen carefully when others speak.
We will also promote peace, not react impulsively or say something hurtful when under pressure. Furthermore, if someone offends us, we will not get angry easily or repay them in kind.
Helps us make good decisions.
What will help us be more patient?
Let us ask Jehovah to help us have more patience. Patience is part of the fruit of the spirit.
Let's meditate on examples from the Bible. In the Bible we find many stories of people who were patient.
Study and reflect on the stories of patient and impatient people and ask ourselves the questions “What helped this person to be patient?” What good results did you have for demonstrating this quality? How can I imitate her example?
You can also learn many things from those who were impatient, we could ask ourselves: “Why were they not patient? What bad results did they get for not demonstrating this quality?”
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