Friday, October 6, 2023

Watchtower Study, Let us be reasonable as Jehovah, Week of October 2 to 8, 2023, Comments and Practical Answers.

Watchtower Study, Let us be reasonable like Jehovah, October 2-8, 2023, Comments and Responses.

“Let everyone know that you are reasonable people” (PHILIP. 4:5).

1. In what sense should Christians be like some trees? (See also the image).

In a spiritual sense, we also have to be willing to bend, and we must be flexible and reasonable.


We must be flexible when circumstances change and also respect changes or comments from others. 

We Christians must be like those trees that when the wind blows with strength can reach bending but due to their great flexibility remain standing. Example of him, the palmera. In this sense, the Christian who is flexible and reasonable must be willing to bend over backwards to continue flourishing in a spiritual sense, even if that means striving to adapt to changes in his circumstances and to respect shared opinions.


Put in the Illustration it is comfortable while it is larger and more rigid and is an easier tree to rope. However, the trees that are flexible are more resilient when there is a storm.

In the illustration we see the contrast between the trees. The tree's strong but rigid trunk breaks and surely dies. The flexible trunk adapts and resists. Therefore, may Jehovah want us to be adaptable, reasonable and flexible. So, like a palm tree, in the face of the changing circumstances of this system, we can resist and continue bearing fruit in a spiritual sense.

There are trees in the middle of a wind storm. One is flexible and remains standing, while the other breaks partly because it is too rigid. Which tree class prefers to be used? (See paragraph 1).

2. What qualities will help us adapt to changes, and what will we see in this article?

We have to be reasonable like Jehovah who wants to be and we also want to be humble and compassionate.

The qualities that will help us adapt to changes are humility and compassion. Furthermore, in this article we will see how some Christians successfully confronted the changes thanks to these qualities, and how we can also do the same. We will also analyze the example of Jehovah and Jesus, one of the most reasonable people that exists.


3. How do we know that Jehovah is reasonable?

Even though Jehovah is the firm and immovable Rock, he is also the most reasonable person that exists. We know this because he has been adapting to the changes that are taking place in the world, in order to ensure that his purpose is fulfilled.


Therefore, we can see throughout history how Jehovah has adapted to the changes that have been made, always ensuring that his purpose is fulfilled by remaining firm but at the same time remaining reasonable.

And as we all know that he has created his image for us so that we can also be capable of adapting to changes, perhaps some of us will cost more or others less but doing so is a reflection of his image and we are capable of doing so too.

4. Give an example that shows that Jehovah is reasonable (Leviticus 5:7, 11).

The Mosaic law required that the Israelites make sacrifices. But in Leviticus 5:7,11 different gifts are mentioned that were acceptable according to the person's circumstances. This example clearly shows how reasonable Jehovah is, since he did not demand that rich and poor people present the same sacrifices. The person who could not offer an ova, could take it to Jehovah of the Tortolas or of the pichones of Paloma as an offering. One for the atonement of sin and another as an offering from Quemar.


Furthermore, what we read shows that Jehovah complies with what we said before, he was humble and compassionate towards people, because he didn't see what they had to offer, according to their circumstances.

And we can see in el 5:1 that it is impossible to offer any type of harine, even if it has to be fine harine, and information that this is what is used to prepare food for an important guest, so that even they could not give as much as The rest of the few who daban Jehovah had to be the best they had.

5. Mention an example of Jehovah's humility and another of his compassion.

We clearly see this example of Jehovah's humility when he was about to destroy Sodom, when he sent some angels to warn him that he should go to the mountainous region. But as Lot was afraid to go there, he asked Jehovah who allowed him to go to the city of Zoar, a city that was also about to be destroyed. However, Jehovah allowed him even though it meant not destroying her. With this Jehovah demonstrated his humility. Instead of demanding that the lotto obey his instructions to the letter, he accepted his request.


We also see this example of Jehovah's compassion when he sent the prophet Jonah to warn the people of Nineveh that both they and their city would be destroyed due to his evil. And he again demonstrated it when he forgave the city the cause of their repentance.

And he also showed compassion to the inhabitants of Nineveh by sending Jonah to warn them that he was going to destroy them, but when the inhabitants of Nineveh regretted what they had done, he said in the text that Jehovah reconsidered his decision and then decided not to send that calamity so that I felt regret and compassion for them and forgiving them.

And in both cases we know a little about the story, Jehovah was offended by the behavior of these inhabitants and we know how when one is in a situation, it gets nervous at times what we least do is being reasonable, so we see that Jehovah is good For example, because in a situation it is necessary to impart justice as well as being flexible, reasonable and compassionate. 

6. What examples demonstrate that Jesus is reasonable as Jehovah?

Even though Jesus had been sent to the earth to preach to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel, on one occasion he helped a woman who was not an Israelite, listening to her voice so that she could heal her daughter who was possessed by a demon. Jesus was reasonable because instead of being convinced that the woman was not Israeli, he focused on the fact that she had a problem and that he could help her. Therefore, he compassionately healed the wife's wife.


And then Jesús says that it was an exceptional circumstance in this case and that he said that the girl was cruelly posed and was suffering too much and Jesús says that it wasn't the right moment to give a specific instruction a specific rule right now applying much higher principles and that was like him on the ground curing her in his treatment of her, even saying that it wasn't right to give the food that was for his children to his dogs in a way like an insult, showing that obviously priority was given to the Israelites over other nations, but there was also a need to help them equally with their compassion.

Another example of what was reasonable was Jesus, we had it at the beginning of his ministry, when he said if someone had rejected me, I also rejected him. However, he did not reject Pedro when on three different occasions out of fear he refused to meet him. Jesus knew that Pedro was sorry and that he was a faithful man. Then, after resurrecting Jesus, he appeared and most likely confirmed his forgiveness and his love.

Yes, on another occasion Jesus said that if someone rejected him that he was also rejected and we know that Pedro rejected him on three occasions he refused to know him but it was clear that Pedro was sorry and that he was a faithful man and was unable to resurrect Jesus if he appeared. I confirmed your love and told you that I forgave him and in this way accepted him and confirmed your love. 

7. According to Philippians 4:5, what reputation do we want to gain?

Assume that we are reasonable people in no case if we want to be strict or third because the more reasonable we are the more we will be imitating Jehovah and Jesus and therefore we will be more around them.


According to Philippians 4:5 we want everyone to know that we are reasonable people. Just like Jehovah and Jesus, we also want to enjoy this reputation. Therefore, we would be better able to make changes, if we noticed that we always want things to happen our way, if we don't listen to the opinions of others, and if we are reluctant to give in.

And here are some indications of how we can know if we really are reasonable, because of course we have every ten years and a long time since of course I am reasonable, but I think too many times that I am giving in or I have the reputation of being too strict, so he insists that Things will happen like I believe, sometimes we decide, but my way is the best, so I insist, but maybe we could think about how we can work better in this quality of tolerance, humility and reason.

That we all must demonstrate this quality because we contribute in this way to ensuring there is peace and unity in the congregation.

Information that a reasonable person knows that there are occasions when something can be complete and legally justified and yet it will be absolutely wrong from a moral point of view, so that is what Jehovah and Jesús do will always understand that sometimes This is not the time to apply general rules but to be flexible in response to higher principles.

Here it is not about how we see each other but how we see others.

And we also have to be reasonable when our opinion does not coincide with other people because we could be wrong or how her sister decided, we can take reason but not be reasonable in our decisions.


8. What can help us to be reasonable when our circumstances change? (See also the note).

Put these four recommendations on the first one to accept reality and the second one to look to the future and the third one to focus on the positive and the fourth one to do things for the rest.


When our health, economic circumstances, assignments change within the congregation of Jehovah or in some other direction, what can help us to be reasonable and flexible is to accept reality, look to the future, focus on the positive, and do things for them too. In this regard, we can also find good advice in the article “How to adapt to changes”, from Despertad magazine number 4 of 2016.

And before or after we will have changes in Corinthians say that the scene of this world is changing and Ecclesiastes that there are unforeseen successes will sometimes be bad but it will not always be like this sometimes they are good sometimes it could be until a change of assignment by It's part of Jehovah, but in some cases we must know how to adapt.

For me, I have enjoyed what it says about the future, it is aimed at young people, but in the end it is applicable to everyone when I say that thinking about the past is how to drive on a highway without having to look at the rear view mirror. Take a look back, but the important thing is to concentrate on the path we have ahead because if no negative thoughts can overwhelm us.

The article cited Ecclesiastes 7:10 where I say don't tell me why past times were better than today's questions and we are not wise and if we are comparing all the time, what we have now, what we lost then we are not going to be happy We never have to focus on what we have lost and what we have gained.

As I say, the note also says that changes are inevitable, so we have to be realistic and aim for the possibility of adapting to the new changes that we have now.

Concentrating on the positive and having to do with resilience and then looking for the good side of the situation will always have a good side that needs to be enjoyed.

Also, the article has things for others in not monitoring our own needs, but others as shown in Philippians 2:4. 

9. What does a missionary marriage have to do to face difficulties that were not expected?

What Emmanuel and Francesca went to pray together and ask Jehovah to give them wisdom to face one day at a time. Jehovah responded by giving him through his organization just what he needed at the precise moment. For example, he cheered them up a lot through a video where a brother said that the faster we accepted our circumstances, the faster we returned to being happy and easier if we made the most of new circumstances.


Another thing that Emmanuel and Francesca did was propose to be more skilled in preaching and giving biblical courses over the phone. They also accepted the encouragement and support that they gave to their brothers and thanked them for their affection, especially from a sister who sent them a message of encouragement every day throughout the year. One thing more than that was to accept your new circumstances and be happy with what you could do during this period of the Covid-19 pandemic, instead of focusing on what you couldn't do.

In summary, they accepted the new circumstances that were difficult because they were assigned to a new country and they began to learn the language but came to Covid and then passed away in their mother, so it was difficult for them but they said that firstly what they had to pray to Jehovah later they proposed to be more skilled in preaching and accepted the spirit that they gave to their brothers and this was the reason why they could adapt.

It also mentions that they were very good with a sister who showed a lot of empathy with them and they sent a brief comment with a biblical text every day as they had the privilege of having the daily text that we all have for a year and a text that is more than what they say her sister.

Just as we see Jehovah provided him at the right time thanks to the organization, which we need to listen to for example, as he said, a brother sent us a video that will show the faster we accept the new circumstance, the faster we will be happy and easier if We made the most of this new circumstance and that was just what we needed.

I was a brother who, from night to morning, changed his totally working circumstances and went to prison until he was released unexpectedly because he was counting on them, saying that the more he concentrated on everything that was lost, the more unhappiness and more They were anguished and told themselves that they had to look to the future and make the most of what they had in that moment and said that in that moment they started to enjoy and be happier.

The lesson is that if we accept the new circumstances we will be happy with what we can do.

10. What does a sister need to adapt to completely new circumstances?

Sister Christina was very disappointed when in Japan the English congregation she belonged to dissolved. But instead of remaining anchored in the past, she adapted to her new circumstances, she focused on the positive and looked to the future. She also decided to do everything possible in a Japanese speaking congregation and continue preaching with enthusiasm in that language.


The other thing I had to do for her sister Cristina to adapt to her new circumstances was to ask her a former work companion who would help her improve her Japanese using the Bible and the booklet «Enjoy life» in classes. With this, she learned to communicate better in Japanese and her ex-work partner wanted to learn more about the Bible.

First of all, I started looking at the future and decided not to worry about what had happened that the English congregation was so different as the future was that the meetings were going to be held in Japanese and I started studying Japanese.

At the beginning, I say that even after this she suffered a great disappointment, the changes do not imply that we accept them immediately, sometimes they can generate a small trauma, but what will really help us is like what we have to look to the future and so on. It will help us not to break, but if we hold on and we can enjoy the many blessings that we have prepared for.

Because what we learn is that if we look to the future and we don't look forward to the past, that means the changes we can make can also bring unexpected blessings.

11. How do I get married to face my economic problems?

As this marriage lives in a country where our activities are prohibited and in addition the economy goes down, they lose their usual source of income. So, what happened was to strive to lead a more mature life and concentrate on helping others by dedicating all the time possible to preaching. This way, you have less time to give back to negative thoughts and more time to do God's will.


Because we can learn first, they will strive to lead a healthy life and they will also, instead of concentrating on their problems, focus on helping others, as he says today 20:35 that there is more happiness in giving than in receiving, as they dedicate All the time in helping others on the ground is also in the preaching.

It is interesting that they have a very adverse circumstance because they live in a country where our work is prohibited and above all now their circumstances change to a worse extent, of course it was the perfect choice to focus on negative thoughts and to become depressed, but it is interesting when you dedicate more I had no time at the ministry to focus on these negative thoughts and that was what followed them.

And in addition to the benefit that reports to others, it is obvious that brother Dimitri in his interview stated that the prediction is a means that Jehovah uses to help us be happy when we go through troubles.

If this marriage teaches us that if our circumstances change, let us remember that it is very important and we can continue helping others because we are going through difficulties because we only have to let each other receive help, but we can also offer help to others and especially support them. the preaching because we know that Jehovah will also bless us.

12. How can Pablo's example help us to be flexible in preaching?

Pablo's example can help us to be flexible and adaptable in preaching. And we decided because Pablo was able to fulfill his charge of preaching to Jews, Greeks, intellectuals, campesinos, senior officials and kings, and in addition to reaching out to the heart. Pedro has to make an effort to be with people of all kinds. That's why it's time to transmit the message based on your culture and beliefs. So if we want to imitate Pablo's example, we will be ingenious and adapt our way of presenting the Biblical message according to the needs of each person.


Just like Pablo, he preached to all kinds of Jewish people, Greek peasants, Reyes, and as is the case, I said, I could find everyone with people of all kinds to be able to reach the hearts of all these nosotro people, as we also preached to people from very different cultures, ethnicities, original attitudes We have to do the same thing that Pablo adapts to our presentation according to what we see in each person and the circumstances that we can see at that moment.

El Apostol Pablo was flexible and maestro in this aspect we will certainly remember the occasion when he was in the Greek areópago and seeing that these people had a lot of concerns if he told of a specific image in what was for an unknown God and that's it Now let's talk about this God that they don't know as a man who adapts to any territory and we apply it if we talk to a person and we have in our mind a very rehearsed presentation but the person is clearly worried about another aspect where We must demonstrate this flexibility.


13. What danger do we avoid if we respect the opinions of others? (1 Corinthians 8:9).

We don't want to trip up others because we want our opinion to be the best and we don't want to cause divisions because we want to be convincing others that they do what we do.


If we are reasonable, it will be easier for us to respect the opinions of others and with this we will avoid the danger of believing that our opinion is always the best. We will also avoid convincing others that they do the same thing as us. With this way of acting we will preserve the unity of the Congregation. Putting into practice principles like those of 1 Corinthians 8:9 will lead us to be careful so that our right to choose does not leave a stone of trouble for those who are weaker in a spiritual sense.

For example in situations where some sisters enjoy makeup but others don't, where some brothers seem to be okay with drinking alcohol in moderation, but others prefer not to drink it, or for example when some brothers with health problems choose different ways of taking care of themselves, We will do well if we choose to respect your decisions instead of trying to impose our points of view. In this way, we will avoid the danger of causing divisions in the congregation or causing some to stumble. 


We can see how there is a brother drinking beer and the other cola drink and the cola drink can look at him with a surprised face, let's go as if he were committing a serious crime.

In the congregation, several Christians can have different opinions and, however, this can cause divisions as we see here, if the opinion of one of the others is respected, it cannot be a problem.

And at the end of what is being commented on, for example we have the first chapter of Corinthians chapter 10 verse 23 and 24 that comes very close to what is being said to avoid divisions that say everything is permitted but in the whole it is beneficial everything is permitted but on the whole it builds and continues to tell 24 that nothing seeks its own benefit, but the rest of us here is the key for all of us.

The same flexible tree bends before the wind storm. In a circle a brother appears who looks with a disgruntled face at another brother who is holding a vase of beer. If we are reasonable, we will respect the opinions of others. (See paragraph 13).

14. What should biblical principles influence our way of dressing and grooming?

In our way of dressing and arranging ourselves we must influence our other Biblical principles like that of 1 Timothy 29:10, which advises dressing us in appropriate clothing and arranging ourselves with modesty and good judgment as is the very nature of those who claim to have devotion to God. It should also influence us by the principle of 1 Peter 3:33 that tells us that our adornment is our inner person and not the gold adornments in the luxurious clothes that we wear.


The true Christian doesn't want his clothes and way of dressing up and adorning himself to be the center of attention. On the contrary, he seeks that his way of dressing honors God and demonstrates to other people that Jehovah's servants are reasonable, modest and with good judgment.

In this sense, the elders of the congregation have a great responsibility. On the one hand you must help your brothers to apply biblical principles, but on the other hand you must be careful not to impose your personal opinions and much less impose your own rules. Therefore, what I have as a circuit superintendent in this sense gives us an excellent teaching to everyone. He said to a brother: If you go up to the platform and the gifts are more visible in your appearance than when you say, "Is there any problem with the way you dress or dress?" So instead of deciding how to dress and dress, with these words the superintendent motivated them to reflect to make a good decision regarding their clothing and personal grooming.

If we want more information about clothing and personal grooming, we can review lecture 52 of the book «Enjoy Life».

On Monday Timothy 9:2 from 9 to 10 where it says that it must be modest and with good judgment, of course, everyone can be dressed the same and everyone can be dressed the same but with modesty and good judgment for all We can go well together.

And both the advice of Pablo and the one of Pedro that comes later is that it is with modesty in the dice that we don't go well in clean and crisp because it says that a well-arreglado dress is recommended which is what is said, the mention of vanity and the ostentation of it means of life of one that is what are principles, that has to govern in our life and also in our appearance.

Yes, the paragraph also takes us to the book to enjoy life and also comes from the principle of Romans 15:1 and 2 because we Christians have to keep in mind that we don't have to trip up our brothers and yet we believe that we have the right to dress ourselves In some way this text is what says is that each one of us must please his neighbor for the benefit of this and to build him up. 


In the illustration for this paragraph, we can see brothers of different races and cultures arranged in very different ways. However, within their styles they are all dressed and groomed with modesty and good judgment. On the other hand, if they are happy and that is because they respect one another and because no one tries to impose their rules or their personal points of view on others as far as their personal arrangement is concerned. This demonstrates that brothers are strong in a spiritual sense, reasonable and flexible. That's why they can be compared to the palmera.

The same flexible tree bends before the wind storm. In a circle there appear brothers from many cultures posing together for a photo in a group. They have very different clothing styles, but they are all suitable for a Christian. If we are reasonable, we will respect the opinions of others. (See paragraph 14).

15. What biblical laws and principles guide us when making decisions related to health? (Romans 14:5).

The following paragraph mentions the biblical mandates to consider when making decisions related to health: Abstain from blood and strangled animals as mentioned in Hechos 15:20 and avoid spiritualism and other forms of occultism according to Galatians 5:19, 20. It is also highlighted in Isaiah 33:24 that the Kingdom of God is the only complete and permanent remedy for the illnesses of humanity. While Galatians 6:5 says that each person will bear their own burden of responsibility.


On the other hand, the text of Romans 14:5 highlights that each Christian must decide individually how they will take care of their health. Which implies that there is space for the diversity of opinions. Therefore, some brothers prefer alternative medicine while others prefer conventional medicine. Therefore, despite our firm opinion and posture, we must respect the right of others to make their own decisions regarding what has to do with their health. If we keep this principle in mind, we will contribute to peace and the unity of the congregation and we will not be a stone for nothing.

Therefore, each Christian must decide personally how he takes care of his health, which is based on guiding principles, such as abstaining from blood and avoiding spiritualism and other forms of occultism, so everything else is apart from this personal preference.

And the paragraph also provides ideas on how to help us be flexible in this matter, for example, understanding that the kingdom of God is going to be the only complete and permanent remedy and therefore we are not going to impose personal criteria.

Every Christian must be completely convinced that the decision he has made is the best.

If someone makes a different decision than we would otherwise make in these circumstances, we should not judge them and this is the third point that is recommended to us.

And we see here in the image on the palm of the hand of the different treatments, one traditional and other medicinal herbs, both respectable because it is a personal decision as we are doing and if we are so that we respect these decisions we will be like the palm that is seen at the left side. flexible that can be bent in any windy wind, the palms can be bent quickly until the suelo is in hurricane-force winds of 300 km/h so that we want to be our own people who are reasonable and respect the opinions of others.

It mentions that we should never lose sight of the belief that love and unity within the congregation are at the forefront of any treatment that we want to defend.

Even though we think that it is advantageous for others to respect the opinions of others and in this way we will contribute to the peace of the congregation that is the basis of everything.


The same flexible tree bends before the wind storm. In a circle appears a palm with traditional medicines and another palm with medicinal herbs and a homeopathic bottle. If we are reasonable, we will respect the opinions of others. (See paragraph 15).

16. How can elders be reasonable with their peers? (See also the images).

Reasonable elders willingly support the mayor's decision even though they see things the other way.


Elders can be reasonable if they do not hope that their companions will always accept their opinion only because they believe that they are greater than others. On the other hand, they are also reasonable with their companions who accept that the spirit of Jehovah can impel any member of the body of elders to decide something that leads to a good decision. As long as no principle is violated, a reasonable elder can willingly support the decision that the mayor takes even if he sees things in another way. An elder who has this way of acting will also be comparable to a Palmera because he is flexible. And by assumption, adaptable and reasonable.

If this is how we see the image, we could think that the older brothers may have more experience than ever before, because their opinion is the one that prevails, but he who is speaking is the youngest and calls for attention because that's how he's saying it and the text is reasonable. and believe that the holy spirit can operate through anyone as occurs here in the congregation.


The same flexible tree bends before the wind storm. In a circle several elderly people appeared gathered together. A young elder speaks while others listen. If we are reasonable, we will respect the opinions of others. (See paragraph 16).


17. What blessings do we receive if we are reasonable?

If we are reasonable, we will do better with our brothers and we will have Peace in the congregation. Furthermore, we will see how a source of enrichment is the variety of personalities and customs that exist within the Jehovah's Anointed Pueblo. We will also be happy because we know that we are imitating Jehovah, the only true and reasonable God that exists.


What does Jehovah and Jesus tell us about what it means to be reasonable?

They teach us that both Jehovah and Jesus hope that we will be reasonable. Even those who have certain authorities must be reasonable, compassionate, instead of insisting on their opinion or following everything to the letter.

In the case of Jehovah, he is the one that everyone knows, he has the greatest power and the greatest right to set norms, he is willing to be flexible, adapt his norms to accommodate human beings, because he understands their feelings. We can also do it ourselves. 

Why is it important to be reasonable when circumstances change?

It is important that we are reasonable when circumstances change, because from night to morning we can face a serious health problem or an economic or political crisis, because if we are not reasonable, these circumstances will break us. That's why if we quickly accept these new circumstances, as mentioned in the paragraph, the sooner we will be happy again and the easier it will be for us to make the most of these new circumstances that we have now.

Because then we wouldn't remain paralyzed and we would break like the tree if we want to be like the palm that bends and keeps falling enters so we accept reality we can look to the future and make necessary changes to adapt to this situation. 

How does a reasonable person contribute to the peace of the congregation?

Being reasonable contributes in a big way because we are better with our brothers and there is peace in the congregation. We also feel that the variety of personalities and customs that exist within the Kingdom of Jehovah community enriches us. The most important thing is that we are happy because we know that we are imitating Jehovah, who is a reasonable God.

Let us respect the opinions of others that we have in mind the principle of first to Corinthians 8:9 of which we want to be careful so that our right to elect does not stumble upon nadie and also the first to Corinthians 10:23 and 24 that even everything is permitted in the whole is beneficial and that even everything is permitted in the whole builds so that we want to seek the benefit of others in the soil in our own. 

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