Sunday, October 8, 2023

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week of October 9 to 15, 2023, “Beware of false information!”, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: October 9-15, 2023, “Beware of false information!”, Prepared Speech. 

“Beware of false information!” (10 min.)

This week we will meet to develop a topic of great relevance or significant relevance in today's society and also crucial for us as Jehovah's Witnesses. The theme of the Bible Treasures Speech is: “Beware of False Information.” Throughout this speech we will explain the importance of discerning the truth, in a world full of false information, and how the lessons of Job and his experience with Eliphaz offer us valuable perspectives. 

So let's start with Job, a righteous and God-fearing man, who faced unimaginable trials and tribulations, however he not only had to deal with his suffering, but also with the words of his friends including Eliphaz, since due to his age and experience He seemed a reliable source of advice, however the words he spoke did not reflect Jehovah's point of view, in Job chapter 4 and verse 1 he tells us: 


Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered with these words:

So Eliphaz was one of Job's three friends who visited him during his time of affliction among the three he was most influential and spoke first in all three turns of debate however the words he spoke were not necessarily the divine truth in Job chapter 4 verses 14-16 tells us:

LET'S READ JOB 4:14-16.

A tremor of fear shook me that filled all my bones with terror.

15 A spirit passed before my face; The hair on my body stood up.

16 Then the spirit stopped, but I did not recognize its appearance; There was a silhouette in front of my eyes; and, after a silence, I heard a voice:

As we can see Eliphaz shared a supernatural experience he had, where a spirit passed in front of him. Although this experience may have been terrifying, what is more worrying is that Eliphaz attributed his words to a supernatural experience. 

This raises an important lesson, as even people who appear to be reliable sources of information can be influenced by evil forces. Eliphaz stated that human beings are so fragile and weak that they cannot withstand trials, in Job 4:19 we read it as follows………


How much more is it like this with those who live in houses of clay, with foundations in the dust, who are crushed as easily as a moth!

While it is true that we are imperfect and fragile human beings, Eliphaz distorted the truth by making this fragility seem insurmountable. Satan used Eliphaz to claim that humans are inherently weak and cannot withstand the trials of life. 

However this does not reflect Jehovah's point of view, the truth is that despite our imperfections and fragility, Jehovah has given us the strength and ability to withstand trials, we are not alone in this struggle, divine help is available for us through the holy spirit that strengthens us and enables us to face any challenge.

The problem of false information is not something new, Satan has been spreading false information and distorting the truth since ancient times, Job's experience with Eliphaz reminds us that even seemingly knowledgeable people can be influenced by evil forces, and utter words that do not reflect the truth of Jehovah. 

Today we live in a world inundated with false information, the news, social media and online sources often present information that may be partially or completely false, often this false information spreads quickly and can have serious consequences. 

So what can we do to protect ourselves against false information and discern the truth in a world full of misinformation? First we must follow the Biblical advice to prove all things shown in 1 Thessalonians 5:21, this means that we should not blindly accept information, but rather we should investigate and verify the veracity of what we receive.

One of the ways we can do this is to analyze the source and content of the information. Can we trust the source? In a world where economic and political interests can influence the presentation of information, that is why it is important to check the credibility of the original Source, compare the same information in different media to get a more accurate picture, make sure the content is up-to-date and accurate, pay attention to the date and data that you can independently verify.

Don't get carried away with the excitement of a story without checking the facts. We must also remember that as Jehovah's Witnesses we have Jehovah's help to discern the truth. He has given us his Holy Spirit to strengthen us and give us wisdom in our decisions, we can pray to Jehovah and ask for direction from him when faced with doubtful or false information.

In summary, the story of Job and his experience with Eliphaz reminds us of the importance of discerning the truth in a world full of false information. We must be critical and verify the information we receive, trusting in Jehovah's help to guide us in our decisions. By doing so we can protect ourselves against Satan's schemes and stand firm in Jehovah's truth. So we must be careful with false information. 

My dear brothers, may we always seek the truth and wisdom of Jehovah in all things, may Jehovah bless us and guide us in our efforts to discern and follow the truth in a world full of misinformation. 

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