The Watchtower Study, "Article 34", Week of October 16 to 22, 2023, Bible prophecies: much to learn, Answers.

The Watchtower Study, "Article 34", 16-22-October-2023, Biblical prophecies: much to learn, Answers. 

“Only the discerning will understand” (DAN. 12:10).

1. What will help us enjoy studying Bible prophecies?

When we understand the importance of Bible prophecies in revealing God's will and plan, we are more likely to enjoy the study of these passages and find value and meaning in them.

2. What will we see in this article?

In this article we will see:

The importance of knowing the prophecies of the Bible well.

What we need to study biblical prophecies.

We will analyze two prophecies from the book of Daniel.

And finally we will see how understanding the meaning of these prophecies can be relevant today.


3. What do we have to do to understand biblical prophecies?

To understand the biblical prophecies we have to humbly ask Jehovah to help us understand, since, just like a friend who helps us when we arrive in an unknown city, Jehovah can also guide us to understand these prophecies.

4. Why did Jehovah want prophecies to be written in his Word? (Jeremiah 29:11; see also photo).

Like any good parent, Jehovah cares about the well-being of his children. As mentioned in Jeremiah 29:11, he reveals his desire for his children to have a future full of hope and prosperity.

Unlike human parents, God has the ability to predict the future in detail. By writing prophecies in his word, he allows us to know in advance the important events that will occur in history.

Prophecies are a loving gift from our heavenly father, since through them, God provides us with guidance, comfort and hope to face the challenges of the present and the future.


A couple watching the video “Daniel, a man of faith.” Studying Bible prophecies helps us prepare for the future. (See paragraph 4).

5. What can young people learn from Max's example?

Instead of dwelling on his doubts, Max committed himself to studying the prophecies of the Bible and seeking answers. Young people can learn that research and diligent study are powerful tools to strengthen their faith and find answers to their questions.

Max eventually came to a personal conviction that the Bible is inspired by God. Young people can learn that it is vital to develop their own faith based on a personal understanding and relationship with God, rather than relying solely on their parents' faith.

6. What should we do if we have doubts, and why?

Just as rust can corrode the material, if we do nothing when we have doubts, this can corrode our faith, so we must pay attention to them, studying the biblical prophecies that have already been fulfilled can be very valuable. And seeing how they have been fulfilled in history can help us have more confidence in the veracity of the Bible.

That's why if we have doubts we should not feel guilty or ignore them. It is important to address them and for this we can ask for the support of members of the congregation so that with their help we can address doubts and have healthy guidance.


7. What helped Daniel study the prophecies? (Daniel 12:10; see also photo).

What helped Daniel study the prophecies was having a correct motive, maintaining humility, seeking Divine help through prayer, and conducting a careful and diligent study of the scriptures. These practices can contribute to a deeper and more meaningful understanding of biblical prophecies.


A sister studies the prophecy about the king of the north and the king of the south using the May 2020 issue of “The Watchtower.” To trust in Jehovah as much as Daniel did, we must study Bible prophecies humbly, carefully, and with the right motive. (See paragraph 7).

8. Why do some people study Bible prophecies, but what should we do?

Some people may study the prophecies with less laudable motives. For example, they may do so for the purpose of finding evidence to reject faith in God, question the authority of the Bible, or justify their own moral decisions. This reflects a negative approach and does not contribute to spiritual growth.

We must have the right motive, and we must study the prophecies with the sincere intention of seeking and knowing the truth, desiring to understand the will of God and how to apply them in our lives. In this case, Jehovah is ready to help those who sincerely seek the truth and desire to grow spiritually.

9. What quality do we need to understand Bible prophecies, and why?

We need humility, and we say this because humility leads us to recognize that understanding spiritual truths and biblical prophecies come from God, which prompts us to pray and seek divine help to understand what is beyond our ability. human.

Furthermore, humility allows us to accept the direction and counsel of those who have a deeper understanding of the scriptures, such as the “Faithful Slave” referred to in Luke 12:42. Jehovah uses these brothers to provide knowledge to his earthly organization.

10. What does Esther's example teach you?

Esther's example teaches us that diligent study, deep investigation, perseverance, and personal confirmation are valuable steps on the path to a deeper understanding of the scriptures and faith in the truth of the Bible.

11. How does it benefit us to ensure that the Bible tells the truth?

The benefits are to ensure that the Bible tells the truth, because this reinforces our faith in God and his teachings. And this helps us to follow Jehovah's principles and commandments with complete confidence.

It also benefits us, because seeing that the prophecies have been fulfilled gives us comfort and hope in times of difficulty. And understanding, for example, that God has a plan that is already written in the Bible, helps us maintain a positive attitude in the face of difficult situations and tribulations.

It also helps us because when we understand the meaning of Biblical prophecies, it helps us make wise decisions now, such as ensuring that our decisions are in line with Jehovah's plan for humanity.


12. What do the feet of “iron mixed with wet clay” represent? (Daniel 2:41-43).

The feet that Daniel saw in the prophecy that are made of iron mixed with wet clay, represents the alliance between two kingdoms, the United Kingdom and the United States as a power that unites to govern in these modern times and the idea that they are fragile because clay and at the same time strong because of iron make us think that this world power also has its weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

13. What important truths does this prophecy help us understand?

The alliance between the United Kingdom and the United States have proven to be a strong world power in the past, with significant contributions in historical events such as the two world wars. However, it is suggested that this power has internal weaknesses that will weaken it over time, such as internal conflicts between its cities. 

This Alliance will be the last world power before the arrival of the Kingdom of God, which will put an end to all human governments. This implies that, although other nations may occasionally challenge this power, they will not replace it as the leading world power.

14. Why does understanding the prophecy about feet of iron and clay help us make good decisions?

It helps us because understanding this prophecy and its fulfillment makes us have a spiritual perspective, that is, focusing on the spiritual and not obtaining from this world the security or material wealth that it offers. So instead of focusing on the world and its possessions, we focus on doing everything to serve the Kingdom of God.

Another way that helps us is that if we are certain that the Kingdom of God will soon arrive, we will give priority to the work of preaching and making disciples, this means that we will dedicate more time and effort to sharing with other people the Biblical teachings.


15. Who are “the king of the north” and “the king of the south” today? (Daniel 11:40).

The king of the North laughed.

refers to Russia and its allies, while the king of the south is associated with the alliance between the United Kingdom and the United States.

16. What difficulties do the servants of God face in the territories dominated by “the king of the north”?

Some Jehovah's Witnesses may face persecution because of our religious beliefs. This could take the form of beatings, imprisonment, restrictions on our service to Jehovah, or even harassment by authorities or opposing groups. 

In addition to official persecution, God's servants also face social and cultural pressure in the territories where the King of the North exerts his influence. This could include discrimination, or disrespect towards our religious beliefs and practices.

17. What difficulties have the servants of God faced in the territories dominated by “the king of the south”?

In the past, God's servants have faced direct persecution, such as imprisonment and expulsion from schools, because of their beliefs and neutrality. This dates back to the first half of the 20th Century.

Today The loyalty of God's servants is threatened. For example, during election campaigns, some God's servants may be tempted to support a candidate political party, even if they do not vote. Complete neutrality not only implies abstention from voting, but also the need to be careful with thoughts and feelings to maintain complete neutrality in political matters.

18. How do we feel when we see the fight between these two rival kings? (See also images).

Seeing the fight between the two rival Kings, the servants of God do not feel distressed or afraid, And this is because Jehovah will not allow total destruction to occur. Instead, we feel our faith strengthened by seeing these events, as confirmation that the end of the current system is near.


Series of images: 1. The marriage from before, with handcuffs but full of trust. In the background you can see the Russian Government building and a map of Russia. The army attacks with machine guns, warplanes and tanks. 2. The sister from before, full of confidence. In the background you can see the United States Capitol and some maps of the United Kingdom and the United States. A group of angry people at a demonstration, and an attack with tanks, warships and planes. If we keep in mind that the opposition that comes from the “king of the north” and the “king of the south” fulfills what the prophecies say, we will have a stronger faith and we will not live in anguish. (See paragraphs 16 to 18).


19. What should we recognize about biblical prophecies?

The interpretation and fulfillment of some Bible prophecies may not be completely understandable to people at a given time. This implies that the understanding of some prophecies may be limited; even Daniel had difficulty fully understanding the meaning of the prophecies he wrote.

20. What exciting prophecies will soon be fulfilled, and what should we continue to do?

The Nations will proclaim peace and security and the governments of this world will attack the false religions, and these will then also attack the people of God as mentioned in Ezekiel. And then the final battle of Armageddon mentioned in Revelation Chapter 16 verses 14 to 16 will begin.


Why should we study biblical prophecies?

Like any good parent, Jehovah cares about the well-being of his children. As Jeremiah 29:11 mentions, he reveals his desire for his children to have a future full of hope and prosperity and through prophecies we know what Jehovah has planned for humanity and we can prepare for these events.

What does it take to study biblical prophecies?

We must be humble and have the right motive, studying with the sincere intention of seeking and knowing the truth, desiring to understand the will of God and how it applies to our lives. In this case, Jehovah is ready to help those who sincerely seek the truth and desire to grow spiritually

How are the prophecies about the two rival kings being fulfilled?

We have seen that the two Kings are already ruling, and we also see the effects it has had on God's people, but it also fills us with hope to know that the end of this system of things is already near.
