Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Watchtower Study, "Article 33", Week of October 9 to 15, 2023, Daniel, an example to follow, Answers.

The Study Watchtower, «Article 33», 9-15-October-2023, Daniel, an example to follow, Answers. 

“You are very valuable” (DAN. 9:23).

1. Why did young Daniel attract a lot of attention from the Babylonians?

The reason why young Daniel attracted a lot of attention from the Babylonians was due to his physical appearance, since he was a young man without any physical defects and of good appearance, in addition to coming from an important family.

2. What opinion did Jehovah have of Daniel? (Ezekiel 14:14).

Ezekiel highlights Daniel's virtue and faithfulness in the eyes of Jehovah. Daniel's life was filled with examples of his close relationship with God, such as his refusal to worship idols and his ability to interpret dreams and visions that came from God. So we can say that Jehovah held Daniel in high esteem because of his faith, obedience, and faithfulness throughout his life.

3. What will we see in this article?

This article will discuss two qualities of Daniel that made him a very valuable person to Jehovah, and will review some situations in which Daniel demonstrated them. Finally, we will see what we can do to follow his example.


4. On what occasion did Daniel show himself to be brave?

Daniel proved himself brave on a crucial occasion when King Nebuchadnezzar had a disturbing dream and ordered all the wise men of Babylon, including Daniel, to reveal the dream and its meaning, because if they did not the king would kill them. Despite the death threat from the King, Daniel was not intimidated. Instead, he asked the king to grant him time to reveal the interpretation of the dream. This action required faith and courage on Daniel's part, since we remember that Daniel had no previous experience in interpreting dreams of this type.

5. On what other occasion did Daniel show himself to be brave?

Well Daniel proved himself brave on another important occasion, when King Nebuchadnezzar had another disturbing dream. Despite the possibility of negative consequences, Daniel had the courage to explain to Nebuchadnezzar the meaning of the dream. Daniel predicted that the king would go mad and that he would not be king for a time among other things. This prediction was not easy to give, as it could have provoked the wrath of the king, who could have considered that Daniel was against him and ordered his execution. 

6. What possible helped Daniel to be brave?

From a young age, Daniel probably learned a lot from his parents' good example. They instilled in him obedience to the instructions that Jehovah had given to the Israelite fathers and taught him the law of God. This would include knowledge of the ten commandments and other Divine Standards. 

And another thing that possibly helped him be brave is that Daniel was aware of the history of God's people and knew what had happened to them when they did not obey Jehovah's rules. This historical event may have motivated him to remain faithful and obedient to God in challenging situations. 

7. What else helped Daniel to be brave? (See also the image).

Daniel was in the habit of studying what God's prophets, such as Jeremiah, had written. This allowed him to understand the prophecies related to the exile of the Jews in Babylon and he came to the conclusion that this exile had an end. Studying the scriptures strengthened his faith and trust in Jehovah, which in turn increased his courage as he saw the prophecies fulfilled.

Trust in Jehovah was a key factor in Daniel's courage. For as his faith in God grew stronger, so did his courage. Daniel trusted that Jehovah was at his side and would protect him in all circumstances. This trust in God gave him incredible courage, as can be seen in his willingness to face challenges and take stands based on his belief in God.

Another thing that helped Daniel be brave is that Daniel had the habit of praying regularly to his Heavenly Father. He confessed his sins, shared his feelings and needs, and sought God's help in his times of difficulty. Constant prayer strengthened his spiritual connection with Jehovah and helped maintain his courage. 


Daniel speaking to King Nebuchadnezzar, who is sitting on his throne. Other officials of the king's court listen open-mouthed. Study, prayer, and trust in Jehovah helped Daniel to be courageous. (See paragraph 7).

8. What will help us to be brave?

Like Daniel, we can study the Bible thoroughly to strengthen our faith and understanding of God's teachings. Since regular reading of the scriptures provides us with wisdom and spirituality to face the challenges of life.

Prayer is an important means of strengthening our relationship with Jehovah. By praying sincerely and from the heart, we can trust that God is not listening and gives us his support. Hence, regular communication with God helps us maintain a solid spiritual connection.

Trust in God is essential for courage, since by trusting that Jehovah is always on our side and will give us his support in difficult times, he will help us face adversity with courage and security.

Finally, we can look at brave people and learn from their examples, as it can be inspiring to look for role models in people who have shown courage in their faith and take note of how to face challenge and difficulties.

9. What good results does being brave have?

When we are brave to stand up for our beliefs and principles, we often earn the respect of those around us. People appreciate authenticity and courage, which can strengthen relationships and positively influence others.

Another good result of being brave is that our bravery can inspire others to follow our example, since when we speak with conviction about what we believe and what is important to us, we can motivate others to explore our beliefs and values.

Also by boldly expressing our beliefs, we can spark curiosity and interest in those who may have different opinions. This can open the door to meaningful conversations and the exchange of ideas.

Courage in standing up for our beliefs, like that demonstrated by Ben at his school, can strengthen our own faith and trust in God. For by facing challenges and opposition, we can experience spiritual growth and greater dependence on God.


10. What is loyalty?

Loyalty is a quality that implies affection, deep attachment and commitment to someone. It is the willingness to maintain a faithful and committed relationship, despite the difficulties or temptations that may arise. 

In the Bible the Hebrew word translated as "Loyalty" or "Loyal Love" refers to a type of love that involves a deep and lasting commitment. It is used to describe the love of God towards his servants and also the love that God's servants have for each other. Loyalty implies a solid and lasting relationship based on fidelity, trust and mutual commitment.

11. What test of loyalty did Daniel face when he was over 90 years old? (Look at the cover drawing).

Some court officials, who had no respect for Jehovah and hated Daniel, got King Darius to sign a law that put Daniel in an extremely difficult situation. The law prohibited any petition from being made to a god or man, except the king, for 30 days. This left Daniel at a crossroads: he had to choose between being loyal to God and continuing to pray to Jehovah or being Loyal to the king and complying with the law.


The prophet Daniel surrounded by lions in a den; he is looking at the sky. Behind him, an angel who is suspended in the air is protecting him. Jehovah rewarded Daniel's loyalty by sending an angel to shut the lions' mouths. (See paragraph 11).

12. What did Daniel do to strengthen his loyalty to Jehovah?

Daniel meditated on the qualities of Jehovah and how God demonstrated them in his life and that of his people. Reflecting on God's greatness, mercy, and justice may have strengthened his loyalty and trust in Jehovah. 

Another thing Daniel did to strengthen his loyalty to Jehovah was to thank Jehovah for all the blessings and good things that God had done for him and his people. Recognizing God's blessings and expressing gratitude are ways to strengthen connection and loyalty to God.

13. a) What tests of loyalty do young Christians face? Give an example. (See also the photo). 

Young people often face pressure from peers and friends who may not share their religious beliefs. As such, they may be pressured to participate in activities or behaviors that conflict with their Christian convictions.

Popular culture and the media often promote values ​​and behaviors that may be at odds with Christian beliefs. Young people may be exposed to this influence and face the temptation to conform to cultural norms instead of maintaining their loyalty to Jehovah.

In some cases, young Christians may face rejection or ridicule from those who do not understand or respect their beliefs. This may be a test of your loyalty to Jehovah and your willingness to stand firm in your faith.

13. b) What could we say to someone who asks us if Jehovah's Witnesses support homosexual behavior? (Watch the video “The Result of True Righteousness Will Be Peace” on

Jehovah's Witnesses follow biblical teachings regarding sexuality and marriage. We believe that the Bible is the word of God and that it establishes moral standards for human conduct. According to our beliefs, the is a union between a man and a woman, and sexual relations should be limited to marriage. In this context, the Bible does not support these relationships.

However, it is important to highlight that our belief in the Bible and our religious convictions do not lead us to discriminate or show disrespect towards people who have different orientations, we value all people as human beings, and we try to follow the biblical principle of loving one's neighbor. This means that we respect the dignity of all people regardless of their sexual orientation and treat everyone with compassion and consideration. 


Two teenage Witnesses calmly defend their beliefs in front of their angry classmates and teacher. Like Daniel, you can always be loyal to Jehovah if you love him with all your heart. (See paragraph 13).

14. What can we do to always be loyal to Jehovah?

It is essential to love God with all our hearts. This love must be the driving force that drives us to be loyal to him and to follow his commandments. That is why it is important to know Jehovah and understand his personality and character. This can be accomplished through studying the scriptures and learning how God actually reveals his teaching to us in the Bible. 

Observing God’s creation in nature can strengthen our faith and love for Jehovah. We can study how the wonderful works of creation reflect the power and wisdom of God. We can also use available resources such as videos and articles that address questions about creation and the purpose of life that can help us strengthen our faith and understanding of Bible teachings.

It is important to reason about what we learn and come to our own conclusions based on the Bible and the available evidence. This will strengthen our conviction and loyalty to Jehovah.

15. What else can we do to strengthen our friendship with Jehovah?

By studying and meditating on the life and teachings of Jesus, we can come to know Jehovah better. Jesus was the perfect reflection of God's personality and character, and his life reveals to us how God wants us to live and love others.

As Samira mentions. Jesus perfectly imitated his heavenly father. By following Jesus' example in our daily lives, trying to be kind, compassionate, and loving, we are strengthening our friendship with Jehovah and living according to his principles.

16. Why is it good to be loyal? (Psalm 18:25; Micah 6:8).

Loyalty helps build strong, long-lasting relationships. People who are loyal tend to earn the trust and respect of others, which in turn strengthens friendships.

Loyalty to Jehovah and divine principles also provides a sense of inner peace. Since knowing that God is Loyal to his loyal friends, provides peace of mind and security in the midst of adversity.

Furthermore, loyalty to Jehovah establishes an intimate and lasting relationship with the creator. Hence God promises to be Loyal to those who follow and obey Him, resulting in an eternal friendship that nothing can break.


17, 18. What else can we learn from Daniel?

Daniel's prophecies provide us with a deep understanding of how God directs history, and how we can maintain our faith and loyalty in the midst of challenges and changes in the world. Studying Daniel's prophecies is a valuable way to learn more about the Bible and how to apply his teachings to our lives.


Why did Jehovah love Daniel?

Jehovah loved Daniel because of his unwavering faith, obedience, ability to interpret dreams and visions, constant prayer, integrity in the midst of adversity, and his life testimony as a faithful servant. Daniel was an example of loyalty and devotion to God, and thanks to that loyalty he earned the favor and love of Jehovah.

On what occasions did Daniel show that he was brave?

Daniel had to interpret a dream of King Nebuchadnezzar in which he saw a gigantic tree that would be cut down. Daniel bravely explained the meaning of the dream, even as he predicted that Nebuchadnezzar would go mad and cease to be king for a time. Despite the possibility of negative consequences, Daniel did not hide the truth from the king.

What can we do to be more loyal to Jehovah?

When an edict was issued prohibiting prayer to any god or man except the king, Daniel maintained his practice of praying three times a day, as he had always done. Despite the threats and the risk of being thrown into the lions' den, Daniel did not give up on his faith and continued to pray to Jehovah demonstrating his bravery and loyalty to God.

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