The Study Watchtower, "Article 35", Week of October 23 to 29, 2023, Let us always be patient, Answers.

The Study Watchtower, «Article 35», 23-29-October-2023, Let us always be patient, Answers. 

“Clothe yourselves with […] patience” (COL. 3:12).

1. Why do you like dealing with patient people?

Throughout our lives we surely remember situations in which we have thanked someone who has been patient with us. Surely when a brother or sister gave us our Bible course, we had difficulties understanding or applying some of the teachings he explained to us, but how grateful we are that his brother was patient with us.

On the other hand, how much we appreciate the patience that Jehovah has with us, since as Romans 2:9 says, Jehovah is trying to lead us toward repentance, through kindness, tolerance and patience.

2. In what situations might we find it difficult to be patient?

Probably at some point we had an occasion in which we lost patience, and as the paragraph mentions, perhaps in a traffic jam on the road, with a co-worker or perhaps we lost patience when thinking that the new world takes a long time to arrive. .

We must work on this issue and learn to be patient, because we surely want to be more patient and be able to remain calm on those occasions when we know that we are not acting as we should.


3. How does a patient react when they feel provoked?

As usual, people in the world tend to take revenge. They think that they have to pay with the same coin, who hurts or offends them. But we, Jehovah's Witnesses, must be patient and not get angry easily.

Jehovah through his word the Bible has left us the steps that we must follow or imitate. Exodus 34:6. He says that Jehovah is a merciful and compassionate God, patient and full of loyal love and truth. Therefore we must cultivate this great virtue that is patience.

4. How does a patient person react when they have to wait?

For example: When someone is explaining something to us, we must be calm and let them speak without interrupting them. Or if someone has a debt with us. We must be patient, thus applying what we learn in Matthew 18:27. Where we see that the master was moved by one of his slaves who had a debt with him, and could not pay it, we see how the master forgave him the debt. 

We will also need patience when we have to help our student understand a biblical teaching or perhaps it may be a bad habit that he has to break.

Although it is true, no one likes to wait, much less when that wait becomes longer than we would like. However, knowing how to wait calmly says a lot about us. For this reason we must be aware that there are many moments in which we must demonstrate calm. 

5. How else do we show that we are patient?

The best way to demonstrate our patience is by not being impulsive, since the patient person takes the necessary time to plan the task assigned to them, and thus guarantees that they can finish it well.

The patient person is not in a hurry to start something, nor in a hurry to finish it, but rather takes the time necessary to do it well. 

6. How does a patient react to trials or difficulties?

In Colossians 1:11, we see that thanks to the power of Jehovah we can be strengthened to be able to endure with patience and happiness. The person who is patient will strive to maintain a positive attitude, and in this way continue serving Jehovah with joy. Therefore, we Christians, in these complicated days, may be able to endure any difficult situation we may be going through in our lives. 


7. According to James 5:7, 8, why is patience so important? (See also images).

Patience has a very important role in our lives, because it is the only way in which we can obtain salvation, since like the faithful servants of the past we have to wait patiently for God to fulfill his promises.

In these days we live in, it is very necessary that we have patience, especially as we hope to see the end of this system of things. In Matthew 24:13 he clearly tells us that he who endures to the end will be saved, and for that we need to be patient applying what we read in Matthew 24:42 where we are warned that we must be vigilant, why do we not know the day that our Lord will come.

In Hebrews 6:11 he encourages us not to be lazy or impatient, but on the contrary we must apply what we see in Micah 77, To be attentive to Jehovah, waiting patiently for the God of our salvation, since if we are patient, we will endure until the end. and we will be saved. 


Series of images: 1. A farmer sows many seeds in a field. 2. The farmer tries to see if any seeds have germinated. 3. The farmer looks happy and is standing in the middle of the crop while it rains. Just as the farmer waits patiently, convinced that he will reap fruit when the time comes, we also wait patiently, convinced that Jehovah will fulfill all that he has promised in his own time. (See paragraph 7).

8. How does patience help us get along with others? (Colossians 3:12, 13).

Patience will help us not react impulsively or say something hurtful when we are under pressure. 

To get along with others we must strive to be patient, that is why, in Colossians 3:12,13, we are encouraged to put on tender compassion, kindness, humility, mildness and patience, that we bear with each other, and also that Let us forgive ourselves as Jehovah forgives us. Therefore, we should not be impulsive in the face of a provocation, but quite the opposite, we should try not to get angry easily, nor return the damage that may be done to us.

9. How does patience help us when making decisions? (Proverbs 21:5).

Patience will save us many problems and help us make good decisions, since if we are patient we will be able to see the opportunities that are worthwhile, and that best adapt to our life.

As we have read in Proverbs 21:5, if we are patient, we will have good results in everything we do, because the patient person plans things, is not tempted by apparent gains, and meditates on the different options he has. 

This teaches us that by being patient and applying these advice from Proverbs, we will be able to reconcile our lives and our service to Jehovah in the best way.


10. What can we do to continue cultivating patience?

The best way to continue cultivating patience is to pray to Jehovah. Since these days we live in, it is very difficult to be patient and remain calm. However, when we feel this way, we can remember the words from Galatians 5:22 23, which mentions that patience is part of the fruit of the spirit, and that every Christian must cultivate.

If we find it difficult to cultivate patience, we must pray to Jehovah to give us his Holy Spirit, because if we do it every day, we will see how little by little we become more patient.

11, 12. How has Jehovah shown that he is patient?

Jehovah is the most patient person there is. And we say this because since the beginning of time he has shown a lot of patience with all those people who have tarnished his name. However he is aware that the only way to prove that he is a loving God is with time.

And as we see in the paragraph, thanks to Jehovah's patience, many good things have been achieved. Many of us have had the opportunity to get to know him and know his promise. How we see in 2 Peter 3:9 that Jehovah is not slow to fulfill his promises as some people believe. Rather, he is patient with each of us, because he does not wish for any to be destroyed.

For this reason we must be grateful to Jehovah for his patience with us and for all the good that he has achieved thanks to his patience, since if we do so it will be easier for us to wait for the moment in which Jehovah will bring the end.

13. How did Jesus perfectly imitate his Father's patience when he was on Earth? (See also the image).

As we know, Jesus imitated Jehovah on many occasions and in the case of patience he was no exception. In 1 Peter 2:23, we see that when they were insulting him, he did not return their insults and when he was suffering he did not threaten them, if Not quite the opposite, it was placed in the hands of him who judges justly.

For this reason we must keep in mind that if Jesus had that infinite patience, we must also imitate him when we feel irritated or angry, remember what we are told in Hebrews 12:3. There he urges us to think carefully about the one who endured so many helpful words from sinners. This shows us that Jesus was very patient when he was on earth. 


A couple is preaching from house to house and they speak calmly to a man who is angry. Patience will help us not get angry easily when we feel provoked. (See paragraph 13).

14. What do we learn from Abraham's patience? (Hebrews 6:15; see also images).

We learn that, although we do not see the end of our days with our own eyes, having been patient and faithful to Jehovah will give us many blessings now, and many more in the new world.

Abraham showed a lot of patience and a lot of faith towards Jehovah. and we know this because in Hebrews we see that Abraham received the promise from him. Although it is true that he died before he could see it in its entirety, in James 2:3, we see that Abraham put faith in Jehovah and was considered righteous. And he was called a friend of the Lord. Today we know that thanks to Abraham's faith and patience, all nations have achieved a blessing. 

In this way what we see in Genesis 22 18 was fulfilled, that all the nations of the earth will obtain a blessing for themselves, through the descendants of Abraham, and all this was possible thanks to his listening to the voice of Jehovah. 

Genesis 12:1, we see how Jehovah asked Abraham to leave his country, leave his relatives and went to the country that Jehovah would show him. Once there, he would turn it into a great nation. And verse 3 goes on to say that he would bless those who bless him and curse anyone who curses him, and without a doubt all the families of the Earth will become blessed through him.


An older brother meditates on the story of when Abraham observed the starry sky. If we are patient like Abraham, we can be sure that Jehovah will bless us now and even more in the new world. (See paragraph 14).

15. What could we analyze in our personal study?

In our personal study, we can analyze many stories from people who were patients. In James 5:10, we are encouraged to take as an example: To endure suffering and be patient with the prophets who spoke in the name of Jehovah. 

We can take advantage of our personal study and learn a lot from all these experiences in which patience was demonstrated. For example, cases like David or Simeon and Anna will encourage us to be patient.

You can also learn many things from those who were impatient.

16. Mention some benefits of being patient.

First of all, have good health. Because if we are patient we will be happier and calmer, therefore patience is good for our physical and mental health.

It also helps us get along with others and keep the congregation functioning and more united. In Psalms 37:8 we are encouraged to set aside anger, not to be irritated, and not to do evil to anyone.

17. What should we be determined to do?

Psalms 33:18 urges us to look to Jehovah's eyes on those who fear him and wait for his loyal love. Therefore we must make Jehovah proud of us by begging him every day to help us cultivate the quality of patience.

In this way we will wait for the new world that Jehovah has promised us to arrive, and that thanks to remaining patient we can enjoy it.


What does it mean to be patient?

Being patient means not getting angry easily, and to achieve this we must imitate Jehovah who is a merciful, compassionate, patient God full of loyal love and truth.

It also implies knowing how to wait calmly, not being impulsive, because the patient person takes the necessary time to plan the task assigned to them and thus guarantees that they will be able to finish it successfully.

Why is patience so important?

In Matthew 24:13 it clearly tells us that he who endures to the end will be saved. And in Hebrew 6:11, he mentions that each of us demonstrate that same diligence to have the complete assurance of hope until the end. Therefore, having patience will allow us to see the promise that Jehovah has made to us fulfilled.

What will help us be more patient?

Above all, it will help us to pray to Jehovah, and in this way Jehovah will grant us the necessary help. He would also help us a lot, studying experiences in which patience was demonstrated. For example, cases like that of David, or that of Simeon and Anna. In this way we will cultivate patience and imitate Jehovah, who is the most patient person that exists.
