SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week of October 23 to 29, 2023, Job 8 to 10, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS:  October 23-29, 2023, Job 8 to 10, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Job 9:32. If when reading the Bible we come across something that we do not understand, what should we do? (w10 10/15 6, 7 paras. 19, 20).

When we find a Bible passage difficult to understand, we must investigate and study, but also remember that some things are beyond our understanding and use this experience when we go through something like this, and see it as an opportunity to strengthen our faith and trust in God.


When encountering biblical passages that we do not understand or that seem challenging from a human perspective, it is very important not to discard them, but on the contrary, investigate further And that way we can find a deeper understanding.

We must recognize that we do not always fully understand the mind of God and his ways, which is why it is very important to cultivate a very valuable quality which is humility, that way we can trust in the wisdom and perfection of God, even when we do not fully understand. their actions or decisions.

Faith involves trusting God when we do not fully understand His motives or actions. These passages encourage us to maintain a strong faith in Jehovah and not judge his actions by our limited human standards, and recognizing our limitations will allow us to accept that we will not always have all the answers. Instead of feeling frustrated, we can accept that there are aspects of divinity that are beyond our understanding, as the apostle Paul said: How unsearchable are his judgments and his ways unsearchable!

Also, after having researched and studied, and still it is not clear to us, we must see it as a test of our faith and humbly recognize that we cannot understand everything that God does. so we must trust the qualities that characterize it.

Something else we can do when we encounter something we don't understand in the Bible, it is important to keep in mind that fully understanding God's purposes may be beyond our human ability. Instead of feeling frustrated or discouraged by it, it is valuable to see it as an opportunity to strengthen our faith and trust in the qualities of God. Therefore, instead of simply discarding or ignoring what we do not understand, we are encouraged to investigate and delve deeper into the topic, and to do so we can use the tools we have today.

Even if we do not understand the Bible passage, we will continue to trust in Jehovah, we will continue to show faith in what he has shared with us and left us in the scriptures.

Furthermore, we must keep in mind that we are not the only ones, since the Apostle Paul in Romans 11:33-36 spoke of the depth of divine wisdom, how inscrutable the judgments of Jehovah are, and that there is no human mind that Get to know your mind. So instead of feeling bad we should make an effort and continue digging deeper.

It is important to remember that faith is not based solely on our intellectual understanding, but also on our trust in Jehovah. Although we cannot fully understand all aspects of the Bible, we can trust that God is faithful, loving, and wise in all of his actions. Therefore, facing difficulties in understanding are opportunities to strengthen our relationship with Jehovah, our faith and trust in him.

What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?

Job 8:9. Job was going through a period of intense suffering, and Bildad's words can be interpreted as a reminder that we all face limitations and difficulties in life. This lesson encourages us to show empathy and understanding toward those who are struggling with challenges, rather than judging them.

Job 8:1-4. These texts show the importance of listening attentively and without prejudice, as Humility interrupts Job and uses harsh words to question his words.

Job 8:5:6. These texts show the importance of turning to God in times of difficulty and asking for his favor. Here the idea is highlighted that God is willing to listen to our supplications, if we approach him with sincerity.

Job 8:1-4. In this passage we can also see that empty words without substance are like a strong wind, which is dispersed and has no lasting impact. Although these words were said simply to question Job, they can be very useful to us if we reflect on our way of speaking and what we say.

Job 8:5:6. In these Biblical passages they also show the notion of purity and righteousness as conditions to receive the attention and favor of God. It is suggested that even the sinner can be restored to his proper place if he approaches Jehovah, begs his forgiveness and agrees to live by his righteous standards.

Job 8:1-4. Something else we can learn from this same passage is that it raises the question: Whether God will pervert justice or twist righteousness, which opens the possibility of a debate about Jehovah's justice. Situations like this could arise in our ministry, so we must be careful not to get into scriptural debates since our goal is to help people understand what the Bible really teaches and not impose our position.

Job 8:5:6. In these texts we can also see that the idea is raised that Divine intervention is conditional on our attitude and behavior, which can lead us to reflect on the responsibility that we have individually in our relationship with Jehovah.

Job 8:7-12. These texts show the idea that even if our beginnings are humble or insignificant, our future can be great. The possibility of spiritual growth and development is highlighted despite the initial circumstances we have had.

Job 8:1-4. We can give this same passage another application, since these texts mention the fact that God allows rebels to suffer the consequences of their actions. Although we know the reason why Job's children died, Bildad's words do not fail to contain a Biblical truth.

Job 8:7-12. In these texts the need for water for plant growth is compared with our needs for instruction and learning. It is emphasized that, just as plants cannot grow without water, we also need the guidance and knowledge of Jehovah and even other spiritually mature people, to develop in knowledge and wisdom.

Job 8:20. It highlights the importance of integrity, since there we read: "God will surely not reject those who are upright, nor will he support those who are evil." The verse shows the importance that God will not reject those who are upright. This leaves us with a great lesson and that is the importance of living a life based on moral and ethical principles, being honest and fair in our actions.

Job 8:13-14. These texts emphasize that those who forget God will face a hopeless end. It also suggests the importance of having an intimate relationship with Jehovah to find meaning and purpose in life.

Job 8:7-12. This same text raises the fragility and transience of human life, comparing it to the brief duration of a shadow. This can invite us to reflect on the importance of taking advantage of the time we have been given and seeking Jehovah's wisdom while there is still time.

Job 8:13-14. In these texts the security and confidence of those who forget God are described as fragile and vain. This teaches us that putting our trust in ephemeral things or in our own strength can lead us to spiritual ruin and disappointment.

Job 8:14-17. In these texts the fragility of the security and trust of those who forget God is reaffirmed, comparing them to a spider web that cannot sustain or resist. This teaches us that trusting in temporary and superficial things, instead of putting our trust in Jehovah, can lead to disappointment, instability, and ultimately destruction.

Job 9:10. These verses invite us to reflect on the wonder of creation and appreciate the beauty and complexity of the universe. It leaves us with a lesson, and that is that there are things in the world that are truly amazing and that we often overlook in our daily lives.

Job 8:14-17. In these same texts, those who forget God are described as a green plant in the sun, whose branches spread throughout the garden, pretending to be prosperous and successful, but its foundation is weak and its growth is limited. This is a reminder that outward appearance does not always reflect true strength and that our support must be Jehovah, since he is the only one who can give us true security in this unstable world.

Job 9:25. This verse highlights the idea that life is fleeting and passes quickly, like a runner moving quickly. This leaves us with a great lesson, as it reminds us of the importance of taking advantage of our time and appreciating each day we have in the best way, with Jehovah.

Job 8:20-22. In these texts it is highlighted that those who hate Job will be ashamed, and that God will eliminate the habitation of these wicked ones. This suggests that God protects his faithful servants and that in the end, those loyal to him will face the consequences of his actions.

Job 8:14-17. In these passages it is also mentioned that the roots of those who forget God become entwined in a pile of stones, seeking a home among them. This image represents the search for security and stability in mundane and transitory things. Therefore, it is an invitation to reflect on the importance of seeking a solid and lasting foundation in Jehovah, instead of clinging to the temporary and fragile nature of this system that is about to disappear.

Job 8:18-19. In these texts we are shown the ephemeral and temporary nature of the things obtained in this system destined for destruction. Although a person may have a certain degree of influence and recognition at a given time, when he is removed from his position, that fame and power will quickly disappear. This teaches and reminds us that we should not base our happiness on the opinion or recognition of others, as they can be fleeting and volatile. Rather, we should strive to have a good reputation before Jehovah and a place in his people.

Job 8:20-22. These texts teach us that God does not reject those who are upright and just. This shows us the importance of living a righteous life and practicing God's justice in our actions. Knowing that Jehovah is on the side of those who act with integrity is a source of hope and comfort, especially in these last days in which we have lived. 

Job 8:18-19. These passages also highlight the idea that life in this world is transitory and that sooner or later they will disappear. The text mentions that when someone disappears, others will rise from the dust, which means that life continues and new protagonists take their place. This lesson invites us to reflect on the importance of living a meaningful and transcendent life, taking advantage of the time we have in this world to leave a significant legacy. And one way we do that is through our ministry. hence we must strive to make publishers and teachers of the Bible that the work of the Kingdom of God deserves.

Job 8:20-22. These texts show that God brings happiness and joy to those who are faithful to him. It is mentioned that Jehovah will fill the mouth with laughter and the lips with shouts of joy for those who are upright, which encourages us to strive not to lose this integrity for anything in this world.

Job 9:1-5. These texts show that Job recognizes that mortal man cannot be right in a case against God. This shows us the humility and awareness left about the greatness and sovereignty of Jehovah. Therefore it teaches me that there are questions and situations that transcend my understanding, so I must recognize the supremacy of Jehovah in all things and submit to him.

Job 9:2. In this text we can see that Job recognizes the magnitude of God's works and the inability of human beings to fully understand his work. This lesson tells us about the wonder and greatness of divine creation, when we think about the greatness of God and all his power we can meditate on how lucky we are that the supreme being Jehovah offers us his friendship, that speaks a lot about him. .

Job 9:6-8. We see that God has the power to command the sun not to shine and to keep the light of the stars under his seal. This shows me Jehovah's ability to control light and darkness. He teaches me that he has the power to rule over all things, even the stars and the universe.

Job 9:1-5. These same texts show how the wisdom and great power of God stands out. He recognizes that no one can stand up to God and come out unscathed. This shows us that Jehovah is infinitely Superior and that his power is unmatched. He teaches us that we must trust in his wisdom and power in the difficult and challenging circumstances of life.

Job 9:6-8. In these texts Job recognizes that God has the power to shake the earth and move it from its place. This shows me the authority and absolute control that Jehovah has over creation. Which teaches me that Jehovah has the power to intervene in the circumstances of life and change it according to his will.

Job 9:1-5. In these passages it is mentioned that God has the ability to move mountains and shake the earth with his fury. This shows us the tremendous authority and control that Jehovah has over creation and over the forces of nature. He teaches me that he is capable of intervening in any situation and that his power is unlimited.

Job 9:9-13. He points out that God does great things beyond all understanding and wonders that cannot be enumerated. This shows me the infinite wisdom and creative ability of Jehovah and teaches me that he is capable of amazing things beyond human understanding.

Job 9:6-8. He shows that God spreads out the heavens and walks on the great waves of the sea. This shows me the greatness and power of Jehovah over the natural elements. It teaches me that Jehovah has dominion over the entire universe and can control even the most powerful forces in nature.

Job 9:9-13. We see that Job recognizes that God is invisible to him. That you can pass by it and not be able to see it or distinguish it. This shows me the transparency and majesty of Jehovah and teaches me that he is above my ability to perceive and understand, although that does not diminish his power or his presence in my life.

Job 9:14,15. These texts teach me the importance of choosing my words carefully when speaking to Jehovah so as not to question his actions.

Job 9:9-13. These same verses mention that no one can oppose God when he takes control of someone, and no one can question his actions. This shows me the sovereignty and authority of Jehovah and teaches me that he has absolute control over all things so there is no one who can challenge his will.

Job 9:14,15. It teaches me that even when we think we are right, it is best not to try to argue with Jehovah, but rather to beg for his mercy.

Job 9:9-13. He mentions that God will not restrain his fury and that even Rahab's helpers will bow before him. This shows me the fear and reverence that God inspires. They also teach me several things about Jehovah. That he is just and that he will always act in accordance with his justice in order not to allow evil to prevail.

Job 9:14,15. These texts teach us that humility and reverence toward Jehovah are essential when we speak to him through our prayers or when we listen to him through reading and studying the Bible.

Job 9:16,17. He mentions that Job feels so desperate and distressed that he does not believe that God will answer him or hear his voice. This teaches me that discouragement and depression can lead a servant of Jehovah to think like this in the midst of his affliction. Hence, I should not judge anyone or accuse them that they have lost faith. On the contrary, these texts encourage me to show compassion and provide Jehovah's comfort through the Bible.

Job 9:18-17. These texts show how he feels overwhelmed by adversity and finds no rest and comfort and how he comes to the wrong conclusions about how Jehovah viewed blameless people. This teaches us that even very faithful people can make mistakes, and this is because they remain imperfect. Hence, Jehovah does not take into account his misguided comments and this verse encourages us that we should not do so either.

Job 9:23. He shows how Job expresses the idea that even if a sudden and devastating tragedy were to befall the innocent, God would mock his despair. This text teaches me that this statement by Job simply reflects his deep anguish and feeling that life can be unfair and meaningless.

Job 9:24. This text shows how Job observes injustice in the world, where the wicked seem to have the power and judges can be blinded to do justice. Here Job's frustration in trying to understand is expressed. Therefore, this passage reminds me of the struggle that many people have to understand the suffering and injustice of this world. Hence the importance of continuing to preach and teach the Bible, since it explains well the causes of suffering and what Jehovah will do to eliminate it forever.

Job 9:32. This text teaches me that Jehovah is not a man like us, and therefore we cannot compare ourselves to him or fully understand him. Therefore, we cannot confront him or argue, go to trial with him or negotiate his laws.

Job 9:33. It shows, on the one hand, how Job recognizes the lack of human intermediaries who can resolve the conflict between him and God fairly. And on the other hand, it highlights the idea that only God has the authority and knowledge necessary to judge equitably. This teaches me that we are totally dependent on Jehovah. Only with his wisdom and power will humanity's problems be solved.

Job 9:12. He highlights the idea that no one can question God or doubt his decisions and actions. This means that even though we do not always understand the reasons behind God's actions, or the circumstances we face. We can trust that Jehovah's wisdom and power can sustain us in times of difficulty, and we must remember that everything he does has a greater purpose.

Job 9:22. It warns us against excessive concern about our personal problems. Which can cause us to question the value of serving God. Instead, we must maintain a spiritual perspective, remember the higher purpose of serving Jehovah, and avoid self-pity, allowing us to continue serving God with devotion and purpose.

Job 9:34,35. These texts show how Job expresses his desire to be able to communicate directly with God and without fear. He also shows his longing for a closer relationship with God, where he can express himself freely. Fortunately today we have the complete Bible and we know that this is precisely Jehovah's desire. That we become his friends and that we speak to him with a sincere heart and express what we think and feel since he does not listen to himself carefully.

Job 9:16,17. These same passages also show me how he perceives God as someone who causes him pain and suffering, for no apparent reason. Fortunately today we know that tests do not come from God. However, there are people who do believe it. Hence the importance of continuing to preach and teach the compassion and mercy of Jehovah.

Job 9:4. The lesson we can draw from this verse is an important reflection on divine wisdom compared to human wisdom. Job expresses that the wisdom of God is incomparable to the wisdom of human beings. This brings us to the idea that when we make decisions in life, it is essential to take into account Jehovah's perspective and follow his commandments.

Job 9:9. He urges us to reflect on divine creation as a testimony to God's power and maintain an attitude of awe, recognition of divine power, humility and reverence. This can help us strengthen our faith and appreciation of the greatness of God in the world around us.

Job 9:4. We can give this same text another application, since the main lesson we can extract from this is the importance of humility and reverence towards the wisdom and knowledge of God. Recognizing that our understanding and wisdom are limited compared to God's knowledge can help us make wiser decisions aligned with his will. Basing ourselves on divine commandments and seeking God's guidance in our decisions can be a way to seek that higher wisdom.

Job 10:1-3. These verses reflect Job's anguish and suffering. And these verses can teach us that it is human to express our emotions and vent our feelings, even when we are facing difficult times, since we are made of flesh and blood and we are exposed to suffering just like Job, however, it is important that in times like this Let us open our hearts to Jehovah.

Job 10:9. We can use this text when we talk to people about the belief in the immortality of the soul. Job was convinced that if he died he would not go to a spiritual region, rather he would be conscious and not suffering from his problems and that he would return to the dust from which we were formed. .

Job 10:1-2. This passage reflects the anguish and suffering that Job was experiencing in his life, and expresses his feelings in a raw and challenging way. This situation gives us an important lesson when we are preaching we also find people who express themselves badly about life and even deny the existence of God. That is why when we preach, if we want to help them, instead of criticizing or condemning, we must offer support, compassion and comfort to those who are going through difficult times.

Job 10:2. This text shows how Job says that he will give vent to his complaints and vent his bitterness with words. This teaches me that it is valid to express our complaints and sincere feelings of frustration or displeasure during difficult moments in life.

Job 10:1. These passages teach me that it is important to turn to God with our concerns and questions, seeking understanding and explanation when we find ourselves struggling in difficult situations.

Job 10:8-12. Job recognizes that God gave him form and life. This lesson teaches us that we are truly Jehovah's creation and the way God has created us is a reason to be grateful to him for the life and love that he gives us every day.

Job 10:1 . This same verse shows how Job, blinded by bitterness, was unable to think of other possible reasons for his suffering. This does not teach me that we should not become bitter when we are suffering, especially since we have a clear understanding of the issues involved.

Job 10:13-14. Job recognizes that God sees everything, even our mistakes. This can remind us and at the same time leaves us a lesson, it is the fact that our actions do not go unnoticed before Jehovah and that we must be aware of our choices and actions, since nothing is hidden before Jehovah, we cannot deceive him.

Job 10:1. This text shows that when a person is very sad and emotionally disturbed, he cannot always control the ideas that come to his mind. This teaches me that it is not good to consider death as a relief or as a way out of our sufferings.

Job 10:1-3. These texts show how the devil became so afflicted that he became depressed and thought that God had abandoned him. This teaches me that although Satan may not be the direct cause of our difficulties today, the truth is that he knows how much they affect us and therefore exploits them to achieve his evil ends. Among them, we think that Jehovah has abandoned us.

Job 10:9. This verse invites us to reflect on the reality of our mortality. Job said that we were made of clay, but the lesson he teaches us is that Job did not say that we go somewhere else when we die, but that when we die we actually return to the dust.

Job 10:1-3. The lesson we can draw from this text is that it is natural for even God-fearing people to feel confused, angry and desperate when they suffer. Therefore, just like Job, we can vent and express our doubts and concerns to Jehovah with the assurance that he will give us the wisdom and strength necessary to overcome our circumstances.

Job 10:4. Job is going through a period of great suffering and affliction, and in his despair, he questions why he is experiencing such suffering by asking, Do you have human eyes? This reminds us of a reality, since as human beings we have limitations in seeing things, many times we do not understand the why of things, however, this emphasizes the importance of patience and the search for understanding when we face adversities in life. . Job shows us that it is valid to seek answers and, in the end, trust in the sovereignty of God.

Job 10:12. He mentions the loyal love of God. This refers to God's undeserved and constant kindness towards humanity, as despite the difficulties and trials we face, we can fully rely on God's loyal love to sustain and care for us.

Job 10:8,9. These texts show how Job recognized that he was the work of Jehovah's hands. He knew that Jehovah had given him life, and he could also give it back to him. This passage teaches me that Jehovah is very fond of those who, like Job, put themselves in his hands and let him shape their personality.

Job 10:10-11. We can use these texts in the Ministry to show people that the human being is the creative and wonderful work of Jehovah.

Job 10:12. I can use this text in the Ministry to help people recognize Jehovah as the giver of life, who grants us continued existence and sustenance.

Job 10:10-11. These biblical passages encourage me to reflect on the delicacy and fragility of human life. Therefore, I must value more care and attention to my spiritual, physical and emotional health.

Job 10:12. This same text encourages me to reflect on Jehovah's deep display of love for us, giving us his constant loyalty and care.

Job 10:10-11. I can use these same texts in the Ministry to encourage people to recognize our dependence on Jehovah as the origin and sustainer of life.

Job 10:12. This text encourages me to value the importance of Jehovah's care and show gratitude to him, since everything we have comes from his undeserved kindness.

Job 10:13 . This text teaches me that I must recognize that Jehovah has a purpose that he may not always understand many things or see them clearly. Hence the importance of continuing to deepen my study of the Bible and asking Jehovah in prayer for understanding.

Job 10:14. This text shows how Job recognizes that if he sinned, God would see it and would not absolve him of his error. This teaches us that we must be aware of both our sinful actions and the holiness and justice of Jehovah.

Job 10:13. The lesson we can find in this passage is that there are things hidden or secret from us, such as the date of the end of this world dominated by Satan, but Jehovah has full knowledge, understanding and control of them.

Job 10:14. He highlights the importance of personal responsibility and accountability to God. Job recognizes that his actions have consequences and that God is the one who determines justice.

Job 10:13. This text also encourages me to trust in Jehovah's sovereignty and his wisdom, knowing that all things come from him, including those that are difficult for me to understand.

Job 10:15. It teaches me how suffering can cause a righteous person to feel unworthy. You also teach me about the need to have compassion and empathy towards those who are going through difficult times.

Job 10:14. In these passages we appreciate the honesty and sincerity left in recognizing that he cannot hide his sins and errors before God. This teaches me that I must show the same honesty in confessing my faults to Jehovah, since he is aware of all of them.

Job 10:15. It shows how Job expresses a deep sense of dishonor and suffering, even if he is innocent. This statement teaches me how great the emotional and psychological weight that one experiences when going through difficult or suffering circumstances can be for a servant of Jehovah. And that no one is exempt from feeling this way, not even the most God-fearing people.

Job 10:16-17. We see a metaphor that illustrates Job's feeling of being constantly under pressure and threat, with no respite from his difficulties. This teaches me that problems and illnesses can at any given moment make us feel cornered and hopeless. But that is precisely when we must be most attached to Jehovah to face these adversities.
