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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Job 6:29. What can help us not judge our brothers badly? (w20.04 17 para. 10).
The key to not misjudging our brothers in faith is understanding and empathy. Taking the time to learn about their circumstances and listen to their experiences can help us see beyond appearances and better understand their hearts and motivations. This attitude of understanding and love is essential to foster a strong and supportive unity.
Sharing spiritual experiences with our brothers will strengthen our bonds of friendship with them.
One thing that can help us is to imitate Jehovah's example in trying to understand others. To that end, we must strive to know them better. And although this does not mean getting into his affairs, it will lead us to better understand the circumstances that have influenced his character. For example, as we get to know the brothers better, we may realize that whoever we thought was materialistic because he has a lot of money, is rather generous, and whoever seems unfriendly is shy.
What can help us not judge our brothers badly is to copy Jehovah's example when we try to understand others. And what we can do is get to know the brothers better, talking to them before and after the meetings, going out to preach together and if possible inviting them to eat. When we do, we may realize that a sister who seems unfriendly is actually shy, that a brother who has a lot of money is not Materialistic, but generous, or that a family that is often late to meetings is struggling. Of course, we should not get involved in other people's affairs, but it is good that we know something about our brothers and the circumstances that have influenced their character.
And to imitate Jehovah and understand and know the brothers better, we can invite them to preach, to talk with them before and after the meetings, and if possible invite them to eat.
The reference for this study also mentioned that we should have meaningful conversations before and after meetings, which is a great way to get to know others better. Asking about their lives, their experiences and their concerns can help us understand what is happening to them and how they feel.
Going out to preach or participate in service activities with our brothers can help us get to know their personalities, their strengths and weaknesses, and create stronger bonds.
Inviting our siblings to social events, such as meals or activities, can provide a more relaxed environment to get to know them better. This allows us to see different facets of your personality and understand your personal circumstances.
What can help us is taking the time to get to know our fellow believers more deeply, learning their experiences and listening to their life stories. It will help us better understand their circumstances and personalities.
What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?
Job 6:2-3. We see Job who is desperate and compares his anguish with something that is practically measurable: The sand of the sea. This reminds us that, in times of suffering, our burdens can seem unbearable and overwhelming. It is often difficult to express how heavy our anguish is. However, it is important when we are distressed that we can express it and thus vent to our father Jehovah, so that he can give us help from him.
Job 6:2. As we can see, Job openly expressed his anguish and despair. This shows us that sometimes it is important to share our feelings with other people, as this can help us cope with difficult situations.
Job 6:29. This text encourages us not to judge our brothers, since sometimes we can have the wrong idea about them and since we are imperfect we judge them, that is why it is important to invite Jehovah and strive to know our brothers well.
Job 6:25. This reading shows us how Job asked to be strengthened with pleasant words. We have the opportunity to encourage with our words brothers, friends and family who are going through some trial, we must be a source of encouragement.
Job 6:20. This text shows us that we should never trust human governments, because in the end, as the text mentions, we can be disappointed, rather we should place our trust in Jehovah God.
Job 7:15,16. Job was so discouraged that he asked to die. Several faithful men and women became so sad that they wanted to die. If we ever feel this way we should open our hearts to Jehovah since he is the God of all comfort.
Job 6:13. This verse teaches us that sometimes we may think we have no way out as Job thought, but we must be determined to remain faithful to Jehovah no matter what the cost.
Job 6:8,9. This text shows us how Job went to the point of wishing for death due to the illness he had. We must prepare ourselves from now on so that in calamitous moments we do not wish for death, but for Jehovah to continue giving us life.
Job 6:25. The harsh words of Job's friends were not sincere and therefore caused him pain. We must always remember that thoughtless words can cause emotional pain and break up friendships. If we keep in mind that our words affect others, we will use them carefully.
Job 6:14. Love is essential to achieve God's approval. And this drives us to show kindness to our neighbors, Not only with words, but with actions. Let us never close the doors of our hearts if we see that a brother is in need.
Job 6:4. These words of Job show that he was downcast. We can feel like this. However, we must be careful, since negative thoughts and feelings are dangerous, because they can harm our health.
Job 6:15. The lesson we can draw from this passage is that we should not rush to end a friendship if there are disagreements or misunderstandings. Instead, we should strive to be Kind and understanding toward our friends. Because sometimes people can make mistakes or express their concerns in a way that isn't helpful, but that doesn't necessarily mean the friendship has to end. Instead, it is important to address disagreements, communicate, and try to resolve problems to strengthen the friendship.
Job 6:14. Godly fear involves not only avoiding evil, but also doing good and showing compassion to others, even when they have committed offenses. Compassion, forbearance, and prayer on behalf of those who have hurt us are virtues that can lead to making our relationship with Jehovah more meaningful and experiencing Jehovah's goodness.
Job 6:3. We see that under pressure and overwhelming circumstances Job speaks foolishly, but the fact that his example is in the Bible and he is considered an example to follow, teaches us that God took the circumstances into account, because he knew what was in them. the heart of his servant and gave him the necessary advice. In a similar way, Jehovah acts with the same love for his servants by not focusing on his mistakes, but on what they really feel in his heart.
Job 6:2-4. The lesson that can be drawn from this passage is for the brothers who care for God's flock, is the importance of being compassionate and patient when dealing with those who are afflicted. The Bible promotes empathy and compassion toward those who are suffering and encourages us to provide support rather than judge or blame those who are experiencing difficulties.
Job 6:2-4. This reading teaches us that in a moment of trial we could say I am right to complain, whether it is about any illness that has no cure, but the most important thing is that when we have these problems we never try to distance ourselves from Jehovah.
Job 6:6. He talks about the importance of salt in food, emphasizing how it enhances the flavor of food. This passage is often used as a metaphor to convey the idea that our words and actions must be seasoned with grace and wisdom, so that they can have a positive impact on the people we interact with. And not use our speech to discourage.
Job 6:1-3 . In order to offer effective help to your children, it is crucial to have a complete understanding of the situation. Inattentive speech can often be a reflection of a troubled heart, and loving parents can use their listening skills to better understand their children's needs and concerns.
Job 6:2,3. He shows that when people are going through times of distress and suffering, they may sometimes express words or thoughts that may seem unusual, unreasonable, or extreme. And the lesson we can learn is that we should show empathy and understanding towards those who are experiencing difficulties, rather than judging ourselves for their expressions or thoughts in times of distress.
Job 6:30. This text shows how Job assures that he has not spoken unjustly. This lesson teaches us the importance of self-reflection and personal awareness. It encourages me to examine my actions and words to make sure they reflect the justice and integrity that the Bible teaches.
Job 6:28. It shows how Job asks his friends to reconsider and not judge him unfairly. This teaching urges me to be empathetic and understanding of others, avoiding judgment or making quick assumptions without taking into account all the circumstances.
Job 6:27. Job points out that his friends would be willing to sacrifice even an orphan or sell a friend for their own interests. This lesson reminds us of the importance of choosing our friends well, even within the Congregation.
Job 6:26. In this text he shows how he questions the motives of his friends when correcting him, pointing out his possible manipulation and lack of integrity. This teaches me that I must discern the difference between genuine constructive criticism and unhealthy criticism. As well as discerning the intention behind them.
Job 6:25. Show how Job states that sincere words do not cause pain. This lesson teaches me the importance of communicating honestly and considering the impact of our words on others. Therefore, it encourages me to use my words in a constructive and empathetic way.
Job 6:24. This text shows how Job expresses his desire to understand and correct any errors in his words. This teaches me that I must be willing to respond to Jehovah's correction and discipline. It also encourages me to learn from my mistakes to grow as a person and achieve spiritual maturity.
Job 6:21. It teaches us a lesson in empathy and understanding, which encourages me to be sensitive and supportive rather than judging or ignoring the suffering of others.
Job 6:14-16. These texts show the importance of love and loyalty towards others. Job states that those who deny their Loyal love for their neighbors, renounce the fear of the Almighty. This teaching reminds me of the importance of cultivating and maintaining relationships based on love, loyalty, and mutual respect.
Job 6:21. It shows how someone can be disappointed by a lack of practical help from their friends. This text teaches us that although sometimes the circumstances our family members or siblings go through scare us, we must strive to offer company and emotional support. Only with this can we make a difference in someone's life.
Job 6:14-16. He teaches us another important lesson, as he warns us about people who may appear loyal or affectionate, but in reality hide their true intentions and motivations. So it encourages me to be cautious and discern the true intentions of those around me.
Job 6:12,13. These texts show how Job rhetorically wonders if he is as strong as a rock or if his flesh is copper, thereby acknowledging his own weakness and limitation as a human being. This teaches me that I must be realistic and humble about my abilities. It also encourages me to recognize that I cannot solve all my problems on my own, but rather, I must lean on Jehovah.
Job 6:9-11. These texts show how Job continues to express his desperation and his desire for God to end his suffering. Although it may be a challenging passage, it shows Job's honesty with Jehovah as he expresses his desire for him to crush him and end his suffering. This teaches me that it is valid and healthy to express our emotions and feelings to our heavenly father in prayer, not only to make requests, but also as a way of venting when we are suffering a lot.
Job 6:21. This text also encourages us to make understanding and supportive friends, even when we cannot solve others' problems.
Job 6:12,13. It shows us the importance of solidarity and mutual support in times of crisis. He reminds us that we are part of a spiritual family and that we can find strength and support in the help of brothers. He also urges us to offer our help and support to those who need it even if they do not share our beliefs.
Job 6:12,13. We can give this same text another application, since it shows how Job expresses his inability to help himself after having lost all his resources. This teaches me the importance of seeking help and support in times of difficulty. And it reminds me that it is valid to ask for help from family, siblings, friends or those around us, when we find ourselves in situations of need.
Job 6:22,23. In these texts Job makes it clear that he has not asked or expected his friends to give him anything or share his wealth. This teaches me that while in times of need we can ask or expect support from our family members and fellow believers, we should not depend on others to meet our material needs, because that would make us a burden.
Job 6:5-8. This text teaches me the value of appreciating the moments of joy and enjoyment that we can find in the everyday and simple things of life, as well as the importance of recognizing that they are valuable gifts from Jehovah.
Job 6:1-3 . I can also use these texts in Ministry to teach that even godly believers like Job can face periods of anguish and despair.
Job 6:5-8. We can see how Job compares his anguish and misfortune with the natural instinct of animals to search for food. This teaches me that I must trust that Jehovah can provide me with everything I need during my afflictions.
Job 6:9-11. He shows how despite his suffering, Job finds comfort in the idea that even death would be a release from his pain. This teaches me that even in the darkest moments, I can find a light of hope and comfort in the fact that suffering will have an end just as Jehovah promises.
Job 6:22,23. We can see how Job denies having asked his friends to rescue him from his oppressive enemies. This teaches me the importance of taking personal responsibility for my circumstances and finding solutions for myself. It teaches me that I should be proactive in solving problems and not always depend on others.
Job 6:4. Job compares his affliction to arrows piercing him, showing us the intensity of pain and the feeling of being vulnerable in the face of hardship. This teaching reminds us of the importance of having compassion and empathy towards those who are going through times of suffering, as it can be a very painful and debilitating experience for them.
Job 6:9-11. We can also see how Job wonders if he has the strength to continue waiting and what his end will be. This lesson leads me to reflect and find the motivation and strength to move forward even in the midst of trials. It also encourages me to focus on the hope of the New World where the promises of God's Kingdom will be fulfilled without fail.
Job 6:5-8. We can give this text another application since it shows a comparison between the refusal to accept tasteless or unsalted food, and the determination not to accept a life of suffering without hope. This lesson encourages me to maintain hope and absolute trust in Jehovah, even in the midst of the worst circumstances.
Job 6:1-3. These texts also show how Job recognizes that, in his distress, he has spoken impulsively and perhaps inappropriately. This teaches us the importance of being mindful of our words in times of suffering and cultivating patience and wisdom to communicate in uplifting and respectful ways.
Job 6:14-16. These texts also encourage me to treat others with kindness and raise awareness of how our actions can affect those around us.
Job 6:14-16. In this same text we can find another very valuable pearl, since it shows how Job even describes how his own brothers have been as treacherous as a winter stream that dries up. This teaches me that people close to us can also disappoint and betray us. Hence the importance of having realistic expectations regarding relationships, especially with those who do not share our faith.
Job 6:4. It also shows us how suffering can affect our spirit. Which indicates that suffering can have a profound impact on our mind and emotions. From this we learn the importance of taking care of our mental health and seeking support and help when we face prolonged difficult times or where trials come one after another without giving rest.
Job 6:1-3. These texts show the depth of Job's suffering and how adversity can lead a very pious person to express himself hastily. It also reminds me of the importance of having empathy and compassion for those going through times of distress.
Job 7:6. We see that Job compares his days to a weaver's shuttle, moving rapidly back and forth on the loom. This metaphor reminds us how fleeting life can be and how time passes quickly. This lesson urges us to value each day and not take the life we have for granted.
Job 7:6. We can give this text another application, since we see that Job is going through difficult times, his story also teaches us about the importance of maintaining faith and trust in a higher power, even when we do not fully understand the reasons behind our circumstances.
Job 6:2-3. We can also give this text another application, since we see that Job complains and laments in his words, he is sincerely expressing his emotions. The lesson is that it is important to talk about our difficulties and not repress our feelings in times of suffering. Sharing our worries and pain with others can be a form of emotional relief.
Job 6:3. It shows that Job recognizes that his words have been hasty. This reminds us that in moments of distress, we can say impulsive or exaggerated things. Therefore, the lesson is that patience with ourselves and with others is essential in difficult times.
Job 6:14. This verse reminds us to be compassionate. We can apply this lesson to our lives by examining how we treat others and whether we are willing to show love and compassion toward them. Job's situation leaves us with this important reminder through Biblical teachings that love and consideration for our fellow human beings are of great importance.
Job 6:12-13. The verses highlight the inherent vulnerability of human beings. Although Job had been a prosperous and strong person, he was in a state of weakness and despair after losing his resources and facing adversity. This teaches us that everyone, no matter how strong or successful we may be at any given moment, is vulnerable and can face difficult times in life. And also these verses can teach us to reflect on our faith and how we face the trials and tribulations in life.
Job 6:15. Job feels hurt and betrayed by his friends, who instead of giving him support and comfort in his time of suffering, seem to have abandoned him. The response of Job's friends to his suffering was neither empathetic nor understanding. This lesson urges us to practice empathy and understanding towards those who are going through difficult times, instead of judging or abandoning them, we should be sources of comfort and strength in difficult times.
Job 6:25. Sometimes well-intentioned words can hurt more than help, if they are not expressed with sensitivity and understanding towards the situation of the person suffering. We see how Job longs for genuine and sincere support instead of criticism or advice that does not understand his situation. Therefore, this verse reminds us of the importance of being careful with our words and trying to understand the suffering of others before offering advice or correction.
Job 6:28. Job defends himself and affirms his innocence against the accusations of his friends. This verse is an example of his determination to maintain his integrity and his faith despite adversity. He also helps us as a reminder that our relationships with others, honesty and honesty are crucial. Sometimes people can face difficult times or be misunderstood, like Job. However, maintaining sincerity in communication can help resolve misunderstandings and build stronger relationships.
Job 7:11. It is important to acknowledge and express our feelings, as this can be a critical step in understanding what we are experiencing and seeking help if necessary. Talking with a friend or brother in faith can be a valuable means of sharing our burdens and finding emotional relief. Open communication and expression of feelings can strengthen relationships and provide comfort.
Job 7:1. This text shows that sometimes we can compare life to forced labor, Job saw it this way so that we must see our life, not as forced labor but as an opportunity to praise our God Jehovah.
Job 7:20,21. We see that Job asks why God does not forgive his offenses and allow him to overcome his past mistakes. This teaches me the importance of forgiveness, both of others and of ourselves, to free ourselves from the burden of guilt and find inner peace.
Job 7:18-19. These texts show how Job, despite his questioning, continues to seek answers and remains firm in his faith. These texts teach me the importance of cultivating endurance and absolute trust in Jehovah to be able to face moments of trial and difficulty.
Job 7:16-17. These texts show how Job expresses a deep disgust for his life and shows a lack of desire to continue living. This teaching reminds me that emotional suffering can be overwhelming and have a significant impact on people's outlook on life, even on the lives of Jehovah's servants.
Job 7:10. This text shows how perhaps Job implied with his words that if his contemporaries died they would not see him again or that no one can return from Sheol by themselves, with which he made it clear that he did believe in a future resurrection. ..
Job 7:9. We see how Job mentions that the eyes of those who seek him will not find him. This hope alerts us to the importance of taking advantage of and valuing our relationships and the moments shared with our loved ones, since as long as we live in this world they will not be available forever and neither will we.
Job 7:7. This text also shows how Job feels that he will not experience happiness again in this life. This teaching invites me to seek true happiness. The happiness that comes from Jehovah and that does not depend on our circumstances.
Job 7:8. This text shows how Job expresses that the eyes that see him now will never see him again, and that after death he will no longer be present. This teaching reminds me that death is inevitable as long as we live in this world dominated by Satan. Hence, my desire to live in the new world that Jehovah promises to his faithful servants, where we will have eternal life, motivates me to maintain my integrity despite the harsh trials.
Job 7:7. It shows how Job declares that his eyes will never see happiness again. This teaching shows me that life circumstances can change quickly, so I must learn to adapt and find joy in the midst of any situation.
Job 7:11. We can see how Job declares that he will not suppress his words and expresses the anguish and bitterness of his soul. This teaching shows me the importance of not keeping my feelings silent, but of allowing myself to express my emotions in a healthy way. One way to do this is by opening my heart to Jehovah in prayer and another is to vent to a spiritually mature brother who listens to me attentively and without judging me.
Job 7:7. From this text we can also extract another very valuable pearl, since as we see Job declares that his eyes will never see happiness again. This teaching shows me that life circumstances can change quickly so I must learn to adapt and find joy in the midst of any situation.
Job 7:16-17. We also see Job questioning Jehovah for not caring about humanity and paying attention to mortal human beings. This teaching invites us to reflect on man's inferiority before the creator, Jehovah God. And how despite that, Jehovah cares about each of us individually.
Job 7:7. We can see how Job compares his life to the wind, which passes quickly and cannot be held back. This teaching reminds me that life is ephemeral. Therefore, I must value it and take advantage of every moment instead of living an empty life, without purpose or dedicated only to obtaining the temporary things that this world offers.
Job 7:17. It shows that Job recognizes the immensity and greatness of God by asking: What is mortal man that you care about him? This teaches us to be humble and recognize our smallness in comparison to Jehovah's divinity. And despite this, Jehovah being too superior, we can highlight the fact that he is interested in each of us, which demonstrates the great love and interest that Jehovah has for each of his servants.
Job 7:6. This text also shows us Job when he mentions that his days are ending without hope. Despite facing extreme difficulties, this teaching shows me the importance of helping and holding on to the sure hope of the Bible in order to endure even the most difficult situations I face in this world.
Job 7:11. This text shows how perhaps Job implied with his words that if his contemporaries died they would not see him again, or that no one can return from Sheol by themselves, with which he made it clear that he did believe in a resurrection. future.
Job 7:6. We see how Job compares the speed with which his days pass to the movement of a weaver's shuttle. This reminds us that life is fleeting and that I must make the most of my days of youth and good health to give Jehovah the best of me as a collaborator in the work of the Kingdom.
Job 7:5. We can see Job describing how his body is covered in maggots and his skin is full of scabs and pus. This teaching shows us the vulnerability of our physical body, which is why it encourages me to take care of it and value it.
Job 7:4. This text shows how he questions when he will get up and how he describes the night that seems endless. However, this teaches me the importance of maintaining hope and confidence that the dawn will come, bringing new beginnings and better days with the help of Jehovah.
Job 7:3. It shows how Job recounts the empty months and nights of misery that have been given to him. This teaching shows me the importance of accepting difficult times and finding the strength to face those nights of misery with the hope that Jehovah can provide me with better days.
Job 7:2. In this text Job describes his longing for shadow and hope for pay as a worker. This teaching shows me the importance of valuing moments of rest and reward after hard work, instead of complaining and seeing work as a heavy and unsatisfying burden.
Job 7:6. In the context of Job's story, this verse reflects the intense suffering he is experiencing. Since it highlights the idea that sometimes life can be overwhelming and challenging. Through suffering, we can learn important lessons about patience, perseverance, and faith.
Job 7:11-12. This experience that Job lived may be happening to us with some illness or difficult situation that we may not know how to cope with. By reading this story we can imagine or understand to a certain extent what Job felt emotionally. However, we can learn the fact that in strong situations, emotions make us have our feelings on the surface and speak things without measuring what we say, due to our affliction. And something that will help us is to be able to tell Jehovah and open our hearts to him. Only then can we find relief because we know that Jehovah listens to us and is interested in us.
Job 7:1. This text shows how Job compares the life of a human being to forced labor and the days to those of a hired worker. This teaching reminds me that life in this system is fleeting and requires constant effort, which makes me long even more for the fulfillment of the promise of eternal life in the new world.
Job 7:17. Job said these words: What is mortal man that you care about him and that you fix your attention on him? Compared to Jehovah we are insignificant, yet he is condescending to deal with man. As the psalmist said, his humility makes us great.
Job 7:15,16. Job was so discouraged that he asked to die. Several faithful men and women became so sad that they wanted to die. If we ever feel this way we should open our hearts to Jehovah since he is the God of all comfort.
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