Monday, October 30, 2023

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week from October 30 to November 5, 2023, Job 11 to 12, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: October 30-November 5, 2023, Job 11 to 12, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Job 12:11. How can what this text says help us know how to listen better? (w08 8/1 11 para. 5).

It helps us listen more deeply and thoughtfully. Since this text invites us to understand that just as the palate tastes and evaluates the flavor of food, our ears can taste or evaluate the words we hear and can help us know how to listen better to adolescents. They often use absolute terms in their conversations such as always and never. However, this does not usually reflect the reality of the situation.


The advice based on Job 12:11 encourages us not to take this word literally, but to delve deeper into what young people really want to express. Instead of focusing on the inaccuracy of the word, we are advised to discern the underlying message that conveys it. that the teenager is trying to convey. This involves listening beyond the words and trying to understand the emotions and concerns, in other words we are encouraged to try the words as Job 12:11 suggests, to better understand the needs and feelings of adolescents and respond more effectively. .

The verse from Job 12:11 gives us a valuable lesson on how to listen to and understand people better, and this is especially important in communicating with teenagers. Since the passage compares the act of listening to the act of tasting food, it emerges that, in the same way that we evaluate and savor food to understand its quality and flavor, we must also listen carefully and discerningly to the words of others.

The Biblical text of Job 12:11 teaches us that just as the palate tastes food, we must taste the words we hear. This will help us listen to our children better, always recognizing that their words may not be literal, and so we must be willing to look for the hidden message behind them. This way, we can better understand your true feelings and needs.

Furthermore, the biblical text of Job invites us to be aware that words can have different meanings and should not always be interpreted literally. By understanding this, we can avoid focusing on the inaccuracy of the terms and instead focus on understanding the emotional message our children are trying to convey to us.

This text teaches us how to listen because it allows us to establish more effective and empathetic communication with our children, thus fostering an environment of trust and mutual understanding. Since being open to listening beyond words will help us strengthen our family ties and thus cultivate a closer relationship with them.

It can help us pay attention to what they are telling us, and also to how they say it to us, to see beyond the words, since learning to listen better can improve our interpersonal relationships that sometimes suffer from problems of poor communication in the family, in the congregation and at work. For example, a son says to his father: "You always treat me like a child," it could mean: I think you don't trust me, and when he says: "You never listen to me," it could mean I want you to understand how I really feel. For this reason, parents must know how to interpret their children's words so that there can be more fluid communication.

When communicating with adolescents, listening with empathy and understanding can be key to building a solid and open relationship. Recognizing that their words may not literally reflect what they feel, but may hide deeper messages, allows us to better connect with them and address their emotional needs more effectively.

What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?

Job 11:6. We see that in this lesson Zofar highlights the importance of seeking wisdom to solve life's problems and challenges. The lesson we can learn is that we can ask Jehovah through prayer to give us wisdom to face difficulties, and thus recognize that we need his wisdom to guide us in making wise decisions.

Job 11:17. This text teaches us that if we dedicate our lives to Jehovah, our lives will have meaning and we will go from darkness to having a shining light, if we strive to do Jehovah's will.

Job 11:14. This reading shows us how Zophar implied that all injustices affected Job because he was doing bad things. However, this was not true, and the reason is because Job was a righteous person who demonstrated loyalty to Jehovah. We in the same way must imitate Job and be loyal to Jehovah even in extreme situations.

Job 11:1. The lesson we can learn from this text is the importance of listening to people who are experiencing difficulties, trying to understand their perspective and offering support in a way that is truly helpful and empathetic. Empathy and understanding are key to providing comfort and support to those facing emotional challenges, such as depression or difficult life situations. Instead of judging or making hasty assumptions, it is essential to show appreciation for the feelings and experiences of others.

Job 11:13-15. We see that Job's friends made the mistake of basing all of his advice on an incorrect assumption, namely that suffering is the direct result of personal sins, and they pressured Job to repent of what they believed were sins. the sins of him. And the lesson for us is that we should not harshly criticize mistakes made in the past, whether real or imagined. Instead, when someone is struggling, what they need is comfort and support.

Job 11:7. It teaches us that we do not know everything, and as Romans 11:33 says how deep is the wisdom of Jehovah and how profound are the ways of him, remembering that we do not know or understand everything will help us maintain a balanced view of ourselves. .

Job 11:18. This biblical passage reinforces the confidence that God's people have in a turbulent world. We are hopeful if we are not afraid because we know that Jehovah will give us a way out of all the events that are coming. So we have absolute confidence in Jehovah.

Job 11:7. This same text makes us reflect that we will not be able to discover everything about our creator, but we can reach knowledge that allows us to have a personal relationship with him, and know his qualities, and his commandments. In order to give him our adoration and obedience. 

Job 11:2,3 . These texts show how Zophar told Job to stop doing evil and enjoying sin. So instead of comforting him, what he did was worsen Job's suffering. This teaches me that when comforting someone, I must care and choose very carefully so as not to achieve an effect contrary to what I want to do.

Job 11:3. This text shows how Job, like Jehovah's servants today, suffered unjustified ridicule for his actions of integrity. Therefore, just as Job continued to endure faithfully, we too can help from Jehovah.

Job 11:14. It reminds us of the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:30, that if our hand causes us to stumble we must cut off everything that is causing us to stumble, this denotes humility to recognize a problem and take action.

Job 11:2,3. These same verses teach us that although comforting someone who is in great pain is not always easy, I must strive to encourage and strengthen the person's faith and trust in Jehovah. That's what Job would have done, instead of what Zophar did.

Job 11:5-8. The words of these texts remind me when they accuse us, Jehovah's Witnesses, of wanting to go beyond the Bible for our way of preaching and teaching, of believing that we are the only ones with an exact knowledge of the scriptures or of being the only ones capable of probing into its profound teachings. Hence, whoever insists on thinking about how Zophar can do it, but we will not stop searching for Divine Wisdom like hidden treasures. 

Job 11:7. This verse reminds us that the human mind is limited and that there are deep, inscrutable aspects of God that are beyond our understanding. The lesson is that we must humbly recognize that we cannot fully encompass Jehovah's wisdom.

Job 11:7. From this text we can draw another pearl, since this verse teaches us that although we cannot fully understand Jehovah, what is important is our relationship with him. And we say this because through faith, we can trust in Jehovah and his wisdom, even when we do not fully understand his ways.

Job 11:11. In this text we can see that Zophar suggests that God is able to discern if a person is false or hypocritical. Which is a great truth, for this reason this text teaches us that Jehovah knows us perfectly, he can know our intentions from the heart and that is why this verse emphasizes the importance of sincerity and honesty in our actions and relationships with others.

Job 11:11. This same verse teaches us another important lesson, that Jehovah does not overlook what is evil. This highlights the importance of living in accordance with Jehovah's principles and moral standards, since our actions and decisions have consequences.

Job 11:14. We see that the verse begins by saying that "If your hands are doing something evil, remove it from you." The instruction to remove evil actions from us urges us to make ethical decisions and avoid engaging in harmful or immoral activities, which could damage our relationship. with Jehovah. Which means living with integrity and honesty and that our actions and decisions must reflect our values ​​and ethical principles.

Job 12:7-9. These verses highlight how more than 3,000 years ago, Job realized that much can be learned about God's creation by observing birds. Consequently, we can use these texts in our Bible classes, to refer to how birds teach us various selections about life and friendship with God.

Job 12:11. Something that draws attention is how in this text, Job compares the palate's faculty of taste with man's capacity for judgment. This teaches me personally, and just as taste has the ability to differentiate flavors, man's judgment has the ability to differentiate what is right and wise from what is not. Therefore there are no excuses for doing what is wrong.

Job 12:7-10. From these texts I learn that instruction can be derived from domestic animals and from the land itself. Wise people can see the animate and inanimate creation the testimony of the work and the fact that all life depends on it.

Job 12:12. This text is very important because it highlights the wisdom that often comes with age, since people with the accumulation of experiences and knowledge over the years can help us make good decisions. For this reason, it is important to value and respect the older people in our congregations; their advice and experiences can provide valuable perspectives and solutions to the challenges we face. Furthermore, the patience and reflection that often characterize older people can lead us to wiser decisions and to be more balanced in difficult situations.

Job 12:22. This reading teaches us that Jehovah provides us with valuable information through his word in the Bible. Since there we can find deep things, but with correct meaning from God.

Job 12:7. The lesson that can be drawn from this verse is that creation, that is, the natural world around us, can teach us a lot about God. Throughout the Bible, it is emphasized that nature and creation are testimonies to the greatness and wisdom of God. By observing creation, we can learn about beauty, existence, which reflects the Divine work of creation.

Job 12:11. This text shows that: "The ear tastes words just as the tongue tastes food." This teaches me that even if I like the melody of a song, I must be careful that its lyrics or words do not affect the way I think and act. All these days, when most songs promote sexual immorality, violence and drug use.

Job 12:17. That text compares the wisdom of God with that of humans, emphasizing the superiority of divine wisdom over human wisdom. This lesson is a reminder of the importance of seeking God's guidance when making decisions in life. Seeking counsel from the Bible and basing our decisions on principle without biblical teaching is a very valuable way to ensure we make wise decisions to the challenges we face in life.

Job 12:18. This Bible passage compares the power of Jehovah with that of human beings, and highlights the supremacy of God's power. The lesson we can draw from this passage is that we must always put our faith and obedience to God's principles above human authority, especially when government decisions or systems oppose those Biblical principles. 

Job 12:7-10. We can also use these passages to teach our children and the children and young people of the territory in a fun way to be interested in Jehovah and his earthly creations, as well as his purposes for them. These texts recommend asking the domestic animals and the Earth and they will instruct us, the birds and they will inform us, and the fish in the sea and they will clarify us. As I see, this exercise of imagination opens endless possibilities in Biblical teaching.

Job 12:12. This text highlights that there is more wisdom among older people and understanding in older people. We can use this text in the Ministry to teach young people good reasons to value the advice of their parents and grandparents, since the Bible highlights that years and life experience grant wisdom and understanding. 

Job 12:7. It is interesting how this text shown in the Bible links the behavior of birds with the creator by saying, please ask the salty creatures of the centuries, and they will inform you.

Job 12:2. We see that Job realized that it was impossible to reason with his false friends and that they understood this by putting themselves in his place, they were very severe and unreasonable. Which teaches us that it is good to avoid fighting with this type of people, since if we do we will not get anywhere.

Job 12:4. This verse leaves us with a very important lesson, since the integrity of Jehovah's servants is most evident when it is under test, there is pressure, ridicule, persecution or illness. We have an outstanding example of this in Job who retained her despite all his adversities.

Job 12:2. Job realizes that his friends are not the only ones who have understanding and knowledge. He teaches us not to underestimate the perspectives and knowledge of other people, regardless of their position or experience. Which means that wisdom is not limited to a select group of people, and others should not be underestimated because of their appearance or social position.

Job 12:10. This text shows us that Jehovah is the giver of life to all creation. So life is a gift from God that we must value.

Job 12:7,8. These texts show how creation gives proof of our God Jehovah, he is an Almighty God who has done impressive things that is why he deserves our worship and honor.

Job 12:2. This reading shows us that we should never think that we are more intelligent than others, rather, we should recognize that it is Jehovah who gives understanding only to those who are humble.

Job 12:4. This text shows that Jehovah's faithful servants suffer all kinds of unjustified ridicule. Job was falsely accused of mocking others, when he was the one mocked, mocked, and turned into a make-me-laugh because of his integrity. So I suffered from these accusations should not discourage me or make me waver in my Christian integrity.

Job 12:12. Here we find another very valuable Pearl, since this text teaches us that although age and experience are natural factors that contribute to acquiring knowledge and understanding, by themselves they are not decisive. This false comforter was also an old person and with his words he demonstrated the opposite.

Job 12:2. In this same passage we find another very important teaching, since it teaches us not to judge hastily. Instead of judging and putting others down, it is of utmost importance to listen to and consider their points of view. Wisdom should not be confused with arrogance. 

Job 12:10. This verse teaches us about Jehovah that he is the source of life, he is the creator and that thanks to him we exist and move. This also teaches us that life has immense value and is a divine gift. This leads us to appreciate and respect life in all its forms.

Job 12:12. These verses teach me that usually, the older and more experienced brothers in the congregation are able to foresee the consequences of a decision. Therefore, they can give good advice to the younger ones. For this reason we must take them into account and value ourselves.

Job 12:12. I can use this text in the Ministry to encourage older people to feel useful and valued by Jehovah God. And that there is recognized the advantage of the old man over the young in terms of wisdom and good judgment.

Job 12:4. This text teaches us that we must beware of bad company or friends who, in our moments of crisis, mock or laugh at the bad things that are happening to us. Even though that happened to Job, he continued to pray for his false friends, even though they failed him, this does not remind us how important it is to forgive and pray for those who have hurt us.

Job 12:7. We see that Job realized that much can be learned about God's creation by observing birds. Indeed, its characteristic quirks have inspired comparisons and metaphors. Since many references are made to birds in the Bible to teach us valuable lessons about life and friendship with God.

Job 12:11. It teaches us that music has power, and that is why it is good that we are discerning when choosing the music we will listen to, many of these frequencies, videos and artists send subliminal messages and that explains why many young people lean towards evil. 

Job 12:7. We see another Pearl in this same text, since if animals had the ability to speak, they would say that the creator can program very complex habits in very tiny brains. Although evolutionists wish these creatures had not done the intriguing things they did, the Bible credits their wisdom, whether learned or instinctive, to their maker Jehovah God. 

Job 12:2. This same text teaches us how important it is to avoid arrogance and believe that we already know everything, and that our opinion is the only absolute truth, it is something that can affect us, and therefore, affect another, instead we want to be Reasonable like Jesus.

Job 12:12 . This same text reminds us that Jehovah gives wisdom to his servants, and even if someone is young and inexperienced, they can ask Jehovah for wisdom, and they will be able to learn a lot from his word and from the experience of others and of course allow themselves to be molded by Jehovah. 

Job 12:13. This verse leaves us with a great lesson, and that is that Jehovah God has a purpose and as imperfect human beings, we often do not fully understand his purposes, but we must trust in God's wisdom.

Job 12:13. The phrase “he has understanding” reminds us that Jehovah not only has wisdom and power, but he also fully understands all things. The knowledge of him is complete and profound. We can trust him to guide our lives, since he understands everything that is happening.

Job 12:12. Researchers studied older people to measure qualities such as insight, good judgment, perspective, and the ability to make good decisions. The study showed that older people systematically outshine younger people in all areas of wisdom. their advice is more thoughtful and witty. He proved to himself that although it takes them longer to make decisions, they are often better than those of young people. So, as the biblical book of Job indicates, years grant wisdom.

Job 12:12. This text teaches us that older people have a lot of wisdom, that is why they can give us good advice.

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