Monday, October 30, 2023

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week from October 30 to November 5, 2023, Video: “Parents, your children can also be wise people”, Analysis and Responses.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: October 30-November 5, 2023, Video: “Parents, your children can also be wise people”, Analysis and Responses.

“Parents, your children can also be wise people” (15 mins.): Analysis with the audience and video.

How was fatigue affecting Miguel and Lidia?

The arrival of their baby demanded a lot of their time, they both woke up when the girl cried and this led them to wonder if they were doing it right, since although they took turns providing care for their daughter, when they managed to have time, they no longer They wanted to do nothing about their fatigue, which was affecting their friendship with Jehovah and weakening their marital relationship. 


Tiredness can make people feel exhausted, which often results in decreased enthusiasm and energy to participate in activities and relationships. In the case of Miguel and Lidia, this could have affected their friendship with Jehovah and their relationship in their marriage.

Physical exhaustion can also lead us to spend less quality time with the people we love. When they are exhausted, they may not have the energy or willingness to engage in activities that strengthen their relationships.

We saw that there was less attention on the spiritual aspect of both Miguel and Lidia, as they were devoting more time and energy to parental responsibilities, and there was a decrease in participation in spiritual activities and their relationship with Jehovah was being affected.

Why should parents ask Jehovah for strength?

Since Jehovah is a loving father, he wants parents to be one as well, and that is why it is necessary to ask Jehovah to give them strength because it can be exhausting work. He is the one who gives them the energy they need to carry out this task. responsibility and in this way maintain friendship with him.

Because Jehovah is a loving father and that is why he is willing to provide us with all the necessary help we need. Furthermore, Isaiah 40:29 mentions that Jehovah gives power to the tired, so we should not hesitate to ask for his help.

What did Miguel and Lidia do to rely on Jehovah?

As a married couple, the brothers in the video followed the suggestions of the elders, began to pray together, made an effort to put the spiritual first, supported each other in such a way that creating a new routine allowed them to put things as a priority. spiritual, and in this way they obtained the strength they needed. Jehovah has been very good to us, we are very busy serving Jehovah and he has given us many blessings. Including one we didn't expect. We love our Sofi so much, but being parents is harder than we thought. Most days are good, others not so much. 

They stopped doing less important things, such as, as we could see in the video, they stopped doing things like entertainment. In addition, they put their spirituality first and took advantage of the time when the girl rested to study the Bible.


As mentioned at the beginning of the video, while it is true when a child becomes part of our family, it is a great blessing. However, parenting is more difficult than one may think. Therefore, at some point there will be good days and other times there will be difficult days. If something is not done about it, it can affect the marriage and weaken our friendship with Jehovah. 

In the video you could see that the brother was wondering if at some point things would go back to the way they were before, since this change in circumstances caused him to wake up every time his daughter cried and the sister woke up when she was quiet. which made them wonder if they were doing it right. 

And something interesting that could be seen in the video is that when Miguel and Lidia finally had time to spend together, they were so tired that they didn't want to do anything, and this was causing their marriage to be affected. And this is a great reality, for this reason when this happens, it is advisable to seek Jehovah's help immediately.

While it is true things will not be the same as before, but Jehovah gives us his guidance through his organization. Miguel and Lidia found ideas through an elder, who helped them have a spiritual routine that worked in this regard. He told them that it was normal for parents to feel overwhelmed at first and that it could be exhausting. So they asked Jehovah to give them peace and to help them treat each other with love, which helped them continue working as a team.

Something that caught my attention in the video is that the brother left some less important things to be able to take care of his family. For example, in the video you could see that he was keeping a soccer ball that he possibly used for fun, since now due to the change in circumstances it was not a priority, which shows that it is very important to put spiritual things first.

From this video we can learn that Jehovah helps us understand that although life in this system may have many challenges, putting spiritual things first will give us the strength we need.


I need to rest a little, when will things go back to the way they were before? I wake up every time she cries, I wake up when she is quiet, am I doing it right? I should go see if they are okay, when we finally had time for ourselves, we didn't want to do anything, tiredness was affecting our friendship with Jehovah and our marriage.

The visit of the elderly helped us a lot, one of them David, is also a father. We read Isaiah 40:29 which says: "He strengthens the one who is tired and gives strength to the one who is weak." Jehovah is a loving father and wants us to be good parents too, that is why he gives us the energy we need to achieve it, Things may never be the same again, but David gave us ideas for a spiritual routine that worked for us. He told us that it's normal for parents to feel overwhelmed at first and that can be exhausting. So we ask Jehovah to give us peace and to help us treat each other with love, even if we are very tired, so that we can continue working as a team.

I am very grateful that Miguel helps me. I'm stopping doing some less important things so we can put the spiritual first. There will always be a lot to do, but when Sofi is sleeping, I can strengthen my faith, and also rest. 

Our new spiritual routine gives us a lot of energy. Daddy, Daddy, look. Hey, Jehovah helped us understand that although life in this system may have many challenges, putting spiritual things first will give us the strength we need.

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