Thursday, September 21, 2023

DAILY TEXT, Today Sunday, October 22, When he noticed the strength of the wind, he became afraid. And as she began to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” (Matt. 14:30).

DAILY TEXT, From  Sunday, October 22, 2023,  When he noticed the strength of the wind, he became afraid. And as she began to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” (Matt. 14:30).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Sunday October 22

When he noticed the strength of the wind, he became afraid. And as she began to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” (Matt. 14:30).

Jesus “stretched out his hand” to the apostle Peter and saved him. Let's notice that Peter managed to walk on the rough sea while he kept his eyes fixed on Jesus; But, when he looked at the storm, fear and doubt came over him, and he began to sink (Matt. 14:24-31). What happened to Pedro teaches us a lesson. When he got out of the boat and started walking on the water, he didn't think he would get distracted and start sinking. His goal was to get to where Jesus was, but he did not achieve it because he looked away towards the storm. Sure, we can't walk on water, but we do face problems that test our faith. If we lose sight of Jehovah and his promises, we will begin to sink spiritually. Whatever storms come upon us, let us remain focused on Jehovah and his ability to help us. w21.12 17, 18 paras. 6, 7.

What will help us not worry too much about material needs?

Something that will help us is to replace worry with trust in Jehovah. Let us remember that our loving Father promises us that, if we put him first, he will be in charge of giving us what we need in a material sense (Matt. 6:32, 33). He has always kept this promise (Deut. 8:4, 15, 16; Ps. 37:25). If Jehovah takes care of the birds and the flowers, we do not have to worry about what we are going to eat or wear. (Matt. 6:26-30; Philip. 4:6, 7.) Just as love moves responsible parents to provide for their children, love moves our heavenly Father to care for the material needs of his servants. That's right, we can be sure that Jehovah will take care of us.

What do you learn from what happened to a marriage?

Let's look at an experience that shows that Jehovah can take care of our material needs. A couple who serve full-time traveled more than an hour in their old car to pick up some sisters living in a refugee camp and take them to the meeting. The brother said: “After the meeting, we told the sisters to go to our house to have something to eat. But then we realized that we had nothing to give them.” What would they do? The brother added: “When we arrived, there were two large bags full of food at the door. We didn't know who had left them there. “Jehovah took care of us.” Some time later, this couple's car broke down. They needed it for the ministry, but they didn't have the money to repair it. So they took it to a shop to find out how much it would cost to fix it. Then a man appeared and asked who the owner was. The brother said that he was his and that he needed repair. The man replied: “It doesn't matter. My wife wants just this type of car and this color. How much does she ask for him? The brother got enough money to buy another one. He said: “I don't have to explain how we felt at the end of that day. We knew that this had not been a coincidence. It had been the hand of Jehovah.”

How do the words of Psalm 37:5 help us not worry about material needs?

When we listen to the excellent shepherd and stop worrying too much about material things, we can be sure that Jehovah will provide us with what we need. (Read Psalm 37:5; 1 Pet. 5:7.) Consider the difficult situations mentioned in paragraph 5. Until now, Jehovah may have used the head of the family or the employer to take care of our daily needs. Now, if the head of the family can no longer bring bread to the house or we are left without work, Jehovah will take care of providing in some other way. Without a doubt, he will. Let's now look at something else the excellent pastor tells us we should stop doing.

11. According to Matthew 7:1, 2, what did Jesus say we should stop doing, and why might it be difficult?

11 (Read Matthew 7:1, 2). Jesus knew that human beings are imperfect and that we have a tendency to focus on the defects of others. That's why he said, “Stop judging.” And, although we try not to judge our brothers, we do not always succeed. What can we do in those cases? Listen to Jesus and strive to stop judging.

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