Saturday, September 9, 2023

DAILY TEXT, Today, October 10, Anyone who turns a sinner from his evil path will save him (Sant. 5:20).

DAILY TEXT, Today,  October 10, 2023,  Anyone who turns a sinner from his evil path will save him (Sant. 5:20).

Let us examine the Scriptures every day 2023

Mars October 10

Anyone who turns a sinner from his evil path will save him (Sant. 5:20).

When we suffer injustice, we often need to be patient. For example, when the elders realize that someone in the congregation has committed a serious sin, they ask Jehovah to give them “the wisdom from above” so that they can see the situation as it is (Sant. 3:17) . Its objective is to help the person who has sinned to return “from their bad path”, if it is possible (Sant. 5:19, 20). They also want to do everything that is in their hand to protect the congregation and to console those who are inherited (2 Cor. 1:3, 4). And, besides dealing with serious sins, the first thing to do is to get older people and get all their achievements. This takes time. Luego, you must pray, carefully advise the person using the Bible and give correction “as soon as possible” (Jer. 30:11). They will not make their decision hastily. When elders follow Jehovah's guide, the greatest benefit is achieved for all in the congregation. w21.08 11 pars. 12, 13.

What biblical example can help us if a brother does a lot of harm to us?

Does anyone ever hurt us a lot, perhaps even within the congregation? If so, in the Word of God we can find examples that help us wait for Jehovah to arrange things. For example, José did not allow him to embitter the injustices and sins that his brothers committed against him. But for the better, he remained focused on serving Jehovah, and I bless him for his patience and patience with him (Gen. 39:21). With time, Joseph was able to forgive his brothers and see how Jehovah had blessed him (Gen. 45: 5). Just like Joseph, we feel comfort when we approach Jehovah and let him see that he has justice (Ps. 7:17; 73:28).

What helped a sister to endure injustice with patience?

Of course, maybe we don't suffer injustices as serious as José, but we all face the same treatment that treats us badly. In any case, if we have a problem with someone, even if he is not in Jehovah's testimony, he will make us follow biblical principles (Philipp. 2: 3, 4). Let's see what a sister said when she discovered that a work partner was saying things about her that weren't true. Even though she was very sad, she did not feel disgusted, but she began to think about the example of Jesus, that she did not return the insults when she was insulting him (1 Pet. 2:21, 23). So the sister decided not to give importance to what had happened. She soon realized that the company was suffering from a serious health problem and her nerves were raw. The sister came to the conclusion that her companion probably had no bad intentions.

What can console us if we are enduring injustice? (1 Peter 3:12).

If we are facing injustice or another problem that causes us pain, let us remember that Jehovah approaches “those who have a broken heart” (Ps. 34:18). He loves us because we are patient and we cast our load on him (Ps. 55:22). He is the Juez of all the Tierra and his eyes come to all (read 1 Peter 3:12). Therefore, if we face difficult problems that we cannot solve, let us remember that we must be willing to wait for Jehovah to act.

What does Jehovah promise us in Isaiah 30:18?

Soon, our heavenly Father will give us many blessings through his Kingdom. Isaiah 30:18 says: “Jehovah waits patiently to show them favor, and he will arise to show them mercy. Because Jehovah is a God of justice. Happy birthday to all who hope for you with your dreams.” They are waiting with the hope that Jehovah will act and have many blessings now and in the future new world.

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